You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

you all can nitpick all you want but its the exact same thing.
Until you can scientifically prove that ALL *****exuals are born gay and none choose to be *****exual then no, it's not the same.

Nobody born chooses their race. Never.

Let me know when someone of a particular race can decide to be dark brown for 15 years then decide to be opaque white for the next 5 years then back to dark brown for the rest of their life.

A person of a particular race cannot be in the closet about their race. You can lie but you are who you are. The same does not go for *****exuals. You can flip flop, be on the down-low, etc etc all you want. Matter of fact, if someone put a gun to a straight man's head and said "suck me off or i will kill you"...i'm willing to believe esp if this was in private that the supposed straight man would suck the gun holder off which tells me that a *****exual choice was made. Now take the same gun holder and let him point a gun at a particular race like let's say an black man n demand this black man to "be white" and see if it's possible.

Sexuality is a choice. Even if you are heterosexual. Even if you have only dated women all your life, you still are choosing because you were presented two options in your life (unless you were born n raised in a cave alone all your life) which are male n female. Whether you believe it was natural to only date women, the bottom line is that you still had to choose or else you would be bisexual. With this being said...please stop comparing voluntary (being *****exual) to involuntary (race).

TL;DR: Everything you said was wrong.


But hey, this is how we learn. 
I was about to come in here and talk about how a Chick-Fil-A thread has survived to 15 pages.. but then I looked.

Yall really turned this thread into a UFC event.. damn son.

Ain't even mad tho. popcorn.gif are taking my words..making up something totally different, peppered with sarcasm and then acting like they are equal statements.

Are you serious right now?

My words don't need your bizarro translation. They are there for all to read.

Stop saying "this is basically what you're saying"....then making up foolishness.

How does that progress the discussion?
And its over folks. 

Science wins with its silvery tongue and continues on its journey of trolling every thread possible and making it into a bible bashing bonanza!  
More Polynesian sauce for moi :smokin
Seriously though, don't know why people are going so hard at Chik-Fila (many I'm sure are typing up their passionate responses on their coveted Apple computers (made by a company known for choosing profits over working conditions) . If you look hard enough you can find a reason to boycott EVERY company (none of them are 100% clean) but the public always follows the lead of the people screaming the loudest.

:D what you did here was seen... are taking my words..making up something totally different, peppered with sarcasm and then acting like they are equal statements.

Are you serious right now?

My words don't need your bizarro translation. They are there for all to read.

Stop saying "this is basically what you're saying"....then making up foolishness.

How does that progress the discussion?
You know what, you're right. The reality of it is so much more gratifying. Thats because your argument is centered around the fact that since we're talking about gay marriage that we should also be talking about the price of milk in africa. 

Since "tha gayz" are taking up so much air time then we should just ignore their blatant legitimacy in seeking equal rights. 

But since you even acknowledge that you think they deserve the same rights, then why can't we just GIVE IT TO THEM, then move on to something else. Its literally the simplest band-aid in society we can hand out and you want to overlook it because you feel like reminding us in a thread about gay rights that black people are hated by if the two address the same thing. Both are wrong, but ignoring one doesn't solve the other.
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You bought up the point that:

gays can be just simply murdered in 76 countries

Your exact words.

That had nothing to do with gay marriage in the US or Chick-Fil-A ideological stances.

So when I respond to that same point in a general start accusing me of talking about the cure for AIDS and water shortages in Rwanda.

You're wyling and you can't even see it.

You don't even know what you want to discuss. You're not trying to share viewpoints and gain perspective, you just want to outshout everyone else.

You know what, you're right. The reality of it is so much more gratifying. Thats because your argument is centered around the fact that since we're talking about gay marriage that we should also be talking about the price of milk in africa.

There you go again...
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More Polynesian sauce for moi

Seriously though, don't know why people are going so hard at Chik-Fila (many I'm sure are typing up their passionate responses on their coveted Apple computers (made by a company known for choosing profits over working conditions) . If you look hard enough you can find a reason to boycott EVERY company (none of them are 100% clean) but the public always follows the lead of the people screaming the loudest.
what you did here was seen...
I guess we should just remain complacent with the fact that ChikFilA actively supports anti-gay legislation...but whatever, no one is perfect, right?

Or overlook the fact that Apple just gave raises to all of its employees and sought better conditions for its Foxconn workers over the past 2 years?

Accountability and willingness to hold people accountable is what moves us towards progress. Sitting on your butt about everything and saying "well its just how they do" doesn't get you those incremental changes in the first place. 
You bought up the point that:
gays can be just simply murdered in 76 countries
Your exact words.

That had nothing to do with gay marriage in the US or Chick-Fil-A ideological stances.

So when I respond to that same point in a general start accusing me of talking about the cure for AIDS and water shortages in Rwanda.

You're wyling and you can't even see it.

You don't even know what you want to discuss. You're not trying to share viewpoints and gain perspective, you just want to outshout everyone else.
You know what, you're right. The reality of it is so much more gratifying. Thats because your argument is centered around the fact that since we're talking about gay marriage that we should also be talking about the price of milk in africa.

Since "tha gayz" are taking up so much air time then we should just ignore their blatant legitimacy in seeking equal rights.
There you go again...
Again, the chronology will show that I mentioned gay rights around the world AFTER you started trying to invalidate the discussion of gay rights in the first place, as if that wasn't the topic of the thread.

Were you not the one that said we need to focus on the struggles of black/urban people AND that gays are taking up too much of the dialogue on progressive issues? 

You just flubbed the timeline to make yourself seem like you were on the straight-and-narrow the whole time. 
roll.gif are taking my words..making up something totally different, peppered with sarcasm and then acting like they are equal statements.
Are you serious right now?
My words don't need your bizarro translation. They are there for all to read.
Stop saying "this is basically what you're saying"....then making up foolishness.
How does that progress the discussion?

You sound unfamiliar with silly putty but I agree with you.
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You don't even know what you want to discuss. You're not trying to share viewpoints and gain perspective, you just want to outshout everyone else.
There you go again...
That's his purpose.  Funny thing is, a large majority of the shallow NTers see the multi-quotes, ignore what's being quoted (and the fact that it is rarely addressed by him) and jump on the bandwagon.


Let the "educated, progressive, logical" people cook.  In the end, the truth will come out.

"Religion is getting the beatdown of a lifetime"
Oh, okay.
Again, the chronology will show that I mentioned gay rights around the world AFTER you started trying to invalidate the discussion of gay rights in the first place, as if that wasn't the topic of the thread.

Were you not the one that said we need to focus on the struggles of black/urban people AND that gays are taking up too much of the dialogue on progressive issues? >D

You just flubbed the timeline to make yourself seem like you were on the straight-and-narrow the whole time. :rofl: of your first posts in this thread asked:

How many you all would care if Chik-Fil-A donated to white nationalist think-tanks?

Then you alluded to:

I'm don't hate black people, I just don't want them to have the same rights I do.


But then again, none of you have a problem with the Westboro Baptist Church or the KKK, or the Black Nationalists, or The Tea Party , do you?

Its like how Tommy Hilfiger allegedly said his clothes weren't for black people


My fellow knee-grows start to remind me of modern jews/israelis who use the halocaust to compare to EVERYTHING else while neglecting the granting of rights to everyone since then. We get it, you had it rough...would you rather go through it again or move forward?

You brought all of this up before i even clicked on this thread but I am the one who injected the "struggles of blacks" into this thread and is "flubbing" the timeline...

Ok man :lol:
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Again, the chronology will show that I mentioned gay rights around the world AFTER you started trying to invalidate the discussion of gay rights in the first place, as if that wasn't the topic of the thread.

Were you not the one that said we need to focus on the struggles of black/urban people AND that gays are taking up too much of the dialogue on progressive issues? 

You just flubbed the timeline to make yourself seem like you were on the straight-and-narrow the whole time. 
roll.gif of your first posts in this thread asked:
How many you all would care if Chik-Fil-A donated to white nationalist think-tanks?

Then you alluded to:
I'm don't hate black people, I just don't want them to have the same rights I do.
But then again, none of you have a problem with the Westboro Baptist Church or the KKK, or the Black Nationalists, or The Tea Party , do you?

Its like how Tommy Hilfiger allegedly said his clothes weren't for black people
My fellow knee-grows start to remind me of modern jews/israelis who use the halocaust to compare to EVERYTHING else while neglecting the granting of rights to everyone since then. We get it, you had it rough...would you rather go through it again or move forward?

You brought all of this up before i even clicked on this thread but I am the one who injected the "struggles of blacks" into this thread and is "flubbing" the timeline...

Ok man
Son, you are referring my responses to OTHER people.

Among YOUR first arguments was that we shouldn't focus on gay marriage AT a thread on gay marriage.
Oh so you can allude to anything you want and flip the discussion 100 ways to suit your argument but no one else can?....Thats how it works? :lol:

And since you brought it up, lets take a look at out first exchanges in this thread...

I said:

This whole "gay-rights" agenda and the people who pander to it is comedic.

You replied...

Good thing people don't listen to the [COLOR=#red]NAACP[/COLOR]. I hate those [COLOR=#red]uppity negroes[/COLOR]. Always demanding "rights" and stuff.

I said:

They have more than equal rights.

They are pushing for and receiving a quasi-protected and elevated social status.

You said:

Kinda like having a [COLOR=#red]black grandfather or grandmother[/COLOR] prevented you from going to Yale.

I said:

That was a TERRIBLE attempt at a sarcastic analogy...but ok.

Gays already occupy the upper strata of Western society. This is why their movement is so strong and why the suggestion of a "gay struggle" is laughable.

You said:

BTW, there were [COLOR=#red]black people[/COLOR] in hollywood, elite schools, and even business way before the civil rights movement while they were still getting beaten and shot in the street.

It was then that I finally replied with a race based rebuttal to your off base analogies, simply to stick with the direction of your argument.

So basically, you baited us into the topic of race so that you can go into your usual obnoxious act and activate the self-fulfilling prophecy you posted on a previous page...

My fellow knee-grows start to remind me of modern jews/israelis who use the halocaust to compare to EVERYTHING else while neglecting the granting of rights to everyone since then.


Jedi scumbag tactics, b.

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The problem with this statistic is how you frame the window.

Black people make up 12% of the population (whatever "black" really means)

But on the flipside they make up more than 50% of the prison population.

Likewise, there are more white women in poverty in terms of sheer numbers than black women...BUT black women as a proportion of black people have higher rates of poverty.

As we are all people, there are more poor white women than black women.

If you want to score points with a group of people you're pandering to, then you flip it to say that black women have the highest "proportion" of poverty.

So yes, my statement is still true.

No one cares if it "affects" you. Its about allowing them the freedom to have the option.

You have the OPTION to go purchase a gun.

You have the OPTION to vote.

You have the OPTION to drink from the same water fountain.

Gays DO NOT have that OPTION

Sit-ins were equally as silly.

But hey, when black people do non-violent protest, all of a sudden its so "revolutionary" and "prolific"

Just admit it, you don't like the comparison because you enjoy being the underdog. It empowers you. You enjoy having something to hold against someone else. 

The "black struggle" doesn't exist in the capacity that it did 50 years ago. In fact, i'm certain that many didn't envision having what we have today as even a possibility.

Nothing will ever be perfect, but progress is to allow things to move forward over time. Rome wasn't built in a day and regardless of what Genesis says, neither was the universe.

That excessive trolling like that stunt that little black girl did in arkansas just to go to school pissed off quite a few people too. 

You're basically taking a massive dump on the right to assembly by groups of protestors.

But don't worry, you'll miss it when the white house increases that protest barrier from 1000 Feet to 5 miles.

So one is better than the other?

I refuse to lower my standards because an argument "could have been made"

And what?

When you go to vote, are you waiting on that person to perfectly align him or herself with a view of the world that you want or do you continue to hold them accountable in areas you think could use improvement?

Freudian slip *in bold*?
That's his purpose.  Funny thing is, a large majority of the shallow NTers see the multi-quotes, ignore what's being quoted (and the fact that it is rarely addressed by him) and jump on the bandwagon.
Let the "educated, progressive, logical" people cook.  In the end, the truth will come out.

"Religion is getting the beatdown of a lifetime" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Oh, okay.

THIS!!!! :rofl:
Alright, hold up. Why exactly are you guys against the right for a *****exual couple to legally marry and be granted the same exact title and set of rights that heterosexual couples have? Even if you believe in the notion of traditional marriage, and that gays are choosing to be *****exual, what makes your belief more valid than theirs? Shouldn't they be free to do whatever they like, as long it isn't infringing on anyone else's rights? Also, what's wrong with a powerful lobbying group fighting for equal rights? Are you going to discount their entire argument because they have money?
Alright, hold up. Why exactly are you guys against the right for a *****exual couple to legally marry and be granted the same exact title and set of rights that heterosexual couples have? Even if you believe in the notion of traditional marriage, and that gays are choosing to be *****exual, what makes your belief more valid than theirs? Shouldn't they be free to do whatever they like, as long it isn't infringing on anyone else's rights? Also, what's wrong with a powerful lobbying group fighting for equal rights? Are you going to discount their entire argument because they have money?

I MAY BE CRAZY, but I don't recall seeing too many people say they don't want them to have that right. Recently in this thread at least.
Until you can scientifically prove that ALL *****exuals are born gay and none choose to be *****exual then no, it's not the same.
Nobody born chooses their race. Never.
Let me know when someone of a particular race can decide to be dark brown for 15 years then decide to be opaque white for the next 5 years then back to dark brown for the rest of their life.
A person of a particular race cannot be in the closet about their race. You can lie but you are who you are. The same does not go for *****exuals. You can flip flop, be on the down-low, etc etc all you want. Matter of fact, if someone put a gun to a straight man's head and said "suck me off or i will kill you"...i'm willing to believe esp if this was in private that the supposed straight man would suck the gun holder off which tells me that a *****exual choice was made. Now take the same gun holder and let him point a gun at a particular race like let's say an black man n demand this black man to "be white" and see if it's possible.
Even if you became curious and said "hmm, I wonder what it would be like to be white since i'm non-white" and chose to cross over...guess what? You would still be the same race you were born. "Race-curious" does not work...
Sexuality is a choice. Even if you are heterosexual. Even if you have only dated women all your life, you still are choosing because you were presented two options in your life (unless you were born n raised in a cave alone all your life) which are male n female. Whether you believe it was natural to only date women, the bottom line is that you still had to choose or else you would be bisexual. With this being said...please stop comparing voluntary (being *****exual) to involuntary (race).
Again, you just LOATHE the idea of being compared to gay people. Thats all this really is.

im just gonna say this one more time: the plight of black people and gay people are the EXACT SAME. You both wanted rights that you deserve because you're human beings like everyone else, not second-class citizens.  its the SAME THING they want. the exact same. The only reason the comparison bothers you so much is because the idea of anyone sharing your "spotlight" of hardship (let alone people as "icky" as gays) absolutely infuriates you.

and to all the pissed-off close-minded black NTers out there who are silently mouthing non-sense like "oh i bet he wont say that to my face" 

i promise each and every one of you reading this: i would say the exact same thing right to your eyes and I wouldnt crack a single blink. Period.
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^^ LMAO! Listen to this internet tough guy!!

I think one of the major problems in this thread is folks like you telling people how they are, what they think, etc. Who are you to tell anyone exactly how they feel about this issue? Until someone says that "gays are icky", stop putting those words in their mouth. Maybe that's what you think someone's reasoning is, but until you can prove that, you'd probably be better off just shutting the **** up about why someone has the stance they do. You look real foolish fitting folks who have opposing viewpoints into your neat, little box of what you believe them to be.

And for the record, that goes for both sides of this argument. But sitting back observing this, it's kind of clear which side has been telling folks about themselves the most. In other words, judging people. Which is quite ironic, given the topic of conversation.
Civil Rights movement people lost their lives homes,ran out of cities,Bombed,assassinated ,lynched ,shot at ,shot,beaten ,bitten by dogs.Now you look at the gay rights movement today and you see the way they march protest and comparing the two is a joke .One movement is extremely serious in all manners and actions while the other is non serious in action.Can you compare the boycotts of bus depots to the protest at chik fil a .No one takes themselves seriously the other doesn't .
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