You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

What do you guys like to order at Chick Fil A?
number 1, chciken sandwich with waffle fries, the trick is to put honey and ketchup on the sandwich
Honey and ketchup??? 

I usually just put honey in my chicken biscuit if I get that for breakfast.

Otherwise my go to is also the number 1 with waffle fries, but I put buffalo sauce in mine and dip it in ranch. Chick Fil A sauce for the waffle fries 
Even legendary Americans aren't respected by their own country:
[h2]Astronaut Sally Ride's partner won't receive government death benefits. Thanks, homophobes.[/h2]
By Xeni Jardin  at 4:47 pm Saturday, Jul 28

Sally Kohn at TIME, writing about  the female domestic partner  of Sally Ride, physicist andfirst American woman in space: "Under federal law, Ride’s domestic partner of 27 years will not receive death benefits or Social Security payments. Is that any way to treat a hero?" It's an injustice, but it's not NASA's fault. Nor, of course, is the injustice limited to the case of Sally Ride and the woman who loved her. This is all  DOMA(via Steve Silberman)

Doesn't matter though, there are too many liquor stores in the hood! Why aren't we talking about bus boycotts?!
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Cmon Club you can do better than that. Call me what you really want to call me
ok: you're a self-loathing black man and I feel sorry for you and this paranoid "everyone is out to get me unless they 100% agree with me" mentality that you have
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Yo, they used to test syphilis on black men! Who cares about gay rights!

It if makes you all feel better, Hitler killed gays too. He even made them wear pink jumpsuits. You know, they're "down" with the oppression movement too. We can let them in. They don't bite. 

Ya'll done evading the premise here?
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ehh. like everyone else said. if u didnt already know about chickfilas views. ur really not surprised by this. i dont see the same views as them but im still going to eat there and wish they were open today to do so
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What do you guys like to order at Chick Fil A?
number 1, chciken sandwich with waffle fries, the trick is to put honey and ketchup on the sandwich :smokin
Honey and ketchup??? :wow:

I usually just put honey in my chicken biscuit if I get that for breakfast.

Otherwise my go to is also the number 1 with waffle fries, but I put buffalo sauce in mine and dip it in ranch. Chick Fil A sauce for the waffle fries 8)
try it one time bro, garenteeed to love it :D
Civil Rights movement people lost their lives homes,ran out of cities,Bombed,assassinated ,lynched ,shot at ,shot,beaten ,bitten by dogs.Now you look at the gay rights movement today and you see the way they march protest and comparing the two is a joke .One movement is extremely serious in all manners and actions while the other is non serious in action.Can you compare the boycotts of bus depots to the protest at chik fil a .No one takes themselves seriously the other doesn't .
So they don't deserve the same rights or should they be run through "black oppression boot camp" first?

Hey man, I don't want to hear any complaining from those Iraqis. Ghenghis Khan was the most brutal dictator ever! 
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I dont understand how because someone likes the same sex, they dont have equal rights as everybody else. were all human, so what if she likes box, let the ho eat.
LOL @ what this thread has devolved to. Can't say I'm surprised, sadly. :smh: :smh:

Well, the past few months in General have been fun folks. Until next time.
I know you would. im fine with that.

Isnt it though?

I like you AZ, im not coming at you in any ways. but isnt the principle what really matters here?

a group of people who cant help who they are (with plenty of evidence to back this, despite what ever nonsensical "choice" argument that will come up again) that just want to be able to do all the things you and I can do.

thats the bottom line here. Why deny them that outside of what ever malicious personal feelings you (or whomever) may have towards that group of people.

i feel like many of you WANT the gays to go through a really tough struggle to get their rights. almost like you feel that they have to "pay their dues" for their rights like the black community did

why would you WANT to make another group of people go through that? Because you all (and by you all i mean NONE of you. most likely your parents, if that) had to go through that, and its "not fair" or something? I just dont understand that part.

i feel like you guys dont want gay people "piggybacking" off of your struggle. like "WE had to go thorugh it, THEY should too!"

i could be wrong on that, but Im willing to bet many of you arguing against all this partly feel like that.

Your partly right. I dont like the idea of them piggybacking of "our" struggle (im a son of African immigrants, none of my family went through the American civil rights movement). I dont think gays should have to go through atrocities to get their rights, but comparing themselves to people that did to me is wrong. Ill go as far as to call it disrespectful. The principle is the same (the born this way argument is one we can have some other day) to you and thats fine. But the severity is not and that changes the perspective to me. It cant just be tossed out that simply. Gays have not gone through those hardships in America, but they have no issue comparing their plight to it. I dont like the notion of latching onto a struggle that they simply have not gone through. If they have a legitimate argument for marriage and rights, they should present them without bring up the civil rights movement because they are not the same.

If gays get the same rights as straight couples tomorrow, I would not care. I would actually prefer they do so we can stop bringing attention to it. I may not like gays, but Im not conceded enough to think that just because I dont like them, they shouldnt have equal rights. I simply dont like the civil rights comparison thats all.
Chick Fil A was the spot back in HS when all my homies worked up there. Sweet Tea for the win. Pause. See what I just did?
Can we end these comparisons of gay to being black. Blacks don't have this luxury of "keeping it private".

Could Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, also have been the first lesbian in space? She died Monday after a 17-month battle with pancreatic cancer, and according to her website, she is survived by Tam O'Shaughnessy, her "partner of 27 years."

Ride's sister and a spokeswoman for Sally Ride Science, the organization led by Ride and O'Shaughnessy, confirmed the relationship to along with their preference to keep it private.
You are wildin'

Gays>Blacks in terms of that struggle. And if you disagree I might twist your words and quote lines upon lines out of context to try and trip you up.
if people say they were born gay does it make sense to argue i was born not liking gays
Wow you would hate gays. Probably think that the Holocaust never happened too

I'm actually pretty good at this
What do you guys like to order at Chick Fil A?
number 1, chciken sandwich with waffle fries, the trick is to put honey and ketchup on the sandwich
Hmmm...I go straight with ketchup. I've never done this with the honey and ketchup though. I may try this sometime.
Of all the sauces that they have you only use ketchup!! 

I live in Alaska, and there aren't any up there. I go to school where they have a mini one on campus, but the only two sauces they offer are mayo and, my absolulte favorite, ketchup.

Maybe I should ask for others next time? What other sauces do they have?
What do you guys like to order at Chick Fil A?
number 1, chciken sandwich with waffle fries, the trick is to put honey and ketchup on the sandwich
Hmmm...I go straight with ketchup. I've never done this with the honey and ketchup though. I may try this sometime.
Of all the sauces that they have you only use ketchup!! 

I live in Alaska, and there aren't any up there. I go to school where they have a mini one on campus, but the only two sauces they offer are mayo and, my absolulte favorite, ketchup.

Maybe I should ask for others next time? What other sauces do they have?
Damn that sucks. I hear Angoon is pretty cool though.

Off the top of my head they have: Ranch, buffalo, polynesian, Chick Fil A sauce, BBQ, Honey Mustard (I put it on my biscuit sometimes too

All solid. Sometimes I grab like 10 off them and just take it home and dip various things in them. 
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