You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

You are wildin'

Gays>Blacks in terms of that struggle. And if you disagree I might twist your words and quote lines upon lines out of context to try and trip you up.
ok, we get it.

You're mocking Putty.

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You are wildin'

Gays>Blacks in terms of that struggle. And if you disagree I might twist your words and quote lines upon lines out of context to try and trip you up.
, what about the gay blacks? the minute they were born they already got had 2 strikes against them, ammmmmmirrrrright club?
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What do you guys like to order at Chick Fil A?
number 1, chciken sandwich with waffle fries, the trick is to put honey and ketchup on the sandwich
Hmmm...I go straight with ketchup. I've never done this with the honey and ketchup though. I may try this sometime.
Of all the sauces that they have you only use ketchup!! 

I live in Alaska, and there aren't any up there. I go to school where they have a mini one on campus, but the only two sauces they offer are mayo and, my absolulte favorite, ketchup.

Maybe I should ask for others next time? What other sauces do they have?
Damn that sucks. I hear Angoon is pretty cool though.

Off the top of my head they have: Ranch, buffalo, polynesian, Chick Fil A sauce, BBQ, Honey Mustard (I put it on my biscuit sometimes too

All solid. Sometimes I grab like 10 off them and just take it home and dip various things in them. 

I'm sure there are some where I'm at, in Chicago, so I'll make a visit! I thought that this baby Chick-Fil-A was great. Imma loose my mind at a real one! 
This whole situation is ridiculous. They stated their opinion and that opinion should be respected.
They never said that they are anti-gay, they just don't support gay marriage.

This, and agreed Chick Fil A>>>>>>> gay marriage
How the hell are you not anti-gay but you don't support equal rights for gays?

Thats the EXACT same thing as saying I don't hate black people, but I just don't want them marrying whites. 

You can't claim to not have a stance on others right to equality and actively stand in the way of their rights. 
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, what about the gay blacks? the minute they were born they already got had 2 strikes against them, ammmmmmirrrrright club?
oddly enough, with double the discrimination working against him, i bet he wouldnt be half as big a crybaby as some of you are.
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I know you would. im fine with that.

Isnt it though?

I like you AZ, im not coming at you in any ways. but isnt the principle what really matters here?

a group of people who cant help who they are (with plenty of evidence to back this, despite what ever nonsensical "choice" argument that will come up again) that just want to be able to do all the things you and I can do.

thats the bottom line here. Why deny them that outside of what ever malicious personal feelings you (or whomever) may have towards that group of people.

i feel like many of you WANT the gays to go through a really tough struggle to get their rights. almost like you feel that they have to "pay their dues" for their rights like the black community did

why would you WANT to make another group of people go through that? Because you all (and by you all i mean NONE of you. most likely your parents, if that) had to go through that, and its "not fair" or something? I just dont understand that part.

i feel like you guys dont want gay people "piggybacking" off of your struggle. like "WE had to go thorugh it, THEY should too!"

i could be wrong on that, but Im willing to bet many of you arguing against all this partly feel like that.
Your partly right. I dont like the idea of them piggybacking of "our" struggle (im a son of African immigrants, none of my family went through the American civil rights movement). I dont think gays should have to go through atrocities to get their rights, but comparing themselves to people that did to me is wrong. Ill go as far as to call it disrespectful. The principle is the same (the born this way argument is one we can have some other day) to you and thats fine. But the severity is not and that changes the perspective to me. It cant just be tossed out that simply. Gays have not gone through those hardships in America, but they have no issue comparing their plight to it. I dont like the notion of latching onto a struggle that they simply have not gone through. If they have a legitimate argument for marriage and rights, they should present them without bring up the civil rights movement because they are not the same.

If gays get the same rights as straight couples tomorrow, I would not care. I would actually prefer they do so we can stop bringing attention to it. I may not like gays, but Im not conceded enough to think that just because I dont like them, they shouldnt have equal rights. I simply dont like the civil rights comparison thats all.

You don't want them to go through atrocities, but you're using a measurement of them going through atrocities to gain their rights. 


Do you people know what CIVIL rights means? I don't recall that being BLACK rights. 

Let me know if I missed something.
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How the hell are you not anti-gay but you don't support equal rights for gays?

Thats the EXACT same thing as saying I don't hate black people, but I just don't want them marrying whites. 

You can't claim to not have a stance on others right to equality and actively stand in the way of their rights. 

Chick Fil A isnt standing in the way of anyones rights, the damn owner doesnt support gay marriage- and doesnt have to- thats his opinion. His company makes damn good food, and i will be eating it. I dont care what he thinks, it has no effect. You can be as pushy as you want, but not everybody is going to think like you.
Donating 2 million dollars to politically active anti-gay and anti-gay marriage  groups in ONE year isn't standing in the way of gay rights, huh?

Corporations are people, my friend -- Mitt Romney.
 Some rights of marriage are actually intended for a man and a woman (with the idea that they will have kids, etc-
What about marriages in which either the man or woman is infertile? 
and there are also tax purposes designed the same way)
American Astronaut and feminist hero, Sally Ride can't even give her monogamous lover her inheritance because of laws in place to prevent that.

DO you think only heterosexual people should be entitled to these legal advantages?
So no, your comparison is NOT the EXACT same thing
Actually, it is.
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Chick Fil A probably refuses service to the gays or something 
dont all businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone?

that's like... a law...
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Black people apparently really think their struggle is unique and makes them special...This thread is REALLY telling of somethings I guess I completely overlooked.

Frankly, as a black male, I'm disgusted.

You all aren't as progressive as you seem. Most of you are rather selfish. In fact, if the conversation doesn't revolve around you, then its therefore invalid. Many responses confirm this notion.

I think its fascinating that some of you can wake up and call yourselves proud black men/women who are proud of your heritage (where ever that stems from) and history (with whomever that originates) and continue to go forth in the world with complete disregard for others struggling to do the very thing you all faced within many of your own life times.

I see the lessons you all thought you embraced haven't really sunk in, at all.

Would you rather seeing gays and lesbians be beaten in the streets, as they have been, or fired from jobs, as they are, or refused benefits, as they are, before you all start to seek legitimization of their rights too?
Damn that sucks. I hear Angoon is pretty cool though.

Off the top of my head they have: Ranch, buffalo, polynesian, Chick Fil A sauce, BBQ, Honey Mustard (I put it on my biscuit sometimes too8) )

All solid. Sometimes I grab like 10 off them and just take it home and dip various things in them. 

I've never had chick fil A, but that list of sauces make me want to try it
I wish this thread would get locked up so that I could stop distracting myself with the escalating war of egos.

Serious question here.  Why are people protesting CFA?  

I fully understand wanting equal rights and I also fully agree with that.  But when did we start worrying about what the owner of a PRIVATE business thinks or believes?  What good is it doing for the equal rights cause to stand outside CFA restaurants dressed in cow and chicken suits?  Is that supposed to make the owner double back on his stance?  And if so, isn't that kind of doing the same thing that religious people are so often accused of--forcing their belief system/opinions on others?  What happened to freedom of thought?  Remember, his stance is idiotic, but it isn't illegal.      

Again, I'm for the cause of equal rights for the lesbian/gay community.  But I just think maybe the focus of this CFA incident is greatly misplaced.  Shouldn't we really be focused on the government--you know, the people that can help create change via laws?  The last time I checked, this CFA guy is legally entitled to his opinion and is also legally allowed to donate to whatever organization he pleases, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT WE AGREE WITH IT.  For example, I don't agree with his stance.  But I respect his right to have his opinion, no matter how misguided I feel it is.  Why would I waste my time protesting HIS OPINION? What good is that REALLY doing for the cause?

If this was government related, meaning that a government official came out and had the same stance as the CFA guy (which many have!), I could see protesting in the streets.  But it isn't--this is a private citizen voicing his opinion on an issue.  Where are the protests of our local, state and federal government officials that refuse to acknowledge the rights of gays and lesbians?    

And to all the people up in arms about the CFA guy, here's my question to you:  what are YOU doing to further the cause?  Are you just complaining on the internet or in the CFA drive thru, or are you using your local resources to actually do something about it?  Are you going to chastise owners of private businesses for having an opinion, or are you going to lobby your public leaders to make something happen?  Are you going to focus on those organizations that exist to keep the status quo, or are you going to get behind those organizations that exist to even the playing field by donating your time AND money?  

I guess my main point is that I think folks are barking up the wrong tree with this specific incident.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how outdated and ridiculous it is.  You don't have to like it, but then again, they don't have to like yours, either.  That's America and that's the freedom that everyone talks about all the time.  If you want true change, rally behind those who are in positions to affect that change.  Chastising those who think differently than you is a waste of energy, IMO.  "Oh look....he's donated millions to oppress gays!"  And guess what?  He'll probably continue to do the same!  So now it comes back to what YOU are going to do to offset that.  Standing outside a restaurant in a cow suit ain't gettin' it done, folks.  That's just a reaction to something you don't agree with--being proactive is the only way to get **** done.      

And let's be honest--you're probably not changing the opinion of old, rich, white dudes.  So move on from focusing on them and use that time/energy to actually do something effective.  Just my 2 cents.  
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