You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

For the love, can I get more than one post successfully uploaded to a thread?!

logically, yes thats how I imagine it would work.

but Christians arent really big on logic, just picking and choosing what parts of their religion they want to enforce on others and what parts they choose to ignore for their own benefit.
I tend to avoid blanket statements like this, but many do.

However, it would be more approrpiate to find fault in the humans, as opposed to the faith that they follow (to varying degrees of efficacy)
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They have more than equal rights.

They are pushing for and receiving a quasi-protected and elevated social status.
Kinda like having a black grandfather or grandmother prevented you from going to Yale.

I totally see your point.
I don't follow this line of thinking at all...

Please explain how they are receiving "quasi protected and elevated social status" Vs. a heterosexual person.
First it's marriage, then it's brainwashing all heterosexuals and turning them into gays and lesbians. Don't fall for the liberal agenda.

Dudes out here are scared of waking up and craving penis. Like a gay guy is gonna shake their hand then all of a sudden they're gonna start salivating at a football game. 

Its the ones with NO concept of masculinity that do the most to try and protect it.

1: Are you gay?

2: No. Hell no bro. I'm not a queer!

1: Are you sure?

2: Totally sure bro!

1: Why can't gay people get married?

2: Cause they're gay and its gross bro!

1: But if you're not gay, why does it matter if they get married?

2: Cause they're gay!

1: And?

2: well its also in the bible!

1: But you're barely even religious

2: Doesn't matter man, its in the bible!

1: Yeah but so is premarital sex. God doesn't like that apparently.

2: Whatever bro. God understands. I don't have a problem with gays I just don't want them to get married!

1: Why not?

2: Cause they're just gay man. I don't know!

1: How would it affect you if they were able to get the same rights?

2: I don't know man, they're just gay!

1: But I thought you didn't have a problem with them being gay...

2: I don't man. I just don't think they should get married.

1: Why not? Would it hurt you?

2: No

1: So...why can't they get married?
2: Its not right man!

1: So why not just get rid of them?

2: Well I don't want to kill them...

1: So why should they not be allowed to get married?

2: I just dont wanna see that **** man! I don't like seeing gays all up on each other!

1: But you're not gay, so it wouldn't matter, right?

2: Yeah, but its still gross!

1: So? They're happy and consenting adults

2: I just don't mess with that gay stuff

1: No one is asking to to do anything gay. Are you afraid you'll become gay?

2: No man. I love women. I'm not gay!

1: I don't understand...why can't they just be free to do what they want?


See, we can do this all day...dudes are scared to say they actually don't eff with gay people so they mask it in the "i don't hate gays,  i just don't support their happiness" 
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Kinda like having a black grandfather or grandmother prevented you from going to Yale.

I totally see your point.

That was a TERRIBLE attempt at a sarcastic analogy...but ok.

Gays already occupy the upper strata of Western society. This is why their movement is so strong and why the suggestion of a "gay struggle" is laughable.
Kinda like having a black grandfather or grandmother prevented you from going to Yale.

I totally see your point.
That was a TERRIBLE attempt at a sarcastic analogy...but ok.

Gays already occupy the upper strata of Western society. This is why their movement is so strong and why the suggestion of a "gay struggle" is laughable.
Not being able to have the same rights and privileges that you do or avoid being beaten up just for being gay would indicate a struggle to me.

BTW, there were black people in hollywood, elite schools, and even business way before the civil rights movement while they were still getting beaten and shot in the street. 

Don't take the success of a few to indicate the status of the majority. 

Don't let TV be your only indicator as to the status of the real world.
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Not being able to have the same rights and privileges that you do or avoid being beaten up just for being gay would indicate a struggle to me.

Only gay people are at risk for being denied privileges or getting beat up?

Are they even at a higher risk of falling victim to these misfortunes than other segments of society?
Not being able to have the same rights and privileges that you do or avoid being beaten up just for being gay would indicate a struggle to me.

Only gay people are at risk for being denied privileges or getting beat up?

Are they even at a higher risk of falling victim to these misfortunes than other segments of society?

what other segment isnt allowed to marry? that is what we're talking about right?
Not being able to have the same rights and privileges that you do or avoid being beaten up just for being gay would indicate a struggle to me.

Only gay people are at risk for being denied privileges or getting beat up?

Are they even at a higher risk of falling victim to these misfortunes than other segments of society?
Baynard Rustin, who?

Do you want to have a pity party for who has it worse than anyone else?

Last time I checked, the ACTUAL face of poverty in the USA was a poor, uneducated white woman in the applachian region. 

An injustice is an injustice.

You're going to have to come up with a better argument as to why otherwise law-abiding, decent citizens don't deserve the same rights you forget that you even have. 
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Not being able to have the same rights and privileges that you do or avoid being beaten up just for being gay would indicate a struggle to me.

BTW, there were black people in hollywood, elite schools, and even business way before the civil rights movement while they were still getting beaten and shot in the street. 

Don't take the success of a few to indicate the status of the majority. 

Don't let TV be your only indicator as to the status of the real world.

I think its you that needs to turn off the tube if you think gay people are getting disproportional beat down and slaughtered in the street for their sexual preference.

A black man is killed by the police every 40 hours in the US, there is crime wave gripping inner city america from coast to coast, institutional racism is still as strong as its ever been in certain sectors of society....and the gay community is holding kiss-ins Chick-fil-a.

This stuff is truly comedic to me. :lol:
Not being able to have the same rights and privileges that you do or avoid being beaten up just for being gay would indicate a struggle to me.

BTW, there were black people in hollywood, elite schools, and even business way before the civil rights movement while they were still getting beaten and shot in the street. 

Don't take the success of a few to indicate the status of the majority. 

Don't let TV be your only indicator as to the status of the real world.

I think its you that needs to turn off the tube if you think gay people are getting disproportional beat down and slaughtered in the street for their sexual preference.

A black man is killed by the police every 40 hours in the US, there is crime wave gripping inner city america from coast to coast, institutional racism is still as strong as its ever been in certain sectors of society....and the gay community is holding kiss-ins Chick-fil-a.

This stuff is truly comedic to me. :lol:

Huey Newton would disagree with you....but what does institutional racism have to do with two dudes or two women wanting to marry each other?
Baynard Rustin, who?

Do you want to have a pity party for who has it worse than anyone else?

Last time I checked, the ACTUAL face of poverty in the USA was a poor, uneducated white woman in the applachian region. 

An injustice is an injustice.

You're going to have to come up with a better argument as to why otherwise law-abiding, decent citizens don't deserve the same rights you forget that you even have. 

I don't hold Bayard Rustin or his pacifist ideologies in high you can take the font down a tad.

I also didn't know there was an ACTUAL face of poverty in the USA.

I'm even more surprised to be informed that it happens to be "the uneducated white woman in the appalachian region."

Especially seeing how poor black folk in the deep south, who still live in close proximity to former plantations, are in the same economic boat as the Appalachians you mentioned. And there are millions more of them...and they face added racial adversity due to their phenotype.

But thanks for clarifying that for me, though.
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I'm don't hate black people, I just don't want them to have the same rights I do. 

FutureMD, you are too smart to NT. I appreciate you working hard trying to educate the people here, but you have to understand, this is NT.

Off topic, but I'm surprised to see so many NYCers craving for Chik-fil-a in their city. I mean, Chick-fil-a is not bad, but there are so many options in NYC. I was there in May and considered moving there for Shake Shack alone :rofl:
Not being able to have the same rights and privileges that you do or avoid being beaten up just for being gay would indicate a struggle to me.

BTW, there were black people in hollywood, elite schools, and even business way before the civil rights movement while they were still getting beaten and shot in the street. 

Don't take the success of a few to indicate the status of the majority. 

Don't let TV be your only indicator as to the status of the real world.
I think its you that needs to turn off the tube if you think gay people are getting disproportional beat down and slaughtered in the street for their sexual preference.

A black man is killed by the police every 40 hours in the US, there is crime wave gripping inner city america from coast to coast, institutional racism is still as strong as its ever been in certain sectors of society....and the gay community is holding kiss-ins Chick-fil-a.

This stuff is truly comedic to me.
Can "black" people get married to "whites" now?

Oh wait...lets talk about how Latinos are being rounded up in Arizona at random illegal check points and asked for papers to prove their citizenship

Oh wait...lets talk about how banks haven't be prosecuted for blatant abuses of financial regulation!

No wait, lets address how there are millions without basic healthcare coverage!

Wait a minute, can you believe that Romney's advisor said Barack doesn't respect the "anglo-american heritage of the white house?" 

Hold up, did you hear about that school in mississippi that had to have a segregated prom! In 2010! 

Slow down a moment, did you hear about that woman who couldn't buy birth control because the pharmacist said it was against her beliefs to sell it?

Oh my goodness, can you imagine that teachers at a public school harrassed a student for being an atheist?

Before you go, tell me you heard about how strip-mining was harming the ground water and aquifers in rural west virginia.

Have you seen how BP just had complete disregard for the fishermen after the oil spill?

Can you believe the NYPD was spying on muslim american students at NYU?

Did you hear about the senators who drafted SOPA and PIPA?

I'll bet you didn't hear about the women who faced sexual harassment in exchange for promised promotions!

I never would have thought there were corrupt judges sending kids to juvie while receiving payments under the table to do so!

I wish barack would stop dropping bombs on women in children in illegal wars!

Why aren't we supporting the overthrow of governments in places with ongoing genocide?

My friends school district just had their federal budget allocation slashed in half! How will they afford chalk?

The only thing you're really good at is showing how good you are at prioritizing your own concerns over all others. You're not a member of society. You are just selfish. 

Just admit it.

Its fine. I'm cool with honesty. 

The only thing you care about are your own rights.

If we're not talking about your concerns, then nothing else matters. 

Unfortunately we weren't talking about the sky-high record of shootings in chicago, philly, and detroit. 

We were talking about gay marriage. But thats cool, you don't have any skin in this game. 

Just don't pretend that you actually care about anyone when in fact, its only about you. Its always about you. 

The concept that an injustice to one is an injustice to all just escapes you. Maybe thats because all you've ever known is those who you surround yourself with.

Perspective is nothing but an eleven letter word to you. 
Baynard Rustin, who?

Do you want to have a pity party for who has it worse than anyone else?

Last time I checked, the ACTUAL face of poverty in the USA was a poor, uneducated white woman in the applachian region. 

An injustice is an injustice.

You're going to have to come up with a better argument as to why otherwise law-abiding, decent citizens don't deserve the same rights you forget that you even have. 

C'mon slim.

We all know black women have a higher rate of poverty than any other group in America. While there may be more white women total in poverty, percentage wise in relative to population its nowhere close to minority women

Now back to the topic...personally, I'm not gay, so gay marriage doesnt affect me. If gays want to get married, I'm perfectly fine with that (but with current divorce rates I still I dont understand why they want to so bad :lol: )

The only things that really piss me off about the movement is the trolling SOME of them do (like this "kiss-in" at Chick-Fil-A I quoted earlier) and this constant comparison to "the black struggle".

I'm all for EVERYBODY having their rights but when you incorporate excessive trolling, mud-slinging, and fabrication..I can't rock with you. Same reason why I can't rock with the New Black Panther Party...them bammas stay trolling in D.C. yelling on a street corner and causing commotion. What is REALLY being achieved by doing that....absolutely nothing.

Lastly, what really upsets me is people won't take the time to look at all the positive charities Chick-Fil-A (corporate and individual owners of stores) participates in on a regular basis. We live in a culture where you could feed 100,000 homeless people, but say you don't support gay marriage and all of a sudden you're a "disgusting human being". Way too often people focus on one thing instead of the whole picture, positive or negative.

That's my 2 cents..I'm out.
I have heard about all of those things....and I agree, lets talk about and mobilize around those injustices instead of applauding Chick-Fil-a kiss ins.

You tried to get personal, without knowing anything about me and cannibalized your argument in the process.

Thanks for making my point for me.

There are a lot more pressing matters to discuss and mobilize support around than the personal beliefs of Chick-Fil-a's upper management.

But please hipster activists...don't stop entertaining me with your tragic brand of comedy.

And for the record, I never said that I opposed gay marriage.

You just rambled off a list of controversial subjects as if my perceived absence of passion over those incidents, was an admission of selfishness. You don't even know if I have views, which diametrically oppose yours on those matters? If I believed that BP did their best to compensate for the Gulf Oil Spill, does that make me selfish or lacking in perspective?...why?....because my opinion isn't in lockstep with yours?

The irony and hypocrisy of the "open-minded", its truly beautiful thing to behold.

brb changing my views to yours so that I can have better perspective.

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Baynard Rustin, who?

Do you want to have a pity party for who has it worse than anyone else?

Last time I checked, the ACTUAL face of poverty in the USA was a poor, uneducated white woman in the applachian region. 

An injustice is an injustice.

You're going to have to come up with a better argument as to why otherwise law-abiding, decent citizens don't deserve the same rights you forget that you even have. 
C'mon slim.

We all know black women have a higher rate of poverty than any other group in America. While there may be more white women total in poverty, percentage wise in relative to population its nowhere close to minority women
The problem with this statistic is how you frame the window.

Black people make up 12% of the population (whatever "black" really means)

But on the flipside they make up more than 50% of the prison population.

Likewise, there are more white women in poverty in terms of sheer numbers than black women...BUT black women as a proportion of black people have higher rates of poverty.

As we are all people, there are more poor white women than black women.

If you want to score points with a group of people you're pandering to, then you flip it to say that black women have the highest "proportion" of poverty.

So yes, my statement is still true.

Now back to the topic...personally, I'm not gay, so gay marriage doesnt affect me. If gays want to get married, I'm perfectly fine with that (but with current divorce rates I still I dont understand why they want to so bad 
No one cares if it "affects" you. Its about allowing them the freedom to have the option.

You have the OPTION to go purchase a gun.

You have the OPTION to vote.

You have the OPTION to drink from the same water fountain.

Gays DO NOT have that OPTION. 

The only things that really piss me off about the movement is the trolling SOME of them do (like this "kiss-in" at Chick-Fil-A I quoted earlier) and this constant comparison to "the black struggle".
Sit-ins were equally as silly.

But hey, when black people do non-violent protest, all of a sudden its so "revolutionary" and "prolific"

Just admit it, you don't like the comparison because you enjoy being the underdog. It empowers you. You enjoy having something to hold against someone else. 

The "black struggle" doesn't exist in the capacity that it did 50 years ago. In fact, i'm certain that many didn't envision having what we have today as even a possibility.

Nothing will ever be perfect, but progress is to allow things to move forward over time. Rome wasn't built in a day and regardless of what Genesis says, neither was the universe.

I'm all for EVERYBODY having their rights but when you incorporate excessive trolling, mud-slinging, and fabrication..I can't rock with you. Same reason why I can't rock with the New Black Panther Party...them bammas stay trolling in D.C. yelling on a street corner and causing commotion. What is REALLY being achieved by doing that....absolutely nothing.
That excessive trolling like that stunt that little black girl did in arkansas just to go to school pissed off quite a few people too. 

You're basically taking a massive dump on the right to assembly by groups of protestors.

But don't worry, you'll miss it when the white house increases that protest barrier from 1000 Feet to 5 miles.

Lastly, what really upsets me is people won't take the time to look at all the positive charities Chick-Fil-A (corporate and individual owners of stores) participates in on a regular basis. We live in a culture where you could feed 100,000 homeless people, but say you don't support gay marriage and all of a sudden you're a "disgusting human being". Way too often people focus on one thing instead of the whole picture, positive or negative.

That's my 2 cents..I'm out.
So one is better than the other?

I refuse to lower my standards because an argument "could have been made"

And what?

When you go to vote, are you waiting on that person to perfectly align him or herself with a view of the world that you want or do you continue to hold them accountable in areas you think could use improvement?
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I have heard about all of those things....and I agree, lets talk about and mobilize around those injustices instead of applauding Chick-Fil-a kiss ins.

You tried to get personal, without knowing anything about me and cannibalized your argument in the process.

Thanks for making my point for me.

There are a lot more pressing matters to discuss and mobilize support around than the personal beliefs of Chick-Fil-a's upper management.

But please hipster activists...don't stop entertaining me with your tragic strain of comedy.

And for the record, I never said that I opposed gay marriage.
An injustice to one, is an injustice for all.

You're better off going to an Occupy Wallstreet protest to convince everyone that Lebron should have stayed in cleveland.

Thats how relevant your argument is.

"Hey, ya'll are talking about getting better funding for schools? Nah, lets talk about how black people watch tyler perry movies!"

Black issues are the only issues. Ever. 
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Why isn't the question "Why does anyone need permission from the government to be married?"?
The concept that an injustice to one is an injustice to all just escapes you. Maybe thats because all you've ever known is those who you surround yourself with.

Perspective is nothing but an eleven letter word to you. 

I don't understand why it's bad to be more concerned with problems that hit closer to one's own home.

I must be stupid.
Why isn't the question "Why does anyone need permission from the government to be married?"?
We would have gotten past this if conservatives had listened to Barry Goldwaters concerns over the radical fundamentalist christians in the late 70s. 
The concept that an injustice to one is an injustice to all just escapes you. Maybe thats because all you've ever known is those who you surround yourself with.

Perspective is nothing but an eleven letter word to you. 
I don't understand why it's bad to be more concerned with problems that hit closer to one's own home.

I must be stupid.
Because the topic is gay marriage.

You even admit that its a problem, yet you refuse to participate in the discussion.

Do yourself a favor and create a thread that addresses a problem or concern to something YOU find important.
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