You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

im bothered at the fact chick fil a does not have any spots in the hood..smh
Polynesian sauce

This brotha knows.

I'm don't hate black people, I just don't want them to have the same rights I do. 


No rebuttal, from anyone in this thread....

Silly putty is running circles around everyone in this thread. People think they're debating but not ONE point that he's made has been countered.
I think divorce rates are high because humanity has more options. We know that there is "more out there" and fewer people are willing to settle. People are staying in touch with more people they would have normally forgotten about. I also think divorce is high because theres no real need for it anymore. People increasingly don't cling to dogma so there is no inherent ritual in the matter. 

Divorce stats also depend on what you're looking at.

People with higher education tend to get married later BUT they stay together much longer.

People who get married younger tend to not stay together as long.

People who are struggling financially don't stay married as long.

Apparently (I don't really know how true this is) non-religious/secular people stay together longer.

There are all sorts of qualifiers. 

Stuff like birth control and sex education exists as well as sex being generally embraced more responsibly instead of being seen as some taboo, backroom subject. 

I can't say its a "good" or "bad" thing, it merely is just an evolution in the infrastructure of society at this point. 

Basically, if you want the best opinions on why divorce is so high, listen to a conservative radio-jock. We've moved beyond a society that they favored in decades past but our notion of the future isn't something we're willing to fully be honest with ourselves embrace so thats why we seem to be spinning our wheels on the matter.

Marriage isn't what it used to be, because it never really was "anything" in the first place. We're just now realizing it.

BTW, I know you say you're a "christian man," whatever you think that means, but how does it feel to challenge the verbatim text in your bible with your own internal moral conflict? Are you morally superior to a book and an entity that you simultaneously defer moral superiority to otherwise?

Who is making these decisions and how valid are they? You, or your bible?

Ideologically, I'm finding that its easier for me to respect fundamentalists because they're at least honest in their discrimination and bigotry. The bible says we should kill gays, several times. Its not ambiguous or even a question. Both in the old and new testament. The bible is clear on what it says about gays. But who are you as a self proclaimed "christian man" to really challenge that? Would a true believer really take fault with his religion?

I say this NOT to "come at you," but to merely see how rooted your faith is and what is the basis of thought you use to distinguish what you really believe, from what you WANT to believe i.e., picking and choosing. 
Thanks for taking the time to respond to a "newbie"

Those are completely fair questions to ask and hope this answers them for you...

1.  As a "Christian" man,  I do feel that living by the crux of the gospel (i.e the 10 commandments) has done my life some good and given me a moral code that I wouldn't have had growing up in the environment I did as a child.  Did I stray at one point in time, yes. But I never forget where I came from and why I feel I am where I am today.  

2. It is my personal belief that times do change and you have to adjust your thought process for them.  So I do not agree verbatim with anything(much to the chagrin of my Pastor).  As an "educated' man,  I feel that you must be able to process and use the information you are given on your own.  

3. It has long been my belief that my judgments really mean nothing at the end of the day.  If you really believe in Christ God, then you believe that he will come back one day and be the judge of us all.  So why would I waste my time telling someone else what they are.  Just doesn't make any sense to me. There are hypocrites in all walks of life including the church 

So I repeat, I am in no way a blind sheep but I did derive my moral code from the Bible and will continue to live by it. My faith will continue to be my own and at this point in my life, it's not changing. Just like you have a right to your opinions and beliefs. Feel me?
Putty, what in the hell is wrong with you man? That statement was for everyone arguing over this. There really isn't a point since the bottom line is the same.

You debate and argue like a young man, with nothing held back. Admirable, but mistaken.
Look don't get it twisted. I enjoy chik-fil-a and other companies that have "christian" values...I like their food, not their stance...BUT they messed up trying to pass off their ACTIVE SUPPORT OF A ANTI-GAY ORGANIZATION AS A COMPANY.

Even some of the "hate the sin, love the sinner"/I'm not anti-gay just not supporting gay marriage camp would agree with this point.

Thats where you cross the line...but hey, free speech right?

Since Romney said "corporations are people" and Justice Roberts said "money is speech" then how can we just overlook this? When does the accountability start?

But then again, none of you have a problem with the Westboro Baptist Church or the KKK, or the Black Nationalists, or The Tea Party 
, do you?

Its like how Tommy Hilfiger allegedly said his clothes weren't for black people. I mean, even though it supposedly never happened, that really hurt his business. People couldn't associate themselves with him even if that was a non-official "hilfiger" stance (or if it was even an actual statement). I say all this to say, lets say Hilfiger really DID say this would you feel if white people continued to support his company by purchasing his goods? 

Hell, in high school I knew a lot of gay people worked at ChikFilA. I can't imagine depending on a place that inherently hates me for who I am...and Chikfila is listed as one of the best fastfood restaurants and corporate offices to work at. 
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Questions: If I never get married, don't have any family, all I have is my best friend and I'm on my death bed. I couldn't leave the "right of life" decision to my buddy? Couldn't I give my belonging so that said friend through a last will and testament? I don't know the legal definition of consolidation of wealth, but whats stopping them from just putting both their names on a bank account? If its a bout tax cuts, why do married people get cuts and not single people? What about single people's right????

Last question is semi serious.

Also I think the SillyPutty cameo through the thread off track. No one is against gay marriage(I'm not at least), we're against, if anything, people boycotting Chic-fil-a because they said they're gonna to go buy what the bible says. Shunning Chic-fil-a for going by "The Book", wouldn't that be like shunning people for their sexual orientation? Truth be told its intolerence both ways. Aren't both parties not liking each other for their beliefs?
Questions: If I never get married, don't have any family, all I have is my best friend and I'm on my death bed. I couldn't leave the "right of life" decision to my buddy? Couldn't I give my belonging so that said friend through a last will and testament? I don't know the legal definition of consolidation of wealth, but whats stopping them from just putting both their names on a bank account? If its a bout tax cuts, why do married people get cuts and not single people? What about single people's right????
No. Thats not legally binding and wouldn't stand up in court unless you get a power of attorney...essentially sign the documents and go through the paperwork etc. It would go to the state or something. Thats why this stuff is so important.

Civil unions attempt to give gays the same rights but the very fact that you just don't call it a "marriage" means that it inherently is NOT the same thing. Thats kinda the problem.

The bank account thing doesn't actually carry through like you say it does. For example, when you take out loans, your significant other can do it on your behalf, or if you have student debt married couples assume that together. Thats why they advise you to have open and honest conversations about money before marriage.

And yes, married people get tax breaks. Do you know why so many young military guys try to get hitched? Its not just to have someone there for you...its cause the pay increase is pretty significant.

Marriage is seen by the state as a business contract, and nothing more.
Last question is semi serious.

Also I think the SillyPutty cameo through the thread off track. No one is against gay marriage(I'm not at least), we're against, if anything, people boycotting Chic-fil-a because they said they're gonna to go buy what the bible says. Shunning Chic-fil-a for going by "The Book", wouldn't that be like shunning people for their sexual orientation? Truth be told its intolerence both ways. Aren't both parties not liking each other for their beliefs?
Its not intolerant for me to stop wanting to mess with your business because you slept with my best friend.

I can have my reasons as well.

You're free to support chik-fil-a if the anti-gay comments don't offend you, but i'm also free to NOT support them as well. Additionally, i'm free to share why I think its a bad idea to support them. I could just as easily post my criticisms on Yelp or report them to the Better Business Bureau. Its all the same thing, except this time they want to mask it as "christian persecution" when in reality, its called the FREE MARKET and they're feeling the back-hand of it.

You claim to not be "anti-gay" but you can't just say "well I have no thoughts on the matter" in terms of them getting rights. So what are you? I'm not anti-arab, I just don't want them flying on the same planes as me. So what does that really mean? 

Its easy to change the wording of an argument but when I ask you to carry how your behavior in accordance with that argument, it amounts to the limiting of the rights of others, in so much as there is a segment that is not granted those same rights for really poor reasons. They're not repeat felons or enemies of the state. 

Remember, every association you have is VOLUNTARY. That goes for the church you go to, the place you work at, or the magazines you subscribe to. 

If you don't like being held accountable for your beliefs or associations, you know what you need to do to change that perspective.

In as much as you vote based on party lines, then it shouldn't be difficult for you to understand why these comments AND actions by the company at large are so offensive to many...
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Questions: If I never get married, don't have any family, all I have is my best friend and I'm on my death bed. I couldn't leave the "right of life" decision to my buddy? Couldn't I give my belonging so that said friend through a last will and testament? I don't know the legal definition of consolidation of wealth, but whats stopping them from just putting both their names on a bank account? If its a bout tax cuts, why do married people get cuts and not single people? What about single people's right????
Last question is semi serious.
Also I think the SillyPutty cameo through the thread off track. No one is against gay marriage(I'm not at least), we're against, if anything, people boycotting Chic-fil-a because they said they're gonna to go buy what the bible says. Shunning Chic-fil-a for going by "The Book", wouldn't that be like shunning people for their sexual orientation? Truth be told its intolerence both ways. Aren't both parties not liking each other for their beliefs?
people only use the bible and bible quotes when its convenient for them, but will ignore it if its applicable to their lives. these kind of people are the worst.

and putty didnt throw the thread off the track, he's bringing up valuable points that no one really has a decent answer to. 
Im not understanding how someone could not be anti gay if theyre against same sex marriage . If u think gays shouldnt be allowed to marry, you arent comfortable with gays and therefore are anti gay.

And NO you cannot compare *****exuals to african americans in regards to civil rights. When u wake up, everyone knows youre black. No one lnows ur a *****exual until u start parading around telling ppl. Ive dabbled in ******g fat chicks, but it doesnt define who i am. *****exuals arent a race , its just a sexual preference. Gays need to stop feeling themselves loke theyre something special. Compare ur plights to
The plights of black ppl and ur an idiot. That being said anyone should be able to marry whoever they want.

I love women. Im as straight as they come. Im worried about myself, my family, my bank account and my vagina intake. Couldnt care less who ***** who . Any stance other than that, imma have to assume youre suspect :lol: one of my main homies from way back is gay anf i smoke Ls with him on te regular. He knows how i do and he knows how he does. Who cares?

Chick-fil-A’s Vice President of Public Relations Dies of Heart Attack

Rest in grease, *****.

Chick-fil-A’s Vice President of Public Relations Dies of Heart Attack
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Chick-fil-A’s Vice President of Public Relations Don Perry died “suddenly” Friday morning, the company confirmed. Perry was based in the Atlanta area and worked in Chick-fil-A’s corporate communications department.
Perry’s death comes amid controversy this week over comments that Chick-fil-A’s CEO Dan Cathy made against gay marriage. Cathy told the Baptist Press that he was “guilty as charged” for supporting “the biblical definition of the family unit.”
In response to the backlash, conservative commentator Mike Huckabee organized a Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, calling on people who support the company’s Christian values to eat at Chick-fil-A next Wednesday.
“Let’s affirm a business that operates on Christian principles and whose executives are willing to take a stand for the Godly values we espouse by simply showing up and eating at Chick-Fil-A on Wednesday, August 1,” Huckabee wrote on the Facebook page created for the event.
So far nearly 300,000 people have signed on to attend the event.
Read more about that controversy here.
Here is the full statement from Chick-fil-A on Perry’s death:
“We are saddened to report the news to you that our dear friend Don Perry, vice president of public relations, passed away suddenly this morning.
Don was a member of our Chick-fil-A family for nearly 29 years. For many of you in the media, he was the spokesperson for Chick-fil-A. He was a well-respected and well-liked media executive in the Atlanta and University of Georgia communities, and we will all miss him.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.”
Im not understanding how someone could not be anti gay if theyre against same sex marriage . If u think gays shouldnt be allowed to marry, you arent comfortable with gays and therefore are anti gay.

And NO you cannot compare *****exuals to african americans in regards to civil rights. When u wake up, everyone knows youre black. No one lnows ur a *****exual until u start parading around telling ppl. Ive dabbled in ******g fat chicks, but it doesnt define who i am. *****exuals arent a race , its just a sexual preference. Gays need to stop feeling themselves loke theyre something special. Compare ur plights to
The plights of black ppl and ur an idiot. That being said anyone should be able to marry whoever they want.

I love women. Im as straight as they come. Im worried about myself, my family, my bank account and my vagina intake. Couldnt care less who ***** who . Any stance other than that, imma have to assume youre suspect
one of my main homies from way back is gay anf i smoke Ls with him on te regular. He knows how i do and he knows how he does. Who cares?
I agree with you on everything except the following

You can't compare the events of one movement to the events of the feminist movement to the abortion rights movement to the Irish movement to the catholic movement...

They're separate movements for a reason...they have different names, events, features, and beneficiaries.

HOWEVER, you need to stop thinking that the civil rights movement was ONLY for "black" people...there were protections that ALL people gained in the 60s and that didn't end there either. 

So yes, its stupid to compare different as much as its stupid to compare denominations of christianity. They're essentially all the same thing with the same goal for HUMAN RIGHTS AND EQUAL PROTECTION AND OPPORTUNITY UNDER THE LAW.

Don't claim to be a purveyor of the recognition of the term "civil rights" when you fail to do so for others whom you share nothing with, essentially contradicting the very meaning of the word.

My fellow knee-grows start to remind me of modern jews/israelis who use the halocaust to compare to EVERYTHING else while neglecting the granting of rights to everyone since then. We get it, you had it rough...would you rather go through it again or move forward?
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Aren't you impressed that he smoked weed with a gay person though?

You claim to not be "anti-gay" but you can't just say "well I have no thoughts on the matter" in terms of them getting rights. So what are you? I'm not anti-arab, I just don't want them flying on the same planes as me. So what does that really mean?

So if I asked my grandmother who she would rather see in a concert, Lil B or Gucci Mane, and she says she doesn't have an opinion, does that make her anti-rap?? She doesn't listen to rap music, its not apart of her life. Gay marriage, today, doesn't effect me in my life, so how is it that I have to have a stance on it? Now down the road I may have children that maybe gay and my tune may change. I never said I didn't want them to do or have anything. I still see it as Chic-fil-a being judged by they're beliefs. They didn't write The Bible. How are you going to be mad at them for believing something that was supposedly said well before any of this? Is one supposed to change their beliefs and values to keep up with the times?

For the record, I don't think we are arguing, just having disscussion.
I agree with you on everything except the following

You can't compare the events of one movement to the events of the feminist movement to the abortion rights movement to the Irish movement to the catholic movement...

They're separate movements for a reason...they have different names, events, features, and beneficiaries.

HOWEVER, you need to stop thinking that the civil rights movement was ONLY for "black" people...there were protections that ALL people gained in the 60s and that didn't end there either. 

So yes, its stupid to compare different as much as its stupid to compare denominations of christianity. They're essentially all the same thing with the same goal for HUMAN RIGHTS AND EQUAL PROTECTION AND OPPORTUNITY UNDER THE LAW.

Don't claim to be a purveyor of the recognition of the term "civil rights" when you fail to do so for others whom you share nothing with, essentially contradicting the very meaning of the word.

My fellow knee-grows start to remind me of modern jews/israelis who use the halocaust to compare to EVERYTHING else while neglecting the granting of rights to everyone since then. We get it, you had it rough...would you rather go through it again or move forward?
You claim to not be "anti-gay" but you can't just say "well I have no thoughts on the matter" in terms of them getting rights. So what are you? I'm not anti-arab, I just don't want them flying on the same planes as me. So what does that really mean?
So if I asked my grandmother who she would rather see in a concert, Lil B or Gucci Mane, and she says she doesn't have an opinion, does that make her anti-rap?? She doesn't listen to rap music, its not apart of her life. 
Listening to rap music doesn't grant favored protections and benefits from the government. 

On top of that, you didn't ask her if she thinks people should ALLOWED to listen to rap. That determines if she is anti-rap.

You can be indifferent to something and yet still give people the freedom to make a choice if they want to or not.
Gay marriage, today, doesn't effect me in my life, so how is it that I have to have a stance on it? 
There are some issues on which your stance matters and others on which it doesn't.

Is the difference subjective and possibly arbitrary? Possibly...

When it comes to the law of the land and the aim that we as a society have towards progression and equal protection and recognition under the law for decent citizens, why would we go through the effort of limiting the free exercise of access to the benefits of marriage in the eyes of the government?

No one wants to know if you support gay marriage. I don't care if you support Dunkin' Donuts or VHS rentals...

The only thing we're asking you is to ALLOW these things to happen. Thats why your stance matters.

Its about freedom. The very thing that conservatives say they want more of from the government, they directly contradict themselves on social issues almost instinctively. 

I'd much rather have the FREEDOM to go to WalMart and buy small arsenal than to not have the opportunity at all.
Now down the road I may have children that maybe gay and my tune may change. I never said I didn't want them to do or have anything.
If its subject to changing, why limit it in the first place? You can't say that you're liable to switch sides if you're unwilling to have a position in the first place...
I still see it as Chic-fil-a being judged by they're beliefs. They didn't write The Bible. How are you going to be mad at them for believing something that was supposedly said well before any of this? Is one supposed to change their beliefs and values to keep up with the times?
I don't care and frankly, its immature to even allow this sort of thinking to slide by.

We're talking about adults who don't want to be held accountable for their VOLUNTARY association to an outdated and invalidated "belief" that they inconsistently manage to adhere to, even on their best day.

Am I mad at them for being christian? No.

Am I mad at them for even following their book? No.

Am I even mad at them? Not at all. I just choose not to support them in this decision.

Everything they support is in that book right? But if we're going to validate that book, we've got to see what we as a society are also going to validate. 

An unneeded 5-second survey would reveal everything we no longer follow in the bible, so to defer to it as some sort of moral authority and yet take fault with its other clauses like premarital sex and the related punishment seems incredibly hypocritical, if not blatantly dishonest.

However, you can make that choice if you'd like and you're free to do so.
For the record, I don't think we are arguing, just having disscussion.
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