You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

See this is why i'm seeing that nihilism just kinda shuts down most of these arguments.


You're just parroting arguments you've been exposed to without getting to the root of what it is you're presenting. 

What is marriage? Its always been society-dependent.

Its not an "inherent" or "self evident" thing.

Its not like gravity or math.

its a concept.

An idea.

A notion.

Marriage is nothing more than a business contract we've derived to benefit people who choose to consolidate resources.

You might as well deny gay people the right to exist and kill them off because we've already shown that people can actually be BORN with *****exual attraction, on top of just general bisexual curiosity. Its the desire to define "sex" that leads us to have this problem. Sometimes people just like poking stuff. End of story. Doesn't HAVE to be a vagina. Me personally, I prefer women exclusively but I don't see why I have to hate on the next man who decides otherwise.

Your meaning doesn't even MEAN anything. Understand that before we go any further.

Your concept of marriage has no actual meaning.

You can't use words that aren't even defined to then go further and use that to define something else. That invokes all sorts of degrees of logical fallacies. 

Plus, why do you swap definitions of marriage then? On one hand you say about the union, then you say its sex. Which is it? Then why do you overlook the rules and benefits that governments grant some citizens but not others?
Just a question...

Do you feel these contracts may be the reason why divorce rates are so high?  I can't say for sure, but I feel like this wasn't the thinking back when our parents or grandparents were doing it.  Not to say they were doing it right.

I am a Christian man, but I do feel that people should not be discriminated against for any reason.  So that means i'm going to Chick-Fil-A tomorrow, but I won't say thank you or be happy about it.
chick-fil-a actively donates to anti-gay organizations. that's more than just refusing to support gay marriage. in fact, they donate millions of dollars every year. wouldn't they be upholding christian values by donating that money to something that actually helps people rather than donating it to fighting a cause that has zero effect on them?
even if that weren't the case, chick-fil-a openly admits that they refuse to support gay marriage because of religious beliefs. so what that means is that they are making political decisions based on religion, not based on what is best for the country. again, this should concern people. the united states is comprised of people with many different religious beliefs. political decisions should be made in the best interest of all, not just some.
i don't agree with religious beliefs of any sort, but i would fight for people's right to believe what they want to believe.

I agree. I could care less about the gay marriage agenda nor do I eat at Chick-fil-A, however for a corporation head to state something as stupid as this in public, well they deserve every bit of criticism and boycott.

Just look at this cat...


Hell I don't care if those sandwiches are crack, you have to have some morals in your soul to not support people like him whom contributes millions to organizations that have nothing better to do then to keep a certain group of people on their knees. He was doing this before all this mess but obviously he himself had his own Religious/Political agenda to push forward by making that statement to the media. Maybe because it's an election year? Also do you guys not think this dude has resentment for minorities? I could just imagine what he thinks of Obama, Muslims, African Americans and immigration laws.

But I know I know... those damn waffle fries are yummy aren't they? :smh:

:lol: But what do you expect? Americans just don't give a crap about anything but themselves these days!
I was gonna write something up, but w/e... peace.

But instead, you'd rather even manage to tell me that, as if it changes anything or adds to our exchange.
[h1]What Has Happened Since New York Legalized Gay Marriage[/h1]
It's been one year since gay marriage became legal in New York State.  As you can see, LOTS of scary **** has happened since.posted 
about 2 days ago

Matt StoperaBuzzFeed Staff







[h1]On the night of June 24, people celebrated the passage of gay marriage at the historic Stonewall Inn in New York City.[/h1]

Image by JESSICA RINALDI / Reuters

[h1]The bill passed in the Republican-controlled Senate on a 33-29 vote. New York became the sixth state and largest state to legalize gay marriage.[/h1]

FYI, this is Governor Cuomo. If you didn't already know, he basically made all of this happen.

Image by Mike Groll / AP

[h1]Between June 24 and July 24 (the day the law became legal), marriage licenses had to be changed.[/h1]

Image by David Duprey / AP


Image by David Duprey / AP

[h1]And at midnight on July 24, these two ladies became the first same-sex couple married in New York State.[/h1]

At Niagara Falls.

Image by DOUG BENZ / Reuters


Image by DOUG BENZ / Reuters

[h1]Later that morning, couples started arriving at their respective City Halls.[/h1]

Image by SHANNON STAPLETON / Reuters

[h1]They waited.[/h1]

Image by POOL / Reuters

[h1]Some dudes wore kilts.[/h1]

Image by SHANNON STAPLETON / Reuters

[h1]This couple couldn't stop smiling.[/h1]

Image by Pool / Getty Images


Image by POOL / Reuters

[h1]These guys couldn't either.[/h1]

Image by Pool / Getty Images

[h1]Let's just say people were pretty happy.[/h1]

Image by Pool / Getty Images

[h1]They stood at altars.[/h1]

Image by POOL / Reuters


Image by Seth Wenig / AP


Image by POOL / Reuters

[h1]Tears were shed.[/h1]

Image by SHANNON STAPLETON / Reuters

[h1]Rings were exchanged.[/h1]

Image by POOL / Reuters


Image by Pool / Getty Images


Image by POOL / Reuters

[h1]"I Dos" were said.[/h1]

Image by Pool / Getty Images


Image by Pool / Getty Images


Image by Pool / Getty Images


Image by Allison Joyce / Reuters


Image by Pool / Getty Images


Image by Allison Joyce / Reuters


Image by Pool / Getty Images

[h1]They held up their marriage licenses.[/h1]

Image by Daniel Barry / Getty Images


Image by Jason DeCrow / AP

[h1]Jumped for joy.[/h1]

Image by Daniel Barry / Getty Images

[h1]Raised their hands together.[/h1]

Image by Allison Joyce / Reuters

[h1]While others simply held hands.[/h1]

Image by Allison Joyce / Reuters

[h1]MEANWHILE, haters held signs.[/h1]

Image by Seth Wenig / AP


Image by David Duprey / AP

[h1]And screamed at the sky.[/h1]


Image by Seth Wenig / AP

[h1]But it didn't stop these guys from getting married on their porch.[/h1]

Image by DON EMMERT / Getty Images

[h1]This lady updating her Facebook relationship status.[/h1]

Image by Pool / Getty Images

[h1]Cake cutting.[/h1]

Image by DOUG BENZ / Reuters

[h1]Kids cheering.[/h1]

Image by Jemal Countess / Getty Images

[h1]And lady nuzzling.[/h1]

Image by Mario Tama / Getty Images

[h1]A year later, Governor Cuomo marched in the NYC Pride Parade. He gave another thumbs up.[/h1]

Image by Seth Wenig / AP

[h1]The President came out.[/h1]

Image by Spencer Platt / Getty Images

[h1]Some ladies in cute hats got married.[/h1]

Image by Seth Wenig / AP

[h1]And these guys lived happily ever after.[/h1]

Image by Pool / Getty Images


Image by Pool / Getty Images


Image by Pool / Getty Images

Lets just cut to the chase. Gay people just make you feel icky. Ewww. Anal-sex! Scissor-sex! Gross!

Thats fine. Just be honest with yourself. This isn't about religion. This isn't about tradition. Its about only you.

Some straight people don't like oral sex. You cant procreate that way either. Different strokes for different folks. It is, what it is.

You don't care about their rights or access to the same privileges.

You don't bat an eye to the fact that since Chik-Fil-A decided to voice an opinion that doesn't affect you, that there ARE decent, honest, productive, law-abiding citizens who are denied these same rights.

I bet you'd be on the phone in a hurry if Dan Cathy had even said "I dont like how black people always ask for extra sauces. The southern states always tap into our supply of hot sauce!" 

You don't even consider it because you've gotten your fair share and now you're golden. 

Do I think they should be banned from making more resturants? No. But the right to free speech also comes with the right to have people not listen to you or respect you. Free speech doesn't mean free from consequences. Freedom of speech means that we'll have to deal with things that make us uncomfortable and protect opinions, no matter how bigoted.

Just be honest. You don't like the thought of them screwing.

Thats cool, the thought of fat people having sex irks me too, but I don't go out of my way to prevent them from doing so either.

No one is asking you to BE gay, just grant them the same rights that you take advantage of. 

Are you even certain that your male heterosexual friends with female partners have sex in the manner you think they do? How clear are you on what they do behind closed doors? Are you sure the roles aren't reversed from time to time?

No sort of religious argument will hold weight as long as you continue to ignore those very parts of your religion that you choose not to follow. If you're going to be a fundamentalist, you might as well go all in because that sort of blatant hypocrisy weakens your argument. 
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This is so !#$%ing stupid. Marriage should be a contract signed by two individuals that grant them legal rights. That's it. Doesn't matter who the individuals are; as long as they both sign the contract, they should be legally married. Believe all the religious/spiritual stuff you want, but keep it OUT of the government.

/THREAD, lockitup.
FutureMD is SillyPutty, GIF's gave it away in the Batman Movie Shooting Thread. :lol:

Had Chick-Fil-A this morning, Their Spicy Chicken Sandwiches >>> *
Why are you guys arguing? Its fairly simple. You can't use reasoning that someone else doesn't believe I'm. The argument will always go around and round because you're continuously stuck on phase 1.
"You can bring a horse to water, but you can't for him to drink it...."

Present your opinion/case and keep it moving. You guys are stuck on forcing the next man to see things your way and adopt your convictions and beliefs. Keep it moving.....
Only an idiot wouldnt support gay marriage. Support it if only so theyll shut te **** up.

Sick of hearing them speak. Sick of seeing them march. I dont care about your sexual preference. Do you and ill do me.

End the madness. Let them marry and stop being a bigot, redneck, bible thumping idiot.I
Why are you guys arguing? Its fairly simple. You can't use reasoning that someone else doesn't believe I'm. The argument will always go around and round because you're continuously stuck on phase 1.
What is the guiding notion that would preclude you from thinking same-sex couples should not get married?

And you don't get to invoke leviticus either if you're going to ignore what the rest of what the SURROUNDING PARAGRAPHS in that verse have to say, while simultaneously saying that "we don't follow old testament law"

You might as well support exterminating gays. Lets be completely clear. Its not a hyperbole in the least, either.

Whats the point of having them around if they can't get the same rights?

The whole "love the sinner, hate the sin" argument is a passive agressive way to side-step having to actually form an opinion on people who are different from you.

Be honest with yourself. This is ONLY about the sexual act, not about "love" because if it was about "love" you wouldn't dare tell them not to be who they are. Like I said, its cool if you think two men/women having sex is gross. Just say that and be done with it. It kills your boner. Its icky. But hey, different strokes for different folks. There are probably some heterosexual people that hate oral sex, but can you blame them? Everyone gets their rocks off a different way. But you don't fantasize about fat people doing it either, nor are you able to really know what happens when your own two parents go behind closed doors. The roles could be reversed and you'd NEVER know. You can't legislate what happens in the bedroom between consenting adults. 

Its the same thing MLK chastised whites for who chose not to actively support minority rights, but merely refused to take a stance on the issue.

Does this sound familiar? :: "I don't dislike black people, I just don't want them marrying my white princess!"

There isn't any middle ground here. 
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Only an idiot wouldnt support gay marriage. Support it if only so theyll shut te **** up.

Sick of hearing them speak. Sick of seeing them march. I dont care about your sexual preference. Do you and ill do me.

End the madness. Let them marry and stop being a bigot, redneck, bible thumping idiot.I

Oh word? :rolleyes

I could say the same thing about people that support it.

This is why I love NT, If you're not a sheep like everyone else, You're an idiot. :stoneface: :nthat: :stoneface:
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Only an idiot wouldnt support gay marriage. Support it if only so theyll shut te **** up.

Sick of hearing them speak. Sick of seeing them march. I dont care about your sexual preference. Do you and ill do me.

End the madness. Let them marry and stop being a bigot, redneck, bible thumping idiot.I
Oh word?

I could say the same thing about people that support it.

This is why I love NT, If you're not a sheep like everyone else, You're an idiot.
Yeah, screw equal protection and recognition under the law!

How else would I know how to carry myself as a XY chromosome'd creation of God (capital G for some reason) if I didn't force other men to reinforce notions of what I should look like?

Those gay people really confuse me about who I am. How dare they make me question myself!

If anything else, forcing other dudes to be straight is probably the gayest thing out there. You're telling me you want statistically MORE sexual competition? 

Nothing else says "completely heterosexual" like surrounding yourself with a gang of other dudes...who ironically aren't into dudes.
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See this is why i'm seeing that nihilism just kinda shuts down most of these arguments.


You're just parroting arguments you've been exposed to without getting to the root of what it is you're presenting. 

What is marriage? Its always been society-dependent.

Its not an "inherent" or "self evident" thing.

Its not like gravity or math.

its a concept.

An idea.

A notion.

Marriage is nothing more than a business contract we've derived to benefit people who choose to consolidate resources.

You might as well deny gay people the right to exist and kill them off because we've already shown that people can actually be BORN with *****exual attraction, on top of just general bisexual curiosity. Its the desire to define "sex" that leads us to have this problem. Sometimes people just like poking stuff. End of story. Doesn't HAVE to be a vagina. Me personally, I prefer women exclusively but I don't see why I have to hate on the next man who decides otherwise.

Your meaning doesn't even MEAN anything. Understand that before we go any further.

Your concept of marriage has no actual meaning.

You can't use words that aren't even defined to then go further and use that to define something else. That invokes all sorts of degrees of logical fallacies. 

Plus, why do you swap definitions of marriage then? On one hand you say about the union, then you say its sex. Which is it? Then why do you overlook the rules and benefits that governments grant some citizens but not others?
Just a question...

Do you feel these contracts may be the reason why divorce rates are so high?  I can't say for sure, but I feel like this wasn't the thinking back when our parents or grandparents were doing it.  Not to say they were doing it right.

I am a Christian man, but I do feel that people should not be discriminated against for any reason.  So that means i'm going to Chick-Fil-A tomorrow, but I won't say thank you or be happy about it.
I think divorce rates are high because humanity has more options. We know that there is "more out there" and fewer people are willing to settle. People are staying in touch with more people they would have normally forgotten about. I also think divorce is high because theres no real need for it anymore. People increasingly don't cling to dogma so there is no inherent ritual in the matter. 

Divorce stats also depend on what you're looking at.

People with higher education tend to get married later BUT they stay together much longer.

People who get married younger tend to not stay together as long.

People who are struggling financially don't stay married as long.

Apparently (I don't really know how true this is) non-religious/secular people stay together longer.

There are all sorts of qualifiers. 

Stuff like birth control and sex education exists as well as sex being generally embraced more responsibly instead of being seen as some taboo, backroom subject. 

I can't say its a "good" or "bad" thing, it merely is just an evolution in the infrastructure of society at this point. 

Basically, if you want the best opinions on why divorce is so high, listen to a conservative radio-jock. We've moved beyond a society that they favored in decades past but our notion of the future isn't something we're willing to fully be honest with ourselves embrace so thats why we seem to be spinning our wheels on the matter.

Marriage isn't what it used to be, because it never really was "anything" in the first place. We're just now realizing it.

BTW, I know you say you're a "christian man," whatever you think that means, but how does it feel to challenge the verbatim text in your bible with your own internal moral conflict? Are you morally superior to a book and an entity that you simultaneously defer moral superiority to otherwise?

Who is making these decisions and how valid are they? You, or your bible?

Ideologically, I'm finding that its easier for me to respect fundamentalists because they're at least honest in their discrimination and bigotry. The bible says we should kill gays, several times. Its not ambiguous or even a question. Both in the old and new testament. The bible is clear on what it says about gays. But who are you as a self proclaimed "christian man" to really challenge that? Would a true believer really take fault with his religion?

I say this NOT to "come at you," but to merely see how rooted your faith is and what is the basis of thought you use to distinguish what you really believe, from what you WANT to believe i.e., picking and choosing. 
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