You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

Aw man, hearing about Chick-fil-a so much in the news is giving me that itch... I haven't eaten out in weeks but today...:nerd:
[COLOR=#red]I really don't care about a restaurant's social agenda if they have good food.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=#red]I really don't care about a restaurant's social agenda if they have good food.[/COLOR]

I have to admit when I first heard about this whole issue in the news the first thing I thought about was how good a spicy chicken sandwhich and waffle fries sounded.
One thing I have noticed is that food doesn't taste as good when you know that your money is lining the pockets of a bigot who turns around and donates money towards oppressing the happiness of others.
One thing I have noticed is that food doesn't taste as good when you know that your money is lining the pockets of a bigot who turns around and donates money towards oppressing the happiness of others.
When did chic-fil-a say they're not going to serve *****exuals? When did they say *****exuals are not welcome in they're places of business? They have an idea and they're sticking to it, more people should do that instead trying to follow the PC trends.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This, He's Christian... Christians believe amongst other things that being *****exual is a sin.  This is old news.... Has been that way since back in the day, way way back when Moses was rocking a New Testament Starter jacket.  Anyways, dude believes in what he believes in... I'm just tired of gay-right activists attacking religious cats.... Claiming that they "HATE ME".  For real, stop the damn pity parties already and go fight for your rights.  Here's a freaking clue... Christians don't hate you.  

America has turned into a country of everything is OK.  It's ok for your daughter to get an abortion without you knowing if she wants... All she has to do ask a guidance counselor and they will take her, it's ok to burn American Flags even though soldiers have died since our independence to keep this country free, nobody believes in crap anymore because it's politically incorrect too... Here's another clue if you don't stand for nothing you'll fall for everything.  Desensitizing, Demoralization, and the destruction of the United States from the inside out.  Rant over... going to but a Chicken sandwich, waffles fries, and a sweet tea.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This, He's Christian... Christians believe amongst other things that being *****exual is a sin.  This is old news.... Has been that way since back in the day, way way back when Moses was rocking a New Testament Starter jacket.  Anyways, dude believes in what he believes in... I'm just tired of gay-right activists attacking religious cats.... Claiming that they "HATE ME".  For real, stop the damn pity parties already and go fight for your rights.  Here's a freaking clue... Christians don't hate you.  

America has turned into a country of everything is OK.  It's ok for your daughter to get an abortion without you knowing if she wants... All she has to do ask a guidance counselor and they will take her, it's ok to burn American Flags even though soldiers have died since our independence to keep this country free, nobody believes in crap anymore because it's politically incorrect too... Here's another clue if you don't stand for nothing you'll fall for everything.  Desensitizing, Demoralization, and the destruction of the United States from the inside out.  Rant over... going to but a Chicken sandwich, waffles fries, and a sweet tea.
1. they are, people like you prevent it from happening though.

2. Yes, they do. :lol:

were you serious with this little rant? because it was AWFUL and just poorly put together.
When did chic-fil-a say they're not going to serve *****exuals? When did they say *****exuals are not welcome in they're places of business? They have an idea and they're sticking to it, more people should do that instead trying to follow the PC trends.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This, He's Christian... Christians believe amongst other things that being *****exual is a sin.  This is old news.... Has been that way since back in the day, way way back when Moses was rocking a New Testament Starter jacket.  Anyways, dude believes in what he believes in... I'm just tired of gay-right activists attacking religious cats.... Claiming that they "HATE ME".  For real, stop the damn pity parties already and go fight for your rights.  Here's a freaking clue... Christians don't hate you.  

America has turned into a country of everything is OK.  It's ok for your daughter to get an abortion without you knowing if she wants... All she has to do ask a guidance counselor and they will take her, it's ok to burn American Flags even though soldiers have died since our independence to keep this country free, nobody believes in crap anymore because it's politically incorrect too... Here's another clue if you don't stand for nothing you'll fall for everything.  Desensitizing, Demoralization, and the destruction of the United States from the inside out.  Rant over... going to but a Chicken sandwich, waffles fries, and a sweet tea.
So *****exuality is the capstone to the world's ills?

On top of that, what are you even saying?
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I think divorce rates are high because humanity has more options. We know that there is "more out there" and fewer people are willing to settle. People are staying in touch with more people they would have normally forgotten about. I also think divorce is high because theres no real need for it anymore. People increasingly don't cling to dogma so there is no inherent ritual in the matter. 

Divorce stats also depend on what you're looking at.

People with higher education tend to get married later BUT they stay together much longer.

People who get married younger tend to not stay together as long.

People who are struggling financially don't stay married as long.

Apparently (I don't really know how true this is) non-religious/secular people stay together longer.

There are all sorts of qualifiers. 

Stuff like birth control and sex education exists as well as sex being generally embraced more responsibly instead of being seen as some taboo, backroom subject. 

I can't say its a "good" or "bad" thing, it merely is just an evolution in the infrastructure of society at this point. 

Basically, if you want the best opinions on why divorce is so high, listen to a conservative radio-jock. We've moved beyond a society that they favored in decades past but our notion of the future isn't something we're willing to fully be honest with ourselves embrace so thats why we seem to be spinning our wheels on the matter.

Marriage isn't what it used to be, because it never really was "anything" in the first place. We're just now realizing it.

BTW, I know you say you're a "christian man," whatever you think that means, but how does it feel to challenge the verbatim text in your bible with your own internal moral conflict? Are you morally superior to a book and an entity that you simultaneously defer moral superiority to otherwise?

Who is making these decisions and how valid are they? You, or your bible?

Ideologically, I'm finding that its easier for me to respect fundamentalists because they're at least honest in their discrimination and bigotry. The bible says we should kill gays, several times. Its not ambiguous or even a question. Both in the old and new testament. The bible is clear on what it says about gays. But who are you as a self proclaimed "christian man" to really challenge that? Would a true believer really take fault with his religion?

I say this NOT to "come at you," but to merely see how rooted your faith is and what is the basis of thought you use to distinguish what you really believe, from what you WANT to believe i.e., picking and choosing. 
Thanks for taking the time to respond to a "newbie"

Those are completely fair questions to ask and hope this answers them for you...

1.  As a "Christian" man,  I do feel that living by the crux of the gospel (i.e the 10 commandments) has done my life some good and given me a moral code that I wouldn't have had growing up in the environment I did as a child.  Did I stray at one point in time, yes. But I never forget where I came from and why I feel I am where I am today.  

2. It is my personal belief that times do change and you have to adjust your thought process for them.  So I do not agree verbatim with anything(much to the chagrin of my Pastor).  As an "educated' man,  I feel that you must be able to process and use the information you are given on your own.  

3. It has long been my belief that my judgments really mean nothing at the end of the day.  If you really believe in Christ God, then you believe that he will come back one day and be the judge of us all.  So why would I waste my time telling someone else what they are.  Just doesn't make any sense to me. There are hypocrites in all walks of life including the church 

So I repeat, I am in no way a blind sheep but I did derive my moral code from the Bible and will continue to live by it. My faith will continue to be my own and at this point in my life, it's not changing. Just like you have a right to your opinions and beliefs. Feel me?
I could go into specifics but honestly, if you don't take your religion seriously, why should I do it for you?

You really aren't consistent with how you validate what you choose to adhere to.

No diss, but if you want to pick and choose what to follow, just say so. Don't try to pass it off as some sort of higher-level understanding of "faith" that escapes the rest of us. It comes off as an excuse used to preclude others from inquiring as to how you stand on certain issues or elicit more detailed responses about your status, namely religion. 
1. they are, people like you prevent it from happening though.

2. Yes, they do. :lol:

were you serious with this little rant? because it was AWFUL and just poorly put together.
You just said that Christians hate *****exuals.  I'm assuming because it says homesexuality is a sin in the Bible.  By your "logic", therefore, Christians hate other sinners as well.  Seeing as everyone sins, you're going so far as to say that all Christians hate themselves.  Oh, ok.
It'd be funny if some of you guys end up having kids who are gay. 

Sitting there scratching your head thinking that playing "catch" and wearing pants was enough to do the trick. 
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You just said that Christians hate *****exuals.  I'm assuming because it says homesexuality is a sin in the Bible.  By your "logic", therefore, Christians hate other sinners as well.  Seeing as everyone sins, you're going so far as to say that all Christians hate themselves.  Oh, ok.
logically, yes thats how I imagine it would work.

but Christians arent really big on logic, just picking and choosing what parts of their religion they want to enforce on others and what parts they choose to ignore for their own benefit.
They have more than equal rights.

They are pushing for and receiving a quasi-protected and elevated social status.
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"Science is a religion"

You just said that Christians hate *****exuals.  I'm assuming because it says homesexuality is a sin in the Bible.  By your "logic", therefore, Christians hate other sinners as well.  Seeing as everyone sins, you're going so far as to say that all Christians hate themselves.  Oh, ok.

But Christians have rituals that absolve them of sins so they won't hate themselves. Although, self-hate would explain some things.
They have more than equal rights.

They are pushing for and receiving a quasi-protected and elevated social status.
I don't follow this line of thinking at all...

Please explain how they are receiving "quasi protected and elevated social status" Vs. a heterosexual person.
I don't follow this line of thinking at all...

Please explain how they are receiving "quasi protected and elevated social status" Vs. a heterosexual person.
First it's marriage, then it's brainwashing all heterosexuals and turning them into gays and lesbians. Don't fall for the liberal agenda.
logically, yes thats how I imagine it would work.

but Christians arent really big on logic, just picking and choosing what parts of their religion they want to enforce on others and what parts they choose to ignore for their own benefit.
I tend to avoid blanket statements like this, but many do.

However, it would be more approrpiate to find fault in the humans, as opposed to the faith that they follow (to varying degrees of efficacy)
I'm not a part of y'all society bros.

Argue and slander away.

None of your babble concerns me in the least.
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