Wrestling Thread Dec30-Jan5 | 12/30 Final Raw of 2013 - MAJOR Return Tonight

Missed out on the Kobes miserably so time to come back to the only thread on NT that makes me happy

at the end. :smokin
Ambrose is so good. Too good. When I read about people calling his ring work boring I'm like.. Oh, you probably think Orton is boring in the ring too. OK.

Them boys just methodical. Unless you do 450 splashes, moonsaults, and death defying moves on a daily basis you're boring to them. Part 2 of the Jim Cornette and JR podcast explains how I feel about a lot of this new style wrestling.
"This is apparently the ring attire that Daniel Bryan will be wearing now as an official member of the Wyatt Family, taken at tonight's live event in Greensboro."

Quote I found on Facebook via twitter.
I can't believe Bryan is really a member of the Wyatts. He's gonna explode though when he turns on then though. Would wrestlemania be too soon?
Looks like I'll be seeing Bryan and which ever Wyatt wears the goat mask picking up my trash Monday morning
Yea IF they were smart with the merch, they would make DB wear a Goat Mask with a built in beard.
Don't think I'll be able to make Raw live in Bmore on Monday...kinda bummed. Would like to see the reaction this Daniel Bryan Wyatt Fam member thing gets...was there back in the summer when Wyatts first debuted and the crowd was chanting Husky Harris..
man can't believe we went from the crowd (granted it was seattle) eating from the palm of his hand, to being led by Bray effin' Wyatt :rolleyes
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