Wrestling Thread Dec30-Jan5 | 12/30 Final Raw of 2013 - MAJOR Return Tonight

Wrestle Kingdom

Someone has uploaded it to YouTube.



I know I'm late to the party, but this is my first time watching New Japan Wrestling and I feel like I've been deprived of moves watching WWF/WWE
.  The Young Bucks are nice, though the DX/Shawn Michaels influence is heavy.  WWE stars can definitely learn a thing or two watching these guys.  Makes me dislike these one dimensional wrestlers even more
This wrestle Kingdom was pretty weak. Probably the worst in the last five years. Hopefully, they give up on pushing Naito now.

:lol: At the recycle crowd shots. Unless they really enjoy TNA and travel to all those venues and coincidentally are seated in exact same locations with the same group of people 60% of the time, every time.
This wrestle Kingdom was pretty weak. Probably the worst in the last five years. Hopefully, they give up on pushing Naito now.
People hate Japanese Robert Gibson man. I love the Stardust Press though. Thing of beauty

I know I'm late to the party, but this is my first time watching New Japan Wrestling and I feel like I've been deprived of moves watching WWF/WWE :lol: :smh: . The Young Bucks are nice, though the DX/Shawn Michaels influence is heavy. WWE stars can definitely learn a thing or two watching these guys. Makes me dislike these one dimensional wrestlers even more :lol:
I am trying to figure out which one of those Yung Bucks is the Jenetty. But yea, you are deprived man. If you want to get hip to some New Japan let me know. I can let you know of some good matches of the past.

Anyone that watched Wrestle Kingdom have a problem with the sound cutting out?
Yea that always happens on their IPPVs for some reason

match was ehh ....
Yea nothing special
I thought he was going to wear either overalls or that mechanic's uniform he got on. Overalls would've been cool.
Been watching the Virgil/DiBiase series of matches and Bobby Hennan on the COlor was pure magic man. The commentary during this match overall was solid.


Not suprised who got the #1 shine.
Cena with The Shovel's reaction
Big E voice throws me off. I think he is going to have a deep voice but then he talks like that.
The nerve of our guy Club to not let us know he already had a WWE tryout match a couple years ago vs Brodus Clay :smh:

- For what it’s worth, it’s said that Triple H vs. CM Punk for WrestleMania XXX is a lock. Plans are to do another “Summer of Punk” style program, possibly leading to Punk vs. Batista at SummerSlam.

- The feeling is that when Roman Reigns turns babyface and splits from The Shield, likely in February, that he will be replaced with a new member in the group. Mason Ryan’s name has been discussed.

what about replacing Reigns with Batista?

then again why replace...let them all get individual shine
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