Wrestling Thread April 13-19 | 4/19 TNA Lockdown PPV from Philadelphia - Sting vs Mick Foley

@ douchtista.

Yeah, I'm tired of HHH. I'll never see him as a "legend", when he retires, because him piping the boss' daughter taints his career. I dowish he'd get injured or something, because he's not good for business.
This gives away the Backlash ending doesn't it?
Only way I don't see Edge becoming new champ is if Punk cashes in.
Solid wrestlng throughout the night minus the main event. I must say the draft shows usualy have the best night of wrestling on free tv for the year. HGHshould change his name to the Undertaker, since he truley burries everyone.
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by 22stylez

a jericho/undertaker feud is upon us
I'm not gonna lie...I didn't want Jericho to get moved, but a Y2J vs. 'Taker feud would be
(have they even feuded before?)...

And word @ the lack of major heels on RAW... I guess Big Show is technically the #2 heel, but he sort of plays the tweener role. That's why the WWE should do the right thing and turn Batista heel at Backlash instead of going with the predictable McMahon route.

Info/Recap on the HHH vs. Booker feud? I wasn't watching wrestling anymore at the time...
yea i really didnt want jericho to get moved BUT he'll just get buried by ego h and douchtista. and i'm not gonna lie if smackdown was moved to say thursday i'd tune into smackdown more cause friday nights are for goin out...

i'd say the most logical thing to do is move smackdown to thursday and move Superstars or whatever to friday.

Haven't caught an episode of SD in about two months...Supertars and SD should get switched.

The problem with that is the Thursday lineup on the big channels. 7-Survivor, 8-CSI, 9-The Office, 30 Rock, Grey's Anatomy. It would be bad business to try to compete with that. They might be able to pull of a 6-8 show, which would be best, but anything else would most likely not keep up with the competition especially on a low profile channel
Smackdown did just fine when it used to be on Thursday nights and that was when the other stations' Thursday lineups were much stronger thanthey are now. Smackdown really targets a different demographic than those shows. I can guarantee regardless, they would draw at least 0.5 higher ratings onThursday than they currently get on Friday nights.

Care to take a peek at the inner-workings of World Wrestling Entertainment? Want to know what makes WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon tick? Well, now's your chance.

During the season premiere of E:60 tonight at 7 p.m. ET on ESPN, the newsmagazine program profiles McMahon and delves into the cultural phenomena of WWE on the eve of this year's WrestleMania. Host Jeremy Schaap scored interviews with WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan, current World Heavyweight Champion John Cena and the Chairman among others. During the segment, Schaap even takes E:60 cameras into a WWE writers' session.

Be sure to catch all the action and interviews tonight at 7 p.m. ET on ESPN.

I'll be at the Sixers game tonight, but am DVR'ing this. I am definitely interested to see how it comes across. I'm sure the WWE had heavy say in what actually gets shown on ESPN.


Tommy Dreamer, Finlay and Christian continue the Elimination Chase to Backlash as they pursue their hunt for Jack Swagger's ECW Title. See who is the nextto go in the Triple Threat Match on ECW on Sci Fi at 9/8 CT.

Maybe the reason Christian didn't get drafted is because he is still part of this Chase match. Hopefully he loses tonight and is drafted in theSupplemental Draft tomorrow.
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- Some of the workers were joking backstage last night that WWE broke an established trend by not having anyone attempt felony murder against Vince McMahon after the draft[/font]
I knew something about the draft felt a littleincomplete.
@ last week's thread being bumped up and dudes having discussions...I was sittin here like "hold up...I KNOW I read all this @%*% before"

This week's SD seems like it's trash.
Watching the replay of wrestlemania right now. Matt Hardy's twist of fate was filthy. Taker match is bout to start and that's what I wanna watch. Btw,anybody have pics of HBK's wife?
Evan Bourne vs Morrison was a great match.

I thought the E60 piece was done very well.
at Vince saying he'snever going to die.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Evan Bourne vs Morrison was a great match.

I thought the E60 piece was done very well.
at Vince saying he's never going to die.
QFE... i would have LOVED to have seen a shot of everyone in that writers room...
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