Wrestling Thread April 13-19 | 4/19 TNA Lockdown PPV from Philadelphia - Sting vs Mick Foley

When he just straight up buried Booker, who was at the height of his popularity, at WM 19 after all the borderline racist promos sealed the deal for me. Bookernever recovered until he became the greatness that was KING BOOKAH and we all know who ended that too.

That and being the first World Heavyweight Champion by having it awarded to him by Bischoff are top two Omega Moments.
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

When he just straight up buried Booker, who was at the height of his popularity, at WM 19 after all the borderline racist promos sealed the deal for me. Booker never recovered until he became the greatness that was KING BOOKAH and we all know who ended that too.

That and being the first World Heavyweight Champion by having it awarded to him by Bischoff are top two Omega Moments.

Man that whole angle pissed me off.

Triple H just stopped short of calling Booker a #++!++ during that feud. The least he could've done was put him over @ Mania.
I'll be updating the thread later today, but make sure everyone checks on the E60 piece on WM25 on ESPN.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

When he just straight up buried Booker, who was at the height of his popularity, at WM 19 after all the borderline racist promos sealed the deal for me. Booker never recovered until he became the greatness that was KING BOOKAH and we all know who ended that too.

That and being the first World Heavyweight Champion by having it awarded to him by Bischoff are top two Omega Moments.

Man that whole angle pissed me off.

Triple H just stopped short of calling Booker a #++!++ during that feud. The least he could've done was put him over @ Mania.

ironically, as was going through my old unlabeled tapes, i came across this... book put on a show, too.... still pissed that he didnt win....
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I'll be updating the thread later today, but make sure everyone checks on the E60 piece on WM25 on ESPN.

They aired a clip from that piece on yesterdays Sportscenter. Vince allowed ESPN's cameras in for their WM25 writer'smeeting, Triple H was front and center.

-HHH needed to be put on Raw officially because I really think they are gonna go back to sticking to the brands. I think they ended up having to break thebarriers to the brands to get matches at WM. They ended up crossing brand for like 5 matches. With this being said, I didn't realize then that means thatRaw has 2 titles. With Cena not going to Smackdown tonight, either Edge wins or Punk cashes in, but hopefully it's just an Edge win and they give Punk alittle bit of a title reign with the MITB.
-Matt Hardy did not need to go to Raw, but I think it's an easy way out of not mentioning the Hardy's feud anymore and discontinuing it.
-Diva switch. I really thought that Melina going to SMackdown meant that they would just unite the Women's title again. Why the $@!$ is there 2 women'stitles? I know there's like 20 divas currently in the WWE, but very few are title-worthy
-Miz and Morrison. I was hoping for Morrison to Smackdown, but Miz to Raw just means he'll be in the US Title hunt
-MVP. I like MVP moving to Raw, but they need to get him away from that US Title. As long as he holds it, he can't be a main eventer.
-Punk and Jericho. Good decisions. They needs to be main eventers and Smackdown is the perfect place for them to be that. Hopefully we will be seeing someEdge, Jeff Hardy, Jericho, Punk and Undertaker main events. Hopefully keeping Kane away from the title.
-Big Show was just plain pointless though. At least it opens up Smackdown and he will no longer be a main eventer on Raw with people like HHH, Orton, Cena,Batista, and HBK. And then we can see some mid-card talent make some moves. MVP, Miz, Kofi, and a few others to run the upper mid card for a while and makesome moves to the main event

It was a big letdown for Christian not to be moved, how is he gonna get left on ECW? Morrison also needs to be moved and something needs to be done about thetitles situation.

I think it was a good enough Draft, but very predictable with what was gonna happen. The Raw of course ended on a terrible note with Legacy getting buriedagain by HHH, Batista and Shane. HHH should not be facing Orton 1 on 1 the week before Backlash, even if the match will be 3 on 3.
I am much more interested in watching Smackdown than Raw after tonight.

Disappointed Christian and Morrison didn't go to Smackdown but maybe they'll move on Wednesday.

All joking aside. HHH really needs to %%%*%@% retire or go the HBK/Undertaker route. What the hell does he have left to accomplish? By staying around in mainevents so long and burying everyone, all he's doing is losing fans and ruining the legacy of what was once a solid career. Step aside already youegomaniacal assclown.
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

-MVP. I like MVP moving to Raw, but they need to get him away from that US Title. As long as he holds it, he can't be a main eventer.

As long as MVP is a face on Raw, he will be behind the ranks of Balcotista, Cena and the Almighty HGH. They need to turn him heel again if he's to becomea main eventer. Who's the #2 heel on Raw now?? Matt Hardy?
seriously i think it was a good move to move kozlov to ecw. now he'll have more time to develop into a BETTER wrestler and will be on the perfect show.smackdown was too high for him IMO.

they really needed to move christian and morrison to smackdown. i think when edge won the 15 man battle royal i thought it was a perfect time to bring inchristian to smackdown. a way for them to introduce these two's history a lil bit and tease us to a possible feud or team up. i would like cena moved tosmackdown but i wanna see how they handle having BOTH cena AND ego H. seeing ego h's intro when gettin drafted and then seeing cena in the ring makes meglad that we have cena on raw too so that ego H won't bury EVERYONE

and this douchetista/ego h team is soooooo STUPIDDDDDDDDDD they really need to make ego H a heel again...AND/or douchtista...they both are long overdue a heelturn

and IMO i think smackdown and raw are pretty balanced. sure raw has a lot of talent and main eventers BUT look at smackdown:
jeff hardy
rey mysterio?

hopefully a jericho/undertaker feud is upon us
Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

-MVP. I like MVP moving to Raw, but they need to get him away from that US Title. As long as he holds it, he can't be a main eventer.

As long as MVP is a face on Raw, he will be behind the ranks of Balcotista, Cena and the Almighty HGH. They need to turn him heel again if he's to become a main eventer. Who's the #2 heel on Raw now?? Matt Hardy?

It looks like Matt Hardy is the #2 heel on Raw right now with the departure of Jericho. And I don't see him doing much of anything on Raw, I just don'tsee where he fits in on Raw even though there is a lack of heels now.

I completely forgot that now Shelton might be going towards the main event. Smackdown is open for a person like him, but he might have to try to go face topull it off

at Mike Knox coming out to rep Raw when he I forgot he was even still with the WWE
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

-MVP. I like MVP moving to Raw, but they need to get him away from that US Title. As long as he holds it, he can't be a main eventer.

As long as MVP is a face on Raw, he will be behind the ranks of Balcotista, Cena and the Almighty HGH. They need to turn him heel again if he's to become a main eventer. Who's the #2 heel on Raw now?? Matt Hardy?

It looks like Matt Hardy is the #2 heel on Raw right now with the departure of Jericho. And I don't see him doing much of anything on Raw, I just don't see where he fits in on Raw even though there is a lack of heels now.

I completely forgot that now Shelton might be going towards the main event. Smackdown is open for a person like him, but he might have to try to go face to pull it off

at Mike Knox coming out to rep Raw when he I forgot he was even still with the WWE

i wish "that big bully" would get wished well in his future endeavors....

and IcoProtista is so f'ing lame... i want him to turn on gravediggerH then tear both MCLs and ACLs the next time he shakes the ropes
Originally Posted by 22stylez

a jericho/undertaker feud is upon us
I'm not gonna lie...I didn't want Jericho to get moved, but a Y2J vs. 'Taker feud would be
(have they even feuded before?)...

And word @ the lack of major heels on RAW... I guess Big Show is technically the #2 heel, but he sort of plays the tweener role. That's why the WWE shoulddo the right thing and turn Batista heel at Backlash instead of going with the predictable McMahon route.

Info/Recap on the HHH vs. Booker feud? I wasn't watching wrestling anymore at the time...
Originally Posted by DimondJ15

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

-MVP. I like MVP moving to Raw, but they need to get him away from that US Title. As long as he holds it, he can't be a main eventer.

As long as MVP is a face on Raw, he will be behind the ranks of Balcotista, Cena and the Almighty HGH. They need to turn him heel again if he's to become a main eventer. Who's the #2 heel on Raw now?? Matt Hardy?

It looks like Matt Hardy is the #2 heel on Raw right now with the departure of Jericho. And I don't see him doing much of anything on Raw, I just don't see where he fits in on Raw even though there is a lack of heels now.

I completely forgot that now Shelton might be going towards the main event. Smackdown is open for a person like him, but he might have to try to go face to pull it off

at Mike Knox coming out to rep Raw when he I forgot he was even still with the WWE

i wish "that big bully" would get wished well in his future endeavors....

and IcoProtista is so f'ing lame... i want him to turn on gravediggerH then tear both MCLs and ACLs the next time he shakes the ropes
Who else saw HHH grab for his left leg in the match? I was hoping he would at least be put out of commission for a short amount of time so wecould at least have some HHH-free time
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by 22stylez

a jericho/undertaker feud is upon us
I'm not gonna lie...I didn't want Jericho to get moved, but a Y2J vs. 'Taker feud would be
(have they even feuded before?)...

And word @ the lack of major heels on RAW... I guess Big Show is technically the #2 heel, but he sort of plays the tweener role. That's why the WWE should do the right thing and turn Batista heel at Backlash instead of going with the predictable McMahon route.

Info/Recap on the HHH vs. Booker feud? I wasn't watching wrestling anymore at the time...
yea i really didnt want jericho to get moved BUT he'll just get buried by ego h and douchtista. and i'm not gonna lie if smackdown wasmoved to say thursday i'd tune into smackdown more cause friday nights are for goin out...

i'd say the most logical thing to do is move smackdown to thursday and move Superstars or whatever to friday.
Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by 22stylez

a jericho/undertaker feud is upon us
I'm not gonna lie...I didn't want Jericho to get moved, but a Y2J vs. 'Taker feud would be
(have they even feuded before?)...

And word @ the lack of major heels on RAW... I guess Big Show is technically the #2 heel, but he sort of plays the tweener role. That's why the WWE should do the right thing and turn Batista heel at Backlash instead of going with the predictable McMahon route.

Info/Recap on the HHH vs. Booker feud? I wasn't watching wrestling anymore at the time...
yea i really didnt want jericho to get moved BUT he'll just get buried by ego h and douchtista. and i'm not gonna lie if smackdown was moved to say thursday i'd tune into smackdown more cause friday nights are for goin out...

i'd say the most logical thing to do is move smackdown to thursday and move Superstars or whatever to friday.

Haven't caught an episode of SD in about two months...Supertars and SD should get switched.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I'll be updating the thread later today, but make sure everyone checks on the E60 piece on WM25 on ESPN.

anyone know when will they replay this? Will it be a ESPN special or news in ESPN NEWS/sportscenter ??
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by 22stylez

a jericho/undertaker feud is upon us
I'm not gonna lie...I didn't want Jericho to get moved, but a Y2J vs. 'Taker feud would be
(have they even feuded before?)...

And word @ the lack of major heels on RAW... I guess Big Show is technically the #2 heel, but he sort of plays the tweener role. That's why the WWE should do the right thing and turn Batista heel at Backlash instead of going with the predictable McMahon route.

Info/Recap on the HHH vs. Booker feud? I wasn't watching wrestling anymore at the time...
yea i really didnt want jericho to get moved BUT he'll just get buried by ego h and douchtista. and i'm not gonna lie if smackdown was moved to say thursday i'd tune into smackdown more cause friday nights are for goin out...

i'd say the most logical thing to do is move smackdown to thursday and move Superstars or whatever to friday.

Haven't caught an episode of SD in about two months...Supertars and SD should get switched.

The problem with that is the Thursday lineup on the big channels. 7-Survivor, 8-CSI, 9-The Office, 30 Rock, Grey's Anatomy. It would be bad business to tryto compete with that. They might be able to pull of a 6-8 show, which would be best, but anything else would most likely not keep up with the competitionespecially on a low profile channel
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

"If Tommy is a legend, then so is the Brooklyn Brawler." DAMMMMMNNNN!!!! Todd Grisham bringing the ether.
I was like

When I heard him say that.
Originally Posted by nyzMaGiciAn

Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

"If Tommy is a legend, then so is the Brooklyn Brawler." DAMMMMMNNNN!!!! Todd Grisham bringing the ether.
I was like

When I heard him say that.

what got me was when JR said he'd have to agree
Originally Posted by damnitzvin

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I'll be updating the thread later today, but make sure everyone checks on the E60 piece on WM25 on ESPN.

anyone know when will they replay this? Will it be a ESPN special or news in ESPN NEWS/sportscenter ??

It is on tomorrow. Check your guide to see what time its on.

at whoever called Batistsa IcoProtista
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