WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by WILLINC

Cena's definitely not winning on Sunday now.

Disagree.  Cena wins which will set up the eventual Cena vs Rock match for the title, most likely at Summerslam.
I disagree with you 4W. Cena-Rock doesn't NEED the title to be a legit feud. At this point, the Miz pretty much needs the title to be seen as a legitimate threat. I say Rock costs Cena the belt at WM setting up their feud for Summerslam.
I completely agree with you, and hopefully the feud isn't about the title, because the belt would just seem like a throwaway prop (not that it isn't treated that way most of the time anyway).  But I still think Cena wins the title at Mania, especially if this match is going on last.  Assuming Del Rio wins the World Title, I can't imagine two heel champions coming out of Mania.

With the way WWE switches titles, Cena will probably drop it back to the Miz by Backlash, and then they can focus on Cena and The Rock.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

They created Juan Cena to avoid pissing off Cena's fanbase (kids and their parents). A heel move would be terrible at this point and Vince knows it. The difference b/w Cena and Hogan is that Hogan eventually grew to be hated because the fans finally learned how the business worked, he even commented on that. Cena however is hated because the WWE forces his brand and image down our throats every week and he's a huge proponent for why the WWE is currently the way it is.
Completely agree.  Did you see how much Cena merchandise was in the stands last night despite him being overwhelmingly booed?  Vince doesn't care if grown men want to boo Cena, that's not his target demographic.  WWE makes all their money off parents buying their children Cena merchandise and Mattel action figures.  I know business is up right now leading into Mania, but it's safe to say that ratings and attendance will take their usual drops after Mania, and at that point, it's back to merchandise and toys to carry WWE.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

They created Juan Cena to avoid pissing off Cena's fanbase (kids and their parents). A heel move would be terrible at this point and Vince knows it. The difference b/w Cena and Hogan is that Hogan eventually grew to be hated because the fans finally learned how the business worked, he even commented on that. Cena however is hated because the WWE forces his brand and image down our throats every week and he's a huge proponent for why the WWE is currently the way it is.
Completely agree.  Did you see how much Cena merchandise was in the stands last night despite him being overwhelmingly booed?  Vince doesn't care if grown men want to boo Cena, that's not his target demographic.  WWE makes all their money off parents buying their children Cena merchandise and Mattel action figures.  I know business is up right now leading into Mania, but it's safe to say that ratings and attendance will take their usual drops after Mania, and at that point, it's back to merchandise and toys to carry WWE.
I thought that the HHH Taker Michaels promo was the best one I have seen in years.
There were legit sentements that would never be present in a Rock ,Cena feud.
As much as we love the character of The Rock
Even smarks feel that Shawn legit doesnt want HHH to end that streak. If only cause Shawn couldnt/ didnt get booked to end the streak.
I thought that the HHH Taker Michaels promo was the best one I have seen in years.
There were legit sentements that would never be present in a Rock ,Cena feud.
As much as we love the character of The Rock
Even smarks feel that Shawn legit doesnt want HHH to end that streak. If only cause Shawn couldnt/ didnt get booked to end the streak.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

The Rock is the only person who is still able to physically wrestle a full schedule who could single handedly turn CENA heel. Everything else would have to be a group and the story would never be good enough. Cena is not turning heel for the forseeable future unless Vince gets a burr up his @!% gets at least 85% control of the company and says to hell with advertisement and lets the personalities take on a mind of their own. Wrestling fans dont care who is the hero and who is the villian as long as those guys can play the part and right now sans Miz everyone in the WWE is either booked in a terrible fashion. (Orton tonight) or stuck behind inferior wrestlers and or actors. ( Christian ,CM punk) and or cannot live up to the shadows of the guys that are still there  (HHH, Taker and to a lesser extent Edge)

Now were stuck in a situation where Vince has to answer to board members and stock holders and he cannot turn down the corporate money hes recieving as a result of the PG era. That board is never going to pass up on a guaranteed income with guaranteed dividends to please a segnment of people who they in their ignorance whould characterise as not having grown up.

 Its too bad Dixie Carter is too much of an idiot to see that she can single handedly bring the 18-35 audience back to wrestling in record numbers.
If she were to go out and get a CM Punk, a Christian ( again) and live with 2.0 ratings for a while. If she would get rid of the old farts who stated from day 1 that they were running the show and just taking Dixie's money cause it was there, maybe her head wouldnt always be stuck so far up her own @!% that she cant justify her involvement in this business. If she would for god's sake stop taping shows 3 weeks in advance, travel at least every week, and find 30 men and 10 women to develop/ help sustain the business she would be just fine.
I agree with you that The Rock is probably the only person who can turn Cena heel, and even then, I don't know.  I know a lot of these little kids look at Rock as the heel in this program.

To me, the only 100% guaranteed way to turn Cena heel is have evil Mr. McMahon return, and have Cena swerve everyone joining him to become the corporate champion (obviously replaying angles they've done in the past).  I think that is the only way you get the little kids to turn on Cena.

You're right on about Vince having to answer to shareholders.  With PPV and other business aspects way down, he needs to deliver something to them to make money, and merchandise and toys are where it's at.  However, doing this leaves WWE in just a holding pattern that may slowly continue to sink them.  Many times the best companies need to dramatically change things, even if it means a short term hit, to better the company long term.  Turn Cena heel would only be one part to this, but it could be the start of a bigger sign of change in WWE.

As for TNA, it's been proven by this point that it doesn't matter what talent you bring in (outside of a Rock, Austin, or Cena), it's not going to affect the rating in any significant way.  Hogan, Sting, Foley, Nash, Hall, Angle, Hardy, Hardy, RVD, Christian, ECW, and the list goes on.  It's the product that's the problem.  And I really don't think it has anything to do with travel or taping weeks in advance.  It's simply the writing is awful.  Nothing makes sense.  Matches are extremely short and meaningless.  They throw 10,000 things at you a show, and fans don't remember any of it.  They constantly use insider references that go over 99.9% of the audience's head.  TNA is WWE-light, but only a worse product.  So why the hell would anyone tune in?  TNA needs to clean house.  Start fresh.  Go back to simple, old school logical book with great 10, 15, 20 minute matches.  But that won't happen as long as Dixie is in charge.  The company will probably go out of business first.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

The Rock is the only person who is still able to physically wrestle a full schedule who could single handedly turn CENA heel. Everything else would have to be a group and the story would never be good enough. Cena is not turning heel for the forseeable future unless Vince gets a burr up his @!% gets at least 85% control of the company and says to hell with advertisement and lets the personalities take on a mind of their own. Wrestling fans dont care who is the hero and who is the villian as long as those guys can play the part and right now sans Miz everyone in the WWE is either booked in a terrible fashion. (Orton tonight) or stuck behind inferior wrestlers and or actors. ( Christian ,CM punk) and or cannot live up to the shadows of the guys that are still there  (HHH, Taker and to a lesser extent Edge)

Now were stuck in a situation where Vince has to answer to board members and stock holders and he cannot turn down the corporate money hes recieving as a result of the PG era. That board is never going to pass up on a guaranteed income with guaranteed dividends to please a segnment of people who they in their ignorance whould characterise as not having grown up.

 Its too bad Dixie Carter is too much of an idiot to see that she can single handedly bring the 18-35 audience back to wrestling in record numbers.
If she were to go out and get a CM Punk, a Christian ( again) and live with 2.0 ratings for a while. If she would get rid of the old farts who stated from day 1 that they were running the show and just taking Dixie's money cause it was there, maybe her head wouldnt always be stuck so far up her own @!% that she cant justify her involvement in this business. If she would for god's sake stop taping shows 3 weeks in advance, travel at least every week, and find 30 men and 10 women to develop/ help sustain the business she would be just fine.
I agree with you that The Rock is probably the only person who can turn Cena heel, and even then, I don't know.  I know a lot of these little kids look at Rock as the heel in this program.

To me, the only 100% guaranteed way to turn Cena heel is have evil Mr. McMahon return, and have Cena swerve everyone joining him to become the corporate champion (obviously replaying angles they've done in the past).  I think that is the only way you get the little kids to turn on Cena.

You're right on about Vince having to answer to shareholders.  With PPV and other business aspects way down, he needs to deliver something to them to make money, and merchandise and toys are where it's at.  However, doing this leaves WWE in just a holding pattern that may slowly continue to sink them.  Many times the best companies need to dramatically change things, even if it means a short term hit, to better the company long term.  Turn Cena heel would only be one part to this, but it could be the start of a bigger sign of change in WWE.

As for TNA, it's been proven by this point that it doesn't matter what talent you bring in (outside of a Rock, Austin, or Cena), it's not going to affect the rating in any significant way.  Hogan, Sting, Foley, Nash, Hall, Angle, Hardy, Hardy, RVD, Christian, ECW, and the list goes on.  It's the product that's the problem.  And I really don't think it has anything to do with travel or taping weeks in advance.  It's simply the writing is awful.  Nothing makes sense.  Matches are extremely short and meaningless.  They throw 10,000 things at you a show, and fans don't remember any of it.  They constantly use insider references that go over 99.9% of the audience's head.  TNA is WWE-light, but only a worse product.  So why the hell would anyone tune in?  TNA needs to clean house.  Start fresh.  Go back to simple, old school logical book with great 10, 15, 20 minute matches.  But that won't happen as long as Dixie is in charge.  The company will probably go out of business first.
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Disagree.  Cena wins which will set up the eventual Cena vs Rock match for the title, most likely at Summerslam.
I disagree with you 4W. Cena-Rock doesn't NEED the title to be a legit feud. At this point, the Miz pretty much needs the title to be seen as a legitimate threat. I say Rock costs Cena the belt at WM setting up their feud for Summerslam.
The guy's been World Champion for four months now. How long do you have to be World Champion in order to be considered legitimate?

He could be champion for four years people still won't see him as legitimate.
Exactly, it's not about the belt.  It's about how you are booked.  Miz just joins the ranks of Sheamus, Swagger, Mysterio.  All guys who were the champion, but their runs were meaningless because they were never booked as the champion.  Whether you're a heel or a face, you need to be put over a clean.  It will do absolutely ZERO harm to guys like Cena, Orton, HHH, etc to be beaten clean every once in a while, ESPECIALLY BY THE FREAKING CHAMPION.  But no, anytime Miz gets a win over a top name, it's by some chicken**** reason with a loophole or outside interference.  It's so sad that we can literally count The Miz's clean wins since he's become champion on less than one hand.
-Daniel Bryan
-John Morrison
-Jerry Lawler

Pathetic booking.
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Disagree.  Cena wins which will set up the eventual Cena vs Rock match for the title, most likely at Summerslam.
I disagree with you 4W. Cena-Rock doesn't NEED the title to be a legit feud. At this point, the Miz pretty much needs the title to be seen as a legitimate threat. I say Rock costs Cena the belt at WM setting up their feud for Summerslam.
The guy's been World Champion for four months now. How long do you have to be World Champion in order to be considered legitimate?

He could be champion for four years people still won't see him as legitimate.
Exactly, it's not about the belt.  It's about how you are booked.  Miz just joins the ranks of Sheamus, Swagger, Mysterio.  All guys who were the champion, but their runs were meaningless because they were never booked as the champion.  Whether you're a heel or a face, you need to be put over a clean.  It will do absolutely ZERO harm to guys like Cena, Orton, HHH, etc to be beaten clean every once in a while, ESPECIALLY BY THE FREAKING CHAMPION.  But no, anytime Miz gets a win over a top name, it's by some chicken**** reason with a loophole or outside interference.  It's so sad that we can literally count The Miz's clean wins since he's become champion on less than one hand.
-Daniel Bryan
-John Morrison
-Jerry Lawler

Pathetic booking.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I decided I'm ordering a pizza for Mania.

Anyone getting snacks?

Spoiler [+]
I'm hungry.

My menu will consist of wings, mac n cheese, pizza, chips, pretzels, and Dr. Pepper.  Probably laying off the beer, at least early in the day.  I need to be coherent for the entire show.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I decided I'm ordering a pizza for Mania.

Anyone getting snacks?

Spoiler [+]
I'm hungry.

My menu will consist of wings, mac n cheese, pizza, chips, pretzels, and Dr. Pepper.  Probably laying off the beer, at least early in the day.  I need to be coherent for the entire show.
My time has come.....

When I ascend to the NTWF Valhalla, the Gods will Welcome me...as I will be champion.

4wrestling wrote:
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

MrMundayNite wrote:
I disagree with you 4W. Cena-Rock doesn't NEED the title to be a legit feud. At this point, the Miz pretty much needs the title to be seen as a legitimate threat. I say Rock costs Cena the belt at WM setting up their feud for Summerslam.
The guy's been World Champion for four months now. How long do you have to be World Champion in order to be considered legitimate?

He could be champion for four years people still won't see him as legitimate.

Exactly, it's not about the belt.  It's about how you are booked.  Miz just joins the ranks of Sheamus, Swagger, Mysterio.  All guys who were the champion, but their runs were meaningless because they were never booked as the champion.  Whether you're a heel or a face, you need to be put over a clean.  It will do absolutely ZERO harm to guys like Cena, Orton, HHH, etc to be beaten clean every once in a while, ESPECIALLY BY THE FREAKING CHAMPION.  But no, anytime Miz gets a win over a top name, it's by some chicken**** reason with a loophole or outside interference.  It's so sad that we can literally count The Miz's clean wins since he's become champion on less than one hand.
-Daniel Bryan
-John Morrison
-Jerry Lawler

Pathetic booking.

He didn't beat any of those guys cleanly does Alex Riley ring a bell
4wrestling wrote:
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

MrMundayNite wrote:
I disagree with you 4W. Cena-Rock doesn't NEED the title to be a legit feud. At this point, the Miz pretty much needs the title to be seen as a legitimate threat. I say Rock costs Cena the belt at WM setting up their feud for Summerslam.
The guy's been World Champion for four months now. How long do you have to be World Champion in order to be considered legitimate?

He could be champion for four years people still won't see him as legitimate.

Exactly, it's not about the belt.  It's about how you are booked.  Miz just joins the ranks of Sheamus, Swagger, Mysterio.  All guys who were the champion, but their runs were meaningless because they were never booked as the champion.  Whether you're a heel or a face, you need to be put over a clean.  It will do absolutely ZERO harm to guys like Cena, Orton, HHH, etc to be beaten clean every once in a while, ESPECIALLY BY THE FREAKING CHAMPION.  But no, anytime Miz gets a win over a top name, it's by some chicken**** reason with a loophole or outside interference.  It's so sad that we can literally count The Miz's clean wins since he's become champion on less than one hand.
-Daniel Bryan
-John Morrison
-Jerry Lawler

Pathetic booking.

He didn't beat any of those guys cleanly does Alex Riley ring a bell
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

I thought that the HHH Taker Michaels promo was the best one I have seen in years.
There were legit sentements that would never be present in a Rock ,Cena feud.
As much as we love the character of The Rock
Even smarks feel that Shawn legit doesnt want HHH to end that streak. If only cause Shawn couldnt/ didnt get booked to end the streak.

HHH and Taker was very, very good and definitely the best thing on Raw last night, but I would still take the Cole/Swagger/Lawler/JR segment from a few weeks back over this.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

I thought that the HHH Taker Michaels promo was the best one I have seen in years.
There were legit sentements that would never be present in a Rock ,Cena feud.
As much as we love the character of The Rock
Even smarks feel that Shawn legit doesnt want HHH to end that streak. If only cause Shawn couldnt/ didnt get booked to end the streak.

HHH and Taker was very, very good and definitely the best thing on Raw last night, but I would still take the Cole/Swagger/Lawler/JR segment from a few weeks back over this.
4wrestling wrote:
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

The Rock is the only person who is still able to physically wrestle a full schedule who could single handedly turn CENA heel. Everything else would have to be a group and the story would never be good enough. Cena is not turning heel for the forseeable future unless Vince gets a burr up his @!% gets at least 85% control of the company and says to hell with advertisement and lets the personalities take on a mind of their own. Wrestling fans dont care who is the hero and who is the villian as long as those guys can play the part and right now sans Miz everyone in the WWE is either booked in a terrible fashion. (Orton tonight) or stuck behind inferior wrestlers and or actors. ( Christian ,CM punk) and or cannot live up to the shadows of the guys that are still there  (HHH, Taker and to a lesser extent Edge)

Now were stuck in a situation where Vince has to answer to board members and stock holders and he cannot turn down the corporate money hes recieving as a result of the PG era. That board is never going to pass up on a guaranteed income with guaranteed dividends to please a segnment of people who they in their ignorance whould characterise as not having grown up.

 Its too bad Dixie Carter is too much of an idiot to see that she can single handedly bring the 18-35 audience back to wrestling in record numbers.
If she were to go out and get a CM Punk, a Christian ( again) and live with 2.0 ratings for a while. If she would get rid of the old farts who stated from day 1 that they were running the show and just taking Dixie's money cause it was there, maybe her head wouldnt always be stuck so far up her own @!% that she cant justify her involvement in this business. If she would for god's sake stop taping shows 3 weeks in advance, travel at least every week, and find 30 men and 10 women to develop/ help sustain the business she would be just fine.
I agree with you that The Rock is probably the only person who can turn Cena heel, and even then, I don't know.  I know a lot of these little kids look at Rock as the heel in this program.

To me, the only 100% guaranteed way to turn Cena heel is have evil Mr. McMahon return, and have Cena swerve everyone joining him to become the corporate champion (obviously replaying angles they've done in the past).  I think that is the only way you get the little kids to turn on Cena.

You're right on about Vince having to answer to shareholders.  With PPV and other business aspects way down, he needs to deliver something to them to make money, and merchandise and toys are where it's at.  However, doing this leaves WWE in just a holding pattern that may slowly continue to sink them.  Many times the best companies need to dramatically change things, even if it means a short term hit, to better the company long term.  Turn Cena heel would only be one part to this, but it could be the start of a bigger sign of change in WWE.

As for TNA, it's been proven by this point that it doesn't matter what talent you bring in (outside of a Rock, Austin, or Cena), it's not going to affect the rating in any significant way.  Hogan, Sting, Foley, Nash, Hall, Angle, Hardy, Hardy, RVD, Christian, ECW, and the list goes on.  It's the product that's the problem.  And I really don't think it has anything to do with travel or taping weeks in advance.  It's simply the writing is awful.  Nothing makes sense.  Matches are extremely short and meaningless.  They throw 10,000 things at you a show, and fans don't remember any of it.  They constantly use insider references that go over 99.9% of the audience's head.  TNA is WWE-light, but only a worse product.  So why the hell would anyone tune in?  TNA needs to clean house.  Start fresh.  Go back to simple, old school logical book with great 10, 15, 20 minute matches.  But that won't happen as long as Dixie is in charge.  The company will probably go out of business first.

A change in booking and getting Hogan and Russo out at bare minimum are the changes they need to make
I mentioned the stars as a way to sustain the company until the guys who they would develop became able to carry the company.
Would you disagree that the entire show needs a production overhall?
How can WWE improve its TV product. Cause sometimes I feel that even if the Attitude era was still in full effect the company would be suffering.
4wrestling wrote:
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

The Rock is the only person who is still able to physically wrestle a full schedule who could single handedly turn CENA heel. Everything else would have to be a group and the story would never be good enough. Cena is not turning heel for the forseeable future unless Vince gets a burr up his @!% gets at least 85% control of the company and says to hell with advertisement and lets the personalities take on a mind of their own. Wrestling fans dont care who is the hero and who is the villian as long as those guys can play the part and right now sans Miz everyone in the WWE is either booked in a terrible fashion. (Orton tonight) or stuck behind inferior wrestlers and or actors. ( Christian ,CM punk) and or cannot live up to the shadows of the guys that are still there  (HHH, Taker and to a lesser extent Edge)

Now were stuck in a situation where Vince has to answer to board members and stock holders and he cannot turn down the corporate money hes recieving as a result of the PG era. That board is never going to pass up on a guaranteed income with guaranteed dividends to please a segnment of people who they in their ignorance whould characterise as not having grown up.

 Its too bad Dixie Carter is too much of an idiot to see that she can single handedly bring the 18-35 audience back to wrestling in record numbers.
If she were to go out and get a CM Punk, a Christian ( again) and live with 2.0 ratings for a while. If she would get rid of the old farts who stated from day 1 that they were running the show and just taking Dixie's money cause it was there, maybe her head wouldnt always be stuck so far up her own @!% that she cant justify her involvement in this business. If she would for god's sake stop taping shows 3 weeks in advance, travel at least every week, and find 30 men and 10 women to develop/ help sustain the business she would be just fine.
I agree with you that The Rock is probably the only person who can turn Cena heel, and even then, I don't know.  I know a lot of these little kids look at Rock as the heel in this program.

To me, the only 100% guaranteed way to turn Cena heel is have evil Mr. McMahon return, and have Cena swerve everyone joining him to become the corporate champion (obviously replaying angles they've done in the past).  I think that is the only way you get the little kids to turn on Cena.

You're right on about Vince having to answer to shareholders.  With PPV and other business aspects way down, he needs to deliver something to them to make money, and merchandise and toys are where it's at.  However, doing this leaves WWE in just a holding pattern that may slowly continue to sink them.  Many times the best companies need to dramatically change things, even if it means a short term hit, to better the company long term.  Turn Cena heel would only be one part to this, but it could be the start of a bigger sign of change in WWE.

As for TNA, it's been proven by this point that it doesn't matter what talent you bring in (outside of a Rock, Austin, or Cena), it's not going to affect the rating in any significant way.  Hogan, Sting, Foley, Nash, Hall, Angle, Hardy, Hardy, RVD, Christian, ECW, and the list goes on.  It's the product that's the problem.  And I really don't think it has anything to do with travel or taping weeks in advance.  It's simply the writing is awful.  Nothing makes sense.  Matches are extremely short and meaningless.  They throw 10,000 things at you a show, and fans don't remember any of it.  They constantly use insider references that go over 99.9% of the audience's head.  TNA is WWE-light, but only a worse product.  So why the hell would anyone tune in?  TNA needs to clean house.  Start fresh.  Go back to simple, old school logical book with great 10, 15, 20 minute matches.  But that won't happen as long as Dixie is in charge.  The company will probably go out of business first.

A change in booking and getting Hogan and Russo out at bare minimum are the changes they need to make
I mentioned the stars as a way to sustain the company until the guys who they would develop became able to carry the company.
Would you disagree that the entire show needs a production overhall?
How can WWE improve its TV product. Cause sometimes I feel that even if the Attitude era was still in full effect the company would be suffering.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I decided I'm ordering a pizza for Mania.

Anyone getting snacks?

Spoiler [+]
I'm hungry.

  Probably laying off the beer, at least early in the day.  I need to be coherent for the entire show.
I am boozing all day, got people coming through who havent watched Wrestling in years but are equally as excited.  Took Monday off as well.........

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I decided I'm ordering a pizza for Mania.

Anyone getting snacks?

Spoiler [+]
I'm hungry.

  Probably laying off the beer, at least early in the day.  I need to be coherent for the entire show.
I am boozing all day, got people coming through who havent watched Wrestling in years but are equally as excited.  Took Monday off as well.........

the more and more I think about it the more and more I think the Rock may commit to the WWE for a couple years then go back to movies
the more and more I think about it the more and more I think the Rock may commit to the WWE for a couple years then go back to movies
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I decided I'm ordering a pizza for Mania.

Anyone getting snacks?

Spoiler [+]
I'm hungry.

  Probably laying off the beer, at least early in the day.  I need to be coherent for the entire show.
I am boozing all day, got people coming through who havent watched Wrestling in years but are equally as excited.  Took Monday off as well.........

I have WM BBQ every year, prob gonna start drinking in the afternoon
Sunday is going to great...Phillies, Flyers and then WM
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I decided I'm ordering a pizza for Mania.

Anyone getting snacks?

Spoiler [+]
I'm hungry.

  Probably laying off the beer, at least early in the day.  I need to be coherent for the entire show.
I am boozing all day, got people coming through who havent watched Wrestling in years but are equally as excited.  Took Monday off as well.........

I have WM BBQ every year, prob gonna start drinking in the afternoon
Sunday is going to great...Phillies, Flyers and then WM
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