Why are Black people expected to speak up for other groups? vol. #OscarsSoWhite

You've misinterpreted my statement. 

We DO suspend and ban people for posting hateful, bigoted comments.  Such comments are obviously against our rules and we've banned dozens - if not hundreds - of people for that over the years.  It's rule #1 for a reason. 

We take administrative action against such comments to turn the hate OFF, not to turn it AROUND.  

In the context of the ninjahood thread, someone was using ninjahood's suspension as a means to attack other people from the Dominican Republic.  That's not acceptable, and that's what I was responding to.  

In context, my point was this:  we DO suspend people for posting hateful, bigoted comments - but we don't suspend people for posting hateful, bigoted comments because we want to refocus all the hatred on them.  It's not "an eye for an eye."  It's not "turnabout is fair play."  

It's about maintaining a RESPECTFUL community environment. 

For that reason, those who would cause this thread into devlove into a pointless and petty series of personal attacks will be removed from the discussion and, if necessary, from the community.

Ah, thanks for the clarification.
believe what you must, knocking a girl up is well within your control....there is no such thing as an accident, just recklessness when it comes to a pregnancy....and I know myself better than you know me, so you have no ground to stand on and tell me what I would have done, NO I wouldn't have gone back to patch things up with my current wife, I would have moved on and I would of been focused on my baby rather than rebuilding a relationship....I didn't sit on ANY high horse, I said it how it was, bluntly and plenty agreed, it was honest and yes I was constructive....there was no need for sugar coating...

When it comes to a baby, I will never write that off as a mistake, NOT HAPPENING.

You won't write off a baby as a mistake, and rightfully so but you're completely fine calling another man damaged goods.

I fail to see the constructiveness in that. It was fine telling him to focus on his kid, that's great advice. However you took it a step too far. You stay telling others how they should conduct themselves under dire circumstances when it comes to relationships and you do the same thing in race threads.

I don't know how you would've conducted yourself had you been in that man's shoes. You're right about that, but I do know you wouldn't label yourself damage goods going forward.
You won't write off a baby as a mistake, and rightfully so but you're completely fine calling another man damaged goods.

I fail to see the constructiveness in that. It was fine telling him to focus on his kid, that's great advice. However you took it a step too far. You stay telling others how they should conduct themselves under dire circumstances when it comes to relationships and you do the same thing in race threads.

I don't know how you would've conducted yourself had you been in that man's shoes. You're right about that, but I do know you wouldn't label yourself damage goods going forward.

Where exactly did you get the term "damaged goods" from? What I said was reality, him going back with a seed after HE deaded her had a very slim chance to no success if that woman had any sense at all....he's not really damaged goods, just will never be a better man to her than he once was...because he now had a seed with someone else and a baby mama to deal with....so I told him to move on and focus on his seed and grow up....I may not have sugar coated but my posts were real....his situation was a product of immaturity, irresponsibility and unaccountability.

Immaturity : she wanted to settle and he was too scare to do so, here you can draw a parallel with my situation, as my breaks were also me as an immature grown man trying to grow with my relationships

Irresponsibility : knocking up a girl he had no intents of starting a future with, basically condemning a child to a broken home from the jump

Unaccountability : dude practically blamed his current BM for being ***** and that's the reason why he wanted to go back to his much better ex.

Now you can take my advice or not, I said nothing wrong and IMO it was constructive....

Inb4 someone blames ME for the derail when it was SH who even brought all this BS up....NT will NT
Where exactly did you get the term "damaged goods" from? What I said was reality, him going back with a seed after HE deaded her had a very slim chance to no success if that woman had any sense at all....he's not really damaged goods, just will never be a better man to her than he once was...because he now had a seed with someone else and a baby mama to deal with....so I told him to move on and focus on his seed and grow up....I may not have sugar coated but my posts were real....his situation was a product of immaturity, irresponsibility and unaccountability.

Immaturity : she wanted to settle and he was too scare to do so, here you can draw a parallel with my situation, as my breaks were also me as an immature grown man trying to grow with my relationships

Irresponsibility : knocking up a girl he had no intents of starting a future with, basically condemning a child to a broken home from the jump

Unaccountability : dude practically blamed his current BM for being ***** and that's the reason why he wanted to go back to his much better ex.

Now you can take my advice or not, I said nothing wrong and IMO it was constructive....

Inb4 someone blames ME for the derail when it was SH who even brought all this BS up....NT will NT

You said son has baggage for the rest of his life because of his baby mom.

Pretty sure that translates to damaged goods.

Also pretty sure you wouldn't see things that way had you been in his shoes.

I didn't derail anything, gamble touched on a salient point and I opined on it.
You said son has baggage for the rest of his life because of his baby mom.

Pretty sure that translates to damaged goods.

Also pretty sure you wouldn't see things that way had you been in his shoes.

I didn't derail anything, gamble touched on a salient point and I opined on it.

DOES HE NOT have baggage for the rest of his life?...is this not what kids with a random girl you want nothin with represent when you trying to start another relationship?...is this NOT baggage?....if that what you are labeling "damaged goods" then that's your interpretation of it, not mines, I referred to it as baggage....not so much the kid, but the BM attached to him.

Once again you are assuming to know me personally, which you don't....I know ME...so if I'm telling you I wouldn't have tried to rehash things, that's because I wouldn't have....thankfully things worked out for the better on my end.

Crazy how you legit tried to spin my past experience into a bad thing.
Dude you are full of it. Same dude that had the audacity to claim another man didn't deserve to be a dad last week now it's "you don't know me personally" :lol:

What a hypocrite
No. So do it.

You are what you are. Can't be banned for openly representing who you are as long as you're not offending or attacking others.

That's not what I believe I am, that's what you guys labeled me as, I really don't care, if it somehow makes you and others comfortable with the idea of me having that on my sig somehow :kanyeshrug:
First you agreed now you backing away from it :smh:
The block option is so dumb if it is telling you that there is a post made by a person that you blocked. If that makes sense
Dude you are full of it. Same dude that had the audacity to claim another man didn't deserve to be a dad last week now it's "you don't know me personally" :lol:

What a hypocrite

you grasping at straws, I don't need to know him to come to my conclusion, I came to this based on his post on abortion which was plain terrible...now if he felt taking a shot at something well beyond my physical control was what was needed to even the playing field, I accepted it....but in no way do his situation and mines equate in the least.
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Glad to see this dude's Q Score drop day after day. Sooner or later the world will see through all your foolishness. Also glad to see that people are hip to your, "Attack, Attack, Run, Play Victim" approach.
Lol you wouldnt know Will if he was standing next to you but somehow you have the discretion to come to talk out your face & claim he doesn't deserve to be a Father. You are quite literally the most ignorant person I've ever had the displeasure of having an exchange with. Back to the thread I'm not wasting another post on this fool.
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Ksteezy, understand that popping off about important social issues on the Internet isn't without consequence.  If you took as little care or effort into posting photographs online as you do in formulating your opinions re: social issues (particularly racial issues), what do you suppose the impact would be on your reputation as a photographer?  Would you leave the house wearing whatever clothing was within arm's reach, without making even the slightest effort to shower or groom yourself?  Posting your immediate, knee-jerk reaction to anything and everything is just as sloppy.  You're presenting these things in PUBLIC.  

Free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.  Just because you have the "right" to post a completely unvarnished, uninformed opinion online about any subject doesn't mean you have the OBLIGATION to do so.  You posted something that essentially ignored or rejected the existence of racially discriminatory lending practices.  There's no other word for that than "ignorant."  Some of the criticism you've received for it has been presented in disrespectful, extremely personal ways - and one user was already banned from the thread for it - but criticism of the idea you presented is 100% justified.  

It's one thing just to post lazy, uninformed opinions online when it comes to celebrity gossip, tech tribalism, and other superficial nonsense - but when you do that concerning subjects that are deeply personal to others you have the potential to cause harm, just as surely as when someone takes a deeply personal shot at you or your family.  

I'm tired of seeing so many threads, like this one, ruined because you've stubbornly defending ignorant comments and others are directing unacceptable personal attacks at you in a clumsy attempt at retaliation.

I'm going to ask that we get this thread back on topic, because it is an interesting one.  Any further "off topic" posts will be deleted. 
Glad to see this dude's Q Score drop day after day. Sooner or later the world will see through all your foolishness. Also glad to see that people are hip to your, "Attack, Attack, Run, Play Victim" approach.

Once again, WHO THE HELL is playing victim? :rofl:

ya don't know what actually playing victim is
Edit: NVM, saw Meth's post. No more off-topic banter.
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Ksteezy, understand that popping off about important social issues on the Internet isn't without consequence.  If you took as little care or effort into posting photographs online as you do in formulating your opinions re: social issues (particularly racial issues), what do you suppose the impact would be on your reputation as a photographer?  Would you leave the house wearing whatever clothing was within arm's reach, without making even the slightest effort to shower or groom yourself?  Posting your immediate, knee-jerk reaction to anything and everything is just as sloppy.  You're presenting these things in PUBLIC.  

Free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.  Just because you have the "right" to post a completely unvarnished, uninformed opinion online about any subject doesn't mean you have the OBLIGATION to do so.  You posted something that essentially ignored or rejected the existence of racially discriminatory lending practices.  There's no other word for that than "ignorant."  Some of the criticism you've received for it has been presented in disrespectful, extremely personal ways - and one user was already banned from the thread for it - but criticism of the idea you presented is 100% justified.  

It's one thing just to post lazy, uninformed opinions online when it comes to celebrity gossip, tech tribalism, and other superficial nonsense - but when you do that concerning subjects that are deeply personal to others you have the potential to cause harm, just as surely as when someone takes a deeply personal shot at you or your family.  

I'm tired of seeing so many threads, like this one, ruined because you've stubbornly defending ignorant comments and others are directing unacceptable personal attacks at you in a clumsy attempt at retaliation.

I'm going to ask that we get this thread back on topic, because it is an interesting one.  Any further "off topic" posts will be deleted. 

I get it, but let's make 1 thing clear, I'm not victimizing myself or crying foul, I know that my views a lot of times get misinterpreted and is in large due to my delivery, NOT my intent....but either way I've come to accept that I've provided the ammo that a lot of NTers warranted or quite honestly unwarranted use to attack me or get back at me for posts I've made that have been offensive to them....let's not act as if I infuriate NT all the time and as if threads don't get detailed often times just by me peeking in and not even saying anything out of line, yet you as my witness I've been reported more than I've done the reporting....so this whole "crying victim" crap is ridiculous....with that said once again, as always I know you are trying to keep the forums clean, so enough of this....apologize for the slight derail even though I'm not the one who caused it.
 Here goes that, "Intent" thing again. It is never your intent to offend, it is the receivers fault for taking things the way that they do. You know you used that SAME logic when you told dude he didn't deserve to have kids right? You said you didn't INTEND on offending him. 

You got it though. 
:lol:  Here goes that, "Intent" thing again. It is never your intent to offend, it is the receivers fault for taking things the way that they do. You know you used that SAME logic when you told dude he didn't deserve to have kids right? You said you didn't INTEND on offending him. 

You got it though. 

my inbox is wide open for you if you wanna have this discussion there....you don't need to always have an audience
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I get it, but let's make 1 thing clear, I'm not victimizing myself or crying foul, I know that my views a lot of times get misinterpreted and is in large due to my delivery, NOT my intent....but either way I've come to accept that I've provided the ammo that a lot of NTers warranted or quite honestly unwarranted use to attack me or get back at me for posts I've made that have been offensive to them....let's not act as if I infuriate NT all the time and as if threads don't get detailed often times just by me peeking in and not even saying anything out of line, yet you as my witness I've been reported more than I've done the reporting....so this whole "crying victim" crap is ridiculous....with that said once again, as always I know you are trying to keep the forums clean, so enough of this....apologize for the slight derail even though I'm not the one who caused it.
This wasn't a "slight derail," and you can't just go flicking lit cigarettes around out of pure laziness and then feign shock when a fire starts.

I didn't accuse anyone of "crying victim," but you do share responsibility for this and you have TOTAL responsibility over what you post. "Intent to offend," is an excuse privileged people use to maintain their privilege. If an elephant steps on your foot, the elephant doesn't have to "mean it' for it to hurt or injure you.

If other people's posts can be hurtful to you - and, clearly, they can - then you should exercise consideration when composing your own posts out of respect for others. After all this time, I see no growth or progress occurring within you on that front. You continue to post careless, ignorant comments that are broadly offensive on our forums, and then you will stubbornly argue with anyone who takes umbrage.

We're done talking about parenting choices in here, and we should be done with "racism denial."

The reaction to Chris Rock's hosting of this year's Academy Awards highlights so many different issues about representation, inclusion, and about who's made to bear the burden of all that. These are issues of importance to ALL of us.

We should not be hung up on personal squabbles carried in from other threads.
this thread is a mess.

at the end of the day, anyone can be racist. yes, asians are racists to blacks but blacks are racists to asians too. I would know as an asian american who was born and raised in PG, MD.

definition of racism is not only systematic racism. so blacks, asians, latinos, etc can all be racist.

at the end of the day, we all gotta be better than this.
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