Why are Black people expected to speak up for other groups? vol. #OscarsSoWhite

Just dropped in to say blacks are the most persecuted race in the history of the world and know other race of people should have the unmitigated gull to compare the struggles of their race to blacks :smile:
black people just cant win for losing 

its like the hate is so ingrained by EVERYONE against blacks
You dudes should try and be more like me.
I'm tryna show love for errrbody.

Seeing steezy unable to show any consideration for the black struggle and seeing the homies pointing the finger at Latinos, then seeing an Asian brotha up there not be happy about being stereotyped as smart, doctor or accountant...that don't make me feel good.

There is only one oppressor...get past the ********.
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Just dropped in to say blacks are the most persecuted race in the history of the world and know other race of people should have the unmitigated gull to compare the struggles of their race to blacks

ironically and fitting for this thread topic, this famous picture is actually an italian dressed up as a native american 
Lol y'all really get some type of pride out of saying you have it bad, I'm dying right now. Duke really said we can't even get props for losing. Who does that?

No one is trying to compare we're trying to get you and others to realize that black people have gotten it bad since the beginning of time. We were never given **** so don't compare the struggles of your race to the struggles of ours. Any other race that would've went through slavery would be extinct right now. We're the chosen people. It'd be nice if white supremacy embraced it as opposed to fearing it and trying to tear it down but fear of the unknown is innate in the uneducated...
its cuz its convenient to call black ppl racist

pretend as if we have "privileges"

its all because at the end of the of the day white people, asian people, latinos, they all want to be above us and will use whatever justification they have to to get there

if it means changing the definition of racism to not include power dynamics to make racism simply boil to a belief "that *one race is superior" then thats what theyll do

we can pretend as if all racial struggles are the same, but deep down we know they are not

the prejudices and discrimination that black people face, other POC's are too afraid to accept they their time too will come so they play up to "model minority" condtitioning
You dudes should try and be more like me.
I'm tryna show love for errrbody.

Seeing steezy unable to show any consideration for the black struggle and seeing the Hokies pointing the finger at Latinos, then seeing an Asian brotha up there not be happy about being stereotyped as smart, doctor or accountant...that don't make me feel good.

There is only one oppressor...get past the ********.
Minorities standing together = that'll be the day

Until then, we'll just fight among ourselves like they want us to.
We'll never stand together because tribalism trumps unity every single time and I'm fine with that. Look out for each other before helping someone else. The same people you want to help won't extend that hand for you and have rarely done so.
You dudes should try and be more like me.

I'm tryna show love for errrbody.

Seeing steezy unable to show any consideration for the black struggle and seeing the Hokies pointing the finger at Latinos, then seeing an Asian brotha up there not be happy about being stereotyped as smart, doctor or accountant...that don't make me feel good.

There is only one oppressor...get past the ********.

Minorities standing together = that'll be the day

Until then, we'll just fight among ourselves like they want us to.

So educate me since I have no idea what I'm talking about. What problems do you face?

Glass ceiling in the corporate world, high suicide rates among young males because they're expected to be great academically, neglect from minorities because somehow we're white, always being labeled as foreigners because we can never be "American" by white standards, virtually no positive representation in the media.

I get it, we're not on the same levels of oppression but you're MAD ignorant to say Asians don't struggle in this country.
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