Why are Black people expected to speak up for other groups? vol. #OscarsSoWhite

you wont find much evidence because there aren't many who are high in executive producing... which is the whole premise of the whole oscarssowhite debacle
but just wait on it... Hollywood will fund their "model minority's"  film projects before they fund those of blacks. Don't get it twisted they may let minorities in but they wont fully give up the power to manipulate the perception of blacks. we will still be Mr. Popo running from the PoPo

You're delusional my man.

Latinos and asians surely will give sterotypical roles to black actors like they always have, right?

No evidence to back you up. I can make stuff up to, but I don't feel like wasting my time with something I won't be able to prove.

I think you're letting that second thing get to your head. The don't date black men thing and you're distributing it to everything else. That comes down to the parents, not really reflective of Hollywood or other minorities stereotyping black actors.

Here's a list of latino filmmakers. You can watch their films and try to prove your point.
Jade Puga
Richard Montes
Gregory Nava
Desi Arnaz
Robert Rodriguez
Franc. Reyes
Alejandro González Iñárritu
Guillermo del Toro
Luis Valdez
Patricia Cardoso
Alfonso Cuarón
Alfonso Gomez-Rejon
Miguel Arteta
Fede Alvarez
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this thread is a mess.

at the end of the day, anyone can be racist. yes, asians are racists to blacks but blacks are racists to asians too. I would know as an asian american who was born and raised in PG, MD.

definition of racism is not only systematic racism. so blacks, asians, latinos, etc can all be racist.

at the end of the day, we all gotta be better than this.

Pretty much how I feel.
Yeah black people are so racist against Asians that we ALWAYS eat in their restaurants and shop in their stores. So evil. :lol:

You go above and beyond tryna play devils advocate that it makes you look dumb and you seem like a smart dude.

Black people hate whites, still shop at their stores....whats your point here?

You're trying to imply that I'm dumb and keep making these nonsensical points. I said blacks make racist jokes about Asians all the time in response to someone posting Asians doing black stereotypes.

I bet you thought you was doing it too huh :lol:

And once again you're making yourself look dumb. You keep speaking in absolutes.

First you tried to say Black people always make racial jokes about Asians. Which is false. Black people as a group don't do that.

Now you saying "Black people hate white people". Wrong again. Some black Black people hate RACIST white people. And on top of that there's some black people that don't even address racism. They just go in about their lives like it doesn't exist.
Ksteezy, understand that popping off about important social issues on the Internet isn't without consequence.  If you took as little care or effort into posting photographs online as you do in formulating your opinions re: social issues (particularly racial issues), what do you suppose the impact would be on your reputation as a photographer?  Would you leave the house wearing whatever clothing was within arm's reach, without making even the slightest effort to shower or groom yourself?  Posting your immediate, knee-jerk reaction to anything and everything is just as sloppy.  You're presenting these things in PUBLIC.  

Free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.  Just because you have the "right" to post a completely unvarnished, uninformed opinion online about any subject doesn't mean you have the OBLIGATION to do so.  You posted something that essentially ignored or rejected the existence of racially discriminatory lending practices.  There's no other word for that than "ignorant."  Some of the criticism you've received for it has been presented in disrespectful, extremely personal ways - and one user was already banned from the thread for it - but criticism of the idea you presented is 100% justified.  

It's one thing just to post lazy, uninformed opinions online when it comes to celebrity gossip, tech tribalism, and other superficial nonsense - but when you do that concerning subjects that are deeply personal to others you have the potential to cause harm, just as surely as when someone takes a deeply personal shot at you or your family.  

I'm tired of seeing so many threads, like this one, ruined because you've stubbornly defending ignorant comments and others are directing unacceptable personal attacks at you in a clumsy attempt at retaliation.

I'm going to ask that we get this thread back on topic, because it is an interesting one.  Any further "off topic" posts will be deleted. 

I get it, but let's make 1 thing clear, I'm not victimizing myself or crying foul, I know that my views a lot of times get misinterpreted and is in large due to my delivery, NOT my intent....but either way I've come to accept that I've provided the ammo that a lot of NTers warranted or quite honestly unwarranted use to attack me or get back at me for posts I've made that have been offensive to them....let's not act as if I infuriate NT all the time and as if threads don't get detailed often times just by me peeking in and not even saying anything out of line, yet you as my witness I've been reported more than I've done the reporting....so this whole "crying victim" crap is ridiculous....with that said once again, as always I know you are trying to keep the forums clean, so enough of this....apologize for the slight derail even though I'm not the one who caused it.

If this is constantly called out, shouldn't you make an effort to improve in your articulation instead going to automatic defensive mode where you look like you support things that you don't? seems straightforward but you never seem to get it. Like you have zero interest in a productive conversation on your actual, genuine intent.

You're delusional my man.

Latinos and asians surely will give sterotypical roles to black actors like they always have, right?

No evidence to back you up. I can make stuff up to, but I don't feel like wasting my time with something I won't be able to prove.

I think you're letting that second thing get to your head. The don't date black men thing and you're distributing it to everything else. That comes down to the parents, not really reflective of Hollywood or other minorities stereotyping black actors.

Here's a list of latino filmmakers. You can watch their films and try to prove your point.
Jade Puga
Richard Montes
Gregory Nava
Desi Arnaz
Robert Rodriguez
Franc. Reyes
Alejandro González Iñárritu
Guillermo del Toro
Luis Valdez
Patricia Cardoso
Alfonso Cuarón
Alfonso Gomez-Rejon
Miguel Arteta
Fede Alvarez
Even though the thread has run its course....

If you can point out the films by these filmmakers with african american portrayals, I will certainly watch and adjust my statement. However, I don't have time to sift through the bodies of work.

it hardly matters, it still comes down to the parents like you said... The parents perpetuate their racist views which are based on a racist media... thusly, the films that come from the latino and asian cultures will come preloaded with stereotypical views about blacks because not only does the older generation exclude blacks just like whites do... The cultural communities have isolationist tendencies... therefore the chance of getting a fair well rounded role for a black character from a younger less bigoted minority filmmaker is still slim, just based on lack of exposure. It isnt that the dating thing reflects minority parents rather than minority filmmakers, its that minority filmmakers' projects will reflect hollywood and minority parents.
this thread is a mess.

at the end of the day, anyone can be racist. yes, asians are racists to blacks but blacks are racists to asians too. I would know as an asian american who was born and raised in PG, MD.

definition of racism is not only systematic racism. so blacks, asians, latinos, etc can all be racist.

at the end of the day, we all gotta be better than this.
Blacks might be quite stereotypical about asians.. they might mock accents, attribute them to specific industries like hair, nails, and laundry mats. they might even feel physically superior because of one average vs. another. But I haven't met any blacks in my experience that have a real disdain or hatred for asians in general. I think African Americans are one of the most embracing races of asian culture. Chinese food restaurants do quite well in black neighborhoods, I had tons of black friends who like myself were exposed to anime young and explored deeply into japanese anime and manga. Lots of darker skinned asian nations share an interest in hip hop culture. The wu tang clan is a prime example of blacks embracing what they were exposed to of asian culture. My own dad had one of the must extensive kung fu film collections around and practiced martial arts in a traditional school. But having asians as close friends meant he knew when he was called out of his name in other languages and it was not a rare occurrence.

Its just frustrating that blacks always want to love and help everyone (typically more than they want to help themselves!) and all we get in return is the same ol unfounded unreasonable pure hatred and disgust. Which is why this thread resonates with me. Sure my other post can be wrong in lots of ways, but in lots of ways it is accurate and easy to see why I posted what I did.
it hardly matters, it still comes down to the parents like you said... The parents perpetuate their racist views which are based on a racist media... thusly, the films that come from the latino and asian cultures will come preloaded with stereotypical views about blacks because not only does the older generation exclude blacks just like whites do... The cultural communities have isolationist tendencies... therefore the chance of getting a fair well rounded role for a black character from a younger less bigoted minority filmmaker is still slim, just based on lack of exposure. It isnt that the dating thing reflects minority parents rather than minority filmmakers, its that minority filmmakers' projects will reflect hollywood and minority parents.

What films?

Blacks might be quite stereotypical about asians.. they might mock accents, attribute them to specific industries like hair, nails, and laundry mats. they might even feel physically superior because of one average vs. another. But I haven't met any blacks in my experience that have a real disdain or hatred for asians in general. I think African Americans are one of the most embracing races of asian culture.

There's been some other instances, but I don't generalize.

I get it, there is some anti-black sentiment in the Asian community, especially with the older generation.

And to be honest I believe relations between young Asians and blacks is the closest. Theres a lot of cultural things that both groups identify with which is really cool.

Its just frustrating that blacks always want to love and help everyone (typically more than they want to help themselves!) and all we get in return is the same ol unfounded unreasonable pure hatred and disgust. Which is why this thread resonates with me. Sure my other post can be wrong in lots of ways, but in lots of ways it is accurate and easy to see why I posted what I did.

I agree. I do wish that Asians as a whole would be more involved. We don't experience the same kind of struggles as other minorities and can't identify with that. But we still need to see ourselves as minorities.

There are a good number of us that have participated in protests/marches though, so want you to know that there is a good amount of us that are in the fight with you.
LMAO reading through this thread we got some clowns in here for real.

SAME dudes complaining about how "not all black people do this. or stop bunching us all in the same group...they are a select few that do this, but...." are the SAME clown *** dudes doing the same thing acting like "yeah i went on twitter and saw MANY of YOU acting shouting down BLM, etc"

Then you got another dude in here talking about, "they treat black people like dirt" with your holier than thou attitude acting like y'all don't do the SAME thing to other folks that AREN'T black. FOH.
You are mad. BS to you, but valid observations by many.

Must be Asian the way you took it personal. I can see you shaking from emotion as you typed that away.

Gonna get mad like Jeremy Lin over an accountant joke? Must be nice to get stereotyped as smart, good at math and being accountants.
Easiest way to tell someone is peeved is by their lack of a response such as "oh why you mad?, etc" which you originally posted but oh quit fronting like you sitting there all calm.

Then you go and make a cornball post that has nothing to do with what i even responded to.

Again, i responded to the BS of dudes like you getting all butt hurt about other people putting black folks in a certain group and generalizing them yet you go and do the exact same thing with your "oh i saw on Twitter that many of you shouted down on BLM" :smh: No, you saw SOME people do that, just like SOME people see black folks do things to other races yet you're one of them dudes that would be QUICK with the "that was just a seperate group....don't group them in with how ALL black people are and blah blah blah."
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:lol: :smh: @ claiming Latino and Asian filmmakers practice prejudicial casting of black actors and then not having the time to prove it.

Then trying to put it on the ppl questioning that to prove that they don't. Some super ignorant **** going on in here.
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my inbox is wide open for you if you wanna have this discussion there....you don't need to always have an audience


You're one of NT's biggest trolls though. I came to the conclusion you didn't actually disagree with Ninjahood. You really were fighting for supremacy, and wanted all the attention for yourself.
this thread is a mess.

at the end of the day, anyone can be racist. yes, asians are racists to blacks but blacks are racists to asians too. I would know as an asian american who was born and raised in PG, MD.

definition of racism is not only systematic racism. so blacks, asians, latinos, etc can all be racist.

at the end of the day, we all gotta be better than this.

No, prejudice and racism don't have the exact same definitions.
this thread is a mess.

at the end of the day, anyone can be racist. yes, asians are racists to blacks but blacks are racists to asians too. I would know as an asian american who was born and raised in PG, MD.

definition of racism is not only systematic racism. so blacks, asians, latinos, etc can all be racist.

at the end of the day, we all gotta be better than this.
No, prejudice and racism don't have the exact same definitions.
where did he say they have the same definitions? 

You're one of NT's biggest trolls though. I came to the conclusion you didn't actually disagree with Ninjahood. You really were fighting for supremacy, and wanted all the attention for yourself.

Feel free to PM me, Meth already said not to clutter the thread with personal attacks, wanna get something off your chest, you know what to do.
If you can point out the films by these filmmakers with african american portrayals, I will certainly watch and adjust my statement. However, I don't have time to sift through the bodies of work.

it hardly matters, it still comes down to the parents like you said... The parents perpetuate their racist views which are based on a racist media... thusly, the films that come from the latino and asian cultures will come preloaded with stereotypical views about blacks because not only does the older generation exclude blacks just like whites do... The cultural communities have isolationist tendencies... therefore the chance of getting a fair well rounded role for a black character from a younger less bigoted minority filmmaker is still slim, just based on lack of exposure. It isnt that the dating thing reflects minority parents rather than minority filmmakers, its that minority filmmakers' projects will reflect hollywood and minority parents.

Yea dude, I'm sorry. I can't entertain your post. It has no proof... baseless assumptions. I need evidence, otherwise it's a he say she say type of thing. But I know I'm right because I've seen enough cinema to know that you're making stuff up.

The burden of proof lies on you, the person making the claims. I couldn't care less about this to prove it. I didn't make the claim because I know it's baseless, specially with latino filmmakers.
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You are mad. BS to you, but valid observations by many.

Must be Asian the way you took it personal. I can see you shaking from emotion as you typed that away.

Gonna get mad like Jeremy Lin over an accountant joke? Must be nice to get stereotyped as smart, good at math and being accountants.

Someone who has no idea what he's talking about
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