Why are Black people expected to speak up for other groups? vol. #OscarsSoWhite

Fam you're just willfully ignorant & get upset when we call you on your bs. Told you a while ago stick to talking Jcrew that's literally the only thing you don't sound ignorant at. Social issues, fatherhood etc. just aren't for you to discuss *shrugs*

1 I don't get upset.

I bet it felt good typing that "fatherhood" punchline in there. :smh:
No. So do it.

You are what you are. Can't be banned for openly representing who you are as long as you're not offending or attacking others.

That's not what I believe I am, that's what you guys labeled me as, I really don't care, if it somehow makes you and others comfortable with the idea of me having that on my sig somehow :kanyeshrug:
1 I don't get upset.

I bet it felt good typing that "fatherhood" punchline in there. :smh:

Didn't you just go in on @DatZNasty for knocking up his BM and then wanting to approach his ex?

But didn't you admit spending years leading your chick on, doing you. Basically cheating but technically not because ya'll weren't official.

You want to get in your feels about the fatherhood punchline but yet you steady sit on your high horse when in reality you're a hypocrite.

You stay talking down on others but you're no better. Stay playing victim when the focus is on you.
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Didn't you just go in on @DatZNasty for knocking up his BM and then wanting to approach his ex?

But didn't you admit spent years leading your chick on, doing you. Basically cheating but technically not because ya'll weren't official.

You want to get in your feels about the fatherhood punchline but yet you steady sit on your high horse when in reality you're a hypocrite.

Fan you can type what you want, I'm not stopping you...don't try to blame ME for what others chose to type :lol: if it felt good saying that, own it...don't be a herb and try to justify it.

I said what I said about Datsnazty and plenty NTers agreed with it, Rusty included and there was absolutely nothing false about what I said

And I have no clue WTH you talking about "spend years leading my chick on" you must have me confused.

I'm not in my feels bruh....Its an open forum I'm aware of what that means.
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Didn't you just go in on @DatZNasty for knocking up his BM and then wanting to approach his ex?

But didn't you admit spending years leading your chick on, doing you. Basically cheating but technically not because ya'll weren't official.

You want to get in your feels about the fatherhood punchline but yet you steady sit on your high horse when in reality you're a hypocrite.

You stay talking down on others but you're no better. Stay playing victim when the focus is on you.
Tell him...
Fan you can type what you want, I'm not stopping you...don't try to blame ME for what you chose to type :lol: if it felt good saying that, own it...don't be a herb and try to justify it.

I said what I said about Datsnazty and plenty NTers agreed with it, Rusty included and there was absolutely nothing false about what I said

And I have no clue WTH you talking about "spend years leading my chick on" you must have me confused.

I'm not in my feels bruh....Its an open forum I'm aware of what that means.

I didn't make the fatherhood comment. In fact I've never said anything derogatory towards you in that regard. I always wished you the best actually, still do.

But...I distinctly remember you saying that before you and your wife were official, you spent time getting all the yambz out your system. Don't know what thread it was, but that detail always stuck out to me because you always are uber critical of other's infidelities.
Here we go with the "playing victim" card, do you have any ***** clue what that is??

Me ":smh:" at some douchery is "playing victim"?
I didn't make the fatherhood comment. In fact I've never said anything derogatory towards you in that regard. I always wished you the best actually, still do.

But...I distinctly remember you saying that before you and your wife were official, you spent time getting all the yambz out your system. Don't know what thread it was, but that detail always stuck out to me because you always are uber critical of other's infidelities.


I would love to see you pull that up.

Before I met my wife?...you mean 16 year old me, yeah I sure got all the yambs out my system then.

You dudes have these predisposed ideas about me, made up of fictional stories in your heads :lol:

I would love to see you pull that up.

Before I met my wife?...you mean 16 year old me, yeah I sure got all the yambs out my system then.

You dudes have these predisposed ideas about me, made up of fictional stories in your heads :lol:

Nah not before you met your wife, afterwards. You said there was a period where you took a break, or something....You basically needed time to basically do you before going back to her.

If I'm wrong, I'll leave it at that. Are you saying that you never did this?
Nah not before you met your wife, afterwards. You said there was a period where you took a break, or something....You basically needed time to basically do you before going back to her.

If I'm wrong, I'll leave it at that. Are you saying that you never did this?

Met my wife at 17, yeah we took a year off...I wasn't happy and instead of cheating I called it off...spent some time on myself and yes I dated and slept with other girls....

Tell me again how you trying to spin this into a bad thing or how I'm supposed to be ashamed of it, or how i led her on? Because I'm not following.
Breaks can either make or destroy relationships, if it comes a time when you feel choked up, find yourself wanting to be alone or with other women, be honest....she'll be hurt and probably hurt you, but at the end of the day you didn't sacrifice her trust, that's what is most important for a healthy relationship...I took about 3 breaks in a 10 year span before getting married...we both dated, we both had sex with other people...we both laid everything down on the table before attempting to make it work again...each time for some reason our bond grew stronger...then again a break can mean forever, you or her might end up meeting someone better, getting knocked up by accident, these are all probabilities that can happen during a break and end it for good...in that case it may seem negative at first but in the long run youll realize it was meant to e that way...happened to a couple of my boys.

I'm all for breaks, breaks from a relationship >>>>>> cheating, getting caught and compromising trust...thats hard to come back from.

Bam, found it...http://niketalk.com/t/502635/what-are-your-thoughts-on-taking-breaks-while-in-a-relationship/30

In your own words, things can happen during breaks. Datz got a chick knocked up by accident, lost a good thing with someone else. Yet instead of trying to empathize and offer constructive criticism, you wanted to bash on son.

You stay talking down on others, but when someone talks down on you, you want to play victim.
Fam you're just willfully ignorant & get upset when we call you on your bs. Told you a while ago stick to talking Jcrew that's literally the only thing you don't sound ignorant at. Social issues, fatherhood etc. just aren't for you to discuss *shrugs*
Bam, found it...http://niketalk.com/t/502635/what-are-your-thoughts-on-taking-breaks-while-in-a-relationship/30

In your own words, things can happen during breaks. Datz got a chick knocked up by accident, lost a good thing with someone else. Yet instead of trying to empathize and offer constructive criticism, you wanted to bash on son.

You stay talking down on others, but when someone talks down on you, you want to play victim.

Missed me where I got another girl pregnant....FOH at you trying to draw parallels...lmao

Had I gotten another woman pregnant in that break, i wouldn't have tried to get back with my current wife....you can be in a relationship and find yourself wanting out, being on your own and knocking down some yambs RESPONSIBLY, then have a change of heart and try to rehash things....I went back because I missed her and she missed me and nothing that was done during our time apart couldn't easily be looked over....I didn't go it there, got some random sloot pregnant, realized what a dumb mistake that was after my exshorty wanted to settle and now with a seed I'm desperately trying to light the old flame back up.

Get your **** straight bro.
It is funny reading steezy's ignorance. Can't even get mad or take dude serious. He's probably never even sat down with a real brutha and discussed race. Or done some real research. He just comes on NT and talks crazy
Inb4 "you couldn't get another girl pregnant if you wanted to" :rofl:

I know is coming.
@Maximus Meridius

Your avy is distracting, fam.

Gawddess Grier
I truly never understood this logic. Theres one real easy ****ing solution to this, DONT SHOP THERE. OPEN UP YOUR OWN DAMN STORES.

If Black people could get loans as easily as someone fresh off of the boat, we would. We'd like to establish economies in our own neighborhoods too, but non "model minorities" don't get the same access to resources.

Those loans typically come from financial institutions that have ties to the country of origin of the business owner, or they come directly with the financial backing coming from abroad. That is one advantage that ALL immigrant communities have over Black Americans: the ability to not rely on American-based financial institutions to start a business. Also, the US will grant you permanent residency if you come in with 1/2 million capital to start a business and hire Americans.
Missed me where I got another girl pregnant....FOH at you trying to draw parallels...lmao

Had I gotten another woman pregnant in that break, i wouldn't have tried to get back with my current wife

....you can be in a relationship and find yourself wanting out, being on your own and knocking down some yambs RESPONSIBLY, then have a change of heart and try to rehash things....I went back because I missed her and she missed me and nothing that was done during our time apart couldn't easily be looked over....I didn't go it there, got some random sloot pregnant, realized what a dumb mistake that was after my exshorty wanted to settle and now with a seed I'm desperately trying to light the old flame back up.

Get your **** straight bro.


You don't know that with 100% certainty. Things happen, accidents happen. You don't know what you'd do in that situation until you lived it.

Point is you ALWAYS want to sit on your high horse preaching to others but the fact is you could've easily ended up in a similar situation as @DatZNasty or a number of other NTers you've spoken down upon in the past.

But because of things outside of your control, you couldn't accidentally knock someone up. During any one of your breaks however, if things were different.....who knows what could've happened.

Again, I don't say all of that to be mean-spirited or anything like that. I still wish you well in your pursuit of fatherhood. It's just cringeworthy when you want to look down on others because they made mistakes. You legit called Datz damaged goods in that thread.

**** like that man, it's why people throw shade at you.
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Will I get banned?....can I also wield my SWS badge?

No you won't be banned. Meth has made it clear in the past that he doesn't ban bigots. He lets their hate destroy themselves.

We don't suspend people for posting hateful, bigoted comments because we want to refocus all the hatred on them.

Via: http://niketalk.com/t/574642/wheres-ninjahood-vol-da/810
You've misinterpreted my statement. 

We DO suspend and ban people for posting hateful, bigoted comments.  Such comments are obviously against our rules and we've banned dozens - if not hundreds - of people for that over the years.  It's rule #1 for a reason. 

We take administrative action against such comments to turn the hate OFF, not to turn it AROUND.  

In the context of the ninjahood thread, someone was using ninjahood's suspension as a means to attack other people from the Dominican Republic.  That's not acceptable, and that's what I was responding to.  

In context, my point was this:  we DO suspend people for posting hateful, bigoted comments - but we don't suspend people for posting hateful, bigoted comments because we want to refocus all the hatred on them.  It's not "an eye for an eye."  It's not "turnabout is fair play."  

It's about maintaining a RESPECTFUL community environment. 

For that reason, those who would cause this thread into devlove into a pointless and petty series of personal attacks will be removed from the discussion and, if necessary, from the community.

You don't know that with 100% certainty. Things happen, accidents happen. You don't know what you'd do in that situation until you lived it.

Point is you ALWAYS want to sit on your high horse preaching to others but the fact is you could've easily ended up in a similar situation as @DatZNasty or a number of other NTers you've spoken down upon in the past.

But because of things outside of your control, you couldn't accidentally knock someone up. During anyone of your breaks however, if things were different.....who knows what could've happened.

Again, I don't say all of that to be mean-spirited or anything like that. I still wish you well in your pursuit of fatherhood. It's just cringeworthy when you want to look down on others because they made mistakes. You legit called Datz damaged goods in that thread.

**** like that man, it's why people throw shade at you.

believe what you must, knocking a girl up is well within your control....there is no such thing as an accident, just recklessness when it comes to a pregnancy....and I know myself better than you know me, so you have no ground to stand on and tell me what I would have done, NO I wouldn't have gone back to patch things up with my current wife, I would have moved on and I would of been focused on my baby rather than rebuilding a relationship....I didn't sit on ANY high horse, I said it how it was, bluntly and plenty agreed, it was honest and yes I was constructive....there was no need for sugar coating...

When it comes to a baby, I will never write that off as a mistake, NOT HAPPENING.
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