Why are Black people expected to speak up for other groups? vol. #OscarsSoWhite

Hmong, Loatians and Vietnamese come to mind. It's sad that other minorities are just as ignorant to the struggles of other groups as white people are to theirs.  Not every Asian is a doctor or engineer making 6 figures. The Hmong and Vietnamese in this country have a history and still do live in abject poverty....especially in places like the Midwest.

Adding on to that, they are also hated for their darker skin tones also.
Speaking as an Asian American.

Of these groups were Latinos and Asians, both of which practice anti-Blackness throughout their communities from their media to how they interact with Black people.

That's fair, but you're generalizing.

Some of them already identify as white so its not like you aren't represented in the media, am I right?

No, we are not represented in the media. No we do NOT identify as white.

Two, now we're fighting the same fight? Last week, Asians marched across the country in defense of Peter Liang and being able to kill Black men like White cops.

Get this through your head. We weren't protesting the fact that Liang should have gotten off. Watch this video to get an idea of why we are upset.

Adding on to that, they are also hated for their darker skin tones also.

Preach, there's a reason why Asia is the  biggest consumers of skin lightening products......European imperialism affects more than just black people.

The reason for wanting lighter skin is more cultural than racial.

It's considered that when you have darker skin it meant you worked outdoors = poorer. Lighter skin meant you stayed indoors = royal/wealthy.
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Preach, there's a reason why Asia is the  biggest consumers of skin lightening products......European imperialism affects more than just black people.


And I've spoken about that in this thread http://niketalk.com/t/628804/naacp-leader-exposed-as-white-woman-in-blackface/1020

But we're digressing from the OG topic. The fact is nobody other than maybe Native Americans have done as much as black people have for race relations in this nation.

So while I'm glad to see most of us in here want complete solidarity between not only all racial and ethnic groups, but all sexes, genders and sexual orientations, I do understand the gripe many black folks have expressed with these other groups.

If I'm this frustrated with how black people are treated in this nation, then I can't fathom what it must be like for those who live the reality day in and day out. I'm beyond done at this point. Beyond had it.

It's truly admirable to see black NTers such as yourself and Rusty wanting to see everyone on the same playing field. I cannot however in good conscience act like the struggles of my people (as dire as they may be in post 9/11 America) is in anyway equatable to the struggles black people have faced for generations.

Everyone wants change, but, how many people are willing to put others before themselves?

Maybe Chris Rock should've spoken on the underrepresentation of ALL people of color in Hollywood. Then I think of Bollywood, and I think of the fair-skin obsession Indians and Pakistanis have. I think of the telenovelas I see my girl watching, and all the fair-skinned hispanic actors. I think of Asian cinema that's not unlike Bollywood with the fair-skin obsession.

Maybe if we want others to represent us, we should stop under-representing ourselves. Black people in this country are fighting for their respect, while so many other people of color seem content just assimilating, trying to fit in with the white power structure. Folks anglicizing their names for other people's comfort level.

Then we want to latch on when its most convenient.

It's really getting old. It's funny that it takes something as benign as Hollywood whitewashing to galvanize the rest of us. That's a pretty gentle wake-up call if you ask me.
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Speaking as an Asian American.

Of these groups were Latinos and Asians, both of which practice anti-Blackness throughout their communities from their media to how they interact with Black people.

That's fair, but you're generalizing.

Some of them already identify as white so its not like you aren't represented in the media, am I right?

No, we are not represented in the media. No we do NOT identify as white.

Two, now we're fighting the same fight? Last week, Asians marched across the country in defense of Peter Liang and being able to kill Black men like White cops.

Get this through your head. We weren't protesting the fact that Liang should have gotten off. Watch this video to get an idea of why we are upset.

Adding on to that, they are also hated for their darker skin tones also.

Preach, there's a reason why Asia is the  biggest consumers of skin lightening products......European imperialism affects more than just black people.

The reason for wanting lighter skin is more cultural than racial.

It's considered that when you have darker skin it meant you worked outdoors = poorer. Lighter skin meant you stayed indoors = royal/wealthy.
isnt lighter skin in asian culture a little of both, racial and that .. unless your saying asians dont
Microaggressions from other minorities is an exquisite pain.

But I just don't see that as overt racism. Ignorance sure.

Not to disparage your comment, but I think this general sentiment seems to point to the fact that you're trying to push things to far.

Taking for granted that the goal is a society without systemic racism/oppression/prejudice, you can't stop people from having their own beliefs, even if you do consider them offensive. There will never be a time when ignorance or people lacking empathy will cease to exist. In reality, to be truly tolerant, you should respect their views as stupid as they may be as long as they aren't acting on them in an unlawful way (remember this is the hypothetical law without systemic racism/prejudice).

People are always going to be ignorant and judgemental. If it wasn't about race, it'd be about height, or salary, or house size, or weight, or literally anything. You can't solve everyone's insecurities so just make sure you are comfortable with yourself and you won't be trippin about "microagressions"
Not to disparage your comment, but I think this general sentiment seems to point to the fact that you're trying to push things to far.

Taking for granted that the goal is a society without systemic racism/oppression/prejudice, you can't stop people from having their own beliefs, even if you do consider them offensive. There will never be a time when ignorance or people lacking empathy will cease to exist. In reality, to be truly tolerant, you should respect their views as stupid as they may be as long as they aren't acting on them in an unlawful way (remember this is the hypothetical law without systemic racism/prejudice).

People are always going to be ignorant and judgemental. If it wasn't about race, it'd be about height, or salary, or house size, or weight, or literally anything. You can't solve everyone's insecurities so just make sure you are comfortable with yourself and you won't be trippin about "microagressions"


You should probably read through my posts in this thread before commenting in the future though.

Because I definitely wasn't tripping about microaggressions. Rather, the contrary.

My qualms are much, much bigger than microaggressions. :lol:
i never knew the approval of white people was so important.
if you're talking about oscar nominations, for actors and directors its not seeking the approval of white people, it's about seeking the approval of their peers in the industry

You should probably read through my posts in this thread before commenting in the future though.

Because I definitely wasn't tripping about microaggressions. Rather, the contrary.

My qualms are much, much bigger than microaggressions. :lol:

I did, and I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough in saying that I wasn't really directly responding to your comment. That's why I took out the specifics which included you clearly stating you didn't think this issue was a big deal.

However, there has been a lot of discussion about microagressions and I thought the sentiment you expressed in those two lines was a good lead in to a point that I think applies to others' points about microaggressions as well.
I did, and I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough in saying that I wasn't really directly responding to your comment. That's why I took out the specifics which included you clearly stating you didn't think this issue was a big deal.

However, there has been a lot of discussion about microagressions and I thought the sentiment you expressed in those two lines was a good lead in to a point that I think applies to others' points about microaggressions as well.

Thanks for clarifying.

And for pretty much outlining why I personally don't lose much sleep about microaggressions. Hit the nail on the head there.
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Basic argument of the thread...

Other minorities: "why didn't you have my back?"

blacks: "Because you treat us like dirt!"

How this plays out in the real world....

other minorities: "i had no idea you felt this way. I'm sorry. Lets move forward together."

blacks:  "okay. apology accepted. everyone should be acknowledged for their merits and who they are as individuals"

other minorities: we finally have the opportunity to get funding and make films with diversity in the cast! this is great!"

blacks: "id like to audition for the movie you are making (Mr. Chen / Mr. Gonzales)"

other minorities: "sure, you can play the poor black person with no education, who commits crimes and provides comic relief and dies first"

Ultimate outcome:

blacks: "sir id like to date your daughter and have a beautiful life and family together. "

other minorities: " no daughter of mine will date a black man. they are savages with no education and they are all drug dealers, I know how they are (from what i saw in the movie)"

Basic argument of the thread...

Other minorities: "why didn't you have my back?"

blacks: "Because you treat us like dirt!"

How this plays out in the real world....

other minorities: "i had no idea you felt this way. I'm sorry. Lets move forward together."

blacks:  "okay. apology accepted. everyone should be acknowledged for their merits and who they are as individuals"

other minorities: we finally have the opportunity to get funding and make films with diversity in the cast! this is great!"

blacks: "id like to audition for the movie you are making (Mr. Chen / Mr. Gonzales)"

other minorities: "sure, you can play the poor black person with no education, who commits crimes and provides comic relief and dies first"

Ultimate outcome:

blacks: "sir id like to date your daughter and have a beautiful life and family together. "

other minorities: " no daughter of mine will date a black man. they are savages with no education and they are all drug dealers, I know how they are (from what i saw in the movie)"

Basic argument of the thread...

Other minorities: "why didn't you have my back?"
blacks: "Because you treat us like dirt!"

How this plays out in the real world....

other minorities: "i had no idea you felt this way. I'm sorry. Lets move forward together."
blacks:  "okay. apology accepted. everyone should be acknowledged for their merits and who they are as individuals"

other minorities: we finally have the opportunity to get funding and make films with diversity in the cast! this is great!"
blacks: "id like to audition for the movie you are making (Mr. Chen / Mr. Gonzales)"
other minorities: "sure, you can play the poor black person with no education, who commits crimes and provides comic relief and dies first"

Ultimate outcome:
blacks: "sir id like to date your daughter and have a beautiful life and family together. "
other minorities: " no daughter of mine will date a black man. they are savages with no education and they are all drug dealers, I know how they are (from what i saw in the movie)"

Basic argument of the thread...

other minorities: we finally have the opportunity to get funding and make films with diversity in the cast! this is great!"
blacks: "id like to audition for the movie you are making (Mr. Chen / Mr. Gonzales)"
other minorities: "sure, you can play the poor black person with no education, who commits crimes and provides comic relief and dies first"


I need to see some evidence behind this post...
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One thing I've noticed is that anytime the black community stands up for equality whether is be just blacks or all minorities, somehow the topic shifts to something inconsequential and we spend 6 pages discussing something like the black community needing to be more welcoming to other minorities.

In a perfect world, that happens. But we can't pretend that in this country blacks have always been at the bottom of the totem, and other minority groups benefitted from and perpetuated that. Not all of course, but regardless that has an effect on race relations.

Black people in this country don't owe anyone anything.
I need to see some evidence behind this post...
you wont find much evidence because there aren't many who are high in executive producing... which is the whole premise of the whole oscarssowhite debacle

but just wait on it... Hollywood will fund their "model minority's"  film projects before they fund those of blacks. Don't get it twisted they may let minorities in but they wont fully give up the power to manipulate the perception of blacks. we will still be Mr. Popo running from the PoPo
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in order for white supremacy to keep the races divided racism has to be equal opportunity

it has to be a two way street

all things not being equal 
Speaking as an Asian American.
That's fair, but you're generalizing.
No, we are not represented in the media. No we do NOT identify as white.
Get this through your head. We weren't protesting the fact that Liang should have gotten off. Watch this video to get an idea of why we are upset.

The reason for wanting lighter skin is more cultural than racial.

It's considered that when you have darker skin it meant you worked outdoors = poorer. Lighter skin meant you stayed indoors = royal/wealthy.

Get it through your head that there were people who wanted Liang to get off. Many were at that same protes some of which shouted down BLM protesters. Hop on Twitter and search the hashtag #PeterLiang. Read the comment section from the NY Times article that recently came out about this issue. There are plenty of you who showed your true feelings last week all the while setting up shop in our neighborhoods.
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Basic argument of the thread...

Other minorities: "why didn't you have my back?"
blacks: "Because you treat us like dirt!"

How this plays out in the real world....

other minorities: "i had no idea you felt this way. I'm sorry. Lets move forward together."
blacks:  "okay. apology accepted. everyone should be acknowledged for their merits and who they are as individuals"

other minorities: we finally have the opportunity to get funding and make films with diversity in the cast! this is great!"
blacks: "id like to audition for the movie you are making (Mr. Chen / Mr. Gonzales)"
other minorities: "sure, you can play the poor black person with no education, who commits crimes and provides comic relief and dies first"

Ultimate outcome:
blacks: "sir id like to date your daughter and have a beautiful life and family together. "
other minorities: " no daughter of mine will date a black man. they are savages with no education and they are all drug dealers, I know how they are (from what i saw in the movie)"

The accuracy
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