Why are Black people expected to speak up for other groups? vol. #OscarsSoWhite


anyone can be racist

institutionalised racism is a form of racism 
So you quoting the dictionary of all places, let's see what they say about the word "black" shall we?

Also from Webster:
a   :   thoroughly sinister or evil :   wicked  <a black  deed>b   :   indicative of condemnation or discredit <got a black  mark for being late
yes, black can be used in that context just like it can be used in it's other 12 contexts as listed in the dictionary.

what's your point?
It's our fault. You can't go screaming your head off about POC solidarity and then not want to act in solidarity.
I personally don't agree with POC solidarity either. Every community acts in its own self interest except for Black Americans.

Asians like many other races in this country are victims of racial microaggressions that can be psychologically harmful. People love to diminish the struggles of other groups. You don't have to end up dead or jobless to be affected by racism.

Trust me I know, I'm technically Asian.

Microaggressions from other minorities is an exquisite pain. Especially when it's from a long-time friend.

But I just don't see that as overt racism. Ignorance sure. But at days end, I generally park my feels at the door when it comes to ignorant slick remarks from other minorities because again....they're not the ones who are trying to keep my people out of this country...
@SneakerHeathen is Asian?

so an asian experiencing a microaggression is not comparable to a black experiencing a micoaggression?

the simple fact is black people go thru every form of discrimination/ignorance/hate that other POC go thru and some

whatever "microaggression" that we're now giving all this weight to, black people have experienced and worse
You really do have to ignore social media though, it will skew your world view and make it harder to just live. I'd even give this place a break. Life has it's positives too, you log into these places sometimes you forget that.
slight tangent but do pakistanis consider themselves asian? 

No. They consider themselves desi and/or whatever ethnic group they actually are (punjabi, pashtuns, sindhi etc).

I consider myself human.
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:lol: :smh:

Look at this... ksteezy and sea manup speaking on things and a people they know nothing about again.

Black folks should look out for their own. White folks look out for their own. Asians, Mexicans. Every other group of people looks out for own. First and only them. Black people are the most accepting people on the planet, sometimes we are too accepting of other people and it works against us.
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Black folks should look out for their own. White folks look out for their own. Asians, Mexicans. Everybody other group of people looks out for own.
this is basically how the world works

all races of people are selfish and bias towards their own race 
I mean this is where race gets tricky. :lol: There are many groups that don't fall into the classically defined races.

What "race" are Indians? Many Middle Easterners are considered Caucasian by classification, but White racist people do not because they have distinct features. Within the white race there are groups like Armenians who do not fit into classical white features. The whole thing is a mess but we're stuck with it for now. :lol:


Yes Indians/Pakistanis are the true Aryan race. Somewhere along the line the word Aryan got hijacked by Europeans.

My people originate neither from Europe nor the Caucasus.
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Minorities need to remember that a huge reason they're even "accepted" in this country is due to the the effort of black people. It's funny how minority groups worked with and supported black people in the past, but now that they've enjoyed some success, they've become too comfortable and forgotten

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Don't got the energy now, plus I feel like this is a sub topic of a main topic going on in another thread to an extend but I'm glad the usual suspects are all here.

To answer the thread title question, I guess it's cuz when the phrase ppl of color is used it's about black ppl. Black ppl - while not even being across the board unified like other minorities - are seen as the vanguard for fighting against these sort of injustices when these issues are brought up. So I can see why they might look at Rock to speak for them and include them.

I totally agree if you want to act like we're all in this together you need to treat us and each other like we're all in this together. Yeah white supremacy is the main thing we focus on and against but that has trickled down and taught a lot of bad behavior to these other minorities when it comes to how they view black ppl and treat them. Especially Asians and Hispanics/Latinos. The hatred for dark skin runs rampant.

To OP, I can get your initial point and agree with some things you said but your examples seem more like tangents when it comes to this topic. I see what you saying but it aint all that simple with these groups.

Anyway, I see some of yall falling for that trap by the usual trolls pretending they about one thing but their posts say differently. Ignore these hypocrites, agitators, and flat out bigots. W/e side they claim to be on.

Minorities need to remember that a huge reason they're even "accepted" in this country is due to the the effort of black people. It's funny how minority groups worked with and supported black people in the past, but now that they've enjoyed some success, they've become too comfortable and forgotten

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It's not as bad as you think. If anything things are still the same:

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In many ways the country feels like the neighborhood in Do The Right Thing.
Oh wow....look who's being dismissive now...lmao

If I punch you in the face, I'm not an *******, as long as I didn't extrrminate your whole living family tree...


Yeah....Not a lot of Hispanic on Pakistani hate-crimes out there. Or for that matter, black on muslim/middle-eastern/Arab etc etc etc crimes. Or vice versa.

Apt argument. :rolleyes
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True, but I feel like in 2016 we should be seeing a lot more of that. I feel like there was much more support for each other in the past, but the constant negative portrayal of black people by mainstream society and the intentional turning minorities against each other to maintain supremacy took a negative toll on race relations. For example, my older Asian relatives that lived here in the 50s and 60s have a much more positive view on black people than the ones who moved here in the 80s and were taught that black people are all criminals.
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True, but I feel like in 2016 we should be seeing a lot more of that. I feel like there was much more support for each other in the past, but the constant negative portrayal of black people by mainstream society split minorities apart. For example, my older Asian relatives that lived here in the 50s and 60s have a much more positive view on black people than the ones who moved here in the 80s and were taught that black people are all criminals.
Without a doubt, minorities need to realize the racism within their own races towards blacks. At the same time though, I believe a lot of that racism stems from white people in power. There was a huge wave of conservatism in the past few decades they are relevant to why racial solidarity seems so distant. For me, the perfect example I think about is the model minority myth. It perpetuates that Asians are the "model minority", a term created by white people, in that they are the most successful minority and can easily assimilate into American society. That obviously isn't the case. But you have so many people believing it that issues facing blacks are no longer important to Asians-Americans. We're not willing to reconcile that. Generally, though, a lot of the racism towards blacks, has been perpetuated by the white media and unfortunately a lot of people buy into that, regardless of skin color. Also think about this: how relevant the media is to our lives? We're pretty much exposed to it everyday, right? The modeling agencies, talent directors, etc., they're the folks who are casting blacks in degrading roles. Hell how many black models are present twenty years ago, or even today?

I guess I'm pretty much rambling at this point but that's my take on it. Reagan's presidency, the increased conservatism, etc. have ****** over minorities, especially blacks.
The Aryan race doesn't exist dude.....there's no such thing, it's arbitrary that's my point. There's literally no such thing as race.

You compare a Southern to a Northern Asian there are glaring differences....race is not a biological way of categorizing people.

No, I know. A lot of people just have misconceptions when it comes to the Indian subcontinent and its people. The term aryan causes a lot of confusion.

But I agree, there is no such thing as race.
Here is the thing, I do believe black people need to focus on issue that effect the black community first and foremost. But remember:

Black women face sexism, gay black people face homophobia, there are black people that face all kinds of discrimination. So black community should have an interest in combating those issues, because it will help members of your community too.

But we must keep the end game to all this in mind even though it is probably way off. And to me, it is a system of justice, equity, and brotherhood.

I'm not willing to live in a world were black people a flourishing and Asians struggling, or for us to escape the boot of white supremacy only to watch Latino still suffer under it, or indulge in the xenophobia towards Muslims and middle easterners like it is suppose to be a bipartisan group bonding hate activity for Americans.

You offer me that world, and I will say "no thank you".

And that goes for all minority groups. Women, homosexuals, etc.

Even white people. At times I may not feel sorry for that community when I see has a self inflicted wound, but I take no pleasure in it.

I don't like seeing white southern Conservative hollow in despair, or seeing white middle class kids OD in heroin; and death rates among white needs to be a national concern.

But what infuriates me, is that the think holding up America, and the world moving towards a system of justice, equality and brotherhood are white supremacist.

Good economic, social and political policy fall by the wayside because of those d-bags.
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Agreed, I edited my previous post to include the fact about society turning minorities against each other, which includes the "model minority" myth. There are plenty of disadvantaged Asians here in the U.S., but we are typically only shown the "successful engineer or doctor in Cali/NY" type. But if you talk to these disadvantaged Asians, it's shocking to see how many of them look down on black people. It's the same with Latinos and poor white people; white supremacy allows them to feel better about themselves byhaving them believe that they're above black people, when a lot of their struggles are very similar.
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