Washington Heights man arrested for terror plot vol. Ninjahood is banned!!!!


Originally Posted by goDie



Meth got his .50 Cal on deck....ain't trying to get sent to ban camp for another 2 weeks over nothing...not even worth it man.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

how does ninja get suspended but jokes about his room fly?


See what I mean about NTers hypocrisy and how they pick and choose what they find offensive?
I didnt see a single person be offended by the joking on Dominican stereotypes.
Originally Posted by goDie

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

how does ninja get suspended but jokes about his room fly?


See what I mean about NTers hypocrisy and how they pick and choose what they find offensive?
I didnt see a single person be offended by the joking on Dominican stereotypes.

And the thing is that the rules seem to be enforced in the same manner....if Ninjahood is to get suspended, why are the people clowning him not suspended for trolling?...I mean that is trolling or not?
Originally Posted by goDie

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

how does ninja get suspended but jokes about his room fly?


See what I mean about NTers hypocrisy and how they pick and choose what they find offensive?
I didnt see a single person be offended by the joking on Dominican stereotypes.
just because they're hypocrites doesnt mean the offensive nature of things that offend someone are less offensive


just because they clown dominican stereotypes/dont get offended by them doesnt mean kay wasnt stereotyped, b

what if the store employee told ninjahood "we dont sell plantains here, man"


if Ninjahood is to get suspended, why are the people clowning him not suspended for trolling?...
promise i typed that.

(and thats not a shot, a diss, an insult or anything. relax.)
Originally Posted by goDie

Oh so everybody comes in and cracks on ninjahood. Dude makes one comment going along with @%*+ laughing at himself and cracks a joke in a thread full of jokes and he's the ignorant one?

So cracking on this apparent terrorist with Dominican stereotypes are less ignorant than what ninjahood said? Oh I know, we pick and choose what we want to be offended by on these forums.
Definitely this.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by goDie

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

how does ninja get suspended but jokes about his room fly?


See what I mean about NTers hypocrisy and how they pick and choose what they find offensive?
I didnt see a single person be offended by the joking on Dominican stereotypes.

And the thing is that the rules seem to be enforced in the same manner....if Ninjahood is to get suspended, why are the people clowning him not suspended for trolling?...I mean that is trolling or not?
They're not enforced fairly IMO but i'll stay put. I like my posting access and I try to play by the rules. I do appreciate NT and I really mean that. 
See in the other thread NinjaHood started about the SOPA bill people said he had GREAT points to which I agreed with most of them (hes right on somethings, wrong on others) and I definitely wanted to hear and amplify what he said in that regard. Here: http://niketalk.com/topic/320569

But people said that it would be a lot more beneficial if he just started to type without the "da" and a bunch of people agreed. Hell, I wasn't even the first one to bring it up nor was I the last.

But then the thread gets shut down and I get called out for "baiting" ninjahood because I merely brought attention to the fact (as well as others) that he would reach others because they would take him more seriously. He does it as a means of mini-protest and a bunch of people agreed that his points go overlooked because of how he expresses himself. Then the deciding reason to shut it down is because the thread got off topic...when it really didn't. 

Now granted it wasn't the original thread on SOPA, Ninjahood's had more content in it relating to the actual issue so I think it was more relevant.

There is very little objectivity in these discussions. I get called out for debating others on religion threads... but why? We're going back and forth IN a religion thread ABOUT RELIGION. What else are we supposed to talk about? People can debate about everything else like animal rights, OWS, gay rights, movies, tv shows, but taboo topics bring the mods out. Especially if the conversation continues for a bunch of pages, who cares? I really don't understand it. If its being contained in a single thread with a single focus, why not let it ride out? People are expressing themselves and as long as there is no major foul then I say we should "Play On." Then next thing you know, post counts get limited and all sorts of craziness. 

Now do I think ninjahood could have been a little more sensitive in his wording? Yes. But on that same token, I don't see how its cool for people to be re-titling threads and making fun of dude because of it. Thats no good either.

I understand posting of copyrighted material and "foul language" and NSFW sexual content, but lets be real there is a fine line most of us walk on here about being able to express ourselves...even when we play by the rules. 

We have as much of a right to OFFEND as we have the right to BE OFFENDED. No one can make you have a response to something if you don't allow them to make you feel that way. Thats why I don't agree with shutting people down for having debates or claiming that others opinions "offend" them. Shutting people up doesn't give you a chance to reach out to them and let them address their stance. Talking things out between parties changes views...not putting them in a box. Ending discussion prevents the evolution of perspectives. Ninjahood might get that he can't say the "H-word" any more but is this the right way to go about it?  I would have much rather seen him come to his senses over a series of back-and-forth posts about WHY that didn't fly too well with some people as opposed to locking him in the mental jail of "you said something wrong and its objectively wrong." There is a fine line on censorship that has to be addressed. Sometimes it seems like there are decisions made involving emotions instead objective decisions on whether or not to punish people. 

But back to the topic... 

I was wondering the other day how much the police are doing to prevent a terrorist attack from happening with OWS...thats a prime target with all those people concentrated there. 

These events have to be scary from a public safety stand-point... 

I always find it interesting too how they find these terrorists in the NYC/Northeastern-US area though...rarely on the west-coast or in the south. Makes you wonder. 

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by goDie

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

how does ninja get suspended but jokes about his room fly?


See what I mean about NTers hypocrisy and how they pick and choose what they find offensive?
I didnt see a single person be offended by the joking on Dominican stereotypes.

And the thing is that the rules seem to be enforced in the same manner....if Ninjahood is to get suspended, why are the people clowning him not suspended for trolling?...I mean that is trolling or not?
there is a point to this.

This gon be good "Silly vs Meth Vol. the great wall of texts"

Inb4 I get the blue banned screen with the red velvet rope making me feel like the pregnant chick on line to get into the club.

I completely agree with silly on this....but I've yet to see the day where any staff rep of NT will admit that the rules are selectively enforced....it is what it is.
You ever think someone reported him and no one reported what YOU thought was offensive? Nah, that's too much common sense. Report it if need be. If not, be quiet. It's pretty simple.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

You ever think someone reported him and no one reported what YOU thought was offensive? Nah, that's too much common sense. Report it if need be. If not, be quiet. It's pretty simple.

So unless it's not reported, band won't be handed out...can't the mods come up with their own conclusion as to why bans should be given based on the rules of NT?...explain to me how Ninja gets suspended for one post and in the same thread, I can spot about 5 troll posts within the first page...trolling is against the rules, or does it say "excessive" trolling only.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

This gon be good "Silly vs Meth Vol. the great wall of texts"

Inb4 I get the blue banned screen with the red velvet rope making me feel like the pregnant chick on line to get into the club.

I completely agree with silly on this....but I've yet to see the day where any staff rep of NT will admit that the rules are selectively enforced....it is what it is.
I hate that feeling.

and then you go into a thread and remember you cant post.

if you actually get banned for that though, that's just wrong.
So mods should know what is offensive to everyone at all times? It looks like we really do need a machine for a mod. It's up to you to inform them. If something isn't reported, how will mods know it's offensive?
Trolling isn't offensive for the most part to anyone, yet is a rule....a rule which IMO is used as a scapegoat to give users a timeout with an excuse to back it up....I'll say it like meth has told me in the past, rules are rules....doesn't matter if it offended anyone, they were broken....what other purpose do mods serve here if it's not to maintain order and Inforce the rules?...I don't find some guy down the street running a red light and it doesn't need to be reported, but I'm sure if a cop catches him, he will get fined.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

You ever think someone reported him and no one reported what YOU thought was offensive? Nah, that's too much common sense. Report it if need be. If not, be quiet. It's pretty simple.
This is a possibility and I didn't discount this...but there still has to be a counter-measure for this. Someone has to be able to say, "well look as long as this poster is not flaming you, or threatening you then he has as much of a right to speak as you do, especially if its not breaking any laws or established board rules."
We can not go around throwing the yellow-flag because someone hurts our feelings. I disagree with religious conservatives...but I dont think I should ever shut them up. I just want to talk with them and trade ideas ultimately. I'm not even trying to change minds...but as much as they express themselves, I should be free to engage in conversation with them. No matter if it stretches two pages or thirty. Whats the difference? I've learned a lot of stuff from people I disagreed with. They've changed my views and I've changed theirs. As much as we want to support SOPA shutting up a thread about the same thing doesn't represent that same mentality. If anything else, more than one thread would at least bring more attention to a bill that would neuter most of the internet. 

Without going into details but I've been reported SIMPLY for basically bashing religion...in a religion thread.   Not in a sports thread; not in a music thread; not a Boardwalk Empire thread; a religion thread. I will take responsibility for flaming people unnecessarily in the past so I do apologize for that but these things need to be considered on a case-by-case basis, not accruing over time. I say "simply" as well because for those that support an idea there should also be those that disagree with that same idea. No matter the topic and they should have just as much right to express themselves and address others as equally. I've had many people PM me and tell me that they've liked what i've posted and gained some new perspective from the things i've said, and I appreciate that. But on the same token i've been told that people don't like me and I put people off...Who cares? I mean honestly. I'm not breaking any rules and I'm contributing to the conversation or at least the present tone of the discussion, why shouldn't my opinion, dissenting or not be counted as equally?

I'm dumbfounded by this because it seems like simply disagreeing with someone is grounds for being reprimanded. I shouldn't be suspended or have my post count limited because someone wants to reply to me or because I have an opinion that different from yours. Thats barely even makes sense. Theres a reason we don't go around punching people we dont "agree" with. 

Like I said, I've seen people change their minds by virtue of being able to talk freely about things, even if they disagree. Shutting them up for having a different opinion prevents that conversation from taking place...

EVEN IF PEOPLE'S OPINIONS DON'T CHANGE, that much more perspective is gained by both parties for even having taken place in the discussion. Thats the view i'd like to see being taken. 

All i'm saying is that I hope everyone treats others the same way when you agree with them as much as you do when you disagree with them. 

HankMoody wrote:
So mods should know what is offensive to everyone at all times? It looks like we really do need a machine for a mod. It's up to you to inform them. If something isn't reported, how will mods know it's offensive?

What is considered "offensive" though? 
I learned more about the perspectives of different people on both sides of the "N-word" issue than I would have if the mods had come in and said "this is the end of this discussion"...why can't we talk about this sort of thing? NinjaHood might be better off for saying "oh well I didn't know this makes some people upset" rather than just throwing him in the closet. 

If someone makes fun of a team you also don't like, is that offensive? No because you agree with it.

Don't let your bias stop others from expressing themselves. 

Is it offensive because you disagree with it? Theres tons of stuff I disagree with even on NT, but does that mean I have to cry foul about everything or try to engage that person in conflict?

We have a thread talking about "the black man struggle"...could I be offended that they don't talk about "the white man struggle?" 

Again, you have as much of a right to be offended as you do to offend. No one can make you feel a certain way unless you let them. 

And again, i'd hate for this thread to get locked on the "premise" its off topic like the other one. 
That's the entire point. Offense is subjective unless it's egregious and even then, intent can be questioned. Report it or be quiet. These same arguments came up during the "animal" fiasco.

Also, brevity is an acquired taste, I see.
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