The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Gawddamn man... I gotta start shootin' again.

I'm starting to get inspired though, being that the new year is right around the corner and all... fresh start!

with the New Years creeping up, is anybody planning on participating in the 365 project this time around???
i've been telling myself i would do it for the past 2 years, but usually stop around week 2 
How do you guys add that FLICKR hyperlink in your signature.  Please help me out if you guys can. Thanks.
Originally Posted by airjzz

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

A few randoms that I like, any C&C are appreciated.
1) it would have been better to have what she was holding in her hands in the shot, and maybe a bit of the rope just to add.
2) my favorite shot
3) don't see the point? it's just leaves
4) like the colors
5) meh.

these are just my thoughts, i'm no expert.
Completely agree w/ the above comments (I am also no expert).
Thanks for the feedback
here are a few. haven't contributed to this thread in a couple years.

Old old school 50mm f/1.8 on my old Nikon D40. This lens actually requires manual focusing on this camera body.





Originally Posted by nyckone

one of my favorite shoes at the moment. not mine, but worn here by a friend.

what is the post processing on this photo? i can never seem to get my black and white shots to look like this


^ bought some white poster board randomly while on a grocery/wally world home and out of boredom, threw the closest objects next to me on them snapped away...
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