Tahiry married & spreading Herpes in the Entertainment industry?

No he doesn't have a point, he's just being extremely ignorant quite honestly. These rules you guys have been told and made to believe are true are in fact completely invalid. For a site that prides themselves on only smashing the best of the best y'all sure know little to nothing about women.

My jimmies are rustled because I'm speaking the truth and not through some blind reverse racist view of the world? Aight, consider me rustled then
You're in denial.

Ask any White dude for tips on pulling white chicks and i bet the first thing they'll say is

"Don't dress and act like the stereotypical black dude"

And for the most part it's true.

Uneducated ghetto black dudes usually get the nasty chicks that no else wants.

I'm not sure why you're trying to deny it for, i've seen it for myself after living in the hood.

Now when i went to college, i've seen some decent handsome black dudes pulling the type of white chicks you'd see in one of those bring it on movies.

Stop watching interracial pron, it's not real.
:lol: Hey if the hatred of self and inferiority complex work for you then by all means do you my guy. I won't sit here and argue with fools, but as I said your view of the world is skewed. Come out from behind that screen a few days out of the week and mingle then you'll realize it's not real. :wink:
Give me an attractive light skin broad of any race with long hair, pretty eyes, and some nice ******* and I'm good.

I'll put them on the highest pedestal you can find

See I dunno, Ive never had a preference for skin color when it comes to black women. I just love black women with a slim frame. I just find it a little ironic that some black dudes (not calling you out), who have this skin preference will hate on someone for liking white women. It doesn't make any sense to me, but people have preferences others just have to deal with it.

Most of my family is light and I didn't grow up around a lot of black folks - in the suburbs of LA, pretty much Orange County.

Plus I dated this Naija chick who was crazy back in college and haven't dated dark since lol

But to be serious I have a thing for long natural hair and pretty eyes and that usually occurs in lighter skin folks.

I love white girls but a short haired brunette with normal brown eyes doesn't do much for me.

I refuse to reproduce with someone without light eyes because I want my kids to have light eyes like me - semi srs
:lol: Hey if the hatred of self and inferiority complex work for you then by all means do you my guy. I won't sit here and argue with fools, but as I said your view of the world is skewed. Come out from behind that screen a few days out of the week and mingle then you'll realize it's not real. :wink:

Damn maybe I should love myself more and stick my penis in women Im not attracted to. :D

View media item 273038
lol cornball=exceptional :wink: your are the anticornball

If you want mercy take your butt to church.

bdw I may legitimately not graduate, everytime I say that I see the sparkles in NTers eyes. I love white women DEAL WITH IT.

You ain't the only one with a degree, g. Stop it. Is it getting you all the white women you desire yet? Judging by this thread apparently not.

You have your taste, you like white women, that's fine, you go a bit hard on every other type of chick but you're always doing a little too much here in general by my estimation so it is what it is. I ain't even gonna lie, I'll like a frail and pale white chick just the same, nothing wrong with them at all. I also happen to like thicker women, women with a little color, it's all personal preference, I'm not knocking you for liking white women if that's how you took it. I was simply trying to find out what your argument was. White women are racist? Black folks need to do better? What?

You took offense while I was just asking a question which you conveniently ignored. You just trying to argue for the sake of it or did you have a point? Reminds of someone else who used to roam these boards antagonizing folks. :lol:
You're in denial.

Ask any White dude for tips on pulling white chicks and i bet the first thing they'll say is

"Don't dress and act like the stereotypical black dude"

And for the most part it's true.

Uneducated ghetto black dudes usually get the nasty chicks that no else wants.

I'm not sure why you're trying to deny it for, i've seen it for myself after living in the hood.

Now when i went to college, i've seen some decent handsome black dudes pulling the type of white chicks you'd see in one of those bring it on movies.

Stop watching interracial pron, it's not real.
thank you if you took two mildy attractive men one black/or hispanic one white.... same income average salary etc... and put them in any town..and have them at random bars pulling great looking white chicks with no real hangups. Id put everything thee white guy quality and quantity of white women for the white guy would be more then the black and or hispanic guy. Now take that same scenario and give the black and or hispanic guy alot of money and or fame...and then you would have probably a even playing field.

I mean even if look at it lets say celeb wise. Most of these famous rich black guys who date/marry white women..usually its the first and only time they ever dated a black and or hispanic person. Why is that.... Are ppl really saying that they never found in their entires lives a decent looking black and or hispanic male with a decent personality? And when they did its just a coincidence they happen to be famous and rich?

Put it like this you take a iuno justin timberlake and iuno a lil wayne. neither is rich or famous...working a reg job etc... and i guarantee you justin would pull much better white women then a lil wayne. Now same scenario except lil wayne is who he is...fame and money and and justin is still just reg non famous non rich justin....then i could see it being about even. But again it would be because of the fortune and fame.

Ill use me as an example...my old lady is korean... you guys can play pr all you want, but the truth is the truth. If i wasnt moderately successful im for certain if i was a average joe, and it was between me and a white male... her parents would prefer their daughter be with the white guy. Not saying this for all but just being around her and family often times they dont even like ppl to date outside their race unless they are white. And if they aint white they better be exceptional in terms of finances.

Prejudice and racism is alive and it also applies to dating. you guys think it dont is lying to yourself. And money and fame and status...kinda goes a long way, and many times it will make an exception to the rules in many ppl eyes. Im curious to how many black men did tiger woods ex wife date before him. Probably little to none. If you think his status and money had no factor, your living under a rock. Scotty pippen wife, so on and so forth.

Like i said take a justin bieber no fame and im pretty certain him working a reg job, could and would pull more white chicks and better quality of white chicks then lets say iuno a t.i. could if he wasnt famous and was a reg dude working an average job. Lol at guys really thinking the money and fame has no bearings as to why some top notch white women are groupies of a person like a waka flame, a gucci mane...etc. And if they was reg dudes them same women would show them any interest.
You ain't the only one with a degree, g. Stop it. Is it getting you all the white women you desire yet? Judging by this thread apparently not.

You have your taste, you like white women, that's fine, you go a bit hard on every other type of chick but you're always doing a little too much here in general by my estimation so it is what it is. I ain't even gonna lie, I'll like a frail and pale white chick just the same, nothing wrong with them at all. I also happen to like thicker women, women with a little color, it's all personal preference, I'm not knocking you for liking white women if that's how you took it. I was simply trying to find out what your argument was. White women are racist? Black folks need to do better? What?

You took offense while I was just asking a question which you conveniently ignored. You just trying to argue for the sake of it or did you have a point? Reminds of someone else who used to roam these boards antagonizing folks.

Currently applying to law school, so I can drink more smug juice. I heard white women love degrees. Half serious.
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I hope your children are as black as midnight with black hair and eyes - very srs

That's a bit aggressive. >D

Anyhow, I just want my kids to be tall and smart. Seeing how I'm most likely going to marry a white woman I suspect they would just come out looking like Blake Griffin.
So u didn't have a point with all that elle mcphearson wouldn't date chief keef nonsense. :lol: Gotcha
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You ain't the only one with a degree, g. Stop it. Is it getting you all the white women you desire yet? Judging by this thread apparently not.

You have your taste, you like white women, that's fine, you go a bit hard on every other type of chick but you're always doing a little too much here in general by my estimation so it is what it is. I ain't even gonna lie, I'll like a frail and pale white chick just the same, nothing wrong with them at all. I also happen to like thicker women, women with a little color, it's all personal preference, I'm not knocking you for liking white women if that's how you took it. I was simply trying to find out what your argument was. White women are racist? Black folks need to do better? What?

You took offense while I was just asking a question which you conveniently ignored. You just trying to argue for the sake of it or did you have a point? Reminds of someone else who used to roam these boards antagonizing folks.

Currently applying to law school, so I can drink more smug juice. I heard white women love degrees. Half serious.

You dont rustle my jimmies to be honest.
But I notice that you do bother a lot of other people and Im sure you notice that too.
You seem like a smart dude. All jokes aside...do you realize that the reason why people continue to go at you is because you attack their preference?

Theyre not mad that you like white women. Theyre mad that you praise white women while you insult other people's preference especially when its a thick black woman.
You dont rustle my jimmies to be honest.
But I notice that you do bother a lot of other people and Im sure you notice that too.
You seem like a smart dude. All jokes aside...do you realize that the reason why people continue to go at you is because you attack their preference?

Theyre not mad that you like white women. Theyre mad that you praise white women while you insult other people's preference especially when its a thick black woman.

Oh yea, are we gonna pretend like people don't attack my beautiful caucasian queens on this message board all the time? word to the AWG movement on NT. :lol:

The hypocrisy of it all.

Anyhow we should go hang out in Williamsburg, I'll find you a nice white girl to settle down with.
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You ain't the only one with a degree, g. Stop it. Is it getting you all the white women you desire yet? Judging by this thread apparently not.

You have your taste, you like white women, that's fine, you go a bit hard on every other type of chick but you're always doing a little too much here in general by my estimation so it is what it is. I ain't even gonna lie, I'll like a frail and pale white chick just the same, nothing wrong with them at all. I also happen to like thicker women, women with a little color, it's all personal preference, I'm not knocking you for liking white women if that's how you took it. I was simply trying to find out what your argument was. White women are racist? Black folks need to do better? What?

You took offense while I was just asking a question which you conveniently ignored. You just trying to argue for the sake of it or did you have a point? Reminds of someone else who used to roam these boards antagonizing folks.

Currently applying to law school, so I can drink more smug juice. I heard white women love degrees. Half serious.

You dont rustle my jimmies to be honest.
But I notice that you do bother a lot of other people and Im sure you notice that too.
You seem like a smart dude. All jokes aside...do you realize that the reason why people continue to go at you is because you attack their preference?

Theyre not mad that you like white women. Theyre mad that you praise white women while you insult other people's preference especially when its a thick black woman.

People too often confuse thick with overweight

you guys never seen a hood dude w/ a bad white chick?

where do you guys live?
bad as in how...kinda subjective...some ppl think that white rapping chic is bad. Plus there are exceptions...No one is saying its concrete in stone. But the fact of it all is, most times you take a taylor swift type chick... more often then not she is gonna be with a white guy, long haul married etc..(not some phase or rebellion moment in life) then any other race especially darker spanish race... unless he is exceptional in terms of status aka money fame power. Basically average income/looks white guy over any other race unless he is exceptional in status and money etc...

Same as a kreyshawn is more likely to be with a black guy if not famous...This whole oh i just dont like white guys is bull. Of course you not going to if none of decent or quality find you attractive, nor like being around you. And if one particular race shows you more love and excepts you. I agree with ppl who says it sounds ignorant. But just cause it does doesnt make it any less true. Racism, prejudice, bigotry all sounds messed up and ignorant. Still exist tho.
You ain't the only one with a degree, g. Stop it. Is it getting you all the white women you desire yet? Judging by this thread apparently not.

You have your taste, you like white women, that's fine, you go a bit hard on every other type of chick but you're always doing a little too much here in general by my estimation so it is what it is. I ain't even gonna lie, I'll like a frail and pale white chick just the same, nothing wrong with them at all. I also happen to like thicker women, women with a little color, it's all personal preference, I'm not knocking you for liking white women if that's how you took it. I was simply trying to find out what your argument was. White women are racist? Black folks need to do better? What?

You took offense while I was just asking a question which you conveniently ignored. You just trying to argue for the sake of it or did you have a point? Reminds of someone else who used to roam these boards antagonizing folks.

Currently applying to law school, so I can drink more smug juice. I heard white women love degrees. Half serious.

You dont rustle my jimmies to be honest.
But I notice that you do bother a lot of other people and Im sure you notice that too.
You seem like a smart dude. All jokes aside...do you realize that the reason why people continue to go at you is because you attack their preference?

Theyre not mad that you like white women. Theyre mad that you praise white women while you insult other people's preference especially when its a thick black woman.

People too often confuse thick with overweight

Shouldnt that be their problem?
If I want to call my fat girlfriend thick, why is that an issue?

Perhaps its a bit subjective?
So u didn't have a point with all that elle mcphearson wouldn't date chief keef nonsense.
id say no in most scenarios... unless she wasnt famous no money, and he was famous and had tons of money. Again not 100% no way..but closer to 100% no then 50%.
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