Tahiry married & spreading Herpes in the Entertainment industry?

Yea I'm gonna go ahead and call the lady from happy endings fat. Again, I've never been the type to sugar-coat weight, my threshold for being in shape is very high. Jennifer Love Hewitt does not look in shape in that pic either. Ya girl Tahiry is still not in shape. Stating the facts
well if not having a six pack and having muscle definition is fat to you.... lol you pretty much ruling out a vast majority of women... Most women hell most men arent cut built like the chick ohmygosh posted. And not being built doesnt equal being fat. Like i said i think you guys have a distorted view of size... A size 0 is in actuality the same size as girls... they just make the clothing different. So to say any women who cant wear the same size clothing as a 5th grader is fat...im sorry just sounds rediculous and untrue. A size six in regular clothes unsize is a small. Why do you think its labeled small for? To make them feel good about themselves lol.


As you can see even by medical and clothing size she tahiry would be a small... and is ideal weight for her height and ideal size. So really i can get you saying you like muscle arms and built over mass and breast. But to say one is fat and one isnt is just flat out wrong. Just a simple i like built over butt.

Also this scales goes to show alot of these women dudes be posting ala like the selena gomez etc are actually very underweight... and pretty much by health and clothing standards the ideal size of a preteen. So iuno why dudes be getting all up in arms when ppl be saying oh they like lil girl built women... when in all actual facts these women are by medical and sizing definition the ideal size of a 13 y/o.

you guys never seen a hood dude w/ a bad white chick?

where do you guys live?
It depends what you mean when you say bad.

A lot of dudes on this site would consider Kreayshawn bad, she looks like a crackhead in my opinion.

There's not many "bad" white chicks who grow up in the hood.

Kreayshawn is bad though. As in she makes awfully bad music and should be buried under the albums she has on the shelf.
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well if not having a six pack and having muscle definition is fat to you.... lol you pretty much ruling out a vast majority of women... Most women hell most men arent cut built like the chick ohmygosh posted. And not being built doesnt equal being fat. Like i said i think you guys have a distorted view of size... A size 0 is in actuality the same size as girls... they just make the clothing different. So to say any women who cant wear the same size clothing as a 5th grader is fat...im sorry just sounds rediculous and untrue. A size six in regular clothes unsize is a small. Why do you think its labeled small for? To make them feel good about themselves lol.


As you can see even by medical and clothing size she tahiry would be a small... and is ideal weight for her height and ideal size. So really i can get you saying you like muscle arms and built over mass and breast. But to say one is fat and one isnt is just flat out wrong. Just a simple i like built over butt.

Also this scales goes to show alot of these women dudes be posting ala like the selena gomez etc are actually very underweight... and pretty much by health and clothing standards the ideal size of a preteen. So iuno why dudes be getting all up in arms when ppl be saying oh they like lil girl built women... when in all actual facts these women are by medical and sizing definition the ideal size of a 13 y/o.

stop with the dress sizes, what's her BMI (using her real weight, not what she posts on her website)? That's the only thing that holds any merit. I guarantee its in the overweight range. I would guess somewhere in the 28-29 range if you weighed her right now.

Oh here comes the "yall like little girls" comments. :lol:
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you guys never seen a hood dude w/ a bad white chick?

where do you guys live?
It depends what you mean when you say bad.

A lot of dudes on this site would consider Kreayshawn bad, she looks like a crackhead in my opinion.

There's not many "bad" white chicks who grow up in the hood.

i'm talking about stereotypical white girls

and they don't have to grow up in the hood

i wonder how many valley girls are ******** it out as a type this
Yea I'm gonna go ahead and call the lady from happy endings fat. Again, I've never been the type to sugar-coat weight, my threshold for being in shape is very high. Jennifer Love Hewitt does not look in shape in that pic either. Ya girl Tahiry is still not in shape. Stating the facts
i know you being a doctor and all but man i hope you dont go around telling ppl or advising women like beyonce size is fat bbw and need to go on strict diets lol.... And i aint knocking you or calling bluffs but you be hard pressed to tell me you turning down any and all white women who arent built like jillian micheals in her prime... im just not buying it. I refuse to believe a kaley cuoco and jennifer love hewitt comes at you and you be getting your steve nash on...lol on some oh girl too fat for my taste... 6 pack isnt there... cant bench press there weight times two... Im just not buying it.
Well it has its uses in the medical field cause higher BMIs can be correlated with disease. You can have a higher BMI and be healthy if its muscle.

You would also know that where you carry your fat can be correlated with disease as well.

Look where Tahiry carries hers. Better than the other way around right?
i know you being a doctor and all but man i hope you dont go around telling ppl or advising women like beyonce size is fat bbw and need to go on strict diets lol.... And i aint knocking you or calling bluffs but you be hard pressed to tell me you turning down any and all white women who arent built like jillian micheals in her prime... im just not buying it. I refuse to believe a kaley cuoco and jennifer love hewitt comes at you and you be getting your steve nash on...lol on some oh girl too fat for my taste... 6 pack isnt there... cant bench press there weight times two... Im just not buying it.

Why the hell would I call a patient a BBW? The notion of me doing that just made me :lol:

There are more sensitive ways of bringing up the topic, luckily for me I aint gonna be the type of doctor that needs to discuss that topic.

Meh we all smash fat women, some of us just call it what it is instead of sugar-coating it.
You would also know that where you carry your fat can be correlated with disease as well.

Look where Tahiry carries hers. Better than the other way around right?
abdominal fat is worse, doesn't mean where she carries most of her weight doesn't also carry some risks. Chunky cellulite filled butt and thighs aint a good look either as far as health goes.

I googled tahiry fat, I'm glad NT is not the only place discussing her weight. She doesn't want to get to the point of no return, her body type leave no room for letting yourself go.
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Yea I'm gonna go ahead and call the lady from happy endings fat. Again, I've never been the type to sugar-coat weight, my threshold for being in shape is very high. Jennifer Love Hewitt does not look in shape in that pic either. Ya girl Tahiry is still not in shape. Stating the facts
well if not having a six pack and having muscle definition is fat to you.... lol you pretty much ruling out a vast majority of women... Most women hell most men arent cut built like the chick ohmygosh posted. And not being built doesnt equal being fat. Like i said i think you guys have a distorted view of size... A size 0 is in actuality the same size as girls... they just make the clothing different. So to say any women who cant wear the same size clothing as a 5th grader is fat...im sorry just sounds rediculous and untrue. A size six in regular clothes unsize is a small. Why do you think its labeled small for? To make them feel good about themselves lol.


As you can see even by medical and clothing size she tahiry would be a small... and is ideal weight for her height and ideal size.
Naw, this chart says she's large for her height.
Why the hell would I call a patient a BBW? The notion of me doing that just made me

There are more sensitive ways of bringing up the topic, luckily for me I aint gonna be the type of doctor that needs to discuss that topic.

Meh we all smash fat women, some of us just call it what it is instead of sugar-coating it.
Lol nah i wouldnt say youd come back with a picture of a cow on the medical charts... but anyway you relayed the message saying someone built like beyonce is fat and need to lose weight would be in bad judgement from a professional standpoint. Same way as it would be for you to tell a women some of these 5'6 102 lbs women nt post as thick/inshape that they are normal and inshape and thick... and cant stand to gain any weight. If beyonce jennifer lopez size women is fat then im a full blown chubby chaser. I dont knock you guys for the preference... but a women who virtual wears the same clothes size in gap as they do in children gap and say that is normal and not underweight are just letting their preference blind the facts.

Again like i said same can be said comparing iuno athletes of different sports... you take a cam newton and dwayne wade... yea one is clearly more cut define then the other... and im sure their clothing will fit differently... But just because dwade isnt built like cam...doesnt make cam fat.

The problem i see is mostly with races... white asians etc... grade like underweight=slim ala selena gomez...normal=thick...ala jennifer love hewitt  .thick=mia hamm/jennifer lawrence

black folks spanish folks normal=crackhead skinny ala a halle berry/tyra banks... slim/skinny=beyonce....thick=ole girl from the parkers.... chubby....monique...fat precious....

both have this waaaaaaaaaaaay off scale for fat and skinny..

Someone like a victorious or selena arent slim average they are underweight...same as kim from the parkers or ole goofy girl from living single sinclair isnt thick or normal either.

All im saying is monique is no more farther from being thick...then a selena gomez is being average slim in shape...both are kinda a preference whether it be race etc... stretch from the truth.
Lol nah i wouldnt say youd come back with a picture of a cow on the medical charts... but anyway you relayed the message saying someone built like beyonce is fat and need to lose weight would be in bad judgement from a professional standpoint. Same way as it would be for you to tell a women some of these 5'6 102 lbs women nt post as thick/inshape that they are normal and inshape and thick... and cant stand to gain any weight. If beyonce jennifer lopez size women is fat then im a full blown chubby chaser. I dont knock you guys for the preference... but a women who virtual wears the same clothes size in gap as they do in children gap and say that is normal and not underweight are just letting their preference blind the facts.

Again like i said same can be said comparing iuno athletes of different sports... you take a cam newton and dwayne wade... yea one is clearly more cut define then the other... and im sure their clothing will fit differently... But just because dwade isnt built like cam...doesnt make cam fat.

The problem i see is mostly with races... white asians etc... grade like underweight=slim ala selena gomez...normal=thick...ala jennifer love hewitt  .thick=mia hamm/jennifer lawrence

black folks spanish folks normal=crackhead skinny ala a halle berry/tyra banks... slim/skinny=beyonce....thick=ole girl from the parkers.... chubby....monique...fat precious....

both have this waaaaaaaaaaaay off scale for fat and skinny..

Someone like a victorious or selena arent slim average they are underweight...same as kim from the parkers or ole goofy girl from living single sinclair isnt thick or normal either.

All im saying is monique is no more farther from being thick...then a selena gomez is being average slim in shape...both are kinda a preference whether it be race etc... stretch from the truth.

The BMI chart doesn't lie, she is big for her height. It would be sound medical judgement to tell someone over a BMI of 26/27 to eat better and work out. Do you think heavy women like being called heavy? But somebody is gotta do it. Luckily I don't have to. :lol:

The fact that being big is considered "normal" in the black community is probabty why diabetes and hypertension is an epidemic.
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lol cornball=exceptional :wink: your are the anticornball

If you want mercy take your butt to church.

bdw I may legitimately not graduate, everytime I say that I see the sparkles in NTers eyes. I love white women DEAL WITH IT.

You ain't the only one with a degree, g. Stop it. Is it getting you all the white women you desire yet? Judging by this thread apparently not.

You have your taste, you like white women, that's fine, you go a bit hard on every other type of chick but you're always doing a little too much here in general by my estimation so it is what it is. I ain't even gonna lie, I'll like a frail and pale white chick just the same, nothing wrong with them at all. I also happen to like thicker women, women with a little color, it's all personal preference, I'm not knocking you for liking white women if that's how you took it. I was simply trying to find out what your argument was. White women are racist? Black folks need to do better? What?

You took offense while I was just asking a question which you conveniently ignored. You just trying to argue for the sake of it or did you have a point? Reminds of someone else who used to roam these boards antagonizing folks. :lol:
antons not silly, i dont think, anton is like second gen african or something and silly was jamaican and probably is just now starting med school instead of finishing
antons not silly, i dont think, anton is like second gen african or something and silly was jamaican and probably is just now starting med school instead of finishing

Son just found 2 people that rustles his jimmies in religious threads and lumped them together. Aside from our distaste for all things christian, I'd say we have our own e-personalities.
The BMI chart doesn't lie, she is big for her height. It would be sound medical judgement to tell someone over a BMI of 26/27 to eat better and work out. Do you think heavy women like being called heavy? But somebody is gotta do it. Luckily I don't have to.

The fact that being big is considered "normal" in the black community is probabty why diabetes and hypertension is an epidemic.
ike i said...the other way to...a grown women 5'6 103 isnt thick or slim...she is underweight.....its just for many obvious reasons the inaccurate view of weight and size for blacks is looked at negatively...and the undersize look of whits etc...is appreciated. And another thing about those scales and bmi it is made/scaled representing the ideal size of a white person... its kinda how they do with all of these other average...most ppl ratings... They take a majority of a particular sector and say that represent all ppl in majority. Like that male average penis size scale....

They didnt get 100 of each respective race.... and make a average per race... they took random ppl in a country which is majority white.... and had few of any other race and said oh we got an average. No homo...but this scale and many others are done the same way.

Like i said race...etc...and attraction to race is the biggest flaw in this whole she is fat/skinny thing. Plus the race etc.. of the individual as well.

Look at a white man a asian/etc... man hispanic man. The 5'5 130 soaking wet asian guy... a chick 5'7 130 135 is gonna look huge and seem fat to him... and ideal nice size is the 5'1 98-103 lbs chick is gonna seem normal not skinny in shape. Same if you took the 5'8 white guy gave him a 5'3 115lbs chick and she gonna seem slim/thick for him... You take the 6'0 black guy and give him the 5'1 98lbs women and in most part dude gonna be trying to tell her where the best rocks are.

There is a huge no pun discrepancy in terms of what is skinny/fat/thick etc.... in terms of what is acceptable based on the race of woman...and by the race of men. Thing is every race in large have this inaccurate view...with smaller guys whites asians etc... saying underweight women are thick normal...and many black folks saying fat/borderline obese women are in shape and thick.
ike i said...the other way to...a grown women 5'6 103 isnt thick or slim...she is underweight.....its just for many obvious reasons the inaccurate view of weight and size for blacks is looked at negatively...and the undersize look of whits etc...is appreciated. And another thing about those scales and bmi it is made/scaled representing the ideal size of a white person... its kinda how they do with all of these other average...most ppl ratings... They take a majority of a particular sector and say that represent all ppl in majority. Like that male average penis size scale....

They didnt get 100 of each respective race.... and make a average per race... they took random ppl in a country which is majority white.... and had few of any other race and said oh we got an average. No homo...but this scale and many others are done the same way.

Like i said race...etc...and attraction to race is the biggest flaw in this whole she is fat/skinny thing. Plus the race etc.. of the individual as well.

Look at a white man a asian/etc... man hispanic man. The 5'5 130 soaking wet asian guy... a chick 5'7 130 135 is gonna look huge and seem fat to him... and ideal nice size is the 5'1 98-103 lbs chick is gonna seem normal not skinny in shape. Same if you took the 5'8 white guy gave him a 5'3 115lbs chick and she gonna seem slim/thick for him... You take the 6'0 black guy and give him the 5'1 98lbs women and in most part dude gonna be trying to tell her where the best rocks are.

There is a huge no pun discrepancy in terms of what is skinny/fat/thick etc.... in terms of what is acceptable based on the race of woman...and by the race of men. Thing is every race in large have this inaccurate view...with smaller guys whites asians etc... saying underweight women are thick normal...and many black folks saying fat/borderline obese women are in shape and thick.

Yea I'll take my chances with underweight. Even giving women a few points leeway on that scale, tahiry will still be fat. This notion that black women are supposed to be fat is foolishness. There are skinny women in Africa who don't eat like pigs.
antons not silly, i dont think, anton is like second gen african or something and silly was jamaican and probably is just now starting med school instead of finishing

Son just found 2 people that rustles his jimmies in religious threads and lumped them together. Aside from our distaste for all things christian, I'd say we have our own e-personalities.
yea, silly wouldnt mention race at all, i pmed dude a bunch of times with racial questions and even lurked some race threads thinking he would make a remark, dude wants no parts of race arguments, but hes all over gay/religion/politics/mass psych conditioning (diamond thread)
yea, silly wouldnt mention race at all, i pmed dude a bunch of times with racial questions and even lurked some race threads thinking he would make a remark, dude wants no parts of race arguments, but hes all over gay/religion/politics/mass psych conditioning (diamond thread)

Also to my knowledge, silly aint down with the swirl. I may have to convert him. :nerd:

I'm j/k, I don't know what kinda women we likes.
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Yea I'll take my chances with underweight. Even giving women a few points leeway on that scale, tahiry will still be fat. This notion that black women are supposed to be fat is foolishness. There are skinny women in Africa who don't eat like pigs.
not that they suppose to be fat but being fat is considered the norm.... but they way you and well whites etc... in general are grading what fat is def... bias and untrue... to say a women if she black and built like beyonce is just wrong. Same way you got black folks saying the auntie from next friday is thick in shape and isnt fat. Sherri sheppard etc.... stifflers mom etc...isnt thick...they are chubby fat. but a chic 5'4 103 isnt normal and healthy either....thats slim....and skinny.

Its like show sizes...i wear a 9 9.5...i use to sell shoes on here often and guys would be like wow your feet are big... um 6'1 not really...but if your 5'3 and you usually wear a 5/6 id imagine so my feet seem big...but end of the day it isnt its normal and your shoes are coming out of KIDS footlocker. And its a reason why its called kids footlocker. Cause that is the typical size of a kid. Hell my old lady family think im some sort of kareem abdul jabbar... and id imagine so since they korean and her dad is the height of the family at a whopping id guess 5'4... of course i look like shaq in there eyes. 6'1 195...

Same thing is going on here. most of those lil women be it the jennifer annistons etc... id bang... but no way would i say oh your not small...your um thick and if you eat a french fry you fat lol.... same way i wouldnt look at mal mallory and say oh girl you right you perfect... if you lose a few lbs you gonna be crackhead status....both sound crazy and waaaaaaaaaaaay to far left and right on the scale.
not that they suppose to be fat but being fat is considered the norm.... but they way you and well whites etc... in general are grading what fat is def... bias and untrue... to say a women if she black and built like beyonce is just wrong. Same way you got black folks saying the auntie from next friday is thick in shape and isnt fat. Sherri sheppard etc.... stifflers mom etc...isnt thick...they are chubby fat. but a chic 5'4 103 isnt normal and healthy either....thats slim....and skinny.

Its like show sizes...i wear a 9 9.5...i use to sell shoes on here often and guys would be like wow your feet are big... um 6'1 not really...but if your 5'3 and you usually wear a 5/6 id imagine so my feet seem big...but end of the day it isnt its normal and your shoes are coming out of KIDS footlocker. And its a reason why its called kids footlocker. Cause that is the typical size of a kid. Hell my old lady family think im some sort of kareem abdul jabbar... and id imagine so since they korean and her dad is the height of the family at a whopping id guess 5'4... of course i look like shaq in there eyes. 6'1 195...

Same thing is going on here. most of those lil women be it the jennifer annistons etc... id bang... but no way would i say oh your not small...your um thick and if you eat a french fry you fat lol.... same way i wouldnt look at mal mallory and say oh girl you right you perfect... if you lose a few lbs you gonna be crackhead status....both sound crazy and waaaaaaaaaaaay to far left and right on the scale.

There is a good kind of thick. The many definitions of thick on NT gives women like Tahiry a pass to let themselves go. And I don't know why you keep bringing up Beyonce, the thing I love about b is she actually makes an attempt to stay trim. I've seen pics where she was letting herself go but she always comes back to being fit and toned. You can be "thick" and healthy. Tahiry doesn't look healthy to me. That body type just has a propensity to get sloppy, some women don't have the discipline to keep it fit and toned.
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Nice @#$=Beyonce, Scarlett, Biel, J Lo, Vida Guerra, etc.

Tahiry's @#$ is just big for the sake of being big. I'm not saying an @#$ should be 100% muscle (Serena :x) but at least have something there so it doesn't get sloppy

It's always funny seeing people say "look at her arms, that's a sign that she's not overweight." As if that's where women primarily store fat :smh: :lol:

I don't watch wrestling but this is perfection when it comes to thickness

View media item 273651
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There is a good kind of thick. The many definitions of thick on NT gives women like Tahiry a pass to let themselves go. And I don't know why you keep bringing up Beyonce, the thing I love about b is she actually makes an attempt to stay trim. I've seen pics where she was letting herself go but she always comes back to being fit and toned. You can be "thick" and healthy. Tahiry doesn't look healthy to me. That body type just has a propensity to get sloppy, some women don't have the discipline to keep it fit and toned.
true...on tahiry but not always...i seen some black women stay her size well into 40's and still look pretty great )the whole black dont crack lol)And look a jennifer lopez...same exact height weight and measurements minus the difference in cup size. And jlo isnt exactly a spring chicken... and you may feel different but jlo isnt obese/fat by no means... So are you saying jlo is fat sloppy, unhealthy?

but i say beyonce because alot of ppl were saying this superbowl concert she was getting chubby borderline fat... i find it funny mostly the pigment challenged ppl say this...and the black folks etc... on some damn beyonce got skinny...she lost too much weight after the baby and she needs to be thicker... im like she looked good to me...i didnt see skin and bones....and i didnt see precious out there either. which is my point....ppl in most part based on race preference can look at a person and use that too over exaggerate one way or the other. End of the day size 4 isnt crack head skinny and it isnt monique/precious either. She even addressed (cant remember where) ppl were saying asking her bout her weight and when she think she could would get down to ideal weight etc.... And btw beyonce never looked like that chick ohmygosh posted...hell most women dont look like that...

Regardless of race....you dont see no prime marion jones/jilliam micheals looking chicks on the reg.
Nice @#$=Beyonce, Scarlett, Biel, J Lo, Vida Guerra, etc.

Tahiry's @#$ is just big for the sake of being big. I'm not saying an @#$ should be 100% muscle (Serena :x) but at least have something there so it doesn't get sloppy
It's always funny seeing people say "look at her arms, that's a sign that she's not overweight." As if that's where women primarily store fat :smh: :lol:
I don't watch wrestling but this is perfection when it comes to thickness

View media item 273651

I'd give you 4 billion reps if I could. Obviously.
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