Tahiry married & spreading Herpes in the Entertainment industry?

Just the thought of a size 12/14 :x :x

You can be a size 6 and be in shape, she is not.

And most black men with white women that other white men find attractive are usually rich, famous or just lived with white people for a good part of his life.

Very true. Thankfully there are exceptions, mostly based on location and/or you just not settling
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That's not Rachel McAdams. Its a body double.

Although I've seen that gif before, I have to ask. Is Olivia Wilde on birth control or did she get implants? She never had any semblance of breasts before.
Herp IS a big deal bruh...controlling outbreaks means you're on guard 24/7 for signs of that nasty **** to become visible.
From the comments in this thread alone one should never cosign teamraw...

Unless its wifey.
Lulz @ dudes downplaying an STD

Ya some nasty ***
You can be a size 6 and be in shape, she is not.

And most black men with white women that other white men find attractive are usually rich, famous or just lived with white people for a good part of his life.
but fat...bbw...lol you can be a 0 and not in shape.

like the last thread...you know you rich or making decent money when normal/stable non fat non ugly white women checking you out. Its that i made it milestone.
LOLWUT? So I have to be rich to pull an attractive white woman? :rofl:

Y'all really gotta get from behind those screens and start living.
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LOLWUT? So I have to be rich to pull an attractive white woman?

Y'all really gotta get from behind those screens and start living.
if you got any pigment yessir you do... aint no well adjusted mentally/good looking non fat white chic being with no broke black dude or mexican dude etc.............. yea might get one that looks ok but have hangups or daddy issues etc... or the i think im hood white chic... or go the down south route...and get the so called thick but really be on her shamoo type chick.
25thhour, don't waste your time. I got a headache going back and forth with him in the thread about the ratchet Walmart girl.
no, if you love pound cake, you can still tell the difference between a cupcake and a pancake lmao

one is FLAT, the other is a small delightful version of a true cake

the first chick was a pancake

the second was a cupcake

they all taste great though

Yea I'm working on a different scale than you people, there is nothing flat about the first girl. If it can make a giggle no matter how subtle its not a pancake. Hell there are guys who would say the second girl is flat just to put things in perspective, cause they are so used to smashing fat women. :lol:
you dont even have a scale doe, there is no gradient with you

why are you trying so hard to be different?
huh? its not the same thing at all, surely you know (naturally speaking) one is an actual reproductive organ and the other used solely for excretions

lol @ "solely", you guys clearly missed the point, I gave you an example of something that has been associated with huge penises like fat women apparently are. Now dudes wanna be in denial. :lol:
lol @ "associated", idk much about fat homo sex bro so i had no idea of its correlation to wewe size, and i dont see where the denial part came in
Shoe you corny for that statement 
prove it wrong....show me a iuno katie upton looking chic with no hangups...with leroy from walmart.... or a elle macpherson with hector the janitor...you aint gon see it happenin.. you gotta better chance seeing jesus. but i bet hunter who works a reg 9-5 gotta better chance.

everyone knows as your money grows so does the quality of snow bunnies that are attracted to you...its simply science fellas...

fame/money+minority=hot white chic.
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