So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

he even put some supporting subtopics with NT friendly pictures

Flaming Hot Cheetos posts pics of good looking ex's.

He wins.
Seems like Huey P already pointed my complaint out.

I can't remember what it was exactly, but in one of those street interviews and I wish I could remember which, one of the characters says something otherthan what the voice over says. I mean his lips were saying one thing and the voice over says something completely different...

I remember feeling it was something racists and they were trying to cover it up with a bad Kung Fu flick edit...

I'll have to rewatch to catch it again.

On another note, I'm not surprised about the racist undertone of this movie and Peter Jackson's involvement, given that in all of "MiddleEarth" there wasn't one black face (Lord of the Rings Trilogy). Even though I liked that movie, I saw the orcs as the black race destroying the greatwhite planet...
lol, I'm just saying, how can you knock someone with supporting points to their argument.
at that point its just a matter of opinion, not idiocy.
Dude has no opinion on anything ever though, so who cares. Why did he come back to the thread twice? i bet you dude has some stupid game he's playing rightnow in his own head that makes him look clever to himself. He's exactly the cat i'm addressing in my last post.

On another note, I'm not surprised about the racist undertone of this movie and Peter Jackson's involvement, given that in all of "Middle Earth" there wasn't one black face (Lord of the Rings Trilogy). Even though I liked that movie, I saw the orcs as the black race destroying the great white planet...
i gave that a pass though since it was filmed in new zealand, and there's not much black folks there, so there wouldn't be many extras. And it was based on families, so making a main character black and flying in a whole guild of black folk would prolly be pricey and scoffed at by producers. Wait, doesn't New Zealand have a huge aboriginal population?
Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

The extent to which you're analyzing this is quite ridiculous.

Why would a movie, a metaphor for the apartheid, with a goal of educating people on the racist history in Africa, also be overtly promoting a racist agenda?

With the degree to which you actively pursue racism, it's almost like you'd rather racism be present, than not present, just so you can point it out to people and prove to us racism is still alive.

In my case, I didn't try to analyze the movie at all. I just wanted to watch a sci fi flick. While watching it though, I couldn't help but feel theywere trying to portray black people as ignorant. I tried to quiet the voice of Malcolm X in my head, but he wasn't letting it go...
Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

The extent to which you're analyzing this is quite ridiculous.

Why would a movie, a metaphor for the apartheid, with a goal of educating people on the racist history in South Africa, also be overtly promoting a racist agenda?

With the degree to which you actively pursue racism, it's almost like you'd rather racism be present, than not present, just so you can point it out to people and prove to us racism is still alive.

If that were the case dude could do that easily with real world evidence rather than a flick.
Hell he wouldn't have to go far he could find enough of it here on the net.
I dont think he's pursuing racism, I think he came with his opinion and is supporting his idea effectively.
Whether or not you agree or see it is up to you.
And its not like he's the only one citing racism in the movie, there are reviewers both black and white claiming the same thing.

Thunderchunk you were going ok till the Lord of the Rings point; you do realize that LOTR was a book waaaaaaaay b4 the movies right?
I'm not Thunderchunk, but I did call out LOTR...

And YES I do realize it was a book.

In the book did it describe the entire planet as white though?
Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

The extent to which you're analyzing this is quite ridiculous.

Why would a movie, a metaphor for the apartheid, with a goal of educating people on the racist history in South Africa, also be overtly promoting a racist agenda?

With the degree to which you actively pursue racism, it's almost like you'd rather racism be present, than not present, just so you can point it out to people and prove to us racism is still alive.

Again...this is one of the many others who see the same things I see in this movie...he is also a WHITE SOUTH AFRICAN FILMCRITIC...

Paradoxically, in his world of foreign detainees, there is very little room for natives-that is to say, very little room for humanity. The white protagonist, Wikus van de Merwe (Sharto Copley), is an over-eager, nepotistic klutz who never quite loses his selfish streak. Although ostensibly anti-segregation, the film operates on the same racial stereotypes that inspire segregation in the first place. For example, the most prominent black figure in the film is pagan Nigerian gangster who ritualistically consumes flesh (at the behest of his witch doctor), believing this practice will transform him into an alien himself.
And the degree to which i;m "scrutinizing" the film, pales in comparison to the hundreds of hours that film makers take to make sureeach image conveys a message.

The racism may be the result of a skewed personal outlook on Blacks and the apartheid situation or perhaps a well-intentioned but mishandled depiction but itsdefinitely there.
Damn HueyP you're reaching so hard to find racism in every little bit of the movie. Why do you care so much?

I bet you get mad when white people buy black cars, right? Like it's some hidden agenda that whites feel comfortable owning something black?

Get outta' here. You're so blatantly racist it's disgusting.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Damn HueyP you're reaching so hard to find racism in every little bit of the movie. Why do you care so much?

I bet you get mad when white people buy black cars, right? Like it's some hidden agenda that whites feel comfortable owning something black?

Get outta' here. You're so blatantly racist it's disgusting.

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Damn HueyP you're reaching so hard to find racism in every little bit of the movie. Why do you care so much?

I bet you get mad when white people buy black cars, right? Like it's some hidden agenda that whites feel comfortable owning something black?

Get outta' here. You're so blatantly racist it's disgusting.
OMG did u even read through the thread?
Like geez
So the South African critics who found racism in the movie are self hating white people?
I'm guessing King Kong had no racial undertones for you, remake or OG...
Wow, too much to respond to at once lol. But youre still Gold OP, Gold. Straight comedy/train wreck.

Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

The extent to which you're analyzing this is quite ridiculous.

Why would a movie, a metaphor for the apartheid, with a goal of educating people on the racist history in South Africa, also be overtly promoting a racist agenda?

With the degree to which you actively pursue racism, it's almost like you'd rather racism be present, than not present, just so you can point it out to people and prove to us racism is still alive.
Money. And a lot of these sentiments are money as well. Too bad HueyP is one of "those" people and will never see anything other thanwhat he thinks/is trying to see.
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Wow, too much to respond to at once lol. But youre still Gold OP, Gold. Straight comedy/train wreck.

Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

The extent to which you're analyzing this is quite ridiculous.

Why would a movie, a metaphor for the apartheid, with a goal of educating people on the racist history in South Africa, also be overtly promoting a racist agenda?

With the degree to which you actively pursue racism, it's almost like you'd rather racism be present, than not present, just so you can point it out to people and prove to us racism is still alive.
Money. And a lot of these sentiments are money as well. Too bad HueyP is one of "those" people and will never see anything other than what he thinks/is trying to see.
The irony.

Seriously though, just do you. If you think he's an idiot and hes reaching, using your logic it wont matter to him anyways, so just ignore it. Its meant tobe a discussion on the issue.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Damn HueyP you're reaching so hard to find racism in every little bit of the movie. Why do you care so much?

Get outta' here. You're so blatantly racist it's disgusting.
So you didn't read anything in the thread did you? He is not the only one who shares these sentiments. Professors and critics have madestatements regarding the blatant stereotypes in the film.
So you didn't read anything in the thread did you? He is not the only one who shares these sentiments. Professors and critics have made statements regarding the blatant stereotypes in the film.

No, I read most of the thread; most of the longer posts on each page. And he's the only one on here I can have a conversation with or state my opinion, ifthese profressors and critics were on NT, as well, then of course I would include them and would probably direct similar opinions toward them.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Damn HueyP you're reaching so hard to find racism in every little bit of the movie. Why do you care so much?

I bet you get mad when white people buy black cars, right? Like it's some hidden agenda that whites feel comfortable owning something black?

Get outta' here. You're so blatantly racist it's disgusting.
Y'all dudes are something else...

Why do you care about me caring so much?

People shouldn't care about racism being depicted on the big screen .. or you just don't care because it doesn't affect you as a white man?

You have no real input or rebuttal to my posting of exactly what the film depicts but you do have a bunch of stupid analogies about white people and black cars

You sound like the racist fam.

Open discussion, with out any one saying white people are this or black people are that...seems to have you very worked up.

No racism is being thrown around in here...i'm the only one being attacked.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Wow, too much to respond to at once lol. But youre still Gold OP, Gold. Straight comedy/train wreck.

Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

The extent to which you're analyzing this is quite ridiculous.

Why would a movie, a metaphor for the apartheid, with a goal of educating people on the racist history in South Africa, also be overtly promoting a racist agenda?

With the degree to which you actively pursue racism, it's almost like you'd rather racism be present, than not present, just so you can point it out to people and prove to us racism is still alive.
Money. And a lot of these sentiments are money as well. Too bad HueyP is one of "those" people and will never see anything other than what he thinks/is trying to see.
The irony.

Seriously though, just do you. If you think he's an idiot and hes reaching, using your logic it wont matter to him anyways, so just ignore it. Its meant to be a discussion on the issue.
Yea I know, I dont usually post in these type threads but dude is just so out there I had to voice my 'displeasure'

And with your sound advice, Im out
Have fun finding racist undertonesin D9 Hueyp!!
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

There werent really any "good guys" in the movie as far as humans go. I think thats the point - it was showing how hypocritical humanity is. Aliens are perceived as these technologically advanced beings that can destroy humanity easily - and despite that the aliens in the movie were relatively peaceful. They were prosecuted by humans, despite being more powerful. MNU people were white and they were "bad guys." Wikus wasnt a good guy, he was a nobody, and a selfish coward. It was only towards the end that he grew into something sort of like a hero because of his sympathy towards the alien and his son. And all of district nine was like a slum, the africans (i dont think thats the proper term, not sure though, a percentage of south africans are white) so its somewhat understandable for the nigerians to be portrayed that way.

Have to agree with this one. Every ethic group in the movie represented flaws in humanity. It was basically an exaggeration on how closed-minded and selfishwe as humans. The white lead character definitely wasn't the hero. There were no heroes in the movie.
I think all the ppl who come in here and bash dude are the same ppl who are afraid to talk about race because its the safe thing to do.
Granted it's easy to sit back and enjoy the flick with the "It's just entertainment" frame of mind, but If the movie is the EdutationalClassic (yes the misspelling/word fusion was intentional) that everyone is calling it, then it deserves to be srcutinized.

I find it funny that barely anyone calls reaching on King Kong where ppl draw comparisons to a giant ape and black men (besides the fact that monkees/apes havebeen terms used to derogatorily refer to black ppl)
Yet here we have a movie that, among using aliens to portray SA apartheid victims, actually has black ppl in a bad light and everyone is calling the OP racistand reaching...SMH

And I admit given the story their position does make sense to have the black ppl in a bad light, but the OP and the critics (mind you both BLACK and WHITE) domake a valid points.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Everyone had redeeming qualities in the film....except the Blacks.

A white man was the AFRICA.

The Alien father was also a hero.

The Africans were prostitutes (for aliens), henchmen, gangsters, witch doctors, in the middle of the garbage with the Aliens. drug dealers, barbaric, moral less, prejudicial etc. etc.

The Aliens were a noble and persecuted peoples (basically parallel to the black race) who just wanted to go home but were the subject of persecution.

The Africans were killed in the most brutal, graphic and gory manners and there was not 1 African in the movie with redeeming qualities.

They even had little subconscious attacks, like the little alien "pet/animal" feeding on the brains of the black dead body.

Have you ever even been to Johannesburg? And there were no Africans with redeeming qualities in the movie? Really? Not even the guy at the end who was arrestedfor exposing the whole conspiracy?
Just got done watching the movie and am disappointed. They didn't have to portrayal the Black South Africans like that
. Its almost a joke how they can ya'll not see that. I particularly love the "cat food" part and how they strangely go "crazy" over it. My real question isif the director meant to do this.
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