So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by wildcard

some moron actually said there shouldn't be a white person in the slum, are you #$%#$@ kidding me?
Huey brought the Ether with that vid.
Think b4 u type folks, especially if u r gonna name call....

if i'm wrong about one thing, so be it. i'm not gettin ethered- i could really care less. OK i can say i was wrong about the most livid statement imade in my previous post, if u can't understand the logic in what i said-fine don't bother. doesn't change the fact that the movie was NOT ARE reaching, and again- i emphasize that I didn't like the way WHITE people were portrayed in the movie. basically as power hungry heathens interestedin nothing but getting better guns and killing. YOU REMEMBER THE SCENE WHERE THEY BRUTALLY FORCED WINKUS TO KILL THE ALIENS? come on now- for every bad blackportrayal there's a white one. fact of the matter is, if there's going to be a bad guy- it has to be a certain color. you people (white and black both)have clearly shown that if it happens to be your color, you believe it is racist.
Like someone said, whether you agree or disagree with him, you gotta respect dude for, at the very least, supporting his points with evidence.

This dude makes the most substantial threads/posts on NT.

With that being said, my interest in this movie has been peaked, and I see you with the screen caps...
Honestly Huey P I dont see why you still try anymore.
These people are not going to get it at all.
They still on the "but its just a movie" steez.


This is movie is sure to rattle some chains.......

Originally Posted by General Johnson

On NT, racism doesn't exist.

How do I keep forgetting that?
so there should only be politically correct movies? Every race gets equal screen time, every race has a character to show the humane side of saidrace, black people can't be shorter than the protagonist because that shows that he is beneath him, but he can't be taller because then we would sayingthat black people are only known for there sheer size and strength.

see where i'm going here?

a friggin article about how ghost, the matrix, and the green mile are racist
cry me a goddamn river. It's wrong to show the big black guy in the green mile as simple (who is the most likable character btw), but in "ofmice and men" it's all good to show the white bumbling fool lennie talking about petting his r-r-r-rabits.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Honestly Huey P I dont see why you still try anymore.
These people are not going to get it at all.
They still on the "but its just a movie" steez.


This is movie is sure to rattle some chains.......

yeah because jerry bruckheimer is known for such socially conscious work. You mad donnie darko got cast as a Persian
Hollywood been doing this for decades and it's because of MONEY. In termsof cash- white star in a disney flick> no name persian actor.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by DubA169

see where i'm going here?

No, not at all.
whatever, man. You have some valid points but I stillthink that people who get so overly offended over stuff like this and then go looking for signs of racism are the reason why hollywood sticks to the formulaand doesn't do anything outside the box. movies do not have to go out of their way to appease all races.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Honestly Huey P I dont see why you still try anymore.
These people are not going to get it at all.
They still on the "but its just a movie" steez.


This is movie is sure to rattle some chains.......

yeah because jerry bruckheimer is known for such socially conscious work. You mad donnie darko got cast as a Persian
Hollywood been doing this for decades and it's because of MONEY. In terms of cash- white star in a disney flick> no name persian actor.

I think hollywood just has it out for Persians.
lol^ i hear you but cmon the Persians were the villains in that book/movie! They destroyed whole civilizations! Now we are gonna say that the persiansweren't shown as humane in 300?
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by DubA169

see where i'm going here?

No, not at all.
whatever, man. You have some valid points but I still think that people who get so overly offended over stuff like this and then go looking for signs of racism are the reason why hollywood sticks to the formula and doesn't do anything outside the box. movies do not have to go out of their way to appease all races.
I'm not offended at all because I'm used to this kind of behavior and portrayal at this point.

It disgusting but it doesn't personally offend me.

And by all means, I would love to see Hollywood go outside of the box...but when you portray these type of racial stereotypes across the board...without havingeven one slightly complex Black character and an entire Black ethnicity depicted as the most vile aren't going out of the box, you'redigging deep into the same old tired and dirty box.

I'm not going to stop pointing it out just because ignorant people see it as an opportunity to take personal shots...there are things that people need tobe educated about to help better their view of the world.

Cancer is killing millions and seems to have no cure in sight...but we shouldn't stop the tremendous investment of funds and time towards finding a cure.

Its the same thing with racism.

We actually need to devote more time and energy to honest debate and progressive action or we can never really claim to be "civilized" people.
DubA169 wrote:
lol^ i hear you but cmon the Persians were the villains in that book/movie! They destroyed whole civilizations! Now we are gonna say that the persians weren't shown as humane in 300?
I wouldn't say as much as inhumane but more like
sneaky, slithering, lady-like, bloodthirsty, Whor mongers.
But in due to respect of OP's thread lets keep it on the right movie.

The only people living in District 9 were gangsters. You don't survive amongst giant shrimp people by being nice guys.

Where else would you fit a non-extra black guy? The hunter? The scientists conducting experiments? The father in law?

Cmon now.
When I went to the movies with my girl, we both noticed the unfair depiction of black people in the film.

I felt uncomfortable watching the part where they had the Nigerians eating the aliens to gain "power".

That was over the top.

Everyone else in the movie was at least somewhat civilized, but those Nigerians. It's a shame really, but

unfortunately a good amount of people have learned to accept it from Hollywood in order to share in the entertainment.

For myself, I still think the movie is top notch in terms of story and action.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by General Johnson

On NT, racism doesn't exist.

How do I keep forgetting that?
so there should only be politically correct movies? Every race gets equal screen time, every race has a character to show the humane side of said race, black people can't be shorter than the protagonist because that shows that he is beneath him, but he can't be taller because then we would saying that black people are only known for there sheer size and strength.

see where i'm going here?

a friggin article about how ghost, the matrix, and the green mile are racist
cry me a goddamn river. It's wrong to show the big black guy in the green mile as simple (who is the most likable character btw), but in "of mice and men" it's all good to show the white bumbling fool lennie talking about petting his r-r-r-rabits.

Did I say there should only be politically correct movies? I'm just pointing out what caught my attention. Is there anything wrong with that?

I didn't pay to go see the movie just so I could bash it. I really was expecting a good movie and really, it was ok. Not the great movie it was made out tobe, but not bad either.

Since I'm not an executive producer, I don't get a say in how movies are made and I really couldn't care less if some people are racists. I'vegotten used to it during my lifetime. I don't like it, but the only thing I can do is be aware of it, teach my children not to be racists and keep itmoving.

What has always confused me is how and why people other than the group pointing out racism, seem to get their feelings hurt when a group (pick one) that hashad to go through hardships and misunderstandings, oppression and systems set up against them, simply due to their color/culture, points out racism (real orperceived).

To me it's like saying shut up and forget about it because it makes me uncomfortable to discuss something I am completely unaware of/in denial about.

Like a discussion other than one that supports the majority's mentality has no validity.
This is incredible, people are getting insulting and upset for someone basically saying "hey, this may be unfair to that group", and if you identifywith that group, you're a racist. I swear i only come across this stuff on NT. This surreal, dudes can't have normal conversation. I think haze justgot fooled into thinking because these dudes are watching more conspiracy videos now on youtube that they are open, naw, they the same dudes.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

This is incredible, people are getting insulting and upset for someone basically saying "hey, this may be unfair to that group", and if you identify with that group, you're a racist. I swear i only come across this stuff on NT. This surreal, dudes can't have normal conversation. I think haze just got fooled into thinking because these dudes are watching more conspiracy videos now on youtube that they are open, naw, they the same dudes.

Yeah its kind of crazy when you think about it...dudes are offended at people expressing their perspectives, then have the nerve to tell those same people thatthey can't be offended.

Like the have an exclusive patent on emotion and thought.

If you go through the pages, you'll see a bunch of personal attacks and very few actual comments or rebuttals on the subject of the thread or the instancescited.

Most people really don't know how to have a decent back and forth...a handful of people have dropped some productive comments though.

Shouts to them.
Ive been watching this thread move since about page 7, and Im awed at how a simple discussion can't take place. You dont have to agree at all, just posthow you feel. No reason to be upset, its really not this serious. I agree with some of what OP said, and other things I dont agree with. Im just glad hes evenopened up the topic for the discussion to take place.
At the end of the day, the duality present in life is hard to balance. And I think the director never had bad intentions, but may have not been conscious ofhow things were shaping up to be perceived. I thought the movie was lame and honestly didnt understand all the praise of it, but thats just my opinion.

Im going to get back to this SC game now, you guys play nice. lol
I only read up to page 8, but I think OP should kinda take this into consideration. The average person went in, saw the movie, and basically came out seeingeither humans as being such cruel people in general, or they felt the white government and white soldiers were especially disturbing. Then you have you on theother hand and some others who took these bits and pieces and decided it had some racist undertones. Now EVERYONE saw how awful most of the whites in this filmwere. It was clear that there was specific people who were meant to be depicted as the villains in the movie. Most of those people were in fact white. Insteadof looking at that fact you looked for places in which the white people weren't all that bad, and became frustrated that of those few moments the blackshad none. So the average person came out thinking how #!$$!! up we as a people are, and you dug that deep to be offended. Now the average person didn'tcome out of the movie with lesser thoughts of blacks, but you put all this work in to come out with that conclusion. Basically what I'm saying is if youlook that hard you will find something offensive in anything you watch or anything period. No matter your race, sex, religion, whatever. But don't try toact like that is the purpose of things, you looking for something to fight for doesn't mean it's worth fighting

The point continues to evade you fam.

Maybe you should try reading the rest of the thread.

Yes everyone has an ugly side in the film but how can you ignore the pervasive black sterotypes and lack of complexity or redeeming quality amongst the blackcharacters in the movie?
HueyP in LouieV wrote:

The point continues to evade you fam.

Maybe you should try reading the rest of the thread.

Yes everyone has an ugly side in the film but how can you ignore the pervasive black sterotypes and lack of complexity or redeeming quality amongst the black characters in the movie?
Just finished reading up, the point is not evading me, how do you not see that this particular film did not have any black characters who wereeven around the main character enough to be complex? The one person he did have in his group, so to say wasn't good enough for you. Although he was thecomplete opposite of the stereotypical africans depicted in the rest of the movie you still found a reason to basically say he doesn't count. His role of awimp could have been played by anyone of any color and you still tried to find ways to twist it into racism. Just about everyone in the movie was a stereotypeexcept for a few. You saw the blacks as being more savage, but I saw it as them being the stereo typical un educated, voo doo believing african gangsters.Usually this would make for clear racism, but on the other hand we had the stereo typical power hungry whites, who would destroy anyone and anything in therepath including one of their own for what they desired. Of course there were a few people in the movie who weren't a stereotype (sidekick included) but forthe most part everyone was a villain. Just about everything was offensive in the movie towards everyone, and that was the point.
Originally Posted by Wade187

HueyP in LouieV wrote:

The point continues to evade you fam.

Maybe you should try reading the rest of the thread.

Yes everyone has an ugly side in the film but how can you ignore the pervasive black sterotypes and lack of complexity or redeeming quality amongst the black characters in the movie?
Just finished reading up, the point is not evading me, how do you not see that this particular film did not have any black characters who were even around the main character enough to be complex? The one person he did have in his group, so to say wasn't good enough for you. Although he was the complete opposite of the stereotypical africans depicted in the rest of the movie you still found a reason to basically say he doesn't count. His role of a wimp could have been played by anyone of any color and you still tried to find ways to twist it into racism. Just about everyone in the movie was a stereotype except for a few. You saw the blacks as being more savage, but I saw it as them being the stereo typical un educated, voo doo believing african gangsters. Usually this would make for clear racism, but on the other hand we had the stereo typical power hungry whites, who would destroy anyone and anything in there path including one of their own for what they desired. Of course there were a few people in the movie who weren't a stereotype (sidekick included) but for the most part everyone was a villain. Just about everything was offensive in the movie towards everyone, and that was the point.

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