So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

I see my history lesson went over peoples head...District 9 is based off a place outside Johanasburg called District 6.

The separation in South Africa dates back to the 1800s...between the DUTCH whites and ZULU nigerians (a nationality not a race). They were deemed undominableso they were given land outside what is now called Johanasburg.

To this day there are civilized Nigerians and there are barbaric ones that are ruthless outcasts seen in movies like BLOOD DIAMOND, DANGEROUS GROUND, SARAFINAAND CONGO...which are true depictions based on true events of Zulu NIGERIANS. oh...and if you have time check out Chaka Zulu which is another true story of thebabaric ways..
ps. i recieved an A+, on my report of the division of Africa and the actually made reference to the original district 9 short film...all my knowledge islearned by actual sources, NOT WIKIAPEDIA whipped up rebutals from my google search bar.

I wish I were at home to post links but I'm in school and employed away from home and i stay in another city during the week, so typing from a samsungbehold is tough and im tired
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

The pre-hollywood 6 min. short that inspired the movie "Alive in Joburg" is definitely more balanced.

Just watched it for the first time.

Good looks on that.

It is definitely a more balanced depiction right off the bat.

Just in that brief 5 minute video, the black police officer introduced himself to the audience, displayed rational thought and independent action.

In the face of that, there should really be no way that people can't see what's up with the major release.

Fundiswa didn't even introduce himself in the film or do anything independent of being Wikus's lackey. He wasn't even shown going to the bathroomfor himself, drinking a glass of water, driving a car, briefly shopping or taking a phonecall.

That purposeful psychological nuance to strengthen the perception of the stooge character.
Originally Posted by yung egg foo



This guy is comedy.

Thats like talking about Jamaican Eskimos.
HueyP in LouieV wrote:
Can you cite 1 example of Black intelligence in the movie BTW? The aliens were more complex and intelligent than the blacks.

The entire movie was about the aliens. Btw in case you missed it they were more intelligent then the entire human race. There's really nopoint to argue with you, you have come to your conclusion. Your pointing out stereotypes which there clearly were in the movie, but I feel everyone in themovie was a stereotype. Your basically trying to convince us that this was all done purposely, like the focus was to keep the black man down sub-consciously orwhatever. I think your just looking to deep into it, the stereotypes are clear but for it to be racist they would have to be just attacking one race. This wasan attack on the entire human race, pointing out the negative stereotypes in us all. Showing how even aliens can be more humane than us was exactly the pointand your trying to turn that into it being a race thing? Like I said you can't be talking race and then point out individuals. Both races fell undernegative stereotype regardless of the few individuals that didn't so if it was racist it was against humans.
OP... If you watch this movie and felt offended then you're too sensitive. You're also way too soft for the world.

Grow a pair and stop finding excuses to be racist about. If you find something racist that is not intentionally racist then you're the racist one.

Seriously mods, NT is becoming a joke.

BTW: there were black employees on the MNU that help evict the Prawns. They were military soldiers too. One was a MNU CEO officer played by William AllenYoung.
Originally Posted by imperialh8

OP... If you watch this movie and felt offended then you're too sensitive. You're also way too soft for the world.

Grow a pair and stop finding excuses to be racist about. If you find something racist that is not intentionally racist then you're the racist one.

Shut your dumb #$! up and learn how to read...

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I'm not offended at all because I'm used to this kind of behavior and portrayal at this point.

It disgusting but it doesn't personally offend me.

Seriously, NT is becoming a joke.
Crying to the mods while taking cheap shots

A joke indeed.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I'm not offended at all because I'm used to this kind of behavior and portrayal at this point.

It disgusting but it doesn't personally offend me.

Talk about contradictory....
Originally Posted by skillzboy44

we talking about racism here? ...where was the asians? man they racist for not having enough/or any asians at all!
You know nobody cares what asians think.
It's pretty obvious that this movie goes above and beyond to make us reflect on social issues in Africa. Let's not forget that there are NO SUCH THINGAS ALIENS, and that the ALIENS were in fact a METAPHOR for PEOPLE living in extreme poverty in South Africa.

The movie is meant to show how cruel people can be to each other when they have control and how "barbaric" people can be when they have no controland no options.
this dude really sent me TWO pms one calling me a f'n clown and a dumb negro. how is calling me a dumb negro cause i dont agree with you NOT racist?
Originally Posted by JuJu

this dude really sent me TWO pms one calling me a f'n clown and a dumb negro. how is calling me a dumb negro cause i dont agree with you NOT racist?

So a black man calling you dumb is racist but Africans portrayed as cannibalistic savages isn't
... Ok negro.

And I see why the same cats kept coming in here saying the same things that had nothing to do with the points that I brought up...they are cool with racism. Ireached out to that Dwade dude and this is what he had to say:

My point is that although what your saying is true about their depiction of the black south africans, it isn't racist well at least not to me because he turned around and did the same thing to whites. I dont really care about anything else you want to go into detail about.
He seems to be a white guy who is cool with the depiction of Blacks in the film probably because he accepts it as reality. He didn't listen toanything I had to say in this thread...just had his own agenda from the jump.
Huey i won't argue there is racism in the movie, but i felt it was placed intentionally to show the deep rooted racist sentiment left over from apartheid.The same way whites mistreated blacks, so too does the collective human race now mistreat the prawns, as a way of showing how humans treat those different thanthem.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Africans weren't portrayed as cannabalistic savages.

The Nigerian gang was.

What about the way that the Black South Africans citizens were portrayed as I pointed out earlier?

The first to commit act of prejudice and preach intolerance, while the White South Africans citizens were the intelligent professionals, aide workers andvolunteers?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by JuJu

this dude really sent me TWO pms one calling me a f'n clown and a dumb negro. how is calling me a dumb negro cause i dont agree with you NOT racist?

So a black man calling you dumb is racist but Africans portrayed as cannibalistic savages isn't
... Ok negro.

And I see why the same cats kept coming in here saying the same things that had nothing to do with the points that I brought up...they are cool with racism. I reached out to that Dwade dude and this is what he had to say:

My point is that although what your saying is true about their depiction of the black south africans, it isn't racist well at least not to me because he turned around and did the same thing to whites. I dont really care about anything else you want to go into detail about.
He seems to be a white guy who is cool with the depiction of Blacks in the film probably because he accepts it as reality. He didn't listen to anything I had to say in this thread...just had his own agenda from the jump.

no you calling me out my name to the tune of negro is racist. you are using the slang of the white man as a means to insult me because i dont agree with think cause your SN is a play on huey p newton your a militant black man and come down on me for having my own ideas and beliefs. just cause you are blackdoesnt mean you have the right to call me a dumb negro. matter fact i think ima have to hit the report button for you continuing to call me negro and theinsulting pms.
Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by JuJu

this dude really sent me TWO pms one calling me a f'n clown and a dumb negro. how is calling me a dumb negro cause i dont agree with you NOT racist?

So a black man calling you dumb is racist but Africans portrayed as cannibalistic savages isn't
... Ok negro.

And I see why the same cats kept coming in here saying the same things that had nothing to do with the points that I brought up...they are cool with racism. I reached out to that Dwade dude and this is what he had to say:

My point is that although what your saying is true about their depiction of the black south africans, it isn't racist well at least not to me because he turned around and did the same thing to whites. I dont really care about anything else you want to go into detail about.
He seems to be a white guy who is cool with the depiction of Blacks in the film probably because he accepts it as reality. He didn't listen to anything I had to say in this thread...just had his own agenda from the jump.

no you calling me out my name to the tune of negro is racist. you are using the slang of the white man as a means to insult me because i dont agree with you. you think cause your SN is a play on huey p newton your a militant black man and come down on me for having my own ideas and beliefs. just cause you are black doesnt mean you have the right to call me a dumb negro. matter fact i think ima have to hit the report button for you continuing to call me negro and the insulting pms.

Im sorry but......
HueyP in LouieV wrote:
Originally Posted by JuJu

this dude really sent me TWO pms one calling me a f'n clown and a dumb negro. how is calling me a dumb negro cause i dont agree with you NOT racist?

So a black man calling you dumb is racist but Africans portrayed as cannibalistic savages isn't
... Ok negro.

And I see why the same cats kept coming in here saying the same things that had nothing to do with the points that I brought up...they are cool with racism. I reached out to that Dwade dude and this is what he had to say:

My point is that although what your saying is true about their depiction of the black south africans, it isn't racist well at least not to me because he turned around and did the same thing to whites. I dont really care about anything else you want to go into detail about.
He seems to be a white guy who is cool with the depiction of Blacks in the film probably because he accepts it as reality. He didn't listen to anything I had to say in this thread...just had his own agenda from the jump.

Not white at all. It's funny how out of all I replied with that's all you chose to put in the topic. Once again you took what you wanted to see,skipped a line, and then highlited around it which I'm sure is what you basically do throughtout your life in general. Anyone can see what they want anddepict it as fact. I'll post what I wrote in it's entirety though since you only want to take pieces of my writing to twist it to benefit you and throwit out of context. After this I'm done though. As intelligent as you might be, or think you are, you're still just as close minded as those racistfolks you despise

I dont really care about anything else you want to go into detail about.

I just don't care about anything else but your thoughts and opinions....

From: Wade187.niketalk
To:HueyP in LouieV
Sent:September 14, 2009, 1:31 am

I feel the same way. I am listening to what your saying just don't feel the need to nitpick at every point you make. My point is that although what yoursaying is true about their depiction of the black south africans, it isn't racist well at least not to me because he turned around and did the same thingto whites. I dont really care about anything else you want to go into detail about. Race wise he made them both look bad, doesn't matter to me about how afew people who weren't of color were different. Racism is a race thing and he made both races look *+%%!! up anything deeper than that and your basicallyassuming his intentions. I don't think they purposely went out of their way to put the black people down they were just overall trying to put everyonedown. You obviously feel other wise, and that's cool you can feel how you want, but in general that's how the average person will look at it. They wontleave the theater thinking "damn those black africans were terrible people" their gonna leave thinking about how *+%%!! up the aliens were treated.So regardless of if he had racist intentions or not, that is the point of the film and that's exactly what he got across so he didn't do a very goodjob of making the black african the bad guy, but he made a great job of making humans in general look bad. All that extra stuff your going into simplydoesn't matter. Your not seeming to take into consideration all the things that could be taken as offensive to the white viewer, or how he can turn aroundand make this same thread and bring up many valid points of how his race is being put down. You can have as strong a argument as you want, but the fact that awhite male could possibly watch and feel the same way you did about how it was unfair to the whites makes everything your doing and saying worthless in myeyes. So even if your right, your still wrong, the racism still balanced out even if he did try to push the negativity towards the blacks, because of the factthat a white person can in fact share the same feelings as you.

From: HueyP in LouieV
Sent:September 14, 2009, 12:52 am

You refuse to listen to my what I am saying in that thread.

You keep arguing about something other that what I am speaking about.
I watched the movie with my uncle who
moved over here from Nigeria two years ago . When we finished watching the first thing I wanted to know
was his thought on the depiction of the africans. He said the Nigerian gang's back home are mad brutal
and there is a shift back towards more traditional voodoo type +$+% as well! He said the conditions were
pretty accurate and reminded him of +$+% he's seen. I thought there was definate rascist undertone's
but not neccesarily by the writers or director but as a realistic depiction of life over in South Africa.
Unfortunatley It's still a rascist country! There are more white people in higher positions and in general
there are more black people in the poorer demographic. I enjoyed the movie , but was reminded of
the %+%%@@ up state of this world.
I guess i'm in the minority with this opinion....

but the movie was super overrated. It didnt keep my interest at all.
From yahoo:

[h1]Nigerian officials: "District 9" not welcome here[/h1]
ABUJA, Nigeria - One of the summer's biggest blockbusters - a sci-fi morality tale about aliens and apartheid - is not welcome in Nigeria because of its portrayal of Nigerians as gangsters and cannibals, Nigeria's information minister said Saturday.

Information Minister Dora Akunyili has asked movie houses in the capital of Abuja to stop screening "District 9" because the South Africa-based sci-fi movie about aliens and discrimination makes Nigerians look bad.

"We have directed that they should stop public screening of the film," she said. "We are not happy about it because it portrays Nigeria in bad light."

Akunyili said she has asked Sony for an apology and wants them to edit out references to Nigeria and to the name of the main Nigerian gangster Obesandjo, whose name closely resembles that of former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo.

"We have written to the producer and distributor of the film, Sony Entertainment, expressing our displeasure and demanded an apology," she said. "We have asked that the areas where Nigeria and Obasanjo are mentioned should be edited from the film."

She and other government officials first saw the movie Wednesday during a private screening.

In one scene, Obesandjo tries to cut off and eat the arm of the film's protagonist, in an attempt to gain his supernatural powers. In others, Nigerian prostitutes are seen courting alien customers.

The film's portrayal of Nigerians has also drawn the ire of critics and bloggers, and has spawned a Facebook page called "Nigerians Offended by 'District 9,'" which had 57 members on Saturday.

Corlize Luttig, marketing manager for the South African cinema chain Ster-Kinekor, who represent Sony in South Africa, said they had no comment on the request by Akunyili. Ster-Kinekor does not distribute to Nigeria, she said.

Luttig said they were still waiting for comment from Sony's head office in Los Angeles.

"District 9" tells the story of an alien ship that mysteriously comes to hover over the South African city of Johannesburg. Its inhabitants are separated from the human population and segregated into a walled area known as District 9. But after nearly 30 years, government officials aim to relocate the extraterrestrials, with disastrous results.

The film is first feature from commercial and music-video director Neill Blomkamp, who co-wrote the script with Terri Tatchell. The film, which features a cast of mostly unknown South African actors, got its big-name backing from producer and "Lord of the Rings" director Peter Jackson.

The film brought in some US$37 million (euro25.16 million) during its U.S. debut weekend in August. In its five-week run at U.S. theaters, it has brought in an estimated US$108,000,000 (euro73,444,406.66), according to studio estimates.
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