So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

Ehhh. I can see both sides of the argument. The whole cannibalism thing does sound believable though. Because they believed that they would take on prawnpowers. If you have taken any world history class you will learn that some cultures DO believe in weird actions. Some Muslims believe in killing themselves torecieve 72 virgins, some Africans believe having sex with a virgin will cure aids (which is why rape is at an all time high in Africa, thus only contributingto the AIDS epidemic), White people believe in Elvis and a jesus who looks like a throwback Eric Clapton.

I understand you are mad at how they were portrayed but at the same time it was believable and justified, because there are militias in Africa like that. AndDO behave exactly the way shown in the movie......Somalia, Rwanda, etc. You honestly should be more concerned with how they portrayed the black autobot Jazz inthe movie Transformers
. It was basically a $150 million minstrel show.

I'm black if it matters.
-The Juice
maybe it's b/c I'm not black...but no way did I come out of that movie with any type of negative thought about the Africans depicted.... the onlynegative thoughts I had were about the Afrikans.
but I can understand thegripe
Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

You guys are reaching with this one. It was based in the heart of a slum IN africa. Slums everywhere have unsavory and barbaric characters in it.

I think the most barbaric of all the characters was the commander (white) who seemed hell bent on killing everything and everyone for sport. The most treacherous was the father in-law who heartlessly lied to his own daughter and subjected aliens to inhuman testing.

I could see if they portrayed black people that way if the movie was based in England or Australia....but they were in Africa. Stop reaching for racism.
cosign, OP is way off
It was a movie about South Africa. Racism has always been an issue there so if you think the movie displayed that, then it fit it's backdrop.

I feel like the only maybe racist thing was the scamming Nigerians, but to be honest in Nigeria, a majority of the culture are thieves/hustlers.
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

It was a movie about South Africa. Racism has always been an issue there so if you think the movie displayed that, then it fit it's backdrop.

I feel like the only maybe racist thing was the scamming Nigerians, but to be honest in Nigeria, a majority of the culture are thieves/hustlers.
Doesn't make sense, how can a culture be considered thieves? There are a lot of scam artists in Nigeria, same as the rest of the world. But its not part of the culture.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

this dude hueyp/abeautifulhaze find racism in everything
for real. You go out of your way to cry racism or bigotry on anything that involves black people or islam

If the movie was based in israel and there was no "humanity shown" when Israelis were on screen would that bother you? Would you make a thread aboutit? No way in hell. All this politically correct bs bothers me so much. Soon every race will not only have to be represented in movies, the screenwriter willbe pressured to make sure each has "redeeming qualities", and equal screen time so people won't complain.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by CWrite78

this dude hueyp/abeautifulhaze find racism in everything
for real. You go out of your way to cry racism or bigotry on anything that involves black people or islam

If the movie was based in israel and there was no "humanity shown" when Israelis were on screen would that bother you? Would you make a thread about it? No way in hell. All this politically correct bs bothers me so much. Soon every race will not only have to be represented in movies, the screenwriter will be pressured to make sure each has "redeeming qualities", and equal screen time so people won't complain.


I'm not Islamic and don't think I have ever spoke on Islam at all in my NT history.

Here you go dragging the Jewish/Islamic conflict into a film about South Africa....and you're talking about me crying and reaching.


I'll be back to break this down further.
But thanks for bringing that point up.

If this was a film about Jews in the ghetto during WWII or other periods of Jewish you think thatsimilar types of vicious protrayals would be used to depict Jews?


It wouldn't be appropriate, just as it isn't appropriate here.

Apartheid was about Black oppression and torture, so how are they depicted as the most vile and stereotypical creatures in this film?

Where is the slightest hint of black/white racism?

So that real world black/white racial dichotomy disappeared but these magical Nigerian savages and numbskull Black South African's take their place?

This whole film was BS.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by CWrite78

this dude hueyp/abeautifulhaze find racism in everything
for real. You go out of your way to cry racism or bigotry on anything that involves black people or islam

If the movie was based in israel and there was no "humanity shown" when Israelis were on screen would that bother you? Would you make a thread about it? No way in hell. All this politically correct bs bothers me so much. Soon every race will not only have to be represented in movies, the screenwriter will be pressured to make sure each has "redeeming qualities", and equal screen time so people won't complain.


I'm not Islamic and don't think I have ever spoke on Islam at all in my NT history.

Here you go dragging the Jewish/Islamic conflict into a film about South Africa....and you're talking about me crying and reaching.


I'll be back to break this down further.
OP why is it that you made time to respond to this comment which was easy for you to break down, but you chose to conveniently over look a postthat made much more sense in terms of responding to your original point?
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Ehhh. I can see both sides of the argument. The whole cannibalism thing does sound believable though. Because they believed that they would take on prawn powers. If you have taken any world history class you will learn that some cultures DO believe in weird actions. Some Muslims believe in killing themselves to recieve 72 virgins, some Africans believe having sex with a virgin will cure aids (which is why rape is at an all time high in Africa, thus only contributing to the AIDS epidemic), White people believe in Elvis and a jesus who looks like a throwback Eric Clapton.

I understand you are mad at how they were portrayed but at the same time it was believable and justified, because there are militias in Africa like that. And DO behave exactly the way shown in the movie......Somalia, Rwanda, etc. You honestly should be more concerned with how they portrayed the black autobot Jazz in the movie Transformers
. It was basically a $150 million minstrel show.

I'm black if it matters.
-The Juice
Lets take a good look at the images in this movie...


The movie starts off with documentary style interviews to set the scene.

The first people shown are white professionals. Wikus, a journalist, professors, engineers etc...





Wait a minute...this is supposed to be modern South Africa where a great number of the skilled workers are Black. As a matter of fact, there is such anabundance of skilled engineers and Black professionals in SA, that there has been an active recruitment by global employers looking for Black skilledlabor...causing a SA "brain drain". But OK we'll write this one off as typical Hollywood. White faces have to be show in positions of power andintellect.

Then they show how people are reacting to the alien presence, the aide workers and volunteers...



Interesting...White benevolence and still no Black faces in a South African story...

OK, wait here we go....


Your first black face...who is she and what is she doing?

She's a Black commoner, displaying ignorance and prejudice.

"At least they are keeping them separate from us..."

For a film based around apartheid, where blacks were brutally killed, tortured, dehumanized and tossed into slums and rose above it to break the chains would think that there would b some display of Black nobility, compassion or intelligence. Quite the opposite. The first introduction ofprejudice is done so by a black face...while the intellectual and good hearted Whites do their best to cogently analyze the situation and lend a helping hand.

This is just the beginning.
just completely forget the fact that the whites made the dude shoot his own people when he was half alien, and they dissected the aliens and abused them. andkept them treated like slaves in the first place. and i'm white btw, it's not racist, stop calling racism....

some of you would sound A LOT more educated if you just used something like Wikipedia before making statements....
Only one white guy "showed humanity" as you put it, the rest were as bad or worse than the black Africans. No black Africans were main characters,thus they did not have the same sort of character arc as the main guy. He started out just as bad as the rest of them, but movies require that characterschange. There was no opportunity in the script for a black African character to undergo a character transformation, but I severely doubt that racism wasinvolved in that. The black Africans weren't important enough characters to change.

Also, did it never occur to you that the barbarism of the black Africans might be a continuation of the commentary on Apartheid? The aliens undergo a similarsituation and display violence and worse, but we are led to believe that this is only a product of their environment. Why can't the actions of the blackgangsters simply show how the same principle applies to humans?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

OK, wait here we go....


Your first black face...who is she and what is she doing?

She's a Black commoner, displaying ignorance and prejudice.

Not to mention, she's also the ugliest one out of all the females that were interviewed.

You would think that if they're going to depict Africans negatively they would do it with someone donning a prettier face.

Goddamn bigots.
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw


some of you would sound A LOT more educated if you just used something like Wikipedia before making statements....
Oh the irony.
Out of all the credible sources on the web this guy suggests people use "Wiki".

Use Wiki as a source on any of your term papers, let me know what the professor tells you.

OP, I always thought you were a smart individual based on your prior posts.
You do realize that this is a movie in which WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE OPPRESSORS.
Youre making it seem as if white people are being shown as some compassionate, noble people.
Im not even going to go and try to break things down as much as I can, cause itll be pointless. At then end of the day youre going to believe what you want tobelieve.

Ill leave on this note. I always find that the most racist people are the ones who are mad quick to point out racial differences even when its not called for.
While you saw white people as intellectuals and black people as ignorant, I saw some people as intellectual and others as ignorant.
Wow, one of the points of the movie was how people are so willing to discriminate against other living, intelligent beings just because they are different. Hadthe scammers been portrayed as white, you would have absolutely no problem with that. That in itself is a form of racism. People these days just try to findnegatives in places where they don't exist.

The protagonist in the film was not much of a hero either. He was helping the alien because he said he would return in 3 years and help him. If anything, Ifound the white characters way more vicious than any of the black characters. I'm pretty sure had black people killed all those aliens, people would stillcomplain that the movie portrayed blacks as vicious killers.
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