So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

I honestly was feeling some kind of way when I watched the movie. It was a good movie but as mentioned in that article posted above some aspects were soblatantly unnecessary you can only view them in a racist light. The cannibalism was particularly offensive.

This thread getting overwhelmed.

"But they really are scammers, cannibals, and alien hookers" said the Nter.

I remember hearing the moaning in the background when the 1/2 alien guy went to go get the stolen weapons,
I groped my face.

P.S. Im ditching this avy.
so on to more thought-provoking conversation...

anyone else feel they set up the sequel with the movie's closing scene.

DISTRICT 10...???
Originally Posted by Wade187

HueyP in LouieV wrote:
I mean....there were black prostitutes, selling their bodies to aliens and witch doctors encouraging cannibalism....seriously. No whites doing it...and there are poor whites in white slums in South Africa.

If we are to accept the sterotypes of the white characters in the movie as selfish and oppressive, like y'all claim...then what are we to gather from the depiction of blacks?
I've heard of women in my country and other south american countrys having relations with animals for money when they really needed it or to get there fix. Witch doctors were encouraging them to eat aliens which are not human so how is it cannibalism? How many poor whites are in any major gangs in the slums of africa? I don't think I've ever seen a picture of a white person in the slums of south africa who didn't look like they were just visiting. That right there tells me just how few their really are

{Mase} Wow.... {Mase}


[h1]South Africa: Poor whites are strangers in a new land[/h1]In the growing poor white community, sex is a key source of income.


South Africa's poor white problem is starting to raise a sizeable blip on the nation's social radar again some 70 years after racially divisive (apartheid) policies had been put in place to end what was then a symbol Afrikaaner embarrassment. That poverty stricken whites, and a sizeable number of them, should again re-emerge in a re-shaped country of mostly wealthy whites and poor blacks is particularly interesting.

Y'all dudes are so ignorant, its scary.
Visit third world slums anywhere and see whatsup. As far as the movie, just about everyone was grimey, white Africans included. Wikus came off as a $*%@*%* assoon as the movie starts and just when you think he's gonna warm up he smashes his alien friend in the head and was ready to bounce with his spaceship andkid while leaving him for dead.
There was NO cannibalism in this film.

Huey you are mad because you think it is unequal that they portrayed Nigerians in a negative light but not the others? Am I correct here?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Wade187

HueyP in LouieV wrote:
I mean....there were black prostitutes, selling their bodies to aliens and witch doctors encouraging cannibalism....seriously. No whites doing it...and there are poor whites in white slums in South Africa.

If we are to accept the sterotypes of the white characters in the movie as selfish and oppressive, like y'all claim...then what are we to gather from the depiction of blacks?
I've heard of women in my country and other south american countrys having relations with animals for money when they really needed it or to get there fix. Witch doctors were encouraging them to eat aliens which are not human so how is it cannibalism? How many poor whites are in any major gangs in the slums of africa? I don't think I've ever seen a picture of a white person in the slums of south africa who didn't look like they were just visiting. That right there tells me just how few their really are

{Mase} Wow.... {Mase}


[h1]South Africa: Poor whites are strangers in a new land[/h1]In the growing poor white community, sex is a key source of income.


South Africa's poor white problem is starting to raise a sizeable blip on the nation's social radar again some 70 years after racially divisive (apartheid) policies had been put in place to end what was then a symbol Afrikaaner embarrassment. That poverty stricken whites, and a sizeable number of them, should again re-emerge in a re-shaped country of mostly wealthy whites and poor blacks is particularly interesting.

Y'all dudes are so ignorant, its scary.

GROWING, poor white strangers in a new land, mostly wealthy whites and poor blacks..... like I said I have never seen any pictures these are my first and theseare articles made basically because it isn't common and it served as news. You also missed the key question which was how many of those whites were inmajor gangs in these slums. I watched the movie a while ago but as far as I remember just about every person in that slum was part of that gang. If not part ofthe gang they were there to take advantage or make money off those aliens which is why any human was in that specific slum to begin with.
Originally Posted by GTEK

but its always the same good guy bad guy story with a little love mushy mushy.

Nearly every movie thats ever been made follows this exact same plot structure
Originally Posted by YoungAnakin

so on to more thought-provoking conversation...

anyone else feel they set up the sequel with the movie's closing scene.

DISTRICT 10...???
If there isn't a district 10 i will be severely disappointed. This movie was amazing, and people getting so bent out of shape over it is plainignorant. Like^^said, all humans were portrayed as grimey, greedy jerks, regardless of race. To cry foul at the SOUTH AFRICAN producer for showing what reallygoes on in slums is ridiculous
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Wade187

So if they werent the ony ones viewed as inhumane whats your perogative? You trying to say they were racist against everyone but might have been a tad bit more harsh on the black africans? A noble black african might not be out of place in africa, but in the SLUMS of south africa where in real life they are gangsters and prostitutes it would be out of place. People fighting for the people in africa them selves say the slums in africa could quite possibly be the worst in the world and your debating the fact that it isn't normal for them to be gangsters or prostitutes? Really? A noble person in general wouldn't even be in that area if this were real life, but you want them to throw someone in there so you could feel more comfortable?

A tad bit more harsh?

They were dirty, cannibalistic, alien-prostituting, drug dealing, gun smuggling, gangsters, idiots and cannon fodder.

The film revolved around the love between the white hero and his wife. They displayed happy functioning white families..."Look at my wife, with her white halo...shes an angel..."

Where was the one glimpse of black normalcy in this film?...not even victory...just instance or situation please.

Your posts def. make a strong argument.

As for the part I bolded,

I'd say the black/African lady that was commenting on the plight of the Aliens during the documentary part of the film. At the restaurant, we've got a few African/black cats just chillin' orderin' food, then Wikus comes in desperate and flies in to a rage when they flash the photoshop job of him sexin' a Prawn. Lastly, the trainee (lackey is not an accurate choice of word imo, and I don't remember him being called "boy". I'll watch the film again though) of the Wikus did the honorable thing and exposed MNU.

It might've been an afterthought since that scene is goes by so swiftly, but he's the only cat that does what is right.

That includes Sharlto's character.

Julius F. Wrek
word. Even though it was a small part, it was the sidekick that exposed MNU. He was kind of a hero. Not only did he hack into MNU, he was braveenough to expose them. He basically threw his life away, because he's in jail for who knows how long. That's pretty heroic.
Originally Posted by YoungAnakin

so on to more thought-provoking conversation...

anyone else feel they set up the sequel with the movie's closing scene.

DISTRICT 10...???
If there isn't a district 10 i will be severely disappointed. This movie was amazing, and people getting so bent out of shape over it is plainignorant. Like^^said, all humans were portrayed as grimey, greedy jerks, regardless of race. To cry foul at the SOUTH AFRICAN producer for showing what reallygoes on in slums is ridiculous
Ya'll do know this movie takes place in 2010 right? Someone explain to me what the purpose of portraying the Nigerians as having cannibalistic tendenciesmade sense in this movie. To me it felt out of place and offensive.
i think this entire thread is exactly what the director wanted to provoke.
its so wierd because you are talking about a movie... but the topic could easily be society (minus exploding body parts etc) and the arguements would be loselythe same...
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Ya'll do know this movie takes place in 2010 right? Someone explain to me what the purpose of portraying the Nigerians as having cannibalistic tendencies made sense in this movie. To me it felt out of place and offensive.
I don't recall them trying to eat other human beings, just aliens. How is that cannibalism?
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Ya'll do know this movie takes place in 2010 right? Someone explain to me what the purpose of portraying the Nigerians as having cannibalistic tendencies made sense in this movie. To me it felt out of place and offensive.


Especially in light of the Nigerian role in fighting South African apartheid and being a large percentage of SA's skilled labor force today.

Y'all have to understand archetypes and constructs...the parallels in this film were less poor vs rich, weak vs powerless and more black vs white.

The enduring representation of a white woman in this film is a totally loyal, to the point of being unrealistic, mate. She saved every piece of junk given toher by her husband and was willing to stand by his side even as he lost human form.

The enduring representation of a black woman....coming out of a vehicle in trashy clothing after having sex with an alien.

If the allusion was purely supposed to be about race-less human attributes then there should have been at least one white person amongst the disgustingenvironment in the slums...but they were all black. The White Afrikaans ethnic minority, have had unemployment numbers that rival those of blacks in Americasince the early nineties....the same time period that saw a spike in Nigerian immigration to South Africa.

So where do all of these Nigerian savages come from and where have all of the poor whites gone?

Its clear that the film was an allusion to SA specific apartheid, hence the clear racial delineations....if you look at it in that light, there is no way youcan't see the racism in this film...not only with the depictions of the Nigerians but with the unsavory parallel between the representation of thealien's natural being (peeing on homes, rummaging through the trash) to those of black who were SA's forced to live in SA's ghettos duringapartheid.
If I remember correctly it was only madman, the leader of the gang in the slums who ate alien parts? If aliens dropped down on us, I'm sure a mad personwho wanted to have the same power as an Alien would go through whatever it took. I can see the stereotype as far as this part goes. Voodoo practitioner eatsalien to obtain the ability to use weapons and the white corporation did Nasty experiments to have the ability to use weapons.
Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Ya'll do know this movie takes place in 2010 right? Someone explain to me what the purpose of portraying the Nigerians as having cannibalistic tendencies made sense in this movie. To me it felt out of place and offensive.
I don't recall them trying to eat other human beings, just aliens. How is that cannibalism?
The allusion was clearly made to African cannibalism...the aliens were human in nature. They lived amongst Blacks, communicated with humans andeven had sex with us.

Its a rampant African sterotype.

The cannibalistic savage.
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

This discussion is making me want to see the movie now.


It makes me want to watch it again. Some of you that are calling the film racist seemed to be reaching but there are some valid points.
HueyP in LouieV wrote:
RavageBX wrote:
Ya'll do know this movie takes place in 2010 right? Someone explain to me what the purpose of portraying the Nigerians as having cannibalistic tendencies made sense in this movie. To me it felt out of place and offensive.


Especially in light of the Nigerian role in fighting South African apartheid and being a large percentage of SA's skilled labor force today.

Y'all have to understand archetypes and constructs...the parallels in this film were less poor vs rich, weak vs powerless and more black vs white.

The enduring representation of a white woman in this film is a totally loyal, to the point of being unrealistic, mate. She saved every piece of junk given to her by her husband and was willing to stand by his side even as he lost human form.

The enduring representation of a black woman....coming out of a vehicle in trashy clothing after having sex with an alien.

If the allusion was purely supposed to be about race-less human attributes then there should have been at least one white person amongst the disgusting environment in the slums...but they were all black. The White Afrikaans ethnic minority, have had unemployment numbers that rival those of blacks in America since the early nineties....the same time period that saw a spike in Nigerian immigration to South Africa.

So where do all of these Nigerian savages come from and where have all of the poor whites gone?

Its clear that the film was an allusion to SA specific apartheid, hence the clear racial delineations....if you look at it in that light, there is no way you can't see the racism in this film...not only with the depictions of the Nigerians but with the unsavory parallel between the representation of the alien's natural being (peeing on homes, rummaging through the trash) to those of black who were SA's forced to live in SA's ghettos during apartheid.

Well asked and well said.
I don't see how people can sit in here and say "I don't see it, I don't see it"
when the whole movie was based upon the apartheid era and district 6.

I swear people be these days be watching movies with their eyes wide shut.

White-man decides to evict the blacks from the area and label it whites-only.
One of them then realizes the wrong he was doing and wants to help the people. ( being sprayed in the eye and symbolically turning black)
Government realizes what he is doing and turns on him.
The forced removals turn violent and the guy places his life in stake to save a man and child.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Well asked and well said.
I don't see how people can sit in here and say "I don't see it, I don't see it"
when the whole movie was based upon the apartheid era and district 6.

I swear people be these days be watching movies with their eyes wide shut.

White-man decides to evict the blacks from the area and label it whites-only.
One of them then realizes the wrong he was doing and wants to help the people. ( being sprayed in the eye and symbolically turning black)
Government realizes what he is doing and turns on him.
The forced removals turn violent and the guy places his life in stake to save a man and child.
I do and don't. The tired part of me wants to just relax and watch a movie for what it is, a piece of art, a form of entertainment. What Irealized is that we must acknowledge the difference between depicting racism and being racist. Seeing as how D9 was indeed based off of South African apartheid (a time of racism and segregation), I believe thedirector was simply doing a retelling, a reinterpretation (had aliens really existed) of how the apartheid would have gone. Sure, I agree, there are racistovertones in the process, but it is what you can expect with a film that is trying to depict racism anyway.
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