So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

The main bad guys in the damn movie were white, you know they ones that were killing the aliens in testing and wanting to send them to a concentration camp.Plus Wikus's friend went to jail because he hacked into the computer files and found out what they were doing with the aliens and his other black friendwas cool. The only Nigerian gang were bad. Also I as black man I was not often my the movie and I consider myself pretty sensitive about this stuff.
this is either the worst thought-out post of all time, or a huge effort at trolling.

either way, just stop.
I mean If there are journalists bothblack and white citing that they feel the movie is racist.
Dude just came to speak his peice and now ya'll want to jump on him
I'm not sure many of you have even read through the thread.
Just coming to call "reach" and "troll".
Fall back....

Very, very interesting. I totally forgot about this character and so far everyone in here has forgotten to mention him as well...


The CEO of the entire Nazi weapons corporation is Black
His role was sominuscule and his camera time so short that its hard not to forget his appearance.

But check this out....he is a "Black American". Look at his name and he is also the only person in the film to not speak with an "Africanaccent".

Normally, the CEO of these sinister companies have some type of role in the shady dealings but this guy was just depicted purely as a figurehead. He wasbriefly shown twice. Both times he was interacting with the media.

I never noticed it before but this draws a clear delineation between Black Africans and Black Americans early in the film...leaving the door open to freelyvilify Black Africans.

And also at the head of the evil white power structure is still a Black man.

Another white professionals displaying professional benevolence...


And look here...the first display of psychical violence and alien oppression....

Who is doing it?

You guessed it...a Black person...


Y'all starting to see a trend yet?

They go back to the white profession introduced earlier and they start recalling the riots and the unrest. This is the first scene of the riots....


Here the aliens are terrorizing innocent White patrons at a gas station....

Juxtaposed by violent Blacks wielding sticks and Molotov cocktails...psychically abusing the aliens.

2r77k8p.jpg does the Black South African citizenry become the ignorant psychical oppressors, while every white person so far has been a benevolent professionalor an innocent victim?


* South African Gangsta rap in the background *
Wait, before you were complaining no black people were shown in power, and then one is and you complain about that?
There were tons of scenes of whites roughing up aliens, so that example is garbage.
I see a black person at the gas station.

" does the Black South African citizenry become the ignorant psychical oppressors, while every white person so far has been a benevolentprofessional or an innocent victim?"

Did you just not watch the movie after the first 10 minutes?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Ya'll do know this movie takes place in 2010 right? Someone explain to me what the purpose of portraying the Nigerians as having cannibalistic tendencies made sense in this movie. To me it felt out of place and offensive.
I don't recall them trying to eat other human beings, just aliens. How is that cannibalism?
The allusion was clearly made to African cannibalism...the aliens were human in nature. They lived amongst Blacks, communicated with humans and even had sex with us.

Its a rampant African sterotype.

The cannibalistic savage.
Basically. It was really clear to me.

Originally Posted by Juve9ile18

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

It was a movie about South Africa. Racism has always been an issue there so if you think the movie displayed that, then it fit it's backdrop.

I feel like the only maybe racist thing was the scamming Nigerians, but to be honest in Nigeria, a majority of the culture are thieves/hustlers.
Doesn't make sense, how can a culture be considered thieves? There are a lot of scam artists in Nigeria, same as the rest of the world. But it s not part of the culture.
And this is why I have a problem with some of what was portrayed in the movie. People are so in the dark about Africa in general that they takewhat's given to them wholesale and it becomes their understanding. As Haze pointed out the portrayal of Africans in South Africa is very skewed. Nigeriansare portrayed as hustlers, thieves and cannibals and people like JordanPP30 take that wholesale and regurgitate it with nonsense like the bold portion of hisstatement.

How many of you in here have even been to Africa? The majority of you have not. You shouldn't be so willing to accept how things are portrayed, certainlynot in a movie, even if only for entertainment purposes. Even at the cost of sounding racist or overly sensitive, matters such as this should always bedigested and questioned. I've been to Nigeria more than a half dozen times over the last two decades and trust me if you think the culture is nothing butthieves and hustlers you've fallen into the trap. And I shouldn't even have to elaborate on how off base the cannibalism allusion is.
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

I mean If there are journalists bothblack and white citing that they feel the movie is racist.
Dude just came to speak his peice and now ya'll want to jump on him
I'm not sure many of you have even read through the thread.
Just coming to call "reach" and "troll".
Fall back....

Its expected at this point.

Everything I say is somehow racist and reaching. All you have to do is Google search "District 9 & race/racist" and pages of heated articles popup. With white South Africans citing the racist visuals and skewed allusions. But you have people like Crafsty..."Mr. Do Black people think White peoplesmell like dogs" calling me a troll for doing an honest assessment of the film.

I already see whats going on, thats why I could care less what people call me on here. The intelligent, unbiased ones will see the truth if they take the timeto observe.

More to come.
nah, i think you guys are definitely looking too hard. it was a great movie, simple as that. any feelings of racism you guys have is purely coincidental. hell,i'm chinese and i watch movies that have chinese portrayed poorly all the time. it does not take away from the movie. people just need to stop LOOKING forthe bad and the good will come through.
The one human who helps Wikus was his Black assistant who ends up jailed. But most importantly the aliens are an allegory for apartheid, they represent theplight people had of slavery "I just want to go home".
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Wait, before you were complaining no black people were shown in power, and then one is and you complain about that?
There were tons of scenes of whites roughing up aliens, so that example is garbage.
I see a black person at the gas station.

" does the Black South African citizenry become the ignorant psychical oppressors, while every white person so far has been a benevolent professional or an innocent victim?"

Did you just not watch the movie after the first 10 minutes?

I thought that the corporation was supposed to be the counter-balance to the Black savagery?

Thats what everyone has said on every page so far as the justification for the Black images....well the CEO of the corporation is a Black theregoes that argument.

And really in that gas station scene race is hard to discern, you are right about that...but the Black citizens are still the ones actively abusing the aliens,while the White citizens attempt to help. Yes the military/police have both blacks and whites who abuse the aliens...but the only non-military citizens doingso are black.

I'm showing you scene by scene. You can't argue with what is there. I'm just pointing it out.

More to come.
I like Haze's threads. Whether i agree with him or not, i like the arguments he presents and the ones invokes from other seemingly intelligent nters onboth sides. What irks me about the threads are these morons who i wouldn't trust to put together a big mac, not reading, not forming an opinion, coming inhere with their smileys and one sentence responses calling dude an idiot, when he's clearly not. I swear to god it pisses me off that these people are outthere walking around everyday self assured and uber confident in their stupidity. I hate stupid people and their stupid arrogance or whatever leads them tobelieve that their opinion is ever needed anywhere. Especially the ones that don't know it and make no effort to better themselves. That's why asdisgusting as mayor is physically and mentally, pause, i'll take him over some of you idiots any day, because i see that growth. Unrelated rant over.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by CWrite78

this dude hueyp/abeautifulhaze find racism in everything
for real. You go out of your way to cry racism or bigotry on anything that involves black people or islam

If the movie was based in israel and there was no "humanity shown" when Israelis were on screen would that bother you? Would you make a thread about it? No way in hell. All this politically correct bs bothers me so much. Soon every race will not only have to be represented in movies, the screenwriter will be pressured to make sure each has "redeeming qualities", and equal screen time so people won't complain.


I'm not Islamic and don't think I have ever spoke on Islam at all in my NT history.

Here you go dragging the Jewish/Islamic conflict into a film about South Africa....and you're talking about me crying and reaching.


I'll be back to break this down further.

aren't you abeautifulhaze?

if not then I'm wrong. If you are, then you're full of crap because I've seen you in countless threads reaching about muslims and black peoplebeing persecuted against. btw there were plenty allusions to the israeli/palenstinian conflict in the movie and even concentration camps, i'm not pullingit out of nowhere.

Good job ignoring the rest of my post. people like you keep complaining about crap like this, that's why movies are forced to be politically correct.transformers 2 was more racist than this movie. Now we are gonna pretend like there aren't nigerian thugs getting rich off the black market because timewasn't taken to show a couple as humane?
Im interested in seeing where this goes, just saw the movie two days ago.

Haze always presents his argument well, no matter what you have to respect that - NT needs more of it.

I found this part to be especially interesting and enlightening...

They go into another segment of on the street interviews, asking residents how they feel about the alien situation.

Watch this....


"I think they must fix their ship and they must go..." (Congruent to the racist chantof "Go Back to Africa"...not implying anything further, just pointing it out)


A white man, show through the grainy lens of a news camera. If you notice the visuals constantly switch between the clear "real-world" footage andgrainy news camera footage. This man is the only one of the interviewees not speaking English (hence the sub-titles) and the only one shown through the newscamera lens...Not only that but its hard to even understand what he means by the subtitles...Quote: "It's avirus of the directed actions to do it near the houses with the aliens". No punctuation or clarification...just like that. You can probablylogically extrapolate that he is saying, they should give the aliens a virus or something to that effect..or maybe the aliens are like a virus...but hisstatement is far from straightforward.


"They must just go. I don't know where they go and they must just go here..."


" If they were from another country we might understand but they are not even from this planet atall...."

3 black men preaching ignorant intolerance, in english, through the clear lens of the regular film footage and 1 white man speaking a garbled message in a"foreign" tongue, through a blurry news camera lens.

So far we have seen a bunch of ignorant and prejudicial Blacks and maybe 1 white bigot.

*Sidenote* Anyone involved in the visual arts know the type of scrutiny that goes into every scene and image, especially in movie making.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by CWrite78

this dude hueyp/abeautifulhaze find racism in everything
for real. You go out of your way to cry racism or bigotry on anything that involves black people or islam

If the movie was based in israel and there was no "humanity shown" when Israelis were on screen would that bother you? Would you make a thread about it? No way in hell. All this politically correct bs bothers me so much. Soon every race will not only have to be represented in movies, the screenwriter will be pressured to make sure each has "redeeming qualities", and equal screen time so people won't complain.


I'm not Islamic and don't think I have ever spoke on Islam at all in my NT history.

Here you go dragging the Jewish/Islamic conflict into a film about South Africa....and you're talking about me crying and reaching.


I'll be back to break this down further.

aren't you abeautifulhaze?

if not then I'm wrong. If you are, then you're full of crap because I've seen you in countless threads reaching about muslims and black people being persecuted against. btw there were plenty allusions to the israeli/palenstinian conflict in the movie and even concentration camps, i'm not pulling it out of nowhere.

Good job ignoring the rest of my post. people like you keep complaining about crap like this, that's why movies are forced to be politically correct. transformers 2 was more racist than this movie. Now we are gonna pretend like there aren't nigerian thugs getting rich off the black market because time wasn't taken to show a couple as humane?

I would love for you to show me these fictious posts about Islam...1) i'm not Islamic and don't recall ever defending Islam. I speak on all inequalityand abuse but I have never defended Islam or made countless threads "reaching about muslims" 2) Islam has been as equally if not more oppressive toAfricans than European Christianity. That has always been my don't even waste your time looking.

Yes there are some allusions that can be made to the Palestinian conflict but this film is 90% or more about South African apartheid. I just find it funny thatyou are the second person to cite the offending of Jewish sensibilities, while calling me a racist troll.
There hasn't been one mention of Jews or Islam and bringing them into thisdiscussion is certainly a reach.

This kind of paranoia is accepted but I can't speak on what is right in front of our faces with out being called racist, a troll and reaching.
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

It was a movie about South Africa. Racism has always been an issue there so if you think the movie displayed that, then it fit it's backdrop.

I feel like the only maybe racist thing was the scamming Nigerians, but to be honest in Nigeria, a majority of the culture are thieves/hustlers.

No we aren't.

A very small portion of the population behaves in that manner. Those scammers and crooks are not indicative of the larger population. That's like me sayingmost Black Americans are murderers and rapist or most White Americans are ponzi scammers, etc.
Nigerians are hustlers in the sense that there is a culture of hard work that is instilled into the people. Selling water to a whale mentality. Nigerians tryto succeed at all cost. Now with the improved school system, most try and go about attempting to achieve success the right way. Either in Nigeria, or coming toAmerica and beasting in school. "That's why you a disproportionate percentage of black people in top universities,grad school, med school, etc. inAmerica are Nigerians. This culture of hard work leads a few Nigerians to take short-cuts to keep up. That small percentage of people may end up committing allof the sideways acts that you seem to be alluding too.

Are the majority of Nigerians thieves, no. A wise man would retract that statement.
once again...

because of people like you, Hollywood is forced to be politically correct to a fault. So thanks bud.


" The aliens...Prawns...They take my wife away..."

Again, the trendsetters and fore-runners of alien prejudice is a Black man, an extremely battered looking one at that . He introduces the "racial"slur Prawn.


"The derogatory term Prawn is used for the Alien...obviously it implies something that is a bottom feederand scavenges for leftovers"

And again, the beautiful and intellectual white woman is the voice of reason. Explaining the relevance of the hurtful slur introduced by the black characterand strengthening the parallel between the Aliens and Black South Africans.


" I mean, you can't say they don't look like that. Thats what they look like right...they look likeprawns..."

White Police officer justifying the Prawn slur. While he never calls them the term himself, it is clear that he doesn't have much of a problem with theword. Here finally, is some white culpability in a very slight display of white on alien prejudice. Even though he is being more logical than anything else, asthe aliens really do look like prawns. Plus he is a police officer and not a regular citizen.

It is very telling though, that the Black residents are extremely straight forward and direct with their abuse and ignorant statements but the few whites (2)who you can infer have bad feelings about the "prawns" are very indirect with their statements.

*Also take a look at the background....Black mugshots, purposely visible...even in a partial admission of white tacitity to alien prejudice, black savagery is present.*
What I thought was racist about the movie was that there really weren't any intelligent black (African) characters in the film.

They were all subservient and "yassa boss" types. I swear it seemed like none of them could think for themselves.

If this was already said, my bad.
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

HueyP is a freakin moron, Im sorry I came back in here but youre like a train wreck


You didn't get the attention you so desperately crave on the previous page so you just had to post another meaningless insult one more time.

There you go...there is your attention allotment for the day.

Next time just stick to making your usually genius threads about deformed food objects, crude bodily functions or posting video/pics of you humping inanimateobjects...that usually works for you.
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

HueyP is a freakin moron, Im sorry I came back in here but youre like a train wreck

And who are you? At least we have people who try to post something that's worth discussing while you continuously post girlfriends from failedrelationships. Nice going.

Next time just stick to making your usually genius threads about deformed food objects, crude bodily functions or posting video/pics of you humping inanimate objects...that usually works for you.
He'll have plenty of time to make more of those while he's attending his local CC to diversify his portfolio, isn't that right?
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

HueyP is a freakin moron, Im sorry I came back in here but youre like a train wreck


it's a movie... this is his interpretation
don't see what's so idiotic.. he even put some supporting subtopics with NT friendly pictures
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