Serious topic: Are you born gay?

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

My mom raised me... been with my girl for 4.5 years now... but i must be gay right?

its not about who raised you , its about how you were raised
#1, I was replying to this gem of a comment

Have you ever noticed that little boys that act feminine always are raised by their mothers?

And #2, no it is not about how you're raised.

Even if it were, the person "raised to be gay" would still get the ridicule wouldnt they, not the people who raised them that way.
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

why would i be put on earth to have sex with another man and get nothing out of it?

Why are people with downs syndrome born?
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by quik1987

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

why would i be put on earth to have sex with another man and get nothing out of it?
Why are people with downs syndrome born?
Genetic defect.
So being born gay is a genetic defect?
I was answering the downs syndrome question but some pplthink homosexuality is a genetic defect and it's the parents fault but if the question is why has this happened who knows
Some are born gay, some choose to be gay. For example, broad told me a week ago she's gonna be lesbian for a month. Obviously she's on the choosingside.

With that said, i think being homosexual is a defect/disorder just like people with A.D.D. They don't fit the society "norm" so I dunno why itcan't be called that.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by Pill Clinton

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

why are these threads allowed anymore?

This is stupid

How is this stupid? Your posts and contribution to this thread is what's stupid..this is a serious debate and if you're too immature to handle it then ****, simple bruh...

Proceed y'all..this is getting interesting

*cues the Bundy family gif*

Stop it.

Im sure youll claim to be an OG on here but the fact is that we go through this topic at least once a month and the same arguments and the same trolls come out to intentionally insult gays and spout off ridiculous claims when they have NO idea what they are talking about.

This is beating a dead unicorn to the max.

Ummm nah, we don't....i haven't seen a thread like this a long time. Maybe there have been gay related threads but not with the exact topic as thisone. you're the only one with a problem with this thread so chill out or leave. No one is insulting gays, no one is responding with any offensive slurs orremarks, lets keep it that's a debate that we all have a right to discuss because this is a message board.

As a young kid I remember always being attracted to girls, but I didn't know the difference between that and being attracted to boys.
As I got older, I was still more attracted to girls but dated and even slept with a few guys.

... Now that I am older and have "been out" for a while, I have realized that I am gay..
I was born this way.. Men don't disgust me by any means ( I even am attracted to some)..
I just can't be emotionally attached to a man (as far as a serious relationship goes)..

I do believe that some people venture to "the other side" because of traumatic events (molestation, rape, abuse, etc)..
Alright if it is indeed true that people where born gay.
How may Nt'ers on here were born gay? Please respond....
It's been proven that genetics plays a huge role in being homosexual. There doesn't necessarily have to be a "gay" gene and homosexualityshould not be considered a disease in my opinion. One has to remember that interactions between genes can play a role in being homosexual. Also, you may begenetically predisposed to being gay, but environmental factors play a huge role in how these genes are expressed. So are you born gay? I wouldn't sayit's that simple. Rather, you can (not always, people may just be born gay, but I haven't done any reading on that) be born to be inclined to beinggay. Of course, there are people who say they're gay or truly choose to be gay, whether it be for attention or how they were brought up. Environment canplay a huge role in shaping behavior, but genes are kind of like the limiting factors in how much that behavior actually changes. Homosexuality is only acomplex topic because people make it that way. Some people refuse to believe homosexuality is biological because then it would conflict with their personalbeliefs of what is natural and what isn't. But the truth is that almost everything that has to do with the human body can be explained by biology. It'snot about nature vs. nurture, it's about nurture and nature coming together to produce the unique individual. Emphasis should not be placed solely on oneor the the other. Essentially, most people who are gay were born with sets of genes that made it easier, to put it simply, to become gay. Others, like yourfriend it seems, choose to be gay for whatever reason. I'd look for articles to explain this in further detail but I don't have the time for that.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by M16



In my lifetime I have never meet anyone who said they were born gay.
I think that homosexuals shouldnt have to result to such a lie to be accepted.
They should "man-up" and say hey like it or not I choose to be this way and Im going to be this way.
Originally Posted by DUB 253

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i think some are born gay...and some just become gay through experience and things that may have happened in their life...
cosign...i think the majority become gay through their environment and life experiences. regardless, it's not something they can control.people can't control what sex they're attracted to. straight people don't choose to be attracted to the opposite sex, they just are. and the sameis true for gay people.

if it were a choice, then every straight person in this thread could choose to be attracted to members of the same sex if they wanted, which is not true.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by M16



In my lifetime I have never meet anyone who said they were born gay.
I think that homosexuals shouldnt have to result to such a lie to be accepted.
They should "man-up" and say hey like it or not I choose to be this way and Im going to be this way.
the only choice they can make is to embrace what they are...they can choose their actions, not their attractions. they can choose to embrace ornot embrace a homosexual lifestyle, i'll give you that. but either way, they would still be homosexual.
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