Serious topic: Are you born gay?

Originally Posted by THE FAME

All I hear is alot of theories.
But I have yet to hear someone on NT say "yeah I know because I was born gay"
That should speak for itself.
FreshJayz already said she was .
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Some are born gay, some choose to be gay. .

Pretty much

but i will say

look back to grade school and most of the guys you called gay turned out to be gay and i bet if you ask he will say"i have been gay the whole time"

then look back to grade school and think of the girls that are gay now and i bet if you ask most the answer will be "someone turned me out""yall males did me wrong so i like girls now"
Originally Posted by boxer

why does it really matter?

my thing is why do homosexuals get so out of hand with gay pride? you ever seen a straight pride parade? you think i am going to drive around with a bumper sticker that says straight (considering there isn't an official straight color flag like the rainbow flag fro gays).
Why do we have the Puerto Rican, Columbus, Carribean, and St. Patrick's Day Parade?
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by THE FAME

All I hear is alot of theories.
But I have yet to hear someone on NT say "yeah I know because I was born gay"
That should speak for itself.
FreshJayz already said she was .

1 out of 50,000.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by boxer

why does it really matter?

my thing is why do homosexuals get so out of hand with gay pride? you ever seen a straight pride parade? you think i am going to drive around with a bumper sticker that says straight (considering there isn't an official straight color flag like the rainbow flag fro gays).
Why do we have the Puerto Rican, Columbus, Carribean, and St. Patrick's Day Parade?
That's celebrating things like your heritage. Not your sexuality. Don't wanna argue, I just thought I'd throw that out there
I think there has to be some biological component. I mean, nearly every gay guy I've come across is different. Not like everyone else except thatthey like men, the voice is different, the mannerisms are different. Unless you think that all that is just an affectation, it seems likely that something isactually not the same in them. Look at butch lesbians as well. Did they just decide they were going to look that way (hair cut excluded)?

I could be 100% wrong here, but that's how I look at the situation.
This really isn't a controversial question. To see why, one must first define what "gay" means.

Does one define it as 1) a conscious or explicit choice to have relations with the same sex? Is it 2) aconscious or explicit choice to be attracted to the same sex? Or 3) is it simply defined as an attraction tosomeone of the same gender (no need for a conscious decision)?

The first definition is really basic, and nobody would argue that if one defined "gay" in this manner, people could easily choose whether or not tobe gay. In other words, people can choose to have relations, or they can choose not to.

But that is a very basic definition (yet a necessary one for the discussion). Lets make it a little more realistic and look at the second definition.

The second definition is better, yet incomplete. However, it really points out the silly thinking of those who believe that attraction is easily changeable . If one uses the it to define "gay," then they're saying that this person can choose to be attracted tosomething; likewise, they can "unchoose" to have this attraction in any instant (since, of course, it is a choice). With that logic, one can alsochoose what colors they like, and when they want, they can decide that they don't really like that color anymore. To give yet another example, this logicwould infer that one can choose what food they like, and (again) when they want they can decide that they don't really like the taste of that food. Ridiculous, right? If anyone believes this, then I would challenge them $10 paypaled to 1) choose to like raw pig brains and 2) eat them as if they wereeating a normal lunch, with no hesitation (kingkrux not allowed).

I think the third definition is the best one to use, since it is less elementary than 1, less restrictive than 2, and more realistic than both. If it isdefined as an attraction to someone of the same gender, this means this attraction could come from who knows what. But we all know that there are only twopossible broad categories that is attributed to this attraction: genetics and environmental factors. It is probably impossible to tell how much each of thesetwo factors contribute to homosexual attraction, but it is extremely likely that both contribute. The evidence that supports this belief comes from science. For example, homosexuality is found all throughout the animal kingdom. Also, twin studies also provide insight about heritability of traits.

In my opinion, people are born with a certain genetic propensity to be gay (by the 3rd definition) that actually may fluctuate in certain stages of life. However, environmental factors affect whether that person is attracted to individuals of the same sex. A person considered gay by the third definition,however, may not be considered gay by those who use the first definition. Thus, the definition of terms is usually the root of most disagreements.

Another way to think about defining gay (ideas stolen from wikipedia) is to think about three things:

1. Attraction (to same sex person )
2. Behavior (with same sex person)
3. Identity (as being gay)

Some may define being gay as one of these three, or some combination. For ex:

1. Someone may have an attraction to the same gender, but that person might not engage in homosexual behavior, and that person may not identify himself asbeing gay.
2. Someone may have an attraction to the same gender and may engage in homosexual activities with that person, but may not identify herself as being gay.
3. Someone may have an attraction to the same gender and identify himself as being gay, but not engage in homosexual activities.
4. Someone may engage in homosexual activities with the same gender, but may not be attracted or self-identified as gay (probably rare though).
5. Someone may engage in homosexual activities with the same gender and may identify herself as being gay, but may not be attracted to that person (againprobably rare).
6. Someone who may say they're gay, but not have an attraction to the same gender nor engage in homosexual activities.
7. Someone may have an attraction to the same gender, engage in homosexual activities, and identify himself as being gay.

Once again, the key question to keep in mind is: by what criteria am I using to define what "gay" means?

Then you can answer whether or not you think being gay is genetic or not. If you incorporate #1 (attraction) as a criteria for your definition, I thinkyou'll come to the same conclusion as me.

1. Life is a constant progression of growth, with both genetic factors and environmental factors shaping nearly every facet of ourselves in different ways indifferent times.
2. Be clear on how you define "gay"
Originally Posted by boxer

my thing is why do homosexuals get so out of hand with gay pride? you ever seen a straight pride parade? you think i am going to drive around with a bumper sticker that says straight (considering there isn't an official straight color flag like the rainbow flag fro gays).
Probably because so many people in society look down on homosexuality and say that it's not something to be proud of. It's a backlash atthe attitudes of many people.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

You're born gay. It's just apart of nature. Anybody who says otherwise is just ignorant.

I've heard from gay people that they wish they were straight and have tried to get with the opposite sex but it's not something you can fake. Why would anybody WANT to be gay?

Never in my life heard of a straight person that said they WANTED to be gay. But i've heard plenty of gay people say they wish they were straight but it's not something they can control. The same way neither of us can control what color eyes we have.

Cosign and Being gay is just a part of a person.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by THE FAME

All I hear is alot of theories.
But I have yet to hear someone on NT say "yeah I know because I was born gay"
That should speak for itself.
FreshJayz already said she was .

1 out of 50,000.
Wow. You asked for someone to post that they were born gay. FreshJayz said he was. You dismiss it as "1 out of 50,000." 50,000 what?People on NT? Most of us aren't gay. A HIGH number of us aren't. What more do you need? 2 people to say they were? 3 people?
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by THE FAME

All I hear is alot of theories.
But I have yet to hear someone on NT say "yeah I know because I was born gay"
That should speak for itself.
FreshJayz already said she was .

1 out of 50,000.
Wow. You asked for someone to post that they were born gay. FreshJayz said he was. You dismiss it as "1 out of 50,000." 50,000 what? People on NT? Most of us aren't gay. A HIGH number of us aren't. What more do you need? 2 people to say they were? 3 people?

i still dont believe it
yes. People are born gay. Why would anyone willingly choose an orientation that is clearly looked down upon in most places? It doesn't make sense to CHOOSEto be gay.
Me bein gay myself,i can say that it wasnt chosen.I remember bein in highschool wishin i could force myself to like guys to stop the harrassment i was gettinat home from my parents at the time.But there are some girls and even guys that choose it as an alternative b/c stuff isnt goin right in the heterosexual worldfor them thinkn it'll be better. Ive liked women since i seen jada pinkett in jasons lyric and im only 21 so i was mad young
Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Originally Posted by pftjordans

i'd say its by choice ... unless you're a hermaphrodite .. you basically choose who you wanna be.....
So, if you choose who you want to be, do you also choose to be schizophrenic? Do you choose to be depressed?

Being a hermaphrodite has nothing to do with what sex you're attracted to.

Whether it's by nature, nurture, or both, I don't think being homosexual (which is the attraction, not the act) is a choice.

ok ... i Choose to ignore all this .. (this topic just gets people too thin skinned ... i'm out!)
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by THE FAME

All I hear is alot of theories.
But I have yet to hear someone on NT say "yeah I know because I was born gay"
That should speak for itself.
FreshJayz already said she was .

1 out of 50,000.
Wow. You asked for someone to post that they were born gay. FreshJayz said he was. You dismiss it as "1 out of 50,000." 50,000 what? People on NT? Most of us aren't gay. A HIGH number of us aren't. What more do you need? 2 people to say they were? 3 people?
And even if there were a larger amount of gay people on NT... Most people aren't willing to admit it. Especially gay men. People in this forum are harsh...And would flame instantly.
Originally Posted by jade0811

Me bein gay myself,i can say that it wasnt chosen.I remember bein in highschool wishin i could force myself to like guys to stop the harrassment i was gettin at home from my parents at the time.But there are some girls and even guys that choose it as an alternative b/c stuff isnt goin right in the heterosexual world for them thinkn it'll be better. Ive liked women since i seen jada pinkett in jasons lyric and im only 21 so i was mad young
2 out of 50,000.
Lesbians FTW.
Originally Posted by FreshJayz

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by THE FAME

All I hear is alot of theories.
But I have yet to hear someone on NT say "yeah I know because I was born gay"
That should speak for itself.
FreshJayz already said she was .

1 out of 50,000.
Wow. You asked for someone to post that they were born gay. FreshJayz said he was. You dismiss it as "1 out of 50,000." 50,000 what? People on NT? Most of us aren't gay. A HIGH number of us aren't. What more do you need? 2 people to say they were? 3 people?
And even if there were a larger amount of gay people on NT... Most people aren't willing to admit it. Especially gay men. People in this forum are harsh... And would flame instantly.
Seriously, saying your waiting for more gay people on NT to admit it (assuming there are a few) is like waiting to hit the mega millions
Me personally, no
. But I wasn't born straight either. Just like all babies, I was born completely ignorant of sexuality altogether. I/We are bornwith a certain potential to be gay or straight, and just like the rest of our personalities, our sexuality is molded and effected by our life experience as weage. So yes, it's entirely possible for people to "turn gay" all of a sudden, just as it's possible that some people feel they've alwaysbeen gay. It just depends on the person, their "sexual potential", and whether or not that potential is in-line with the influences that will furthershape it as the person grows. If it is, the person usually positively identifies with their sexuality. If it isn't, sometimes people hide or repress theirsexuality to "fit in". This is often the case with men and also the reason a lot of people think gay people just spring up from nowhere, when reallythey were there all along -- afraid. It's a shame how much persecution people can receive for just wanted to be themselves
. That's why Icouldn't care either way. Gay or straight, you're just a person to me. You're probably an $*! hole either way. On some real %!+#, I know what Ilike so I'm not concerned about what the other guy is after. You don't like girls? Cool...that just means it's more for me.
the answer is NO! i think ppl use that excuse so they don't have to take responsibility for the wrong CHOICE they made to be gay. just because u areattracted to the opposite sex at a young age doesn't mean ur BORN GAY!!

i think it is something they WANT to do, but then they feel bad about it because they know it's wrong. therefore, many of them are tormented because theyallow their DESIRES to take over instead of accepting right and wrong.

just my $0.02

Originally Posted by M16

I'm sure if you raised 10,000 babies under lab conditions with just food/water/basic education and absolutely no mention of sex or relationships in any way shape or form, in even the slightest way, then when they are 18 introducing them to a member of the opposite sex and letting them interact for a week or so that by the end, 95% + would figure out and have sex on their own from the attraction they naturally felt. Only reason this isn't a 100 is because not every couple would bond like that right away.

Flip it around, put a member of the opposite sex in, and I think cases of homosexuality would be in the very low single or double digits and only because of boredom or some other factors like that.

I guess to take out the boredom factor you can limit the time to a single day or only a few hours. Point is, there will be no instant attraction like with Males/Females.

The idea that from birth something "makes" you gay is stupid. I understand some people are born naturally more inclined to be more feminine or masculine than normal but then as they grow society influences them towards being gay, because society has now classified anyone in those categories as gay. Not only that, but "born gay"

We all knew the type of soft male or tom-boyish girl when we were younger.. probably had them in our Pre-K or Kindergarten classes... but when in the hell have you ever seen homosexual behavior at that young age ? (before society influences them) ? I never seen little boy/boy girl/girl crushes... kisses... touching... curiosity etc that is seen between members of the opposite sex even at that young age. Let's be serious.. forget the "cooties" trash... you remember being interested in some classmate of the opposite sex even when you were that young. You didn't have to be taught, it was just natural. Your body reacted differently towards that cute girl in your class (assuming you a male) than any random dude.

you choose to be gay. btw i'm catholic, so this is how i view it. people were created to be straight, but God gives you free will to do what you want.
but hey, it's your life.
Ok let me just say i am not against gays...moms got a gay friend and he;s cool as hell....
but i will say that there is to many theorys that challenge being born gay

-Fad (doing it to see what its like,just to say they "been there" or for "fun")
-Revenge (to get back at parents or an ex)
-Confusion (some people just dont know who they are or what they like yet)
-Rebelion (to join a cause or beloning they believe in)
or it could just be as simple as being stubborn and thinking your gay to the very ends of the earth but never date or talk to gay people

being gay can also be like joining a gang since G.L.A.A.D is such a big deal now someone could say there gay and as soon as they find who they really aretheyre scared to say because they dont want to seem like they were "playing" with gay pride,could make some gay people angry...some people could evenjust be metro as hell and as soon as you tell them about being gay it might just make them want to hit you in the face...this could go on forever....i reallydont think your born does a baby know what gay or straight is til someone tells him?....alot to think about
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