Serious topic: Are you born gay?

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

quiickz wrote

and who determines what is right?
This .



Who determines what is right? NATURE determines what is right. The biological drive to produce "copies" (and I use that term loosely) of ones' self determines what is right.

How about we make this thread more interesting and thought provoking. I pose this question--somewhat of an inflection of OP's OG question:


If being "gay" is such a "natural" biological phenomena, why were YOU not born gay.
Furthermore, why is heterosexuality, and not homosexuality, the more prevalent mode of reproduction (amongst higher animals).

Answer that...

Wait I wasn't aware that there was another form of reproduction outside of a heterosexual coupling.

And nature determines what is right? No YOU determine what you perceive to be "right" based off your beliefs.

There are--

The process that is Reproduction can occur in two ways--> Sexual Reproduction and Asexual Reproduction

Asexual reproduction can be further fragmented into different modes that result in offspring, which by the way, are identical to the parent --> ex. BinaryFission in Bacteria and Budding in many yeast species', just to name a few.

Sexual Reproduction on the other hand, is very much conservative in terms of the ways in which offspring will be produced. In sexual reproduction, you needboth a MALE and a FEMALE, or organisms with COMPLIMENTARY gametes in order to produce offspring--the same cannot be said for Asexual reproduction.

Point is, Sexual REPRODUCTION, and the word of emphasis here is REPRODUCTION, and the creation of offspring necessitates either Asexuality or Male and FemaleSexuality.

Humans are incapable of asexuality simply and possibly because of our multi-cellular composition in addition to a hostof other factors including, but not limited to, namely, dynamic evolution--word to the Red Queen Hypothesis (read up on it if you're not to familiar withit).

With that said, the sexual reproduction between a man and a woman in the only way for us to make more of ourselves--WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF EVERYORGANISM. Male and female reproduction is the defining characteristic of heterosexuality therefore, for humans, heterosexuality is the NORM and the STANDARD.For our species, Heterosexuality is the NATURAL as intended by nature, natural selection, and evolution.

A homosexual gene, if there is even such a thing, would never be directly passed on because of the selection for heterosexuality--for our species. Evidence ofthis bias can be found from the dual, complimentary, yet isolated sex organs found in each person, to the fact that our species is composed of TWO GENDERS, andNOT ONE. The only way for a homosexual gene, once again, if there is even such a thing, to "sprout" out is via some random and aberrant mutation.

This is why homosexuality is both sporadic and stochastic within any given human population. This is why there is a great likelihood that your child will beheterosexual than homosexual because heterosexuality is the STANDARD and the NORM for our species, while homosexuality is neither. Last but not least, this iswhy scientists, in conjunction with pro-gay groups, will never find definitive and SUSTAINABLE evidence that homosexuality is an biologically evolutionary natural "thing" for our species--not because the science is limited, but becausethe evidence is and will always be sporadic and stochastic.

Nature HAS determined what is right for our species when it comes to natural biological reproduction. That is heterosexuality.

Can you be born gay? Yes--but understand that, if you were, it was by random, sporadic, and stochastic chance. If being gay was natural by evolutionarystandards, not only would "gender" be a silly thing on the part of nature, but we'd certainly see whole "families" of gay people. Andby whole families of gay people, I mean a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, "naturally", via sexual copulation, birthing children. Children whocould then mate with members of the same gender and naturally produce--via copulation--more offspring. But guess what--that clearly is not the case and/orremotely close to the case.

People should learn to separate their SOCIAL BELIEFS from biological and evolutionary FACT. I'm all for theequal treatment of homosexuals in our societies. Why? Because I strongly believe that equality, an unrealistic idea, but something we should work towardsnonetheless, is the key to our social evolution as organisms. Still, I'm knowledgeable enough, and so will you to if you read the necessary scholarlymaterials, to know that there is no evidence, from a evolutionary standpoint, that would suggest in the slightest that homosexuality is a normal biologicalsubscription.

Any evidence that establishes the contrary, will undeniably rock the foundations of modern science--that I can guarantee you.


BTW, no one has yet to answer my question, which was-- WHY ARE/WERE YOU NOT BORN GAY? (specificallyaddressed to those who think being born gay is an evolutionary natural thing)

I agree with you SuperAntigen, I don't believe there is a "gay" gene, it's much more complicated than that. How could being born gay be anevolutionary natural thing? Rather, it's more of a genetic anomaly that has to do more with sets of genes and interactions among genes rather than just onesimple gay gene.
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