RIP George Floyd

What about w
Breakfast Club probably turns off more black voters from democratic candidates than it gains :lol:.

Hillary - Hot Sauce
Kamala - Smoking Weed
Biden - You ain’t blank

:lol:. Those are enough to say....NOPE! I’m sitting this out.

And I’m not a fan of the “two party system”. But obvious is obvious. The GOP is an autocratic, fascist, racist, apartheid, regime....that is nothing to be apathetic too. You have to actively, use all the tools in your wheel box to try and root them out. Voting against them, is simply ONE of the tools. Not the only one. But an important one.

Apathy and “both sider-ism” is not the damn way.

Bro she said that.
And just because I can point out the flaws in the Democratic pandering, doesn't mean I'm automatically for the Grand Old Party.

Just like there is a conversation about fixing the broken criminal justice system, there needs to be talk about reforming the two party system as well. As much as they publicly disagree they all are the same.
I really don't think voting Democrat to save the country is gonna work or bring any real change. Our system is broken.

The rest of the world locking in their leadership for decades and we have a pendulum swing in policy every four to eight years you can count on.
Never said it’s the ONLY way. Ain’t relying on any system that wasn’t meant for me. It’s one way. And a VEHICLE, that can be used as demographics changed. Hell, it’s a vehicle that was used by White people, denied to us...and constantly to this day...still denied to us, as the numbers chance. Voting. I’ve Stated that 10000000x that I’m not relying on any politicians to help black people.
Maybe I misunderstood when you said voting democrat is the only reasonable way to affect change. I understand what republicans are about, that doesn't need to keep being reiterated. The whole point is that democrats are nothing more than the lesser evil which you didn't even really try to dispute.

13 police officers sat in Rep. Rush's office while looting was going on in Chicago. Apparently all 13 of them were allocated to "defend" his office (he wasn't even there by the way). There's a video of these cops sitting around watching TV, making popcorn and laying around while ignoring incoming calls.

After the Mayor and Rep. Rush issued a statement condemning the actions of these cops, the leader of the Chicago Police Union fired back defending these cops.

The most hilarious part about this is that State Republicans defended the actions of these cops.

"Republican Party chairman Steve Boulton also responsded to Lightfoot's reaction to the video.

"Since the mayor wasn't on the streets during the riots, she has no idea what dedicated police officers went through to protect the city," Boulton said."

This is the type of government waste Republicans used to rail against but apparently when it's cops they don't mind so much lol
And just because I can point out the flaws in the Democratic pandering, doesn't mean I'm automatically for the Grand Old Party.

Just like there is a conversation about fixing the broken criminal justice system, there needs to be talk about reforming the two party system as well. As much as they publicly disagree they all are the same.
I really don't think voting Democrat to save the country is gonna work or bring any real change. Our system is broken.

The rest of the world locking in their leadership for decades and we have a pendulum swing in policy every four to eight years you can count on.

I agree with this. We’re saying the same thing. I’ve never said that only voting for democrats is going to “save”....”our” Country.

I’m’s a tool, and a vehicle to affect change. It’s like, you got a toolbox and you fixing something might take the wrench out, and use it for a lil bit. Because in that time, it’s what you need to do. That doesn’t mean, not work with alternatives.

That’s been my whole point. I’ve seen a lot of apathy, misinformation and general (rightful) dissolution with some of my people. All I’m saying is actively, be trying to affect change. And use some of the tools that are there for you. You can rightfully criticize said tools. But recognize what you can use it for.
I agree with this. We’re saying the same thing. I’ve never said that only voting for democrats is going to “save”....”our” Country.

I’m’s a tool, and a vehicle to affect change. It’s like, you got a toolbox and you fixing something might take the wrench out, and use it for a lil bit. Because in that time, it’s what you need to do. That doesn’t mean, not work with alternatives.

That’s been my whole point. I’ve seen a lot of apathy, misinformation and general (rightful) dissolution with some of my people. All I’m saying is actively, be trying to affect change. And use some of the tools that are there for you. You can rightfully criticize said tools. But recognize what you can use it for.
I see what you're saying. Maybe I am somewhat apathetic. I just feel like the calcified wealth and power these institutions hold give them little political incentive to change which is reflected in their lack of political will to do anything different.
I'm really tired of being labeled apathetic tho. Being disillusioned with the current system that has yet to produce any lasting change and recognizing that is not the same as not giving a ****. I'm actively trying to organize my friends and neighbors to work out a different lane from this current program and would encourage everyone else to do the same. Arguing about it isn't really what I'm here for, if anyone doesn't understand the core of what I'm trying to say then maybe that reflects my inability to communicate but I'm done trying to explain it.

Sort of explains police logic. It might also explain why the other three cops did nothing.

Brainwashing seems to occur.

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I work with a lot of super progressive white people man, and im telling yall

im sick of it.

im sick of black boxes on instagram,
im sick of paragraphs from brands that don't hire black people,
im sick of the transformation of racism into a comedy of manners

im sick and tired, **** is so nasty to me.
Kamala Harris is a terrible choice imo.

1. She is not very good at campaigning.
2. She is from a state that offers zero electoral advantage.
3. She has not proven that she can generate enthusiasm from black voters.

what exactly does she offer joe biden?

Biden already has the black vote sad to say

He needs to get white women. Preferably in a swing state.
Funny cause a lot of his fellow lads were going down with a fight yesterday...

Seeing neo-nazi's getting dropped left and right in the London streets was beautiful to see especially when so many came from around England literally looking for a fight :lol:

They were posturing hard against the same cops they claim to support when no one else was around yet all scrammed and let some of their boys be food once the groups they wanted it with actually showed up :rofl:

Those WS's talk a big game online but are always (()) when it hits the fans irl and always end up crawling back to law enforcement for protection

Holy ****, what a way to start the day. I have a whole new found level of deference of the UK now. They really bout that life
That college admissions scandal

with all those actors paying people to get their kids into USC is evidence of how broken the current discourse around racism is.

Those liberal, progressive white people were busy taking EVERY measure to persevere and compound their financial privilege

it's not enough, that you draw school district maps to keep black people out,

it's not enough that you make it impossible to build affordable housing in privileged white neighborhoods.

aaaaall those advantages weren't enough,

so you decided to just straight up bribe and pay people. get your kids into rowing or fencing scholarship sports that wouldn't exist if not for the revenue generated by predominant black sports like Basketball and Football.

but nah you read "Between the world and me" so it's cool.

**** THAT.
I agree with this. We’re saying the same thing. I’ve never said that only voting for democrats is going to “save”....”our” Country.

I’m’s a tool, and a vehicle to affect change. It’s like, you got a toolbox and you fixing something might take the wrench out, and use it for a lil bit. Because in that time, it’s what you need to do. That doesn’t mean, not work with alternatives.

That’s been my whole point. I’ve seen a lot of apathy, misinformation and general (rightful) dissolution with some of my people. All I’m saying is actively, be trying to affect change. And use some of the tools that are there for you. You can rightfully criticize said tools. But recognize what you can use it for.
Don't why people go all or nothing with politics, the last thing you should do that with, but don't apply that to anything else in their lives. I vote to tread water instead of drowning. The problem is people stop at voting and don't get more involved and hold the people more susceptible to changes feet to the fire. Withholding your vote didn't make politicians respect your power base, it made them respect the other side and start pandering more because they now have that false sense that there's where the country is headed and it's what they want.
Don't why people go all or nothing with politics, the last thing you should do that with, but don't apply that to anything else in their lives. I vote to tread water instead of drowning. The problem is people stop at voting and don't get more involved and hold the people more susceptible to changes feet to the fire. Withholding your vote didn't make politicians respect your power base, it made them respect the other side and start pandering more because they now have that false sense that there's where the country is headed and it's what they want.
Voting makes you visible. There's a reason why they don't want some people to do it.

At the same time, the legislative system in the US is broken of first past the post, which allows one to be elected without garnering the support of the majority.

At this point, the GOP supports the status quo at its best (which favors the richest of us), and a return to segregation at its worst. On the other hand, Democrats are either for something slightly better than the status quo (incremental change that gives a bit more to the bottom tier of American society) or a complete overhaul of the social order (which includes changes to the way we elect representatives).

Because of the dynamics within the political parties and the way the electoral maps are divided, playing the both-sides game only favors the centrists at best, and the white nationalists at worst.

Sort of explains police logic. It might also explain why the other three cops did nothing.

Brainwashing seems to occur.

ive always questioned why they need a “clean” record.

it’s to brain wash you.

I’ve been thru law enforcement testing for probation officer. I kept getting inconclusive results because they asked me question like “have you ever cheated on a test” well, you just prefaced the question with “if you answer yes to these questions you’re dq“

who the **** hasn’t cheated, lied, stolen, etc.

I can’t trust you if you’re perfect.
Voting makes you visible. There's a reason why they don't want some people to do it.

At the same time, the legislative system in the US is broken of first past the post, which allows one to be elected without garnering the support of the majority.

At this point, the GOP supports the status quo at its best (which favors the richest of us), and a return to segregation at its worst. On the other hand, Democrats are either for something slightly better than the status quo (incremental change that gives a bit more to the bottom tier of American society) or a complete overhaul of the social order (which includes changes to the way we elect representatives).

Because of the dynamics within the political parties and the way the electoral maps are divided, playing the both-sides game only favors the centrists at best, and the white nationalists at worst.

I still don’t grasp this.

why is everyone more focused on voting for presidents than for local and state where the popular vote decides?

if people didn’t vote in ca, them electoral votes still gonna go blue.
Republicans: I have black friends

Their black friends:
I still don’t grasp this.

why is everyone more focused on voting for presidents than for local and state where the popular vote decides?

if people didn’t vote in ca, them electoral votes still gonna go blue.
Voting locally is as important as voting for federal positions.

The courts are extremely important because the judges interpret the laws passed by Congress and their political bias influences their understanding of the law, which affects how they are applied throughout the country. Who picks the judges from the supreme court to the circuit courts? The president.

As we speak, Mitch McConnell is trying to convince judges to retire early so that he can speed up the confirmation of young, very conservative judges through congress before the elections in order to force the country to have a conservative interpretation of the laws for decades to come. With a Republican president in power nest year, we will probably end up with a 7-2 supreme court and a lot more of the same (or worse).
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