RIP George Floyd

tenor (2).gif
YES. :emoji_left_facing_fist:
Bro I truly understand your frustrations, but I can’t pretend this country hasn’t come a long way. We have lots of room to grow but that’s what this is hopefully the beginning of. I’m black as well (I assume you are too). I hate that the system was designed by racist for racist but if we don’t call it out now while the world is watching we are complicit in its continuation.
My thing is why keep expecting a racist system to not be racist? Why not lay the groundwork for a new system rather than being satisfied with maybe your grandkids having better opportunities after begging and pleading for rights we're already born with.
I think you need to educate yourself on Jim Crow America
I'm pretty familiar with US history. That's exactly why I'm so cynical.
Funny cause a lot of his fellow lads were going down with a fight yesterday...

Seeing neo-nazi's getting dropped left and right in the London streets was beautiful to see especially when so many came from around England literally looking for a fight :lol:

They were posturing hard against the same cops they claim to support when no one else was around yet all scrammed and let some of their boys be food once the groups they wanted it with actually showed up :rofl:

Those WS's talk a big game online but are always (()) when it hits the fans irl and always end up crawling back to law enforcement for protection

It's always super funny to me how btch made these white supremacist dudes turn out to be when they actually have to use their hands and can't hide behind a gun.
Funny cause a lot of his fellow lads were going down with a fight yesterday...

Seeing neo-nazi's getting dropped left and right in the London streets was beautiful to see especially when so many came from around England literally looking for a fight :lol:

They were posturing hard against the same cops they claim to support when no one else was around yet all scrammed and let some of their boys be food once the groups they wanted it with actually showed up :rofl:

Those WS's talk a big game online but are always (()) when it hits the fans irl and always end up crawling back to law enforcement for protection

This is why I endorse dropping all of that christian/ghandi bull, dgging your heels in, then swing back. Their only defense is the law, which can be forced to bend through pressure.
My thing is why keep expecting a racist system to not be racist? Why not lay the groundwork for a new system rather than being satisfied with maybe your grandkids having better opportunities after begging and pleading for rights we're already born with.

My man I get it. I constantly ask myself am I just a slave to convenience I’ve been all around the world and even lived in Africa for a while. I also wonder if I’m just a coward who is afraid to spend a couple years hustling to get back to where I am now? It’s a huge undertaking to ask someone to give up everything they know to start fresh especially when we are a big reason this country is what it is.

However I do think the next couple of years will give me the perspective I need to decide where I decide to make my forever home.
Watch for the hook.


Biden / Democrats picking Harris


Lincoln / Republicans picking Andrew Johnson...

Harris = Andrew Johnson

CHICAGO--The other day I found myself at the famous Abraham Lincoln Bookshop here, talking about my latest effort, a history on the evolution of the American vice presidency. The visit brought to mind a little-discussed Lincoln story in the book that I will convey here in necessarily abbreviated form.

In 1864, as Lincoln faced the challenge of re-election and the Civil War still raged, he decided unbeknownst to his first-term vice president, Hannibal Hamlin of Maine, to replace him for his second term with a Southern War Democrat -- that is, a Democrat who had opposed secession from the Union.

Lincoln feared that without Southern support, he would lose the election before he could see the war through to victory and save the Union. So he turned to his military governor in Tennessee, U.S. Sen. Andrew Johnson. He was a stalwart Unionist who had declared, "If anything be treason, is not levying war upon the United States treason?" But he also was sympathetic to the Southern ways that accommodated slavery, and therein was the rub.

Hamlin, by contrast, was staunchly anti-slavery, having early on urged Lincoln to issue an emancipation proclamation. So when he was dropped from the Republican ticket (temporarily renamed the National Union Party), the decision had fateful consequences to Reconstruction policies following Lincoln's assassination and Johnson's elevation to the presidency.

Hamlin went to the Republican National Convention assuming he would be renominated, with full support of all the New England states. But on the first roll call, he won only 150 votes to 200 for Johnson, and before the second was called a flood of delegates switched to Johnson, assuring his nomination.

On taking the presidency following Lincoln's death, Johnson brushed aside proposals from Congress for bringing the Southern states back into the Union and undertook his own "presidential reconstruction." It bent over backward to restore much of the Old South, including returning property other than slaves to the former Confederates.

Northern Radical Republicans were outraged, demanding action against Johnson. In late 1865, they created a congressional reconstruction committee rivaling Johnson's own, and passed new laws extending the life and powers of a Freedmen's Bureau protecting the freed blacks. But Johnson vetoed them, leading ultimately to impeachment charges against him.

The formal allegation was that he had violated a new Tenure of Office act in firing Lincoln's secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, attempting to replace him with General U.S. Grant, hero of the Civil War. The House unanimously voted impeachment charges against Johnson, but he was acquitted by a single vote in the Senate.

Hamlin vowed he had not been told by Lincoln of the plan to drop him from the ticket in 1864. When a friend informed him much later that Lincoln had told him personally of his intent, he replied, "I am sorry you told me that." Hamlin subsequently told his wife he would not "ask favor of the Administration to prevent me from going to the poor house. So, you see, I have some pride."

My man I get it. I constantly ask myself am I just a slave to convenience I’ve been all around the world and even lived in Africa for a while. I also wonder if I’m just a coward who is afraid to spend a couple years hustling to get back to where I am now? It’s a huge undertaking to ask someone to give up everything they know to start fresh especially when we are a big reason this country is what it is.

However I do think the next couple of years will give me the perspective I need to decide where I decide to make my forever home.
Not even saying you have to uproot everything. If I have a business I can give your son a job, you can give my son a job. Our kids can be community educated rather than having to navigate thru the academic trap learning false history and accruing debt along the way. That doesn't have to take another 50 years. We can take matters into our own hands. And it can be much more than that.
Not even saying you have to uproot everything. If I have a business I can give your son a job, you can give my son a job. Our kids can be community educated rather than having to navigate thru the academic trap learning false history and accruing debt along the way. That doesn't have to take another 50 years. We can take matters into our own hands. And it can be much more than that.

I agree with you. In fact what you spoke of is kind of upbringing. My mom is an entrepreneur who does her best to help young minorities get their businesses off the ground. However we do all that to benefit a country that at times seems like they don’t want us.
She was not a good prosecutor and her criminal justice track record was horrible towards African American people.

I’m good on her.

I brought this up in the politics thread a couple of months ago when Kamala and Amy klobuchar were still in the running for the Democratic nomination. I don't think it's possible for Democrats to nominate a former prosecutor of any kind. Even the most "progressive prosecutors" have too many marks on their record. Heck, just being a prosecutor and being part of the current criminal justice system is a mark against your record. If you don't believe me, find me one prosecutor in the country who you think is doing a good job.

I would much prefer Biden go with a more populist VP candidate like Elizabeth Warren or Stacy Abrams
A Cop’s Way to the Presidency

According to her website, Harris has been fighting her entire life “to fix our broken criminal justice.” In fact, her career has been intimately linked to prosecution and punishment, but not in the way we might understand from reading that. She deliberately started her career in law enforcement so she could be close to decision-making and try to change the system from within. She first served as an intern in the attorney’s office of Alameda County (1988-89), and after passing the bar, she became deputy district attorney (1990-98). Harris slowly worked her way up to the highest levels of law enforcement, first by being elected district attorney of San Francisco in 2003, then district attorney of California in 2009, serving as the state’s DA from 2010 to 2016. From here, the story is familiar: She won a Senate seat in 2016 and launched her Democratic primary campaign in 2019.

When challenged about her history as a law enforcer, she usually refers to the reforms she implemented. But even if she now tries to rebrand herself to go with the times, her record shows that these reforms were far from progressive. She was a rabid law enforcer, fighting for increased punishments that especially targeted low-income and marginalized communities. Her most controversial measures include pushing for ways to incarcerate the parents of truant children and fighting the relaxing of parole requirements because that would threaten the supply of prison labor. She hardened the application of drug laws, preventing many offenders from accessing the existing rehabilitation system and favoring incarceration. And she increased the prosecution of “quality-of-life” crimes, such as panhandling, graffiti, loitering and living in a homeless encampment. She was not just a district attorney; she called herself San Francisco’s and California’s “top cop.” Her offices are one of the reasons that California was until recently a leader in mass incarceration.

Even the most staunch supporters of this two party system can't bring themselves to label democrats as anything more than the lesser of two evils

I don’t think most people who view democrats as a VEHICLE to affect change don’t understand that. That’s currently, the only reasonable way.

We’ve actually seen Republicans affect change in a negative way, since the 60s. And ultimately stall or reverse any progress that could be made in America.

Instead of playing the “both sides” game, that’s been played since the late 60s...and has led to gridlock. Understand that the 2 party system can actually be broken up. And a way to do that, is overwhelmingly vote for Democratic leadership.

It’s annoying that a lot of y’all, think people who encourage voting for democrats etc....are somehow sheep, blind, or not critical thinkers etc. Patronizing, when dissolution and misinformation let’s people believe that black people overwhelming support the Democratic Party, out of some blind fealty.

It’s not that. We know better. We aren’t dumb.
Kamala on the surface appears to have proximity to black people. But those layers are so thin.
We know Biden is trying to hoodwink the public with Kamala(Obama 2.0)
Like Obama, a Hawaiian Kenyan American, Kamala is a Jamaican/Indian American . There proximity to African American blackness is purely on surface. We cannot pretend that folks like her and Obama largely grew up in a colorless environment. Joe is trying to visually show a progression from 08 Hope Campaign era.

But I think people see through it.

Kamala pandered to blacks with her admitted weed smoking to Tupac interview on breakfast club.
She pandered to Indians with her cooking video with Mindy K.
All these Democrats show their true colors on the breakfast club.
From Hillary with her hot sauce in her purse to sleepy Joe with his "you ain't black" spiel.

They are showing how much they don't take black votes seriously. They feel like they have black votes automatically so they don't even really have to try.
Kamala on the surface appears to have proximity to black people. But those layers are so thin.
We know Biden is trying to hoodwink the public with Kamala(Obama 2.0)
Like Obama, a Hawaiian Kenyan American, Kamala is a Jamaican/Indian American . There proximity to African American blackness is purely on surface. We cannot pretend that folks like her and Obama largely grew up in a colorless environment. Joe is trying to visually show a progression from 08 Hope Campaign era.

But I think people see through it.

Kamala pandered to blacks with her admitted weed smoking to Tupac interview on breakfast club.
She pandered to Indians with her cooking video with Mindy K.
All these Democrats show their true colors on the breakfast club.
From Hillary with her hot sauce in her purse to sleepy Joe with his "you ain't black" spiel.

They are showing how much they don't take black votes seriously. They feel like they have black votes automatically so they don't even really have to try.
I don’t see Biden choosing Kamala. If so, he’s out of touch with what people felt about her or it’s a strategic move by the Democratic Party imo to set her up for a run in 2024.
Kamala on the surface appears to have proximity to black people. But those layers are so thin.
We know Biden is trying to hoodwink the public with Kamala(Obama 2.0)
Like Obama, a Hawaiian Kenyan American, Kamala is a Jamaican/Indian American . There proximity to African American blackness is purely on surface. We cannot pretend that folks like her and Obama largely grew up in a colorless environment. Joe is trying to visually show a progression from 08 Hope Campaign era.

But I think people see through it.

Kamala pandered to blacks with her admitted weed smoking to Tupac interview on breakfast club.
She pandered to Indians with her cooking video with Mindy K.
All these Democrats show their true colors on the breakfast club.
From Hillary with her hot sauce in her purse to sleepy Joe with his "you ain't black" spiel.

They are showing how much they don't take black votes seriously. They feel like they have black votes automatically so they don't even really have to try.

Listen, it’s fair to be critical of Kamala’s time as a prosecutor. She has to answer to that. But the pandering, and Breakfast club ****, is pure bs. And y’all bought into THIS, again. This is getting annoying. I explained it to you before.

Forgot to post this yesterday...but I really can’t believe y’all fell Into that BS headline, right wing propaganda about “Kamala Harris saying she smoked weed in college listening to Pac & Biggie years before they made music.” She ain’t say that at all. I knew I wasn’t tripping :smh:.

Thread gets donkey of the day for falling for propaganda. ***** ain’t even listen to the interview and started reaching for a Hilary Clinton hot sauce moment.

Scary times were living in.

It’s entirely also fair, to be critical of the Democratic Party in America. But using right wing, racist propaganda....and questioning The blackness of people....

Dawg, y’all a trip sometimes.
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Just watched the videos of the Rayshard Brooks murder...

Talk about a prime example of bruised ego.

not 1 but 2 "TRAINED" police officers and yall got yoked up by one dude yall was messing with?

That's straight incompetence.

How ***** you gotta be? Those dudes skipping the weight room at their station.

And because of ego, he killed that man. Dropped the taser and reach for the gun before he even had a chance.
I don’t think most people who view democrats as a VEHICLE to affect change don’t understand that. That’s currently, the only reasonable way.

This is where I have to stop you. Relying on democrats to save you is not the only way and acting like it is leads to what you consider patronizing when it's only trying to get you to see things from a different perspective instead of being trapped with this mindset of having to work with a system that was never designed to work with you.
Breakfast Club probably turns off more black voters from democratic candidates than it gains :lol:.

Hillary - Hot Sauce
Kamala - Smoking Weed
Biden - You ain’t blank

:lol:. Those are enough to say....NOPE! I’m sitting this out.

And I’m not a fan of the “two party system”. But obvious is obvious. The GOP is an autocratic, fascist, racist, apartheid, regime....that is nothing to be apathetic too. You have to actively, use all the tools in your wheel box to try and root them out. Voting against them, is simply ONE of the tools. Not the only one. But an important one.

Apathy and “both sider-ism” is not the damn way.
This is where I have to stop you. Relying on democrats to save you is not the only way and acting like it is leads to what you consider patronizing when it's only trying to get you to see things from a different perspective instead of being trapped with this mindset of having to work with a system that was never designed to work with you.

Never said it’s the ONLY way. Ain’t relying on any system that wasn’t meant for me. It’s one way. And a VEHICLE, that can be used as demographics changed. Hell, it’s a vehicle that was used by White people, denied to us...and constantly to this day...still denied to us, as the numbers chance. Voting. I’ve Stated that 10000000x that I’m not relying on any politicians to help black people.
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