RIP George Floyd

The idea of a cop running into a burning building or saving someone from an overdose is hilarious.

they only care about themselves and would never risk their live for someone else. They are scared of wallets and toys. Imagine how scared they are of actual stuff you should be scared of.
The idea of a cop running into a burning building or saving someone from an overdose is hilarious.

they only care about themselves and would never risk their live for someone else. They are scared of wallets and toys. Imagine how scared they are of actual stuff you should be scared of.

how they initially acted when they arrived on the scene at that florida school shooting in 2018 was very telling. The were scared to go inside and engage with the school shooter.

They finally caught the 25 year old white woman that burned 5 police cars up here in Seattle during the riots a couple of weekends ago. Not only was she not from here, seems like she was on a missing persons list in Texas in 2019.

Mayor sent an email to City workers talking about a lot of the identified rioters were white, something fishy going on...
I knew that Wensdys was going to be no more before the end of Saturday

if I was a employee as soon as the video went viral I would have told my coworkers good bye and whats the corporate number because this ***** is about to go up in flames (shoulder shrug)
Atlanta showed out last night I see :pimp:, gotta make these pigs fearful of what's to come as soon as they decide to play judge,jury and executioner like they love to do

Speaking of swine...

Hope he takes them to the cleaners, they really are trash just about everywhere :smh:
Internalized racism is real. One of my friends displayed it yesterday after our conversation about racism. Just sad.
elaborate a bit.

The conversation or the meaning of internalized racism?

Internalized racism is basically race identity. In textbooks term, “rejection of the cultural practices of one’s own ethnic or racial group.”

My childhood friend, whom grew up in the same neighborhood, have never dated a black woman in his life. We were discussing cultural appropriation as it relates to white people (specifically his white girlfriends); where I feel that white people who tend to adopt(act) our black culture and feel that they’re in a position to call people “N^*!a” is not only offensive but racist.

He was siding for his white friends, calling them, “my white people.” Stating that there’s no real such thing as “black culture.” Food, music, fashion, etc. is universal and all people are entitled to it.
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