RIP George Floyd

went downtown into Chaz today. Was super weird, saw Jesus, or someone dressed as Jesus.
had communes had gardens, they were protecting the homeless. They were giving food and water to everyone. Lot of moving parts. They were organized, people at the entrances were having vests and walkie talkies, talking bout yo, you need us to use our cars as barricades. Place isn’t good or bad,it’s just like another American city. Don’t know what they are saying about Chaz but police don’t need to interfere. Place was like a block party and they kept a saying remember why we are here, it all comes back to BLM. And the chants continues.
Be safe out there y’all.
(also at night it might get different I left before then.)








6:15 on

If you know you're going to lose your job or freedom for your actions it's going to make you think about your actions and if it's worth it.

For decades there's been no repercussions how they move and that's how they still operate. And it's how police unions have gotten so powerful.

What **** Gregory was saying is like a doctor, and how they're required to get liability and malpractice insurance. If they keep making mistakes, their insurance goes up until they aren't insurable. They can't work. If I keep getting tickets, my license gets taken away.

It should apply across the board to their co-workers. Are you willing to lose your freedom or job for your co-worker? No average citizen is willing to do that. They won't be either. That mentality will be erased if they know there's repercussions.

Eventually the so called good or decent cops are going to want to get rid of the bad ones who make their lives and jobs more difficult. I know these cops in Atlanta are like not again. Until they change the cycle is going to keep occurring, people are fed up.

6:15 on

If you know you're going to lose your job or freedom for your actions it's going to make you think about your actions and if it's worth it.

For decades there's been no repercussions how they move and that's how they still operate. And it's how police unions have gotten so powerful.

What **** Gregory was saying is like a doctor, and how they're required to get liability and malpractice insurance. If they keep making mistakes, their insurance goes up until they aren't insurable. They can't work. If I keep getting tickets, my license gets taken away.

It should apply across the board to their co-workers. Are you willing to lose your freedom or job for your co-worker? No average citizen is willing to do that. They won't be either. That mentality will be erased if they know there's repercussions.

Eventually the so called good or decent cops are going to want to get rid of the bad ones who make their lives and jobs more difficult. I know these cops in Atlanta are like not again. Until they change the cycle is going to keep occurring, people are fed up.

It would be nice to see an organized effort to take up arms and hit the streets. Money and that are the critical pieces that I think we’re missing. As a gun enthusiast, I’m aware that fellow white gun enthusiasts are constantly arming themselves and training like they are about to be dropped off in the middle of Afghanistan. Why it hasn’t registered to us as a collective to do the same is beyond my comprehension.
Within a few miles. 1 on MLK, 1 on cleveland

The one on MLk is by the AUC center. That’s more than a few mile :lol:

The one by Cleveland is almost to the airport pass 166. :lol:

Unless they’re going to drive - Nawl. :lol:

Didn’t know you lived in Atlanta? What part? It’s a lot of people on here from GA.

6:15 on

If you know you're going to lose your job or freedom for your actions it's going to make you think about your actions and if it's worth it.

For decades there's been no repercussions how they move and that's how they still operate. And it's how police unions have gotten so powerful.

What **** Gregory was saying is like a doctor, and how they're required to get liability and malpractice insurance. If they keep making mistakes, their insurance goes up until they aren't insurable. They can't work. If I keep getting tickets, my license gets taken away.

It should apply across the board to their co-workers. Are you willing to lose your freedom or job for your co-worker? No average citizen is willing to do that. They won't be either. That mentality will be erased if they know there's repercussions.

Eventually the so called good or decent cops are going to want to get rid of the bad ones who make their lives and jobs more difficult. I know these cops in Atlanta are like not again. Until they change the cycle is going to keep occurring, people are fed up.





Rip to the legend
It would be nice to see an organized effort to take up arms and hit the streets. Money and that are the critical pieces that I think we’re missing. As a gun enthusiast, I’m aware that fellow white gun enthusiasts are constantly arming themselves and training like they are about to be dropped off in the middle of Afghanistan. Why it hasn’t registered to us as a collective to do the same is beyond my comprehension.
The day black people obtain legal guns in mass is the day they actually change gun laws.
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