RIP George Floyd

As some have mentioned within the thread, I've never thought to call the police. In most cases, it seems that they are useless, and if anything would come and shoot the victim. A family-friends apartment was burglarized and they called the police. The police took forever to arrive and to this very day, we laugh about them just showing up and not doing a damn thing. The individuals actually figured out who did it and got the situation sorted on their own. This is what our tax dollars go to. People who want to kill us.
I've had to call them once for a personal reason I won't get into, to basically stop myself from taking action and it ended up just infuriating me more because after they did their thing "there was nothing they could do". Really anytime they get involved with something where you're on the side of the victim there's "nothing they can do", but like nawghty said let it be in reverse that system rolls on knowing exactly what to do.
I've had to call them once for a personal reason I won't get into, to basically stop myself from taking action and it ended up just infuriating me more because after they did their thing "there was nothing they could do". Really anytime they get involved with something where you're on the side of the victim there's "nothing they can do", but like nawghty said let it be in reverse that system rolls on knowing exactly what to do.
It's absolutely maddening.
Majority of Americans really view cops like military troops. It's American cops vs Criminals to them, not American cops vs Americans. They'll justify any police killing the same way they justify when civilians die in a war.

Like if you even LOOK at a cop the wrong way and he beats your ***, people will watch the footage and claim you shouldn't have had such an aggressive facial expression. If a cop harasses you daily then you tell him to go **** himself and he beats you, you shouldn't have verbally "disrespected" him. The list goes on.

They're NOT troops protecting America from outside threats. They're Americans paid to protect Americans from crime, not to protect Americans from drunk men sleeping in their car or counterfeit $20s or guys walking in the middle of the street down the block from their house.
I've had to call them once for a personal reason I won't get into, to basically stop myself from taking action and it ended up just infuriating me more because after they did their thing "there was nothing they could do". Really anytime they get involved with something where you're on the side of the victim there's "nothing they can do", but like nawghty said let it be in reverse that system rolls on knowing exactly what to do.

As black people we basically grow up knowing their not here to help us. I had 2 bad experiences with cops growing up.

When I was 13 I was at a family function and my uncle asked me to go get his camera out his car. Soon as I get to the car I see cop car moving towards me. The cop get out his car start asking me 1k questions "what's my name on the street??" blah blah blah. Mind you I got the car keys in plain sight. No screw driver or nothing. My grandmother come out and jumped in his ***. Asking him questions and he was just like "well miss there's been some carjackings in the area" My grandmother was like. "Get out his face, y'all think we all look like!!!" and my grandmother is as christian as they get but she don't play with white folks.

Then when I was 11 years old. Me and my friends get off the school bus and we chasing the girls around, they chasing us too doing kid ****. Then the next day in school me and 3 other of my friends get called to the hallway and the principal and vice principal tell us go in this empty classroom and just wait. We in there, then some big black cop walk in asking us questions. Then this mfer just grabbed all four of us like he was picking up groceries. Saying "Y'all like to beat up girls!!!". One of my friends started crying and this big c**n cop put him against the wall acting like he about to arrest him. The cop chilled out and "talked" to us for like 2 mins then the principles came back in.

So come to find out the bus driver told the school we was hitting girls. So these mfer's called some big c**n goofy cop to "teach us lesson" I guess. All of us told our folks, we sued the school. The big goofy cop never even apologized talkin bout "that's how we do stuff in NY". Now this was in Seat Pleasant in 99. The Bus driver, Principal and Vice Principal was all black. It'll be your own people tryna drill it in your head you're criminal.

Luckily those have been my only bad experiences with cops.
Him and TI were talking as Georgia was a safe haven for black people in America. All the while Aubrey got killed by some Klansmen and now Raychard.
They were way off. Atlanta is dealing with 40 cops killings JUST THIS YEAR. Atlanta is cooked. They said Georgia deals with 1000 police issues with citizens and killings a year.

Killer Mike and tip don't know ****. They're terrible representatives.
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