RIP George Floyd

Black pastor called 911 after alleged attack. The cops arrested him.


A sheriff in Virginia has apologized to a Black pastor who was mistakenly arrested after he called authorities for help during an alleged attack by a white family earlier this month.

Pastor Leon McCray was at his home on June 1 when he saw two people trying to dump a refrigerator on his property, he recounted during a church service Sunday. When McCray told them to stop, one person proceeded to verbally attack him and the other one went to get three other people.

McCray said that all five people started attacking him verbally and physically. They were "threatening to kill me... telling me that my Black life didn't matter," he said. That's when he felt the need to pull his concealed firearm to save his life, he said. The group of people then left and McCray proceeded to call 9-1-1 for help.

Awhile back I was speaking to a friend who had just became a cop about a video showing someone resisting arrest and being hit by a bunch of officers. I said it was unnecessary and he said dude should've complied. So I told him that the kid was asking the cops why he was being detained and they just kept telling him to put his hands behind his back and he refused til he knew why. My friend says that cops legally don't need to state a reason. All they need to say is you're under arrest and you have to comply.

we had a whole lengthy debate about that and I said if I didn't do **** and a cop tries to arrest me, it's not happening. I could get framed for something, I could get held super long in a cell bc I match a description and they need more time to investigate before letting me go. I can't logically imagine an innocent man of any race having a cop say you're under arrest and be like uh sure officer cuff me.
Awhile back I was speaking to a friend who had just became a cop about a video showing someone resisting arrest and being hit by a bunch of officers. I said it was unnecessary and he said dude should've complied. So I told him that the kid was asking the cops why he was being detained and they just kept telling him to put his hands behind his back and he refused til he knew why. My friend says that cops legally don't need to state a reason. All they need to say is you're under arrest and you have to comply.

we had a whole lengthy debate about that and I said if I didn't do **** and a cop tries to arrest me, it's not happening. I could get framed for something, I could get held super long in a cell bc I match a description and they need more time to investigate before letting me go. I can't logically imagine an innocent man of any race having a cop say you're under arrest and be like uh sure officer cuff me.

Are you still friends with this person?
Are you still friends with this person?

Yeah but very distant friends. We were fairly close before he became a cop. He's a good dude and I even saw a video on YouTube where an emotionally disturbed person way bigger than him threatened to beat his *** and he never used force and verbally deescalated the situation. But I could tell his mindset was being severely skewed by his cop surroundings on a daily basis. He was even pretty neutral polItically then became very conservative once he joined the NYPD
Yeah but very distant friends. We were fairly close before he became a cop. He's a good dude and I even saw a video on YouTube where an emotionally disturbed person way bigger than him threatened to beat his *** and he never used force and verbally deescalated the situation. But I could tell his mindset was being severely skewed by his cop surroundings on a daily basis. He was even pretty neutral polItically then became very conservative once he joined the NYPD

with all due respect, that makes him problematic. look how one guy changed up after 4 days.

you continuing to try to counsel him is appreciated, we have to change the PEOPLE before anything.
with all due respect, that makes him problematic. look how one guy changed up after 4 days.

you continuing to try to counsel him is appreciated, we have to change the PEOPLE before anything.

yeah for sure. We didn't agree on the "just comply to an arrest" topic but we've debated casually on other stuff police related and he's come to terms and agreed to my view point. He's been a cop 3 years now and he's still level headed for the most part but if I felt that change up I'd drop the friendship. I've dropped friendships for ignorance many times so I wouldn't hesitate
Yeah but very distant friends. We were fairly close before he became a cop. He's a good dude and I even saw a video on YouTube where an emotionally disturbed person way bigger than him threatened to beat his *** and he never used force and verbally deescalated the situation. But I could tell his mindset was being severely skewed by his cop surroundings on a daily basis. He was even pretty neutral polItically then became very conservative once he joined the NYPD

This is why I will always stand at attention when a police officer violates my constitutional rights. #4COALSMEN
It really came to light after his writings from his time in Africa were unearthed and released in which he considered blacks below everyone else even when his people were receiving much of the same treatment from the colonial british authorities.

My dude P Present posted a whole bunch of his racist quotes from his private diary in depth earlier in this thread


When Gandhi's wife was stricken with pneumonia, British doctors told her husband that a shot of penicillin would heal her; nevertheless, Gandhi refused to have alien medicine injected into her body, and she died. Soon after, Gandhi caught malaria and, relenting from the standard applied to his wife, allowed doctors to save his life with quinine. He also allowed British doctors to perform an appendectomy on him, an alien operation if ever there was one. None of this made it to the screen.

* The real Gandhi mistreated his family. He wrote about his illiterate wife: "I simply cannot bear to look at Ba's face. The expression is often like that on the face of a meek cow and gives one the feeling as a cow occasionally does, that in her own dump manner she is saying something." He refused to educate his sons, ordered them as young men to abstain from sex, and disowned the eldest, Harilal, for wanting to get married. His son eventually attacked Gandhi in print, converted to Islam, and died an alcoholic.
He said when he lived in Africa that South African Black people were barely human.

He also may or may not have been into little girls and was a misogynist.

The movie, which portrays Gandhi as utterly chaste, seems to have left out scenes from real life of the Indian leader's young female followers fighting amongst each other for the honor of sleeping naked with Gandhi and cuddling him in their arms. This was his way of testing his vow of abstinence in preparation for coming struggles which required moral fortitude. Nor is mention made of the daily enemas Gandhi gave the young girls, or the enemas and nude massages they gave him each day.

Ghandi was a whole mess.

Legit racist.

And huge pedophile.

Took an oath of celibacy, but only with adult women. Had no quarrels with smashing minors.

Not the symbol to get behind.

Unless it's another one of those things...look not at what I do, listen to what I say. Separate the man from the message.
Yeah but very distant friends. We were fairly close before he became a cop. He's a good dude and I even saw a video on YouTube where an emotionally disturbed person way bigger than him threatened to beat his *** and he never used force and verbally deescalated the situation. But I could tell his mindset was being severely skewed by his cop surroundings on a daily basis. He was even pretty neutral polItically then became very conservative once he joined the NYPD

reminds me of a situation I’ve had with a friend of mine that’s in law enforcement, his pops was lapd as well. We had some talks last week. I was surprised I was actually able to get through to him though and the conversation went more productive than expected. he posted something on FB complaining about how he was tired of being called a pig, losing friends and the negative sentiment directed his way. I just told him, he’s always been stand up with me, I’m not going to disrespect him. But I don’t know how he acts on the job. I told him that crap violent cops caused this and even if he didn’t want to acknowledge it, complacent cops like him who didn’t step in and speak out against what’s going on are just as much a part of the problem and that not wanting to disrupt things isn’t an excuse.

He acknowledged a lot of stuff. I told him that how him and his fellow officers are perceived by law abiding citizens like me is going to take a long time to change given their history and blue wall brotherhood. I’m still cool with him. But he knows my stance on his job.

Interestingly though. We talked about dorner for a bit. He told me that he understood why Dorner did what he did and that while they won’t openly say it. It’s a decent amount of officers where he works who rock with Dorner.
All these police brutality videos are becoming exhausting and even more so knowing that more than likely most of these jakes crimes aren't being caught on camera. You know, in a way I think I'm subconsciously punishing myself even watching all of this stuff, like it's an obligation or something.

Survivors guilt? Maybe. Who knows, it is what it is.

May you all stay safe, try to be positive and help one another. Thank you to the allies, the unification has been a remarkable sight to see... Things are getting better... seriously, they are.

R.I.P. George Floyd, and the many other countless victims, so yeah... Sayonara.

twigs is lovely.

she ain't sasha, but she's lovely.
This is seriously messed up...


Speech from the victim

The not sorry from the police
This is seriously messed up...


Speech from the victim

The not sorry from the police

This is why they always end up fighting in their softball leagues. Police and firefighters hate each other. Even firefighters know cops are ******* *******s
This is seriously messed up...


Speech from the victim

The not sorry from the police

the words "fraternal order" always make me think of some underground white supremacist illuminate type ****.
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