RIP George Floyd

Funny cause a lot of his fellow lads were going down with a fight yesterday...

Seeing neo-nazi's getting dropped left and right in the London streets was beautiful to see especially when so many came from around England literally looking for a fight :lol:

They were posturing hard against the same cops they claim to support when no one else was around yet all scrammed and let some of their boys be food once the groups they wanted it with actually showed up :rofl:

Those WS's talk a big game online but are always (()) when it hits the fans irl and always end up crawling back to law enforcement for protection
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To put things in perspective, APD took this white dude in alive after shooting at deputies! Yet the black man gets shot in the back for pointing a taser while running away

I mean at this point it’s obvious. Cops aren’t “allowed” to shot white people with impunity like they can black people. They will likely go to jail for that as long as the victim isn’t a super redneck poor shots person etc
Funny cause a lot of his fellow lads were going down with a fight yesterday...

Seeing neo-nazi's getting dropped left and right in the London streets was beautiful to see especially when so many came from around England literally looking for a fight :lol:

They were posturing hard against the same cops they claim to support when no one else was around yet all scrammed and let some of their boys be food once the groups they wanted it with actually showed up :rofl:

Those WS's talk a big game online but are always (()) when it hits the fans irl and always end up crawling back to law enforcement for protection

tenor (2).gif
Has anything changed?

stolen from my homegirls Facebook page a week ago, and it doesn’t even get into a somewhat sovereign nation developing in Seattle.

What have these protests accomplished so far?

5/26 - 4 officers fired for murdering George Floyd
5/28 Univ of Minn cancels contract with police
5/28 3rd precinct police station neutralized by protestors
5/28 ATU Local 1005 refuses to bring police officers to protests, or transport arrested protesters
5/29 Activists commander hotel to provide shelter to homeless
5/29 Officer Chauvin who killed Floyd arrested
5/29 Louisville Mayor suspends “no-knock” warrants in response to polices 3/12
5/30 US Embassies across Africa condemn police murder of Floyd
5/30 MN AG Ellison takes over prosecution of the murdering officer
5/30 TWU Local 100 bus operators refuse to transport arrests protestors
5/31 2 abusive officers fired for pulling a couple out of car and tasing them
6/1 Minn public schools end contract with police
6/1 Confederate Monument removed - Birmingham, AL
6/1 CA prosecutors launch campaign to stop DA’s from accepting police union money
6/1 Tulsa Mayor Bynum agrees to not renew Live PD contract
6/1 Louisville police chief fired after shooting of David Mcatee at BBQ joint
6/1 Dems and reps begin push to shut down a Pentagon program that transfers military weaponry to cancels contract with police
6/2 Minn AFL-CIO calls for the resignation of Bob Kroll, the president of the Minn police union (Bob Kroll is a vocal white supremest)
6/2 ATU Local 85 announces refusal to transport police officers or arrest protestors
6/2 Racist Ex-Mayor Rizzo statue removed
6/2 6 abusive officers charged for violence against residents and protestors - Atlanta, GA
6/2 Confederate soldier statue removed - Alexandire, VA
6/2 Robert Lee statue removed
6/2 Civil Rights investigation of Minn Police Dept launched
6/2 Resolution to prevent law enforcement from hiring officers with history of misconduct announced by San Fran DA Boudin and Supervisor Walton
6/2 Survey indicating 64% of polled sympathetic to protestors, and 47% disapprove of police handling + 54% think burning down of precinct fully or partially justified
6/2 NJ AG announces policing reforms
6/2 Minn City Council members publicly call for disbanding the police and replace safety and outreach capacity
6/3 1 officer fired for tweets promoting violence against protestors - Denver, Co
6/3 Minn Institute of Art, First Avenue, Walker Art Center end use of MPD for events
6/3 Officer Chauvin charged and taken into custody
6/3 Officer Chauvin charges upgraded to 2nd Murder, ad remaining 3 officers also charged and taken into custody
6/3 VA Gov announces removal of Robert E Lee statue
6/3 Richmond VA Mayor Stoney announces RPD reform measures: establish "Marcus" alert for folks experiencing mental health crisis, establish independent Citizen Review Board, an ordinance to remove Confederate monuments, and implement racial equity study
6/3 County commissioners deny proposal for $23 million expansion of Fulton County jail
6/3 Minn Parks and Rec cut ties with the Minn Police Dep.
6/3 US Army tells soldiers to disobey any orders to attack peaceful protestors - nationwide
6/3 LA Announces $100-150 million cut from LAPD budget, Reinvested into communities, moratorium on gang database, sharper discipline against abusive cops, in effect immediately
6/3 Seattle changes mind and withdraws request to end federal oversight/consent decree of police department
6/4 Breonna Taylor case reopened?
6/4 Portland schools superintendent 'discontinues' presence of armed police officers in schools
6/4 MBTA (Metro Boston) board orders that buses wont transport police to protests, or protestors to police
6/4 King County Labor Federation issue ultimatum to police unions, to admit to and address racism in Seattle PD, or be removed


For anyone curious why protest happen
stolen from my homegirls Facebook page a week ago, and it doesn’t even get into a somewhat sovereign nation developing in Seattle.

What have these protests accomplished so far?

5/26 - 4 officers fired for murdering George Floyd
5/28 Univ of Minn cancels contract with police
5/28 3rd precinct police station neutralized by protestors
5/28 ATU Local 1005 refuses to bring police officers to protests, or transport arrested protesters
5/29 Activists commander hotel to provide shelter to homeless
5/29 Officer Chauvin who killed Floyd arrested
5/29 Louisville Mayor suspends “no-knock” warrants in response to polices 3/12
5/30 US Embassies across Africa condemn police murder of Floyd
5/30 MN AG Ellison takes over prosecution of the murdering officer
5/30 TWU Local 100 bus operators refuse to transport arrests protestors
5/31 2 abusive officers fired for pulling a couple out of car and tasing them
6/1 Minn public schools end contract with police
6/1 Confederate Monument removed - Birmingham, AL
6/1 CA prosecutors launch campaign to stop DA’s from accepting police union money
6/1 Tulsa Mayor Bynum agrees to not renew Live PD contract
6/1 Louisville police chief fired after shooting of David Mcatee at BBQ joint
6/1 Dems and reps begin push to shut down a Pentagon program that transfers military weaponry to cancels contract with police
6/2 Minn AFL-CIO calls for the resignation of Bob Kroll, the president of the Minn police union (Bob Kroll is a vocal white supremest)
6/2 ATU Local 85 announces refusal to transport police officers or arrest protestors
6/2 Racist Ex-Mayor Rizzo statue removed
6/2 6 abusive officers charged for violence against residents and protestors - Atlanta, GA
6/2 Confederate soldier statue removed - Alexandire, VA
6/2 Robert Lee statue removed
6/2 Civil Rights investigation of Minn Police Dept launched
6/2 Resolution to prevent law enforcement from hiring officers with history of misconduct announced by San Fran DA Boudin and Supervisor Walton
6/2 Survey indicating 64% of polled sympathetic to protestors, and 47% disapprove of police handling + 54% think burning down of precinct fully or partially justified
6/2 NJ AG announces policing reforms
6/2 Minn City Council members publicly call for disbanding the police and replace safety and outreach capacity
6/3 1 officer fired for tweets promoting violence against protestors - Denver, Co
6/3 Minn Institute of Art, First Avenue, Walker Art Center end use of MPD for events
6/3 Officer Chauvin charged and taken into custody
6/3 Officer Chauvin charges upgraded to 2nd Murder, ad remaining 3 officers also charged and taken into custody
6/3 VA Gov announces removal of Robert E Lee statue
6/3 Richmond VA Mayor Stoney announces RPD reform measures: establish "Marcus" alert for folks experiencing mental health crisis, establish independent Citizen Review Board, an ordinance to remove Confederate monuments, and implement racial equity study
6/3 County commissioners deny proposal for $23 million expansion of Fulton County jail
6/3 Minn Parks and Rec cut ties with the Minn Police Dep.
6/3 US Army tells soldiers to disobey any orders to attack peaceful protestors - nationwide
6/3 LA Announces $100-150 million cut from LAPD budget, Reinvested into communities, moratorium on gang database, sharper discipline against abusive cops, in effect immediately
6/3 Seattle changes mind and withdraws request to end federal oversight/consent decree of police department
6/4 Breonna Taylor case reopened?
6/4 Portland schools superintendent 'discontinues' presence of armed police officers in schools
6/4 MBTA (Metro Boston) board orders that buses wont transport police to protests, or protestors to police
6/4 King County Labor Federation issue ultimatum to police unions, to admit to and address racism in Seattle PD, or be removed


For anyone curious why protest happen

Maybe I'm too negative but a lot of this doesn't mean much of anything. You can take $100 M away from LAPD and their budget is still $2 billion. Officers and chiefs need to be arrested and jailed, not just fired. Charges need to stick. Calls for action are not the same thing as action. Confederate statues need to come down but at the end of the day it's just cosmetic unless you attack the root of the problem.

I was with the family last nite and as the night is winding down we're sitting there watching another man get shot in the back. Don't get played is all I'm saying. We've seen greater measures and acts get passed decades ago that were supposed to solve these problems and yet here we are still protesting and dying because ultimately it didn't mean ****. This isn't nearly enough.
Issue #94738 we have with policing in this country. Police getting fired from one department and then walking to a neighboring department and getting hired. Rinse and repeat.

This is the ninth — yes, ninth — police department that the cop has worked for. He’s 31 years old

Maybe I'm too negative but a lot of this doesn't mean much of anything. You can take $100 M away from LAPD and their budget is still $2 billion. Officers and chiefs need to be arrested and jailed, not just fired. Charges need to stick. Calls for action are not the same thing as action. Confederate statues need to come down but at the end of the day it's just cosmetic unless you attack the root of the problem.

I was with the family last nite and as the night is winding down we're sitting there watching another man get shot in the back. Don't get played is all I'm saying. We've seen greater measures and acts get passed decades ago that were supposed to solve these problems and yet here we are still protesting and dying because ultimately it didn't mean ****. This isn't nearly enough.

I share your pessimistic outlook but I hope that society continues down this path. Th civil rights movement took years but it did create changes. It’s going to take time but that’s why we all have to keep the momentum going. Continue to support the protest, continue posting online, continue donating to bail funds when necessary. Make the powers that be understand that we aren’t moving on from this until real changes are made.

I’m proud of Lebron for wanting to take his stance. I really hope we see the entertainers say “nah” I won’t help you distract.
Issue #94738 we have with policing in this country. Police getting fired from one department and then walking to a neighboring department and getting hired. Rinse and repeat.

This is the ninth — yes, ninth — police department that the cop has worked for. He’s 31 years old

Exactly. Meanwhile democrats are actively rejecting the motion to defund the police and instead are looking to increase the budget.
Dems are in a weird position. By all means November should be a cake walk for them but they can’t alienate that silent majority that isn’t speaking a up about this stuff.

I hate it but Biden’s a **** candidate. He caught some EXTREMELY lucky breaks in just the last couple weeks (mostly based on the incompetence of our current president). The dems are likely just attempting to play it safe for now. If the marches continue somebody is going to have to at least pander to the protesters because we aren’t letting up and this can’t continue to be ignored.
I share your pessimistic outlook but I hope that society continues down this path. Th civil rights movement took years but it did create changes.
Yea it did create changes. Made it so that you have to be wearing a badge to join the lynch mob. Made it so that as long as you're standing your ground you can get away with murder. Instead of being segregated in schools and neighborhoods, they set it up so they could indirectly discriminate thru gentrification and inadequate schooling. Gave you the right to vote so long as you're not incarcerated and willing to stand in line for 4 hours or legally having your vote suppressed. The more things change the more they stay the same.
Yea it did create changes. Made it so that you have to be wearing a badge to join the lynch mob. Made it so that as long as you're standing your ground you can get away with murder. Instead of being segregated in schools and neighborhoods, they set it up so they could indirectly discriminate thru gentrification and inadequate schooling. Gave you the right to vote so long as you're not incarcerated and willing to stand in line for 4 hours or legally having your vote suppressed. The more things change the more they stay the same.

Bro I truly understand your frustrations, but I can’t pretend this country hasn’t come a long way. We have lots of room to grow but that’s what this is hopefully the beginning of. I’m black as well (I assume you are too). I hate that the system was designed by racist for racist but if we don’t call it out now while the world is watching we are complicit in its continuation.
Yea it did create changes. Made it so that you have to be wearing a badge to join the lynch mob. Made it so that as long as you're standing your ground you can get away with murder. Instead of being segregated in schools and neighborhoods, they set it up so they could indirectly discriminate thru gentrification and inadequate schooling. Gave you the right to vote so long as you're not incarcerated and willing to stand in line for 4 hours or legally having your vote suppressed. The more things change the more they stay the same.

I think you need to educate yourself on Jim Crow America
Dems are in a weird position. By all means November should be a cake walk for them but they can’t alienate that silent majority that isn’t speaking a up about this stuff.

I hate it but Biden’s a **** candidate. He caught some EXTREMELY lucky breaks in just the last couple weeks (mostly based on the incompetence of our current president). The dems are likely just attempting to play it safe for now. If the marches continue somebody is going to have to at least pander to the protesters because we aren’t letting up and this can’t continue to be ignored.

Apparently Kamala Harris It's in his final group of VP picks. Well I think she's a fantastic candidate, it would be extremely tone deaf for him to pick a former prosecutor as his VP at a time like this.
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