RIP George Floyd

With a Republican president in power nest year, we will probably end up with a 7-2 supreme court and a lot more of the same (or worse).
And then what would be the move after that? Just deal with it until the next election? Or find another way to change the structure?
Kamala Harris is a terrible choice imo.

1. She is not very good at campaigning.
2. She is from a state that offers zero electoral advantage.
3. She has not proven that she can generate enthusiasm from black voters.

what exactly does she offer joe biden?


Since we are in the George Floyd thread, Kamala is went against investigation of ill-advised shootings in California as districy attorner and attorney general. That's a span of of 12 years. If the George Floyd situation happened under Kamala's tenure and jurisdiction, those police officers would not have been charged.

Although I can see the Democratic Party decision makers favouring her. She reminds me of Hillary. Another sociopath puppet for their sponsors.
Republicans: I have black friends

Their black friends:
Yo is a lost cause already...sad to see

How an innocuous position such as 'defund the police' has become taboo within the party meant to be the opposition is depressing to see when it should be a common sense position at this point.

Dems trying to match the GOP in playing the 'tough on crime/law and order' game for fear of sounding 'radical' and potentially alienating voters already hostile to them doesn't pay dividends and has gotten us into this mess of unaccountability.

Retraining and changing laws hasn't gotten us anywhere due to one side rightfully believing they're above it and don't have to adhere to the law.

The logical next step is reallocating funds meant for their already obscene budgets towards programs and parts of the public sector that actually serve the public at large along with creating a financial incentive towards better policing by going after these guys' pensions in any and all cases of abuse.
Never in my life made sense for the public to be more accountable in the eyes of the law than the very people who are literally in charge of enforcing it.

It should be the complete opposite, the gatekeepers of the law should always be held to a much higher standard if they're the ones meant to uphold it given the power dynamics. Consequences for breaching that contract of public trust should be severe/heavy handed instead of rare and almost non-existent as they often are.

They quite literally have the power to take away life or completely derail/upend it, anything less than being a held to higher standard than normal citizens who don't have that kind of power leads to our present reality of widespread/systemic abuse and unaccountability...

Defunding on it's own is already a compromise position from the alternative of total abolition yet even that bare minimum keeps getting talked down even in a time like this
Defunding on it's own is already a compromise position from the alternative of total abolition yet even that bare minimum keeps getting talked down even in a time like this

It's unsettled at this point. Of course, there are segments within the Democratic Party (to say nothing of the non-libertarian faction of the entire GOP) who either dismiss "defunding" or seek to neuter its radical dimensions through a focus on procedural reform (i.e.

But right now the movement against bloated police budgets is live. My point here is that you're right about the forces against defunding, but their opposition is to be expected.

I'd encourage you to keep sharing clips like the one you circulated above and to stress the point made by the great Angela Davis: The "threats to safety, threats to security, come not primarily from what is defined as crime, but rather from the failure of institutions in our country to address issues of health, issues of violence, issues of education."
It's unsettled at this point. Of course, there are segments within the Democratic Party (to say nothing of the non-libertarian faction of the entire GOP) who either dismiss "defunding" or seek to neuter its radical dimensions through a focus on procedural reform (i.e.

But right now the movement against bloated police budgets is live. My point here is that you're right about the forces against defunding, but their opposition is to be expected.

I'd encourage you to keep sharing clips like the one you circulated above and to stress the point made by the great Angela Davis: The "threats to safety, threats to security, come not primarily from what is defined as crime, but rather from the failure of institutions in our country to address issues of health, issues of violence, issues of education."
I agree that strong opposition is always gonna be present whenever any talk of or momentum for institutional change occurs but its been sad seeing so much of it coming from the leadership and known public figures of the side that's supposed to have your best interest at heart yet poopooing all over that sentiment at a time like this in favor of more of the same ineffective positions that have proven to fail time and time again.

Reforming procedures is only impactful when the side you're trying to reform actually respects and acknowledges the laws in the first place. When they prove time and time again that they have no regard for it,it's time to look at other avenues. I feel the same way on any issue Dems try playing ball with the GOP on certain issues in the name of 'civility' and decorum when they've showed their asses already and have proven they play by a wholly different set of rules time and time again.

Was posting that clip mainly in response to a lot of the intentional misrepresentation I keep seeing from opposition 'leaders' when it comes to their opposition to that topic. Angela Davis has been preaching this stuff for decades and only gets proven more and more right over time.
Hows does NT feel about black police?
If it comes down to the people versus the police in a civil all coddling and giving black police a pass or killing them along with the others?
Cops are cops at the end of the day..most blacks turn a blind eye towards black & spanish cops ..they do dudes dirty too but the difference is they aint bodying dudes at the rate of whites ..but nonetheless cops is cops (1 of my mans in my cigar smoke group is a black cop..regular dude from the hood that took that route to ensure a “career” & paycheck...u have alotta them type dudes in life but once u put on that uniform u held responsible for what others that represented u has done ...)
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