RIP George Floyd

Was this guy white? Feel like this easily could have gone sideways for anyone else even though he was stating facts and had a camera which is the sad reality of things...

Nope. The guy recording is black in a state that allows open carry and had the cops called on him despite having a gun permit. So he was recording to show 6+ police officers showed up even tho he was legally carrying
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(yeah I know it's cops who are saying it :lol: )

They def were feeling some kind of way :lol:

Nooe. The guy recording is black in a state that allows open carry and had the cops called on him despite having a gun permit. So he was recording to show 6+ police officers showed up even tho he was legally carrying
Republicans: I have black friends

Their black friends:
Cops are cops at the end of the day..most blacks turn a blind eye towards black & spanish cops ..they do dudes dirty too but the difference is they aint bodying dudes at the rate of whites ..but nonetheless cops is cops (1 of my mans in my cigar smoke group is a black cop..regular dude from the hood that took that route to ensure a “career” & paycheck...u have alotta them type dudes in life but once u put on that uniform u held responsible for what others that represented u has done ...)

well said folk!!!

How an innocuous position such as 'defund the police' has become taboo within the party meant to be the opposition is depressing to see when it should be a common sense position at this point.

Dems trying to match the GOP in playing the 'tough on crime/law and order' game for fear of sounding 'radical' and potentially alienating voters already hostile to them doesn't pay dividends and has gotten us into this mess of unaccountability.

Retraining and changing laws hasn't gotten us anywhere due to one side rightfully believing they're above it and don't have to adhere to the law.

The logical next step is reallocating funds meant for their already obscene budgets towards programs and parts of the public sector that actually serve the public at large along with creating a financial incentive towards better policing by going after these guys' pensions in any and all cases of abuse.

That’s been my main beef with the Dems, they too soft and scared of the Repubs...They trying to play fair and not piss off the other side too much, while the Repubs don’t give a F and do grimey **** regardless
Anger I understand but it’s usually ineffective (but feels good). There’s got to be a united stance on what is wanted. And it’s got nothing to do with police brutality. It’s about changing the landscape so that people that have been here for generations aren’t tip toeing around the society and country they literally built from the ground up. My personal opinion is that for anyone that has generational black US ancestry to receive free college, free support raising kids 0-18 via daycares, etc, free monthly food stipend, free minimum housing (e.g., an apartment), and no taxes if they make under $500k. Take away some of the military spending and reshift it to those initiatives until we can say that the average black household and white household have equivalent wealth on a per household basis. Those will help structural problems and continue to highlight the more visceral surface problems (eg police brutality, lack of follow through by legal system) through social activism.
That’s been my main beef with the Dems, they too soft and scared of the Repubs...They trying to play fair and not piss off the other side too much, while the Repubs don’t give a F and do grimey **** regardless

Republicans are not in the same situation as Democrats electorally.
Democrats cannot win the presidency or the Senate or the house without winning center right voters.

Democratic politicians in any remotely competitive race should NOT embrace "defund the police" it's a slogan that confuses or radicalized all who don't already understand it .

Activism and politics are not the same thing.

Democrats gotta win power before they can help black people and you can't do that running around saying "defund the police"
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How an innocuous position such as 'defund the police' has become taboo within the party meant to be the opposition is depressing to see when it should be a common sense position at this point.

Dems trying to match the GOP in playing the 'tough on crime/law and order' game for fear of sounding 'radical' and potentially alienating voters already hostile to them doesn't pay dividends and has gotten us into this mess of unaccountability.

Retraining and changing laws hasn't gotten us anywhere due to one side rightfully believing they're above it and don't have to adhere to the law.

The logical next step is reallocating funds meant for their already obscene budgets towards programs and parts of the public sector that actually serve the public at large along with creating a financial incentive towards better policing by going after these guys' pensions in any and all cases of abuse.

Defund the police is not "innocuous" man come on.

If you look at polling most people, including black people generally want more GOOD policing.

And "defund the police" many people assume that means little to no policing and that idea is unpopular.

I think defund the police as a slogan for activists I think is good, it pushes the conversation to left in important ways BUT to expect politicians to suddenly becomes activists is crazy.

Activist and politician are two different jobs
And then what would be the move after that? Just deal with it until the next election? Or find another way to change the structure?
There are only two ways to fundamentally change the structure of a society: the ballot box and the ammo box. What has been happening so far as the result of these protests shows that we are far from having to resort to the latter option. The fact that a certain group of people want to take away the first option shows that it is still effective.
Defund the police is not "innocuous" man come on.

If you look at polling most people, including black people generally want more GOOD policing.

And "defund the police" many people assume that means little to no policing and that idea is unpopular.

I think defund the police as a slogan for activists I think is good, it pushes the conversation to left in important ways BUT to expect politicians to suddenly becomes activists is crazy.

Activist and politician are two different jobs
I call it innocuous due in a context where all relevant sides offer little resistence when it comes to cuts to funds for other programs that benefit society much more (education, housing, health etc) yet stonewall any talk of cuts to alreeady bloated law enforcement and military budgets.

Those other cuts should garner much more pushback and scorn instead of being considered a normal cost of doing business under the current state of affairs. That just shines light on what are considered priorities in the country and what isn't by the ruling party along with the opposition which is discouraging to see
made this graph for the out of touch white woman who’s the current mayor of oakland. when asked about defunding police in this city, this ****in moron had the nerve to say “we need to invest, not divest” in police training. i’ve been spamming the **** outta her social media and email with it


for those of yall hittin the streets to protest, just make sure you’re getting tested for covid. i did it the other day to make sure i couldnt spread it to protestors. it’s free and quick. check out projectbaseline’s website to see if they got a testing center near you.
Black men and women have been denied their right to physically express our anger for so long, that once it appears , it is often met with criticism due to the rules used through white supremacy. Even here on niketalk, I cannot get angry, then cuss about the circumstances we face while being Black, the crap we’ve been dealing with since 1619. It seems that I must always consider others due to rules,
even though those others may be the problem. We see here how you’ll have members who’ve never said a thing about racism, all of a sudden gaining a conscience, no longer chiding other Black members , those who are willing to attack the micro aggressions toward Black people here. It can really make you angry, because this is an example of what Black people deal with on the daily. There is always some rule that you cannot break, because you cannot express yourself at risk of offending others, no matter how righteous that anger actually is. It’s frustrating, yet I am often forced to remember, the day of reckoning is upon us. What keeps me cool is that I finally see US winning, even though we as Black people, are not united.
How many years have people discussed about, and in some cases actually implemented, procedural based measures to reform police training and policing as a whole only for those efforts to not move the needle much and for this issue to linger, worsen and take more lives in the process along with costing cities more millions in settlements?

The renewed push for defunding is a direct result of all the efforts to improve policing falling flat so much of the time imo, it's pretty hard, and damn near impossible in the eyes of some, to improve and amend a criminal justice system that's been rotten and unjust from the jump by design.
There are only two ways to fundamentally change the structure of a society: the ballot box and the ammo box. What has been happening so far as the result of these protests shows that we are far from having to resort to the latter option. The fact that a certain group of people want to take away the first option shows that it is still effective.

I don't know if I can agree that the protests have shown that. If they were to end today would we be any better off than before they started? Nothing has been accomplished besides surface level concessions. What little that has been accomplished is a result of applying pressure on the streets not the polls. And I'm just gonna disagree that wanting to takeaway the vote necessarily means it's effective since being granted suffrage never changed much in the first place.

If trump gets reelected I assume that means you're done with the ballot box? That's all I've been trying to get at.
How many years have people discussed about, and in some cases actually implemented, procedural based measures to reform police training and policing as a whole only for those efforts to not move the needle much and for this issue to linger, worsen and take more lives in the process along with costing cities more millions in settlements?

The renewed push for defunding is a direct result of all the efforts to improve policing falling flat so much of the time imo, it's pretty hard, and damn near impossible in the eyes of some, to improve and amend a criminal justice system that's been rotten and unjust from the jump by design.

someone once said, "you can do your best to reform a piece of ****, but at the end of the day, it's still a piece of ****."

i believe this logic applies to the concept of police reform.
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