RIP George Floyd

Not to derail the thread but really..if black lives matter then uplift the community economically

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Not to derail the thread but really..if black lives matter then uplift the community economically

I'm gonna guess this is a Christian organized event.

If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet - John 13:14

It's supposed to be an act of humility.
I get it. But this ain't the answer.
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Aw the poor little NYPD is upset that they can't crack skulls and stop black folks without cause with impunity anymore :frown:

Dudes are finally getting a taste of accountability on a large scale for the first time in decades and for the first time in a lot of officers careers and that's enough for them be fed up :lol: :lol:

They can miss everyone with that if they expect any sort of sympathy all of a sudden

fascinating how these predators are acting like victims here. how they call out the media for somehow shining a bad light on them. for calling out politicians for not being their doormats. how they don't ask for respect and the public's confidence, but rather demand it with such a particular brand of vulgar aggression.

as if their violence and cowardice hasn't been witnessed time and again - and this past week the entire nation with their clear eyes. shows you the collective character of the nypd and just about every other police dept across the country.

i hope this momentum placing high scrutiny on these kkkops continues. pressure from every angle and from every group of people enough to erode some of that power that these race vultures feed on.
I'm not editing **** out, I'm honest enough with myself to admit I I actually mixed that particular free mason pale skin powder wig up with other actual presidents.

Look here you two can speak for your own status and blackness in this country.
I personally feel that being called African American is bull****.
What loyalties or political ties do I have to Africa? Besides originating there ...but now unfortunately knowledge and identity of my original tribe, culture and religion has been lost.
Name one stabilized country in Africa that even offered Black Americans any faith, safe refuge or hope these past 100 years when we were being hung and getting brutalized by police all these decades, besides now Ghana lately.(much love to Ghana)
Name one stabilized country in Africa that will ultimately save and offer refuge to our Hatian brothers and sisters when another natural disaster hits...or they eventually are being systematically starved to death there by France, America and Dominican Republic???
My grandfather, father and uncles didn't represent one African nation on their uniform when they were drafted to go fight in WW2 and Vietnam.
Us descendants of slavery are just as American as anyone else in this country.....with no other continents identity/name needed in front of American.
I personally don't give a crap about your fake pro African defeatist attitude about not being accepted here and this country never being created for us in mind.
We are here.....OUR ancestors built it for free....and we are here to stay...and I'm willing to kill and die for our stay,peace and equality here in America.
Miss me with that whole bitter black american" I hate this place,system so much" attitude.
You now have ample opportunities to grab a passport and try and set up a new life elsewhere in Africa, all this crying about nothing is for us but you scared to kill and die taking what's rightfully ours also.
If you are so pro African than why not work on moving to Africa?
Are you built like that??
Can some of you even go 1 day without WIFI or air conditioning?
Have you ever been to Africa? I've been to 5 countries in Africa.
Do you really have the mental means to move to Africa to create wealth and prosperity, in the mist of everything going on in Africa religious/politics wise?
I just feel some of you all really ain't even about that life, so why pump fake with all the BS?
Look at the end of the day....well no lets say at the end of your life....which would you want your tombstone to say?

Here lies an African American man who died angry, bitter and financially educationally limited in the country he was born in
Here lies a proud Black American who fought for success/equality and prosperity in the face a country built on of systematic oppression, outright racism and obstacles of inequality specifically targeting him.

You decide for yourself!
Lol clearly you didn't go to South Africa. It's nice and wealthy af. The two of the biggest malls on the planet are in South Africa. There's wifi everywhere. Black Americans can very easily live there.

This country is overrated af. The picture that's painted of how it is is nothing like it actually is.
fascinating how these predators are acting like victims here. how they call out the media for somehow shining a bad light on them. for calling out politicians for not being their doormats. how they don't ask for respect and the public's confidence, but rather demand it with such a particular brand of vulgar aggression.

as if their violence and cowardice hasn't been witnessed time and again - and this past week the entire nation with their clear eyes. shows you the collective character of the nypd and just about every other police dept across the country.

i hope this momentum placing high scrutiny on these kkkops continues. pressure from every angle and from every group of people enough to erode some of that power that these race vultures feed on.

It's been real funny how they've had everything from the media, movies, shows and politicians kissing their *** and portraying them as heroes and 'good guys' without pause for most of their lives, yet the second some long overdue scrutiny comes their way they throw tantrums like toddlers :lol: >D

For such self styled 'tough guys' they're awfully sensitive and tend to get their feelings hurt quite easily when things don't go 100% their way
But what IS, "Anti-Racism."

How do you spend money on IT.

What does that look like?
That story's behind a paywall but apparently they'll be using the couple hundred thousands they were gonna use on APV's on 'anti-black racism initiatives' like public programs aimed towards promoting diversity and more inclusive public safety in the community

It's def political speak with the lack of specifics since they just passed the motion earlier :lol: but I'd much rather have the funds going towards that kind of stuff which works towards the benefit of the community as a whole in the long run than militarizing law enforcement even more for no real reason...
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