RIP George Floyd

In those rural areas they don't care, some dumbass tried to tell me my money was fake a couple months ago. Back woods stuff. Really those areas are the only times I've been pulled over.

yeah I’m out in the sticks alot with work. Racists are extra comfortable approaching me since I’m a white dude in a peterbilt. :lol:

Some dude came up to me and my boy a few weeks ago spewing racist nonsense. We clowned him so hard he practically ran away. :lol:

Y'all was protesting, I was out here getting it.
he got the ny robber sneaks on tho.
Now would be a good time for yall to get right with God and join the Israelites United In Christ.
These dudes are crazy but they do look bad *** in their purple and gold
That cop group with O'Meara are looking so ignorant :lol:. That mentality unfortunately thrives in their jobs and eventually affects their friends and families.
Did you just get Baptised recently?

You keep talking about God
Calm down buddy. I only mentioned God twice. The second time was to post about the Hebrew Israelites since they’ve been getting a lot of attention on social media lately for black empowerment. i also told you that I’m Agnostic.

It's been real funny how they've had everything from the media, movies, shows and politicians kissing their *** and portraying them as heroes and 'good guys' without pause for most of their lives, yet the second some long overdue scrutiny comes their way they throw tantrums like toddlers :lol: >D

For such self styled 'tough guys' they're awfully sensitive and tend to get their feelings hurt quite easily when things don't go 100% their way
Terminator 2 got it right. Bad guy.
America gotta be the only country where the loser of a war gets a statue and a street named after him.

my favorite is how racist mfs always go for the black-on-black crime meme but can´t answer this pop quiz:

quick, what nation is directly responsible for the most American wartime deaths?

A) Germany
B) Russia
C) The (Currently) United States of America

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