RIP George Floyd

Clips just from the past week. And doesn't even include them using their cars to run into protectors, maybe they living in the upside down cause to be THAT brazen and defiant is something else.


Anytime someone tries to make you believe that cop morale was through the roof before these protests, make sure to show them this article:
there was a 3 week period last summer where FOUR NYPD officers committed suicide
Yeah, their sins are finally catching up to them. One of them shot themself week before last Saturday. some of them realize that they've joined a terrorist organization and see no way out except..
Man wtf the NYPD doing over there....

Ain’t nobody got no time for that, I ain’t even make it through that clip because it’s a joke. He’s just trying to show he’s standing up for his “guys” so he doesn’t lose all respect. The NYPD is a joke, it’s been a joke, and they can kick rocks. That shield is stained.
Man wtf the NYPD doing over there....

Ain’t nobody got no time for that, I ain’t even make it through that clip because it’s a joke. He’s just trying to show he’s standing up for his “guys” so he doesn’t lose all respect. The NYPD is a joke, it’s been a joke, and they can kick rocks. That shield is stained.

In reality, the defunding part of the protests is what strikes fear in the heart of police more than anything. That's why he's trying to rally the general public around the concept of "respect for police." They don't care about policies that ban chokeholds and things like that bc they'll just find other ways to abuse minorities, especially when there's no cameras to catch them.

but LESS MONEY?!? watch how much of the police force quits if they're banned from working overtime or their pension is lowered. There's NYPD officers who retire with $120k annual pension and other NYPD officers who make an additional $20k+ Annually in overtime, most of which is BS overtime that wasn't needed.
Update: I just sent an e-mail to HR. I wanted to make sure my point was clear & concise while remaining completely professional with my outrage. She said that **** again in the office. My boy who works there overheard. I'm hoping this ***** is gone on Monday. Job loss in a ****ing pandemic because you were an insensitive racist? You love to see it.

Update: Looks like nothing can be done yet because everybody that was in the meeting said they didn't hear ****. :smh: Time to leave this joint ASAP
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Florida folk better start ramping up man.............especially for this one Florida county.

Push the movement there and flush these goons out too

This is where I live. Sad, sad times.
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