RIP George Floyd

America gotta be the only country where the loser of a war gets a statue and a street named after him.
Thats cuz America aint ever let the confederacy really lose...The rest of the country just made an agreement with em to stop fighting if they be a lil more lowkey with the slavery/racism and dont try to spread their way of life all crazy out of the deep south...In return they got to keep their "history and heritage" and the North let em do whatever down there for the most part...That agreement still stands to this day, it was all bout the optics of being a "united country" :smh:
Lol clearly you didn't go to South Africa. It's nice and wealthy af. The two of the biggest malls on the planet are in South Africa. There's wifi everywhere. Black Americans can very easily live there.

This country is overrated af. The picture that's painted of how it is is nothing like it actually is.

mans needs to read this book sugafree sugafree
What a doof :rofl: . How the hell do u get this from that video? His fatass would be the 1st to sue if this happened to him. A gorgeous insinuation of fake news.

The burning of the confederate flag is a thing of beauty, but I wonder if getting a BJ from a flower really feels as good as the pic seems to indicate. Only one way to find out.

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