RIP George Floyd

What did he do for us?

Surely all these people in the streets aren't celebrating with joy.

Because he signed the same HBCU bill that every president signs? Hell a lot of people thought the HBCU presidents didn't think they should have visited, because it looked like groveling. I wasn't one btw.

And the unemployment rate? The government manipulates that. After a period of time they take you off and don't consider you part of the work force. Yeah, but why would Trump do such a thing.

Obama gave that dude a booming economy and it's the only thing he had to hang is hat on. Now even that's trash.

Ask the Central Park 5 what your precious leader did for them.
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I hate this so much because it shows you give us a little and we pretend our little bubble is safe. This man almost had the book thrown at him and has been discriminated going to his own property multiple times. Wakanda?
That's all divisive agent rhetoric, he's simultaneously putting Atlanta's black population on a faux pedestal while talking down on other major cities black population while also telling everyone to stop looting because they are destroying property that belongs to them :lol:

Ain't enough vibranium in the world for me to masta shuffle that hard
I hate this so much because it shows you give us a little and we pretend our little bubble is safe. This man almost had the book thrown at him and has been discriminated going to his own property multiple times. Wakanda?

They should have done this expeditiously

I grew up in Northern VA (10 miles from DC) and despite the fact it’s blue and “diverse” the mindset of people in power is absolutely some *** backwards Deep South bull****. Hell, there’s still a high school 3 miles from my old house named after Robert E. Lee. I got homies from Georgia and Texas who moved to Virginia and said it’s the most blatantly racist place they’ve ever lived. **** that state.

I grew up in Arlington and I can’t really disagree. NoVA may be blue, liberal, and diverse; however, it is a small portion of a large red state. Even then, the majority of NoVA counties/cities are very segregated. It’s really sad.

I assume you were talking about Lee in Fairfax? I really don’t know how or why they have change the name. JEB Stuart High School in Falls Church changed it’s name to Justice High School in 2018. Washington & Lee High School changed its name to Washington & Liberty High School in 2019. Those two changes obviously should’ve come long ago.

I remember going to VCU for my freshman year in 2001 and seeing confederate flags outside of some houses. I couldn’t believe that ****. Made me understand there was a big difference between NoVA and the rest of VA, even though NoVA still needs to improve.
"Trump did more for African American unemployment blah blah blah" is the dumbest confounding ******** narrative ever.
Unemployment has been historically low (prior to COVID) in general, not because of something Trump magically did.
You know who took on an economy in recession? Obama did. During those 8 years, the economy recovered and flourished.

Trump fans love to throw around stock market and unemployment figures. Even if you want to give him all the credit for that, here's two reasons why those numbers can be flawed:

1. Unemployment doesn't count people who aren't actively seeking work
2. A small minority are in the stock market. Look at how the stock market has been rallying amidst historical unemployment numbers. The stock market is not the end all be all measure for economic health

You can take any ******* number at any time and use it to your own advantage. That's why context and analytical thinking is so important, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised people who don't give a **** about black people lack those skills

man **** long island

from lynbrook to beyond massapequa - south shore towns on li are littered with kkkops, racist italian americans who become kkkops, racist irish americans who become kkkops, racist sympathizers and so on. these are the towns where these abusers and murderers go back to at the end of their shifts. the whole ******* lot of them are trash *** people - basically one of the most backward and blatantly racist areas in the immediate nyc area. ******* inbreds
I always thought, the emergence of Trump was a window into understanding 1930s Germany. I always kept it to myself, because such things should not be taken lightly.

But since Maddog Mattis is now drawing parallels, I'm fine with saying it out loud.
Look, I was never one to believe in things like reincarnation but Hitler died in 1945 and Trump was born in 1946. Just sayin’.
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