RIP George Floyd

Asheville Police surround a medic station created by protesters as they stab water bottles with knives and tip over tables of medical supplies and food June 2, 2020. The medic team, made of EMTs and doctors, said the medical station was approved by the city. Edit: They also sprayed the medical supplies with gas so that anyone who used them would get chemical burns.


And still, people are demanding the oppressed be peaceful.

These are war crimes.
Y’all see that brees apology. Wonder who wrote it
Social Media comes at you fast. He was sitting home all day watching major athletes and teammates drag him and then comes out with the typical “I’m sorry, please forgive me” speech. Words can last a long time buddy. People ain’t replacing their burned jerseys now. Might wanna consider that retirement a little harder now.
If they worked together, only thing that should’ve happened is this. “You didn’t know the $20 was fake, right? I got the $20 and I’ll go talk to the store owner, so they chill out. You’re free to go.”

I mean, even if they didn’t work together that’s how it should’ve gone down. $20? That would’ve been $5 a piece for each cop there to help a member of the community.

The fact that that isn’t what happened is exactly why all the cops involved deserve everything and more that is coming their way right now.

I agree thats what should have happened but if he couldnt cut a break bc the call was made or if they had body cams and couldnt cut him loose, it should have been all peaceful. At the end of the day a man losing his life over 20 ****in dollars is wack and just another reason why the police system is wack and needs to be reformed.

I do still think there is more to Chauvin that hasnt been uncovered yet and I hope to God whatever comes out, the charges can be upgraded to 1 and it will stick.
You know you F’d up when your PR team is scrambling together an apology.
Social media is the worst place for you to run your mouth, and idiots do it all the time. In person you can use a ton of excuses heat of the moment misunderstanding etc.
but typing **** online? Making a video? :lol:
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