RIP George Floyd

I’ve been thinking about this and something doesnt add up. I saw that Floyd and Chauvin were working together at a nightclub and knew each other. Ok so if I know you from working at the same place, why am I going to do all that to you?! Id be like George I gotta take you in for passing the 20, I cant cut you a break. Take him in a civilized manner and thats that. I wouldnt treat someone I know from work like that. That is just wild. Unless there is something that went on that has not come to light yet. And if thats the case, thats the smoking gun. Chauvin is def spending time but Im hoping they find all information that can make this stick and he gets the max and if possible he gets 1st degree murder.

from lynbrook to beyond massapequa - south shore towns on li are littered with kkkops, racist italian americans who become kkkops, racist irish americans who become kkkops, racist sympathizers and so on. these are the towns where these abusers and murderers go back to at the end of their shifts. the whole ****ing lot of them are trash *** people - basically one of the most backward and blatantly racist areas in the immediate nyc area. ****ing inbreds

To no surprise Da Mayah of Lawng Island AKA da Spawhts Pope Mike Francesser has said absolutely nothing regarding George Floyd's death or the protest on his show but was a political juggernaut when covid dominated the airwaves
People, seeing their quaint downtown shopping areas burning, are starting to consider how much reform will keep the fires out of their groomed backyards.

they know the rich and the system itself will feed regular people to the poor to shield themselves.

Today is the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
The facts say:
- Trump slapped his name on watered down bills (first step act and HBCU funding) that were initiated by the Obama administration
- closed down the civil rights divisions of numerous federal agencies
- with Jeff Sessions, reauthorized the militarization of police and rescinded Obama's decision to stop contracting with for profit prisons.
- had his immigration policies crafted by Steven Miller, who has been publicly called out by his own Jewish family because of his racist worldview.
- continuously refuses to implement measures that would allow Black people to cast their vote more easily.
- 100k deaths (and counting), 1.7 million contaminated from Covid-19, most of it in black communities because he had to play politics with masks and ventilators instead of mounting a national response.
- today, his secretary of press tried to justify unprovoked assault on the press (foreign and national)

And let's all remember the Central Park Five and his own history of lawsuits for racial discrimination in his buildings.

Supporting Trump is supporting racism.
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Go back to the Yahoo comment section with this. If you’re going to troll at least be good at it.
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I’ve been thinking about this and something doesnt add up. I saw that Floyd and Chauvin were working together at a nightclub and knew each other. Ok so if I know you from working at the same place, why am I going to do all that to you?! Id be like George I gotta take you in for passing the 20, I cant cut you a break. Take him in a civilized manner and thats that. I wouldnt treat someone I know from work like that. That is just wild. Unless there is something that went on that has not come to light yet. And if thats the case, thats the smoking gun. Chauvin is def spending time but Im hoping they find all information that can make this stick and he gets the max and if possible he gets 1st degree murder.
Think someone who worked there said they didn't know each other personally, but had crossover shifts
Canada is not perfect, we still have a long way to go. US is ****** though.

i hope we never see someone like trump as PM
I’ve been thinking about this and something doesnt add up. I saw that Floyd and Chauvin were working together at a nightclub and knew each other. Ok so if I know you from working at the same place, why am I going to do all that to you?! Id be like George I gotta take you in for passing the 20, I cant cut you a break. Take him in a civilized manner and thats that. I wouldnt treat someone I know from work like that. That is just wild. Unless there is something that went on that has not come to light yet. And if thats the case, thats the smoking gun. Chauvin is def spending time but Im hoping they find all information that can make this stick and he gets the max and if possible he gets 1st degree murder.
They may not have actually known each other. It is possible but I guess we won't know until someone says something

This article sheds some light on the atmosphere around the club and provides real insight from the employees and owner

I’ve been thinking about this and something doesnt add up. I saw that Floyd and Chauvin were working together at a nightclub and knew each other. Ok so if I know you from working at the same place, why am I going to do all that to you?! Id be like George I gotta take you in for passing the 20, I cant cut you a break. Take him in a civilized manner and thats that. I wouldnt treat someone I know from work like that. That is just wild. Unless there is something that went on that has not come to light yet. And if thats the case, thats the smoking gun. Chauvin is def spending time but Im hoping they find all information that can make this stick and he gets the max and if possible he gets 1st degree murder.

If they worked together, only thing that should’ve happened is this. “You didn’t know the $20 was fake, right? I got the $20 and I’ll go talk to the store owner, so they chill out. You’re free to go.”

I mean, even if they didn’t work together that’s how it should’ve gone down. $20? That would’ve been $5 a piece for each cop there to help a member of the community.

The fact that that isn’t what happened is exactly why all the cops involved deserve everything and more that is coming their way right now.
Asheville Police surround a medic station created by protesters as they stab water bottles with knives and tip over tables of medical supplies and food June 2, 2020. The medic team, made of EMTs and doctors, said the medical station was approved by the city. Edit: They also sprayed the medical supplies with gas so that anyone who used them would get chemical burns.

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