RIP George Floyd

I don’t live in Alberta, but Alberta is the “conservative” stronghold of Canada. So if so I wouldn’t be surprised. Their MP applied for American citizenship, and stole party funds to put his children in private christian High School. They also treat the aboriginal people they stole their land from like dirt there. They’re trying to build oil pipelines through reservation land.
Canada also has racial issues. I hate when people make Canada out to be some racial paradise. Their CJ system is racist too.
Sean was a former student i worked with during his sophomore year. an absolutely sweet, compassionate and curious young man. i'm not sure what conditions lead to him to being at that Walgreens but I'm confident he wasn't there to harm anyone.

this one hurts. damn, they all hurt. RIP Sean.


to any of yall hittin the streets to protest, be safe. i'm out there in solidarity with you.

I guarantee the hammer that the police supposedly thought was a gun doesn’t even exist. They’re trying to say this cop feared for his life while Sean was kneeling...WHILE the cop was inside his own vehicle? Yeah ok!!!
Are we sure we want them defunded? They’re already a gang, making them a broke *** will make it worse. Hungry pigs will eat any and everything. Reform and accountability is the way to go, IMO.
Read this and then you'll see its character over color.

We need to either define what "Black" really is or what "Democrats" really are...

Good read. Class interests act as a sellout, as is the case with T.I. and Killer Mike. I didn't see mention of Democrats, but ultimately the political class want the ones with higher class interests (like rich people or celebs) to be the negotiator between the locals and the rulers. What a game. Smh.
Good read. Class interests act as a sellout, as is the case with T.I. and Killer Mike. I didn't see mention of Democrats, but ultimately the political class want the ones with higher class interests (like rich people or celebs) to be the negotiator between the locals and the rulers. What a game. Smh.

Mayor of ATL is a Democrat.
Do you think that's how it began?

tough to say with no evidence

need the beginning of the video thats being left out for whatever reason unless they just started to record after they got a reaction

im viewing it from 2 different perspective.. if they was throwing **** at his car **** them kids, if not lock the man up for trying to run over people and kill them..

not sure the reply you were looking for hopefully that helps ya
Are we sure we want them defunded? They’re already a gang, making them a broke *** will make it worse. Hungry pigs will eat any and everything. Reform and accountability is the way to go, IMO.
Remember that comment you made to me about going through the proper channels of law, in order for Women/Black people to receive justice, fairness? How are you feeling about that right now?
Ohhh ya. I read one tweet that said "turn off your location" :lol: like that will really help.

Need that Nokia from '98

RIP Gordo

Watch for the hook!

Corporations in public: We stand with you!

Corporations in private: Hey! They over here!!!
Are we sure we want them defunded? They’re already a gang, making them a broke *** will make it worse. Hungry pigs will eat any and everything. Reform and accountability is the way to go, IMO.

both. They have their budgets set.

Make them earn every penny they get from today on out. They are supposed to work for us. They’re lucky they’re getting budget and pay cuts instead of dragged into the streets.
tough to say with no evidence

need the beginning of the video thats being left out for whatever reason unless they just started to record after they got a reaction

im viewing it from 2 different perspective.. if they was throwing **** at his car **** them kids, if not lock the man up for trying to run over people and kill them..

not sure the reply you were looking for hopefully that helps ya

I wasn't looking for a specific reply.

I wouldn't be so quick to defend a man who charges a bunch of kids with a custom Freddy Kreuger glove he carries in his car after instigating said kids protesting police brutality though.

The white man caught on video terrorizing demonstrators with a Wolverine-type claw in Queens has a long list of prior arrests and is well known to local cops for causing trouble, police sources told The Post.

The man has eight prior arrests dating back to 1988 and was most recently cuffed on January 22, 2016 for assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest and obstruction during a traffic stop on the Upper East Side, police said.

Much like Tuesday’s incident, the man is accused of exiting his vehicle, acting erratically and running and screaming towards the officer’s vehicle before attacking the patrol-person, police said.

In April 2012, the man was charged with menacing with a weapon in the second degree after he punched his female landlord, displayed a knife and again, threatened officers, police said.

In February 2004, the Wolverine-man was cuffed for intentionally breaking the rear window of a vehicle and resisting arrest during a road rage incident, police said.

Back in September 1998, he was charged with harassment, assault causing injury with a weapon and for leaving the scene of an accident in another road rage dispute, police said.

Most of his prior crimes are related to menacing and assault, police sources said, but The Post was unable to find any prison records for the man.
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