RIP George Floyd

I wasn't looking for a specific reply.

I wouldn't be so quick to defend a man who charges a bunch of kids with a custom Freddy Kreuger glove he carries in his car after instigating said kids protesting police brutality though.

dope thanks for the initial info

although i may be wrong i still stand with my belief that IF someone throws stuff at your car you HAVE every right to scare them off with whatever you got as long as you dont kill them, put some fear into the people. thats all

sure this might not be the case here and he may very well be a lunatic i still gotta protect myself at all times

again thank you though for that info i did not know
What's that Candace Owens video that is being shared all over facebook about? Saw my uncle (who has never expressed his political/racial opinions) share the video with a lot of family members like the video. I then proceeded to log off lol.
It's trash. Brown people are Indians. From India. These people want to be white and accepted by the white people. They don't want to be minorities. You can't have pale skin and call yourself brown when it's convenient.
No, lets not define all brown Indians as this. Lots of misunderstanding and apathy in our S.A. communities. I'm seeing it on IG. A few accounts are trying to raise awareness.
Scums like Candace Owens has forced herself into a corner. Her entire following and living is base don how much self hate she can express. Even if she is against all the racist bs going on, she can't come out and say so as that's how she makes a living. Shame on her disgraceful face
Remember that comment you made to me about going through the proper channels of law, in order for Women/Black people to receive justice, fairness? How are you feeling about that right now?
I’m waiting to see what is actually going to come from this. What is the change actually going to be. They love to use bills and whatnot as band aid, but after time, things go right back to the way they were. The only reason why this is gaining more traction that other protests is because we’re starting to look a little something like organized. They know the next step, the biggest and strongest step, is to protest with our money. They’re trying to slow **** down before we get to that point. That’s why I’m side eyeing all the companies that “show support”. Are they really showing support or just trying not to be on the wrong side of the stick? “Don’t boycott us! We’re on your side, remember?”

Ask me this question again when we see some actual change in society and social system and I will humbly answer.
Good read. Class interests act as a sellout, as is the case with T.I. and Killer Mike. I didn't see mention of Democrats, but ultimately the political class want the ones with higher class interests (like rich people or celebs) to be the negotiator between the locals and the rulers. What a game. Smh.

What a fantastic and insightful read. I have been re-reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X and listening to his speeches on YouTube and he touches on this very subject. Look up his talks and speeches on the 'house negro and the field negro' and tell me that isn't applicable still today and also aligns with what that article touches on.

I've always felt like whites have kept control because they have been able to give just a enough to make you believe you accomplished something but in reality they (whites) still keep enough of the power to make you dependent. Lincoln 'freeing' the slaves, but not really. Here is 40 acres and mules but don't worry your former master still has 1000s of acres and you are penniless so you will never be able to be dependent. Lets give you the right to vote even though in most areas education was so poor or nonexistent those voters with their newly granted rights did not understand how politics work. I have a bad feeling this is going to go the same way. There will be so called 'sweeping' changes in the law community but that still doesn't come close to solving the real issues at hand. While police brutality is wrong and should be eliminated that still doesn't solve the issues that systematic racism itself exhibits.
I’m waiting to see what is actually going to come from this. What is the change actually going to be. They love to use bills and whatnot as band aid, but after time, things go right back to the way they were. The only reason why this is gaining more traction that other protests is because we’re starting to look a little something like organized. They know the next step, the biggest and strongest step, is to protest with our money. They’re trying to slow **** down before we get to that point. That’s why I’m side eyeing all the companies that “show support”. Are they really showing support or just trying not to be on the wrong side of the stick? “Don’t boycott us! We’re on your side, remember?”

Ask me this question again when we see some actual change in society and social system and I will humbly answer.
I might be a little older than you, thus my lacking patience. I have two grown daughters, one is a Doctor, and other came home from overseas due to covid. The latter was a D1 ball player in Texas, and for her jr and senior year I moved there, working for the Texans due to her profile as athlete down there. I say that to say this, I have witnessed white supremacy both in the north, NYC, and in the south where I attended college, and then was a part of an NFL franchise. White supremacy and its followers only respect two things, Blood? And money. Considering that money is being lost right now? It is only half the threat to their existence. Once they begin to fear for their lives, not feeling protection through their laws? You’ll suddenly hear them speak about unfairness. This, is why I place death on the table, because that is what they both fear, then respect. I cannot wait to see what happens after the verdict either. Jus’ sayin’, be ready.
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